� , ..�:
<br /> ,_ � ?��* �
<br /> ,� ` — �
<br /> 77� UO3'794 �ssrc�c.r�rEi��� oF L��s�s �r�p' �.r,.�_�s
<br /> ' P0�2 VIaLUE. 2:L•'C:PIVF'D, th� u.-idersi.gr�E.d, I;AT I, I2PAL L•'S'I'e'1'1.'i:
<br /> ,
<br /> �� � ` � ' .;� � ;. �
<br /> = CO_ OP' Y.F.I11tP:iEY, INC:. , Z corporatiUn (liereinaf�er ref.e.rr�c� to as t27e
<br /> � "1lssignor") , h�reby c�rant, transfe:r, assi�n and set ov�r� to C, ti�, f
<br /> � Sutte�fielcl, Trustee (h�reinaEter referrcci to as the "7issiynee") ,
<br /> x ' all of i�ts in�ter_est as Landlord i.n and to a11 leases coverin'g a11 or
<br /> , � ;
<br /> pc�rtxons of the premises in Gxan<t Island, Nebraska, Y.notan as the
<br /> I3e11wood`Sc�uare 7�par�ments, more F�articularly described' in Er,hibit
<br /> ; ' "A" attached Iiereto an@ made "a �aart hereof and incorpora-ted her�:i.n ` `
<br /> ';
<br /> � �zs if full.y ;:et forth, hereaiter re�erred -to as the "Progerty",
<br /> ;
<br /> a with a1Z rents �nd revenues due under said leases anci a11 extensions
<br /> �
<br /> i ' and renewals thereof and together �•�ith all rents and revenues for
<br /> � ,
<br /> � the use and occupation of the premises descr.ibed in said leases
<br /> ; or of thz Property, and from a11 leases upon the Property wh:ich may
<br /> �,
<br /> � : be executed in the future during the term of this Assignr.lent.
<br /> � , . ,
<br /> ;� ; This l�ssignment is giyen to secure the paym�nt by`Assignor
<br /> �' � � �
<br /> � oE aIl suttEs due or to becorae due under a certZzn Second Priortc3age
<br /> ; executed in connection here�vith dat;ed the I day o� Ju �\)
<br /> j ` l�_�—�
<br /> '� 1977, in accordance �aitt-i its terms, and to secure the perfornance of
<br /> , � everx covenant, term, condition, anu ac7reement to be per�orr:ied by
<br /> � , P.ssiynor thereunder, and under any a.*:endments, extensions, or
<br /> � ' renewals thereof.
<br /> � ;
<br /> � ; This Assignment is ar.ide subject to certain mortgages now �
<br /> � oF record against the property. '
<br /> �
<br /> � The 7�ssignor warrants that �1s9ignor is, subje�to tlie
<br /> � ' •"
<br /> � `interest of the First blortyagee, the sole ocrner of the entire
<br /> � intexest of Lessor in said leases, that said leases a.re valid anc3 .
<br /> '3
<br /> a enfoxceable; that the Assignor is not in d�fault under any of the
<br /> �
<br /> #
<br /> t terms, covenants and conditions thereof; tlzat no rent reserved
<br /> � � . in s�id lsases has been assigned or encumbered sxcept to or by
<br /> ` � the 3nterests of the First Mortgagees as defined abov�; and that
<br /> A na rent tor any period subsequent t.o the date of this Ilssignment has
<br /> } a
<br /> � been collected in advance of the time when the same becam= due under
<br /> � �.
<br /> } :�
<br /> �
<br /> the terms of sai.d leases_ �m ,, �� ,
<br /> � ; It is understood and agreed that t3iis assignmen-t is mads �n
<br /> .,
<br /> ' ��,w
<br /> ,�,. � . on tk�� folldw,ing- t,erms, covenants an;l ,condition,: `
<br /> , . ,
<br /> r �;, ; . , .: _ �,:
<br />�, `.--.,-"'"L"� /j�
<br /> � � � � � � ,� �
<br />