�-� _-
<br />� , �. �;.
<br />� r y �,��.� >
<br /> � t cr � ,��.
<br /> � If uader izaragraph 18 iiereoi rhe Nro�ieit � is sold or tlie t?ropert�� is athe: � i5c acc� uire�t t,�- T � t �der. ] ,ender � '
<br /> sFi�lI apply ; no luter thafi immediz3telp (Trior ta thc �:�tc^ of tl�e Yrt�ix�rty or its acqu±.rt�on i3y j .c�ndc.r . :�ny� 1 c�ndh -
<br /> � }reld by ,���nder at tk�e t�ime of �pp>liesiiosi as tt cr�dit tig3iz�4C the su�tis �ecui•ed� bti thi; ��Inrigagc. � �
<br /> ' 3. Application of Payments. ZlzLless ati4�Licablc� Jsia- r�e•ovi�lcr;� ��ta�r� .�=ie�., ,!i r�:,. i:;ents :r.�.^,eiv�t; by Leiader
<br /> undes the iti�ote and j�aragrapS;v l and '2 TiereoF sLall lic ap;�}ied b�- Lenc3ei• fi�:sr in �>a�•a��en 't ��i aznounis t>a,yable- f.o
<br /> Lender lay E3orrawer uzrder F�aragraph ? liereof, ttieii to incerr.sc �a;iyal7ic oai t:he \ote and nt� Future ,�d�•ances, it
<br /> any, sxici itien io ihe ��riucipaLof z.he Note' nnd to iVici lyrinci�al oi Fiitnre _�ri�-anc;e:. , ii �3m�:
<br /> 4. iChargess Lieas. ; $orrower slrall pi�y* :i11 taxes , assessTnents and other chx�rges, fine, and imF3ositions attrib-
<br /> uf.able ; Lo the Pr4perty lvhich may' st[ain a ;>rinritt� c�ver tleiti ' _lfart.gage, snd �rou�3d r�nts; if arry, at I,ei�der's
<br /> . � option iu' tlye rnanner ��ruvides3 uiider ��aragra�s�� "? lx4�reof or i�y F3orraw�er aiial:ix;� pay �uenE, �ti�I�en dut, <iirectiv to'
<br /> the payee thereot. Borro�ver rhali nromptly iurnis#i ia ?�ender a31 naiices o# si.iou:its i.uc ca:yiier ti�is pArsgr�ph ,
<br /> � � '' _ n -"----�-
<br /> . � � 8uu iu .i,aic cYciai�:uvciuwCa`- biiait 11t:L�c: ��.j)7i.V177CIiL QITCCL'1}'�� RSOf70\tiCl'� �Sj7t111 � �)I'��p171�L;}}'� 1llT711fit1 t0 � �.CIl(.�Qf ��2C'CCSn�.S �. CV&- , : .
<br /> �encing snch x�ayment;. Borrower alia] ! raromfrtiv xiischarge ai�p 4ien n hSch has priority over t,hi:s �fort�;sge ; pro-
<br /> � �"- videc3, thAt iiarrower ahali noL be zec�uireci-to riisciiur�e any surl� lic:n so lon�..�s E3orrotirer ei�r�11 agree in writing to
<br /> ti, �"? thepayment oi til�e obligaiion secureci ny sueh lien in a m:3nner acceWtal:x7e ta Lender:: or shal ! in good faitFx contest
<br /> �' ; Lt'� saqh lien by, ar defend enforcement of sue$ lien in; lega! �aroceedin�s �vl�ic3r operate Lo l�reverit tl�e en€orcement'of
<br /> � M the lie� or £orfeiture of the Property oi an3 t�art theceo£
<br /> �. � $• ��@�FS� �:4uFC�nCg, ' Rnr _ {;,n^71��1:..�y. �I. ..._,. .., . E.. .. .�o ��u r t,isin�iIl{,� w iici;cSsti,cl' 4'PC.G4Cl1 Vil Ct3C rIOF7�.� .
<br /> ., � . ._`."� .. . . . v � . � . ..
<br /> ,' r Q esty insuied against foss by fi.re; hazards included «�ithii� ttre tei•sn "extended coverngd', and suclx other haaards as
<br /> Lender azaay reyuire and iii slic}i amourits and for sucli �ieriods :nn I�ender may require ; ��rovicied , that I:etider shall
<br /> ' not require thnG the amo�nt oi sueh coverage exceed tl�at ainaunt af c.overage required to pay the sums aecured 'by
<br /> ` d�, Lhis A�Iortgage.
<br /> h+ Ths insursnee carrier provi�ing t`�e insurar.ce shull l�e ct;osen i�ti� Burro�r-er sui�ject to appx•ovai t>y 3.ender.;
<br /> provided;:thst such approva3 sl�all nat be unreasonabi}c rvithheid. �A.11 pramiums vn insuznnce $>oticies shsll be paid
<br /> at Lender's uptioi3 in ihe manner provided urrder 7�ara�rapii 2 liereof or t�y Borrower n�.iking �iayment, �vhen due,
<br /> , � directly to the insurance carrier.
<br /> . . .. �31 :.�.}]@ �. 2Vi2Tlt iiilV . 7Dn�1Cy � 26 � YlOt r�?�s+wc�+3 nn � OT � �T£�"31'� �Q2'i . 'a3',�S. O: I�S @�g:ratian, tite .�..l.'i1Q0P� t0 pTOCCCL�.�:. ��; .
<br /> its interest, may procure insurance on the improvemen�s, pay the premiurns and such sum shalt ' become
<br /> immeditttely due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said note until p3id and shall be
<br /> secured by this ;4Sortgage. Failure by Bonower to comply may, at option o£ Lender, constitute a defaul�
<br /> under the tenns of this Mortgage.
<br /> x a31 insurance ��oliciesand rene�i-uls fherecaf �tasll F�e in iorin aeceptsble io Lti�dec :xnc: �}ialt include r� standr�rd
<br /> -�' � ..i�T'� .Q�'dg6 C173U6C'�� 311 � f 'dVOP � 6t :SRIY 1R IOld'il fi.Ci:cj,CS:i.L* .0 T nc�=e��.. L�'nrjE+r �cFiuli 1�:`.�� t�?L' ^:n�!��' tQ IIO�:j � t;}:C �^I1C:a�� :SII� . .
<br /> C�I]QR'IIIS� t�118lCO�� 311(� ��OZTUR'Q.i'� :i11iS11 �lTOT11�f.1�' f132'I1L'i}1 CO LCil<�C'1" $�� ��SE.'I1C\V.1� riOL1CP,5 SI1Cl �. :i�1 TC'CCl�iB. Of � �3i(� ��TE-
<br /> � x; �� . it21Uff15. 173 �i7C L'YCEIt Ol 1055, FiULI'OWCl' 5�13�.j �1�'2 j)TOIT7J)L 210C2Ce ti� C�IC' IllSltl'3L1CC'' .CAI'L1e1' S[1C1 . LG'Rt�Ol�� � e.AC��.�Z.C'RCj6T .
<br /> � � ¢nay make proof of loss if not made promptiy f�y 13orro���er.
<br /> ` T7uless Lender and BorroR�er otherwise a�ree in �vriting; insw�anee raroceeds shali be �p�lied f,a restoratioir ur
<br /> , ; - repair of tf�e Properfy damaged, p�rovidec? such restoration or rel;air is ec«noinic:�lly iessible and t:he` security of
<br /> this �Sortgege is nat thereby impaired . If such restm•ation or repair is uo< «:onoinic� liy feasible or if the security
<br /> of this ?�Sortgage R�ould i�e impaired, tlie insi�rauce proceeds sl�all t,�: aN�lier3 io tiie sums secured by ihis 3fortigage,
<br /> ' with the excess, if an,y; paid to Borro�c<er. If klYe Yx•operty is al�an<tonea by Borroa ec ar ii Borroiyer fails ta zespond
<br /> � ' to Lender within 30 days after noiice by I,ender to Borro�i-er il�at the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for
<br /> �; insurance trenefits, I�ender is aut.horized to coilec� an�3 apply thc insur:�nce jaro�:eeds at Lender's aption, either to
<br /> s restoration or repair of ihe Property ar to the sums secured lrp ihis 1lortgage:
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrocrer othenvise agree i�i •.vri "ting, any such a�yplicztion of proceeds to principal shai!
<br /> tiot extend or postpane the due da "te oi the rnunihly insiaflinents reierred to in paragraptis 1 and 2 hereof or change
<br /> the amount of sucla installzuents:
<br /> , ,{ If ussder pazagraph 1S hereoi the Ysapert5• is acquired by Lender, all right; tiile and interest o: Borro�ver in
<br /> r
<br /> flnd to an3^ insurance F�olicies and ,in and to the procee�is tliereoi t t.o ihe esieut ai the sums secured hv this D�1ort-
<br /> , . .
<br /> �, � �AoP. SIY11T1Pf�tAt,��V 11T/nY f.[i cLl!}] csa �n nr unnu:C�r:C.^. i I l � : .... 4 . .1 .. ,. , .. a � L _ i�"'. ' _ . .
<br /> -- - -„ ,- --- - - __._ __ ..� ,,..._., . � . .,� . .,w. ,..�;� �� t.,�e s � vl,ea-i,Y Prior -io ine saie or
<br /> " ; ucquisitian sl�sll pass to Leuder.
<br /> � 6. Presezvaiioa �d Mmnten�ce af Property; Leaseholds; Condomiaivass. I3orrotiver shall keep the Prop-
<br /> � erty in good repair and shall not F7ermit or cotnmit �caste, impairtnent, or cieterioration oz tIie I'roperiy and sl�ail
<br /> ' ; comply with tl�e p�rovisions o "r uny lease, ii ihis \ tortgage i� oix s leasehol� . Ii this �lorigage is an a condominium
<br /> " ? unit, Borroi�er shall periorm �11 oi Borrower's ohtigations i.inder tl�e deciarstion oi cundominium or master deed ,
<br /> the by-laws and regulaiions ci �t:e e�r.dc�iiniucn inrojecc and coiastituent doeumei�ts.
<br /> � 7. Protaction of Lender's Seeurity. If F3orro�rer faiis to periorin che covenants anc� :igreements contained in
<br /> • } this\Zortgage, or ii any action or proceckiinG is coimiienced �vhich znaterisily afiects Lender`s Snterest in tfie Prop-
<br /> � erty, including, but n�t limited to, emirien[ doen:�iu, in;oivenc,y, code entoi•cement, or s�rangeinenr,4 or praceed-
<br /> ' y ings involving a hankrupi or dececlent , then Lender at I.ex�der's optiot�, upon notice ta Borrower, nzay make sucn
<br /> 5 a�pearances, disbutse sucli sums and iske such actian as is necec�ary ta proi.ect. Txnder's inierest, including, but
<br /> ijot limited to, disbursement of reasonab�e attorney's fee� aa�d entr}� upon tht� I'roperty to ma�e repairs. alny
<br /> ' ; � aznounts .disUursed by Lender pursuarei io Lhis �iar�gra�h 7, +L�ith inieres� tkaereon , shall become :dditional indebt-
<br /> ' ednesa of Borrower se�ured bi- tf:is \iortgage. I7niess Bprrower anc Ler.der agree to ot�ier ierms uf pa��ment, such
<br /> �moµnts sha31 be payable upon notice {ronz Lender to Borro�ver a•ec�uesting payinent ihereof, an� shall bear inter-
<br /> � -� esi from t,he clate ai disburse�iient ai Yhe rate stsied in it�e \Tote unless }iayment of interest at such rate wauld ba
<br /> ` cantrary to upplicable la�s^, in �vhich event sucii amaunis siiali l�ear interest nt the liighesi. r2ie perznissible by
<br /> upplicabie la�v. NoL.tiing c:ont�.ined in this parssgrapli 7 she111 rcquire Lender io incur any expense or da any act
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> � 8. Iaspection: l:ender rnay make or cause to he macie i•casoi3ablc eniries uFion and inspeciiuns of the Prop-
<br /> ercy, pmvided tlaat I.ender shall giti•c Borrawcr noticc� t�:-:or ra :ir�}• such impection sj,ecif3•ing reasonable csuse
<br /> therefar related io Lender's intereci in t3�e I'ropert.�.
<br /> " " $; Conde�nrri3ou. The r�roceed� of anr azrard or r:aim io: damages, di:ect ur cor,sec#ueniial, iu canneciian :
<br /> « iLL a;aa �;uiiueuyiiac.iuia ur uLher r.ai:iu� ui ii�e i'ro�ieriy , u_ ��art i 'ti�r�a�i , ur ior roe��•�;yaai�e tn iieu oi conciesznx�- j
<br /> tion, are hereby� assignee� and si�al2 be pt�id to Leiider.
<br /> � Tn the event af � toiai zakiutg of itne Yroperty, the ;�roree�-�ti sl�aIl be a�aplied io t4�e sums secnred by- t:his �Iort- r
<br /> , ,, � gage, tivit}� LI3e exces� , if any', �;�i�l xo f4urr�uwea�. In tl�e eveant vi a �arti� t :tttking oi iiie Pro��eriv , vniess Borrower �- ! _ - ' „ � ti
<br /> and I,ende.^. othenvis<; ugrc.�e in n�riiisag, tl:e� e s1iall ue apptiscf iu tlie ::uz�is secured by tiri5 1Iortn�ge svch proPor- ''
<br /> ��,
<br /> t.ion of the proceecis �s is equsi 2o tii�.t pr000nion �vhich che amount of xhe Fuirks eecured i�y this \1ort:gnge imme- � �
<br /> �9iateiy prior io the date oi taking ueass co il�e fai; m�rkei. ��aiuc oi tt�e Yroperi:y immediar.el� prior to the date of I k';;
<br /> i takdng, with #tse #�alat�ce o� the proceed; prsid io Borra�s•er. ! 'Ws':,
<br /> � l# tke Ym�aei�t,y is abandoned by $orron�er or if aiGer notiec k�S Le3idei• to Borrower 61aat tue condemnor okers � �` `�
<br /> + i to muke �n award< or setile u ciaiui ior rlan�ugea, .iiorro�ver iii"sIs ia res�und to I,ender wit.nxn 30 days of ihe date r� .
<br /> ,',� ' af such nsatice, Leader is auciiarixdr3 to eo2lei� uuc3 , uPkih^ t1e� ��raceecis:xt Letider's vF�tir�n �izher to resturaiion or :' ?: ,
<br />� . ; rep�u ai Lne 'racxpen;v or t.ci the sums Qecur�l hy t:i�is .\ lt�rtgage. . A.
<br /> uca'tess i.esuies sud Fsarrawer ocner}vise agree m ��-ntx:�g, sny sucli application of prooeeda to principai elisll �
<br /> „.�. �:...
<br />. - . _ �
<br /> �v"'"� - _ ��
<br /> �.
<br />