<br />� { :�, ��
<br /> . ., ..��.
<br /> � �:. , f, : �
<br /> ` 77-, 003 ►7e �
<br /> , ; '1 _ So long as th�are sliall c�ri �; t r_c� �le :E<. ult :in k. ne p�� r- :
<br /> formznce of the � econd inortya;ge Uy Ass _iqnc3r ; 1�ssiynor st� a17. } xuve ; Lhe
<br /> r ' right ta collect on the ' date provicled for. the payment the,reoi a7. 1 rents
<br /> �
<br /> , .; and revenues due uizder said leases ar fro�n the premises describA�.
<br /> r
<br /> ' " ' ther� in, and ta retain , ; use and enjoy the s �i-ne _
<br /> 'i�;, .� ���� ��� � � � � � � �� ` � ,� '
<br /> 2 . Upon or anytime after the exi�;tence ot- a default uricler
<br /> ` the second mortgage , c� i 'thout in any way wa .iv3_ ng such default ,
<br /> � Assignee , nay; at it� aption ; �•�i {: hout not :ice and ��� ithou. t regard to
<br /> � r
<br /> � the adequacy of any reittzdies provicted by tl-ie seconc? mortc�age , eif.her
<br /> ; , 4 ',
<br /> 4 ' in , person or any agent, �� ith or without br :inging any action 'or_ pro - ,
<br /> � ` ceedings , enter upon the p :remises described herein and the P .ronerty ,
<br /> � and have , hold , manage , lease and operate the same on such f.erms and
<br /> ' ' for such period of -time as Assignee in its sole discretion , may
<br /> ;
<br /> ^ deem proper and , either �aith or without taking possession of said
<br /> ;e
<br /> � . �
<br /> � premises in its o�vn name , dc�mand , sue � or or othen� ise collec 't and
<br /> r receive ` all rents and revenues ot said prer.tises , includz.ng those �ast
<br /> � due and unpai.d , taith iu11 power to maY.e fr. o:n tir,ie to ' � ime all alter- , ,
<br /> ' atzons , renovations , repairs , or replacements th�reto or tYaereo� as
<br /> - � ,
<br /> ,�
<br /> � the Assignee may de2m proper and to appl,y such rz.nts and revenues
<br /> �
<br /> y
<br /> � ` to ; the payment o€ :
<br /> ` �
<br /> � ' a) . A11 expenses of managing , operating , and maintaining
<br /> ;
<br /> y
<br /> � ;: the Property anc� all expenses incident to the taking
<br /> , - '
<br /> + - and retaining � possession of the Proparty , including
<br /> � i
<br /> ? ' , reasonabTe attorneys ' iees ; azid ,
<br /> y .:�: . . . _ . . . � . � . � . . �
<br /> � b ) . Payments requi. red i:o }ae r.tade to P' irst 2�ortgage� ,
<br /> y1
<br /> ; above de� ined ; and ,
<br /> � i ; c ) _ The payment of the amounts due under l:he Second �
<br /> .. .
<br /> � Mortgage .
<br /> �
<br /> .. 3 � . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . , . . . . . .
<br /> j ' The m�nner an8 the order o� prioxity of application o � such
<br /> ;
<br /> � rents and z'evenues �o ths items mentioned in th :�s Paragraph ?_ sha11.
<br /> be �oithin the sole: discretion of the Assignee .
<br /> � 3 . Assa:gnor hereby author :izes and directs the lessees k
<br /> ; i . • ' • ti
<br /> , ' . � ,
<br /> named in` s � id leases , or any otlzer or future lessees or occupants � ��`7' �"`
<br /> � �r -mk
<br /> " ; , of ihe premises described therein or of the Property , upc�n receipt ��,"
<br /> � � � � <�
<br /> " from the IissigneE � F written - notice to the ef f. ect that the ,1lssignee ��'
<br /> , : .� . �lt�:i. E'?�B.rCI �: "t'Ll �� �'71 :.a' Y1Cj�ll:. 5 �.1BI'ZYllla� @I:: . i111C� � . L� 1c.lL ct V1. 1. �illZ �i:. t.'.�: 1 '.`> � 3 . i1 ;1G�. �_` i : . � ' •,. .,, • , : .
<br /> th� S�cond 2�tortc�ar�e � n ' P�'omisspry r� ote s �cured t: }� ereb�, , or_ under
<br /> �. �`r�� ��`
<br /> ,� - :-- -.1
<br />