� , .. . . � . . � � . � . ��,�i;::. . �. . .
<br /> � �
<br />��„d . . . . . . � � � � � . . � . � � ' .�4�� ':L
<br />.
<br /> . . . .. .. . . . � . . . . . . . . �r�� .
<br /> +
<br /> p. }y.� . . .. .. . . . . . . . � . . .. . . . . . . . . . . � ��. . . . . . .. . . . � . . . � . .. . . . �
<br /> R �
<br /> �
<br /> ' not eatend o�' post.po7ie ti3e c3tr� ciate of 't1�e anunihlz in�tal (»ieni .� reierred tr� iri pai•agrapn� 1 a3id 2 iiereof or
<br /> change the> aii:ount of sue}i instslImeni'�.
<br /> ` 10. Borrcwer No3 Released. L:xtension of tf�e` tirue for , �:�yment oi• modific:�tion �f amortixation oi the sums -
<br /> secured by �,ilisal�Sork�age gr:znteci bY I:.eiider tci anv tiicce:sor. is: intere.st oi Borrcawer �i�all not• oper;�te to release,
<br /> in any xnanner; L13e liabiliGv of fhe origina] I3oa•ro���es' and I3c�rro�vers suecessor, in snterest. I.ender stzall nat be
<br /> required to conaa�ence �}roceedic3�s againsi'suci� succe�aor or refuse io extenci tiFne iur payn�ent or otlienyise �noi3ify '
<br /> " ' ainortizntian af' Gfae sums secur�d k3� tlti.: _llorcgagc 1 , 3- i�ca�ui. oi •r:n• demand m;sc�e b4 the or,�inad Borrocser and ,>;�
<br /> - � n ..�.._.._�_ . .
<br /> uvcivrra a aiiu-i:2naA�i'3 dia:tltUCTe5L. �- � � � �� �
<br /> ` � � 31: Forbearance by LenderNot ri Waiver. AEa�• forbear�,nce t3y Lender in exercising any right or remedp
<br /> � ' herevnder, or citlienvise nffor�+ed by ap}�tisalrle laes�, s ±�ail nc�t be �i wai��er nf oe preelude the e.Yercise of any right -
<br /> � or rsmedy herQunder. The ,s3rocuracaeni af' insurance c�r tlie � �ayment aP taxes or ot,her liens Ur charges by� Lender
<br /> .C`i :
<br /> , q �,7 shall not be n -c��ui��er of L+�nder's rigiic in accelerate t,he inaturit�r of flie indebtedness secured In• ihis :�lortgage.
<br /> ;, " � �� 12. Eemedies Cua�uicchhve �Il remedies ��ro��sded in 'c[u, �4a�cgage �rc distinct snd cumulnta��e ta any :qther
<br /> right oc remeciy �1n�ie,• eh,� �f .-.��b„ '„ ., a ,� a ; , � 1 Y P
<br /> C. ., .aiivauttt � +11 '.8\t" � OT ( i llli�'.> 8l11� I113\' �}C� CXCI'C1SCl� � COlICRCI'CLI{.�2 �.. li1C�� CTl�-
<br /> ' : . . .. ' � .. . . . . . . ,
<br /> � , �. ;:: ently �or succesuively.
<br /> � 3 ' r I3: Sueaessors and Assigas Boundr 7oiat amd Several Liability; Captions. '1"iie corenrtn,ts �nd agreements
<br /> ', � herein conGained shsll }xind , and the rights leereunr�er shall inure to. tl�e res�aectrve sucr.essocs and assignsrof Lender
<br /> �� � snd $orrower; subject io the j�rovisions c�f ��arag3•apii 17 }ieceot. � il coven�ntN and agreeznents of Borrawer shall
<br /> be joint atnel sec•ersL The cagtions and i� eaduihs oi the ��araigraplic of xhis 7lortgage sre: for eonvenienee only �nd
<br /> $ sre not'to be used to interpret or definettze ��ra� i�ions l�ereoi . �
<br /> ; - , 34. Notice. an�� notice to Borrower tirov�rled ror in ei�i� lIurrr;aec sl'iall bt ii�ri� by rnaiimg such notice 'bk
<br /> ' rercified �iiai! :*�.ddressed to i�oi•ro« er :ii itie Prnperty Acicia�e�� �; at�.i! f�etotir , exce� �c for uny nvtuc� required under �
<br /> � '. . . � �,1.E11'3gPt3�jJ1'i '.I.� �t181'G'Of�.,tO � t)C �1VC7] LO� �US]'OR'Bl' lil t�IP ID:i1lilPt �lYna<-Cl}inr{ ;�t; ;;ii�71�p ;,hi. .:. �3`. :: � ? 51�• . 5:4�3^.9 f?b'L`Ci;+i�1 _
<br /> for in ihis 1loct�age sha11 l�r dcernec9 to ha�•c been given to Borcou�er �rhen �*i��en in ciie a�iauner cicsigiisied �ierein.
<br /> 15. IIniforrn Mortgage; Governing Law: Severability. "Cl� is iorrn of mortg�ge combines uaifo�'m cp�enant,s
<br /> , 4 for nationai use and non-uniiorm covenants n•ith liinited rariatiut3s b�� Jurisdictio.� to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> , rity instrun�eni ccavei�ing real property. '1 his \Iorigage shall l�e gu:-ere�ect t�y tl�e law oi the jurisdictiom in whicfi
<br /> ` the, Progerty is lor. aieci . in the eveni t)iat. any �7rovision or clause oi this Aloi•cgage or the �ote conflicts with
<br /> t spplieable law , sucti conHict shal! not afieci. otlier jxroeisions �f ti� is \tortgage or tl�e Note cvhich can be �;iven
<br /> effect «�ithauC ti�e conflicting provision, and to ti; is e��ei ihe provisions of i 'sie lfor£gage and the Note are declared
<br /> , � to be severable.
<br /> 16. Bonower's Copy. 13orron�er stinll be furnisl3ed a conforinad cop� of this llorigage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion orafter recordation Lereof.
<br /> iZ Transfer of ihe Property; Assumption. Ii ail or any pari oY tlie Propercy os an interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower withouc Lender's prior written consent, exchiding ( � ) the c �eaiion of a lien or encum-
<br /> � brance suUordinate to ihis \torigage, i:bl the cre� tioz� oe a purcl:a�e nxonel* security inierest for househald < uppli-
<br /> ' ; snces, {c) a transfer by devise, deacent or by operation ot" 1ai� ut�on the aeath of a ,ioint tenant or (dj the grant of
<br /> � any leaseholci interest of three ye�rs m� less aiot contaiaiin� <w opt.iozi to purchaise, Lender m,�v, aL Lender's option;
<br /> f declare all the sums secured by i,his _1Sortgage to f�e i�nmedistely disc :xnd �aayaUle. Lender shall have r�•aived such
<br /> 4 � option io aceelerate if, prior to the sale or iran,fer, Lender anii the i,erzon to �s�hom the Yiro�3ert}� i� to be cold or
<br /> ; taansferred reach agreemeilt in tivriting that ihe credit of suel7 ��ersoxz is sictisfuctorrr tn �ender and that ttie interest
<br /> i, payable on the sums seeured by this llorigage sliall be at suali raie a� Lender sliall request. Ii Lender has vvaiveci
<br /> the option tv accederate }�r�vided iu ihis paru�iuplr 17 :ind if I3orro*�ver s successor in int•erest hx�s executed s �vrit-
<br /> ' �' ten as�umption agree�uent aocepted in �vriiing by I,t:vcl.er: I:.eeider skxall release BorrowPr from sll ohligstions under -
<br /> ; t:his MaTtgage and the Note.
<br /> i � � . 1{ IRAC�BP .CXP.ICISBSSllC�lOpLl0Ilt03CCCICI'3fG. I.P.rit�Pt' c});?1 � +2�nSIT3n�mn:vc. ,...A .+.. ..r i..�.. 4:.,_ :_ �-_. _ _ � . .
<br /> wC:�acsavawa. au. niuGYunua.c. �� ' ��.
<br /> �vith ��aragraph 14 hereoi. tiucti noiice shall pro�-ide :3 pex•iad oi nr�r, li _s ilran 3q �days irom ihe date the not,iee is
<br /> � � '� � �� � �liailed�� ��• 'sthin ti�•l�ich Borrower rn3y p:�}- t,lie sunzs dcclarczci dur. If I3orro��er !':nils to I�sy such suins YSrior cq the
<br /> ', exp�rxtion oi such period, Lender inay, �vitlinut fwrtl�er notice or c4c�iu3nd cari li'orrozcer. invoke anp remedies per
<br /> mitted by p�.ragr�,ph i8 hereof.
<br /> . . . . . � .�' Oi-.�r:NIFOt't,Ai` �:US'ENASTS�. �.�3U1'1'O\Y'8P .371(� �I..C31(:�OP � UL't;jiPp COVI?IIi�lit � 21t1C1 85,�'P8B $ti � t0� 1(.'.\�� 7 .
<br /> 1 $. Acceleration; Remedies. }sscept :�s procided in � �cu•u;ruj�li 17 licreof, u3iotx 13orrc��vwr'.� }�reaclr of 'at���
<br /> covenan�, oragreement af I3orro«�ca• in tl�i; liort�;agc . iucluding tiia covenants co rf:�y �+-lirn due ati�� �urris seeured
<br /> by this \Iortgnge; I.,enfler � �rim• to aceclezaz.ian sfuill in:iil notice ta F3orrowcr :3� � n�oeic3cd iii >>xrci�;ra��li 14 l�creof
<br /> specifying : fli the breach ; 12i tfie .u�lion requic•ed zo cure sucL i�reacl� : t3i a c���te , not les$ tl�an t,tlirty dsys
<br /> iromrtt�e date t3�e T3utice i� ixiailed to Liorro�� crr. bti� �+ l � ich ,� tcli i.,rcacrii tuust �c aure�i ; and i.41 tliat faxilure tu cure
<br /> �uch breach ou or before the datc� s��erifieci iu tl �e not.ice �u:�y result. in acc�eleratimi oi ilie �uins �ccured b,y this
<br /> '�Iortgage and sale of khe Yiroperty. lf the brescl� i� not cure:�'i or. or i�efore the �.3at.e sper.ifieci in the tiotice, Itinder
<br /> � ¢ � ai Lendec'a option may dealure �lI oi tl�e �uins secured b�• this V�Iortgagc to be irmnediaf�ely �lu� and payak>Ie � � �
<br /> ++�ith�ut iurt2ier demnnci anci inay iorec�ose tLis� \1c�rtgage b�� ,tusii�cial proceedira�. Lender sh:all k3c �antitled to collect � �
<br /> in surh T�roceeding all expenses oi foceclosurc , including, Inrt not liir�ited io, cpsi� ot docuu �entary e�•idence,
<br /> 3bstrxcLs ancl title reports;
<br /> � 19. Borsower's Right io Reinstate. :1'otu�iditit:anding I,endea•'s :tc+celer�tion of ihc nu�iis secured ht� this
<br /> ' ; ?�Sortgage, Borrower shall have the right to hare any ��roceedinn, f>�gun t>�* l .ezider io eniomc°, this ;lfortgage dis-
<br /> continueci at any: time prior to entry of a ju<lgment, ento�cing tlii� \Zortgage if : t :ij I3orrosrer paps I.ender all
<br /> sums which would be tlien due �nder ihis 1iort.gage„ tlae lote :inci- notes securing Future aclvsnces, if � n�, }xad nu
<br /> aceeterntion occurred ; tb) Borrower cure� all br�¢ieht4 ot an� o. :':�. coven;ints oa- .i�reenienis ot Borrower can-
<br /> tained irt this Mortgage ; fe) Fiprrower pav� i� l i•r3s�n hle e•x��en�es incurr�c3 b� I .et7der in ��;iforcing the cavenaats
<br /> sutl a�reements vi �orrower contained �n i}us \-1'e�n}�a �;e xnci � u eutorcing f.en��a.r'.5 re�iiedres :is tn•ovide� in r�nra-
<br /> gragh 18 hereoi , including, but not iinuced ta, re:isot�at�le attc�rne� '= i�•e. ; aiui + cil i3orrvti��er takes ,uct� action a�
<br /> Lender may Tessonablv require to �asure tliat the lien of tliia 12ox-t�;sge, 3_euder', ir. terest in thc Nro$.>erty and
<br /> � Borrower's obligation to �>ny the st�ms secured }�v this 1Iort#,3��e �Pia11 consinue i�nimEr��red . i'pon sucPi Faay'ment ,
<br /> �. � .� . « �
<br /> � rxud cure by Barrowar, this 3lottgage and tlse �bligatioi�s secured laeref,�- s}�r'ill n�main in fiiIl force cind et2ect as ix" ,a,
<br /> no acceleraLian had oceurred: � � �+•, '
<br /> ' " 20:" Asaigxtment af- Rents: Apgaiatment af Aece'sver; Lendez in Possession. .l_: n�:lditienal �ccurit}' hcre- ` ' ~ „�` .
<br /> ; , � under;'$orrower heraby sssigns to I.en�3e.r tlie nnt� of t he: Properr� , }iroviriec3 that Borro�+�er a}iall , prior to aoceler- ' �K� i
<br /> `° '" ation un<3er pai�sgraph 18liereoi or sUandonmentr uf t2ie I'aro�>erty , t:ave ltae ri�Lt to r.ollect a�nd retain such mnts ��q,�c '•
<br /> as they.become-dne xnd payable. t, ' ':
<br /> llpon sece�eration uuder paregrap6 i8 hereof ae ahandancz�enc af tlre Propert�-, I.ender: iz: ��erson ; frv :z�;eni
<br /> '� ' or by }udiciaily'appoinLed reeeiver sha31 bcr entit#e�i tn f�r.tnr neaon . txkP rrc�s�r c;on n.r .. �,�� „� yny �.n rhr Pr�n�rfv Y
<br />� '. � � � �� � aad t�s-Coll[eCt Ll�e 7'ez�LS of f.�e ProPerL�-. i :,cludin� � �thu�.u � {>a.si altle. _1il t � nt.s a, >llrvi'.rd � :>v Le�ici��rq�• i,l�e a ��r��iver � �
<br /> � shall �be�s�plied�� first to paymeut of the coa-ts of wanagement of rIm Y'rot3ert}- �rx�l eollect:ion oi rents, inctudm�, hut � �
<br /> not 3imited to, receiver's fee�. premiums un mrciver'� i ,ons�> sn�i ressanahle at�orner's f� �.� , �nu tlien to tiu :.um�
<br /> � secuted by this _lioztgage: Lender and Ghe rereiver siiuli he 3ixblF to xrcvut�t oni�- ior thu :.� re�nts actvaally . c ec i��ed .
<br /> � �
<br /> 8 �
<br />