<br />"�:' . . . � . . � � . . . � . � . . . . . � � � . . � . .�'m".'k: . � . � .
<br />�^ ' . . . � . . 8_.� � ��
<br />� � .�� '
<br />� . . w,.. :,;._.:
<br /> �_�::_ _ , : __ ...._,
<br /> If under �aragrapl� lA liereof che 1'ropere.y i� Soici ae ihe Yroperiv is otiie.rn i�e :zes�uired bv Leuden Lender �
<br /> shal} appiy , tia ;lat�rtkxsn ittinieui,atc,ty 3�rror t� ttac �alcr ot` thc Yro��ert}� ur ii� acn, uisition l.�y Leniier. :ti�}* I'uncfh
<br /> laeld }�y�i.euc�ee,st the i�imc oi ngpiicaLioa� � s a creciit� u�eiiisC. th�: su�z�s e � ured �h� uii; :�tort�ag�.. � �
<br /> 3. APP�cation o# PaY+nents. L?nles� a�i��licat�le lucc �>ro��sries otl�c,7ti+�ise , a1t F�.ayiueuts it>r.t.ived b�- Lender <
<br /> uxldertlae ?Vote �and l�sragrapkas 2� ��:nd 2 h�reof �haii� hc� x��j�lieQ I�y T.e»�3er fir�t �� �ii ��si��aient of amc��xnL }�ayqk�le��to �
<br /> Lender by E3orro,ver under q�aragrapta 2 l��rcoj', t!2r. n io interect {s:iyr�t�le an tlic. \ �'te ani3 on I�uture :1rIvanoes, it
<br /> . - , . : � , � � � . ,. . � ., . ,: � . ,r � . �... . : � —
<br /> ' � i1ll�i SAa LITCSl Gf7-L�iC j)YII!(;I�}#1 Oi. `t.ttL vUL+: :tt1�2 iV. 2 �1i �)3iaiCij)?Z vf �' �luu � c at[.�� di�(.a�S� . ii wiav. . . . . : .
<br /> 4. -Charges:-Liens. Bor:awee <i��ll �jay ni1 c:saes ns�essments :�nd ot}ner char�es; finea snd i�ngositians sttrib-
<br /> � ut;sbte io the Property tivhieti nir�y aGt,�isi a {�riorit�� arer cliis \Sortgage, snd grounc� rr,.nts, if anv, ai Lender's
<br /> option in the rna:nn�r y�rovided under i�arag�•aph 2 !iereo{ or bc f3orroti�•er msl:ing payenenc, u�hen due, directly to
<br /> `+ the gayee ihereof. Barrower shaii promptly� iurnisf� to J_e;i�ler " + •:o:ices oi 22iiount�;' duc ur�der tliis paragrA}�h;
<br /> CC1 , �nd in t.he event .Borrawer �hat! �nake y>3yrisenc riiiectly, 13orro�c e� sl.�all ��roni��tly iurnish to l.ender xeceipts evi-
<br /> � dencine`suolx pavments �3onower shall r�a�omptl}� <iischarge am^ !ien �vhicl� lias �srioriiy over ihis :Liortgage ; pro-
<br />� -� ��. '�...�a . at, s R .-. 12eii. a�nf hu �r�mrn�ir�r9 �. Y.n C]35C�3H3'LTE IIIlI'.. SUCli �1CR�'SO IOI3L* �� Itti 1$OPPQLt'P.T yS1871 ':iL' P�C lII ��}VPILII7(,' LO � . ' � ; . i�
<br /> :.. vaucu� . paa .
<br /> C� thepaymeut or tneobiigat3on secured 'ay suclr fien in a�. inartiner acceni�ble to I.ei�der; or shail in �ood ta.ith contest
<br /> ,' � O - such .iien by, or .aefer.d enforeement of sucl� lien iai; le�si` g�ra>ceedings rvhidi o�>ernte to f�rerent 't3�e enforaement of ' '
<br /> � - f.h� lien or forteiLure oI the Yropert}• or ang ii�ri tlzereoi.
<br /> r 5.' Hazard Inseu'anee. Borrnwer s}�a,11 kee7'� ti�e iie�pro��eme»ts G�o1i� exi�iin� oi• hereafter erected on t}�e Pzop- �
<br /> � ert3 insured against loss k�y fire, hazards included n•ithin the ium �`eatended coverage", and sucli other hazards as
<br /> ��`` Lender may require aintii in sueh amourits ancl for sucli i3ei•iodw .i> Leriiier in�zy requit•e ; prot�ideci : thai l eiider st�a31
<br /> ` not rec�uire thaG il�e. a�nount of sucF� co��erage exceed ti�at amount �f co�erage requised i.c� puy tt-,e sums seeuced 'bW
<br /> ; ' this �3artgage:
<br /> 'The insurance caarier providing tlie insurance aiiall he chosen i>}- $oxrower suhject xo approval by Lender;
<br /> z�rovi�ed, :t:wts•�ch �pproz•a3 =tia11 ;sot be u«reasonaz�Iy tviciiiselci. rlli ��remiums on insurance poiicies shali i>e pa3d
<br /> at I;ender's option iu t2�e inanner proc�ided undei• paragrapfi > Itereof or by E3orrncti•er �iiai:in� ��ayrnent, w}�en due,
<br /> directly to iFie insurance carrier.
<br /> In the event anv pt>licy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender; to proteet
<br /> its interer;t, ma_v procure insurance on the impravements; pay the premiums and such, sum sha1T become.
<br /> immediatelS� dtxe and ;�ayable with ' interest at the rate set forth in said note until paid and shatl }�e
<br /> n ; secured by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower io comply map, a 't uption oi Lenuer, consiiiute a defauii.
<br /> under ther tertns of this il4ortgage:
<br /> .413 insu�anc.e ��olicies ar.d renewa}s tl�eieai �i:a11 be in Torni acceCaii�ble tu I.en�ier and :=tin11 include u standard
<br /> inorigage cisuse in favor oi and in fortn acceptabie co Lender. I_endez• ehsll iiave> tiac riglit io I�old thepolicie, an�l
<br /> renewals thereoi; nnd Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender aIl rene�val notz4es and a1l- receif�ts of paici pre-
<br /> ' ' miums. ln ttie event of loss, Borrower �Eaall give �>rompt t:otice t.�� the insurance carrier and I.ender; and Lender
<br /> ,: ;� anay�� inake� prooi oi loss ii noi made: �pron�pfly by T3orrocser. � � � � �
<br /> �� � . �(.Tll1E85 .3.C21[��l• anr] Rnrmwar ni1?o*.:.:�� ;,�;C:;�. i�� ::'Tiiiub, ili�Ui':L11Ce })TOCtBffS.Bh81f UC 8Pj7110@ . T.0 SC5$plA,GfOII UC . � � �
<br /> repai* of the Yroperty damaged, prai•ided such restoration c�r repair i� econoini<:ally ieasii�le wnd ilie sec�:irity of
<br /> this i�Tartgage :is not thereby impaired. Is such restoratioFi or repair is not ec<3nomically ieasiblc or it ihe security
<br /> of this \iortga�e �vould be impaired� ihe insurance procee�.is shaIl bc sp}�iie<i to the sutns secured by tliis A�ortgnge,
<br /> with the eueess, fif any; paid to liorrower. If the Prupert:�� is abandoned tay Rorrower ar ii I3orroc+�er fails to respond
<br /> to Lender zv3zhin 30 days afier notiee by I.ender to I3orrnn-er iiiat the ins»rance carrier of�'ers to seitle a cluim fm•
<br /> insurance benefits, I.ender is auil7orizeci to collect mnd appfy #he insvrance proceed� at I:,ender's option either to
<br /> - f restoration or cepair oi the Properiy or ta ihe suius secured b}• ii�is \ Lortgage.
<br /> i; ° Unless Lender and liorrow�er oEner�rise agree in wriiing, ss7p sticli appiir.ation ot� procee�3s to princiga! shYll
<br /> not extenii or postpone ttae due da#e oi the monihly insinlitx,F;nis i•eierrec� to in p�ragr�phs 1 and 2 heseof or ahange
<br /> the amount of such insiallments:
<br /> .; � If under para�ra�h 18 iiereut the Prapertp is sequired by �.znde;-, ali right, iiCle ttrtd in 'ter�:st oi T3ormwer in
<br /> ,� and:io any insurance �aolieies an<i in and io tiie proceeds tl�ereaY ito the extent ot the sums secured by ihis Ilfort,
<br /> gage urunediaiel5� 4�rior to sucii sale or acquisition i resu ;iing from dacnage tn tl3e Property priar to the sale or
<br /> acquisition shail paas t.o Lender.
<br /> 6. Preservatian �d Mmnteaance of Pzoperty: Leaseholds: Condomiaiums. liarrower shall keep tl5e Prop-
<br /> erty in good repair and slrall noi I�ennit or com�nit �w-�ste, impairinent, or deierioratiori oi the Property and shall
<br /> comply a�ith itte pro�•isions oi any lease, ii ttiis �Iortgage is on s lessehoid . If iliis �iortgage is on a condaminium
<br /> unit, Borrower shall �erionn all of 73orro�ver's ohligutions under tf3e declaraiia❑ oi condorninium or master dced,
<br /> t:he by-tativs �nd regulations of ihe condominiuni project and constiiuent documenis.
<br /> 7. Protection of Leadei s Secnzity. If Borrower iail� to perforin the covenants a»ci agreements contained in "
<br /> this 14ort.gage, or i1 auy action or �aroceeding is co�nmenced rvliic:ii �na,ceriall,y aziects I:ender's interest in the Prop-
<br /> erty, including, I�ut nvt limited to, euiinenc domsin , insol�•ency , code enforcement; or :.arraagements or proceed-
<br /> ings invoiving a bankrupt or decedent, i22en Lender ai Lender'= aption , upon notice to 33urrower, may make such
<br /> appearances, disburse sucli sums and take sucli ractiati as is necessary io protcr,i I.ender's interest, including, Uvt
<br /> not Iimited ' tv, disbursement oi reasons'vle attnrney�'s tees and entn� upon the E'roF�erty io make repairs: Any
<br /> ;imounts disburseci -t�y Lender 3�ursuant to t,ltis paragr;sph 7 , l� ith inieresi Lhereon, sh�.11 bccome udditianni indebL-
<br /> " edaess of Iiozrawer eecured by tiiis �lortguge. Unless Borroti��er �nd Lender a�ree io otkizr tenns of ;�aynxent, such
<br /> ` ' amounts sha31 ue payable upon x�vtice irom Lender to Borro�rer requesting ps,yment t:hereof, and shall bear inten- -
<br /> est from the c�ste of aisUursement at thc rate stated in che �ote unless payment• ox" inierest nf, �uc}� rate would be
<br /> contirar,v to app3ica6le law, in which event sucli amounis shail bear interest �C the highest raie permissible by
<br /> a}'rplicstble iaw. �utiiing contuineL� in tlus paragr;��3L 7 sia:ili r�tr�uirc I.cnder tu incur uny eK��e�ise ur do any aet
<br /> c
<br /> liereunder.
<br /> , ; 8. Iusperetioa. Lender �na3� intske or cauae io 3,e rnr�de. i�ea=ori� tzle entrien �i�un and insf�eccious ot the Pro�-
<br /> ez'tv, pt��ti•ided .ti;ut I.ender. �lit�ll gi�•e Borrocti�er r;otice � � rior to ssn�� :iac1� in�2>ecc-ian _r>eeitvin�; reaeonai�Fe, cause
<br /> therefor z�el�ted to Lezedex's interest ir_ tj;e Prc��ert1•. -
<br /> , _ , : . .
<br /> . � . ..S+i. �.a11ua:ZISLlu'ilOFi. Tt�� }�i:iii�.iva u.: :iia � .1 �. .iI'i: �i ' . �., y ' . y . . .�. . . .
<br /> .
<br /> , .�.-. . . . ' t i:ii4L ivl ti:lii �a cd. i.:. �Bi... .il� �Ji�,�2 ' ur:iii.aua .. iti. daa.uw av i
<br /> � � t5'lt}3� <.;R}' L'OP..C�.C.'1T3;1�'k1Qh.�ill Ot�1CY��Y3}C3R .�',� L`I l.f2E' Y!'O})Cl'LV, G1;:� �]7,.. i . L �II'2'l'Ol. C�f . ��02' C'�>Ilt'CV3TICC' . ISi 11£tU �y i.'pRC�f'.It5331- . � � �
<br /> " tion, are herebv assigned axic� sItakl be F�sid t.a Lef�der.
<br /> ;_ � Ix� the e�•erik oz u t�otfll�� talcing of tlze 1'r�{�ex-tpr tl�e ;�roceeda. :����ll liia u�a��iied Lo xhe sua.-�, secured by t,his D1qiti- � ` � � ,, ;
<br /> Sa,ge, ���iLh ti:e ��eess, ii a:xy, p�id sa Borrolrrr. Sn Li.e c��ent oi a },azt�a2 ta:�in�, o< <i:c Y •o}�criy; unle�s Borro��er °:,"� �� `
<br /> � S`i
<br /> r�tad I:ender- otherwise a�ree in ��riting, tlte.a� �)i�l} be a{�pliud ccr tlte si�ixas �eciired i�y th3� Jlort�r��e auch ��ropar- �� + zar
<br /> � ti+on cxi L�e �racaeds e,s isee}utcl to vhmc prol3orGiox� wn�eL tiie ar.ioiFnt oi tiye sums secured by ti�is \Iortgage imme- ��Yz„ '
<br /> diatelg �rior to trhe datea£ zaking l�earc to tkae fair inarket i•slue of fli�� YrapEny iininedisiely prior to rtic ciate af �';� �'
<br /> tak2n�, wiLh �te t�aian�e,of the proeeeds paid to Barro���eL. , ,;�°�';:.
<br /> Iff tku� Prop�rLy as abant3o�ved J��* Borro�ver or if .cit�r ri�tice 1��� l;enc{ar io Borron-er tf�ai the eandeinnor offers 3; . "
<br /> to xnske an ax�sxd ar settle a cl�izn for d�muges, I3orratrez• faits t.o res}�ond 4a Lender i�ith'sn 3a days oF ,the date
<br />�
<br /> ui a�ueiz notsne. i.enuer is autt�orixexs to r.c�ilec��, a�zsi a{�g»� ri3e ;�rocerus rit. i.enctr.r s oprion eitrier t.tj resioratson �r
<br /> � . rep�siY`:ui t��C. �iw��rcy ar�i,c� tLa auisx� n�3ccu.a•ru u� �i•iai� _.:u:•.•nn�;e:: � � � � . . . . �
<br /> ' , L'nlra�s Lst:der and Bos�ruaver otherrc^ise agree ;in writing, �ny sueli �.pptieatiou of pracee�is ia }�rincipai siiail
<br /> ;
<br /> � ,. , i
<br /> _!
<br /> r �:
<br />�,
<br />� �
<br />