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<br /> ��""'�",��t� C)F+TIdNAL FSITRJRE ADVAN'CES
<br /> �,�,#"�A�i�� ' SAYlNG5 'Fk3ND '
<br /> � ��� Fore:uf No.T20 � � ..� .�� ..
<br /> �"��� Loan Number__ 33_704� — 188 — 2
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<br /> ?��...Qt��3��.� M ;O R T G A G E,
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<br /> ' � THIS M�Rfi'GAGE, made'and exeeuCed this ..._..`..��._.----.--... day of..�.Uell�-�`•..... ..::..... A.D., "
<br /> ,`' ° 19--�?-<,be,ts�veen the�Iortgagor, --.ducJy�Rt.G1ass_,:.a.:.sisxgl:e_.�rerson. ....`.'.:: . ... .:.:: .. ..`.::- .-.---:: '
<br /> � • • -- --•-- ---- •-- .._ ...--- --•---- __ ..---- - --...._.«
<br /> , � of.._.�t�Ac�..�5�d._,,.., County of:.... _ ..:.13a7.1--------------State of..,bL�tzzaska......,hereinafter refened
<br /> ,;; to as tiie Borrower, and the D7ortgagee;.PIRST FEDER�L SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOGIATION QF ' `
<br /> ' LINCQLN, 1235 "N" Street, Linroln,Nebsaska 68501, its successors and as.signs, hereinafter xe£erred:to
<br /> ; ' as Lender.
<br /> � V�Ii2*?G�*��K• Thaf ttze aaic3 Borzower for and in cvnsideratian of the sum of ..T#�I�t'�X..kI�NE..THQIIBAND �
<br /> � � AND NO/100 __--_ --- ------,--_---_---- '---.�7ol:ars fIIS a..34sQ00.00.:.. ..�.----.)
<br /> . .._.__.. . _,....__: _._..----�� -
<br /> ,,;: paxd by said I.ender,does hereby mortgage. grant and �onvey t�; Z.Lrzr3er. iis successors attd as9igns;:the
<br /> , f�1c�i�,;,ties1ribed property located 9n the County oi .------..--Ha21 =---------------- State of Ne�raska;
<br />�'. ,
<br /> --..
<br /> Lat Eig�teen (lii), in Bishop Neiglzts Second Subdivision; ha1:L C;ounLy, i3Foras�.e.
<br /> ,.
<br /> ;
<br /> ri�. .� . . . � � . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. � � , .; �� . .
<br /> � >i��. . . .. .. .. � � . . � . � ... . .
<br /> 'i'a:�rx$x with all_the impravements now ar heresfter erected on the property, and all easements;
<br /> � rights, sppurtznances,-rents; royalties, mineral, oil and gas ri�hts an�}-�=�Fts, • .,t,2r„ .;ttier rignis, and
<br /> water:stock; and all&ste:r� naw or hereafter attached to ihe properLy, aII of which, including:rep3ace-
<br /> ments and additions thereta,shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this
<br /> Mortgage;'and'aii'of the foregoing,together with said property (or ihe leasehold estate in the event'this
<br /> Mortgage is.on a Ieasehold} are herein refened to as the "Progerty".
<br /> l3orrower covenants that Barrower is lawfully seiseci of the es#ate herehy conveyed and has the right
<br /> � to m�rtgage, grant:and convey-the Progerty,thab the E'ro{aerty is uner.cumbered, and that Borxower,w�ill '
<br /> warcant and clefend genera3ly the title to Glie Property against all clauns and demanc3s, subjsct #o �^.y°
<br /> e.semen�s and restrictions listed in a�rhe�vle c.`�sce�icions to coverage in any Eitle insurance palicy in-
<br /> " surin,�'I:ender's interest in the Property, or (2) attorney's o.pinian of t.itle from aGstract of title certs`fied
<br />�' ; krV bonded abstracter:
<br /> '� � ��pHOVIDED..ALWAYS,.3IIC� '�t1�56 p2't'S2II�.S�..3TC.C%CCU�CC�HriC�(�BZiV@T�CI.U[JUIl.thC fO110R'iIlf"CUI1f33L10T1S�8gYec'-��� �
<br /> , ments and obligations of the Bosmwer, to-wit;
<br /> The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender, or order,the principal sum of ...THII2TY.,AiZNE.,T.�i£1USAt3D-
<br /> ' 's �..l�I4JY0D__,.— :.�_..... ...-------------.--------------..---r�7oilars tilS 5---39:,DOQ.A(3-:,:..:_ '
<br /> ' : E�avable as provided in a note execnted and delivered,concurrently herewith,the finAlpayment.of pnnci�ial,
<br /> " '< if not sooner paid,on the _.:.Is.t :....--..day of ._.....3u1Y. ....,._.__._. ._._. 19:.:..2008
<br /> ITx[�oteM.GovExnr:Ts. Barrocver and l.ender covenant and'agree as follc�ws:
<br /> �,r 1. Paymeat of Principal and:Interest., Borroxver shall promptiv pay�vhen due the',Qrinc,-ipal,a£ and in-
<br /> : terest c>n the indebtedness evidenceci b�r ihe Note,prepayment and late charges as providtd in the Note,
<br /> ! an�i the"prineipal af and interest on an3= Puture Advances secured by this;�iortgage.
<br /> � k 2. Furads for Twces-and Insurarece. Subject to Lender's option under ptiragraphs 4 anei 5 here�f, �3or-
<br /> ; row�er shali pay tQ Lender c�n the day manthly installmsnts of principal and intarest are paYable under#.he
<br /> , � Note;unti!the Note is paid in fuli,a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly iaac�s:and
<br /> ;. asse_Ssuaents�-hich may:aftain priority over this�fori:gage, and ground rents on the Prc�pertv„ if env pius
<br /> one-twelftb t�f yea.cly premium installments for hazard insurance, plus one-tweltti� uf }early premium 3n-
<br /> sta.liments tar mortgage-in�nrance,if any,ail as reasonsbiy estimated iri:tially and from time to time by
<br /> I.ender an the basis of assessments and bills and reasonahIe estimates therecrf,Lender shatI appl�•the FuncLS
<br /> ta}�ay suid ta.xex,assessment�;insnrance premiurns and ground rent�s Lender Ghall rr�ake no e��ar�e fur so
<br /> holdits� and 2annlyinp the F��ndn �r vcrifyir*g and cor_aF+ilino said a ses�m..ent� :�nci La1?s. The F.enc�ec�hall �
<br /> give to the Bormwer,withont cherger an annvai accaunting of the Funds showing rredits and debit�to the
<br /> � Fuads and the purpose.for which each debit'to the Funds was-made. The Fvnds are pledged„as additional
<br /> ; yecurit�'£or the sums secuzed by this Mortgage. The Barrower-agrees that the Funds map be heid by the
<br /> ; Lend�er anci caminixigl,ed�vith other fixnds and the.I.ender's own fnncis and the Lender may pay suc�s items ;"'�$ '� :
<br /> � fmui its own #unds and th� Lender shali not be liable for inierest or.rlividends csn sueh Funcis. >>�;�_
<br /> s� « �'
<br /> � If the axuonc�t of the�unds heid by i.erxder,tiogetner,with the future monthly insf.aliments of I�'unds � '�t�
<br /> � paya#�le przor td:ihe rive dates of t,azes,ass�essmen#c, insurnnce premiums and ground rents,shall exceed �"�"�'�
<br /> ' the amount re+quired to pay sai+d:�azces,assessuients,insuran�e preiniasns and graund rent,.�a�s they fali 3ue, ,',
<br /> ;i ��:
<br /> sush egaess slas�ll�e;at Barrower's opteoa,eithec gromptly repaid to $arrawer or credited to Sorrawer on �. �
<br /> c�an�ls3yiinst.allmeanta of>Funds.-lf the arnaunt of the Funds heid by Lender sha31 not he sufFieient to pay
<br /> � .
<br /> tayes.::asssese�men�s, iusuaauc�premiums=and qtnund rents as thev fa.li dae. Borrower shali nav to I,ender
<br />�'�, any a�oesnt nece,gsacry i+?make up tt�e deficiency with9a thirty d�Sx aftes notice from.Lender ta Borrower ' ,'� �
<br /> r�yu�LinK'i��mesxc in�zeQz, or 33arrvwer=shafl, by an increase in`monGhly i.nstallments of�unds required,
<br /> re�ray ttie def�ci�uey svithin the Func�accou�tang,period. �
<br /> Ugon pay-mer�et fm fuIl of aIi sums secured by thas 1V£orEgage;Lender s�iall apply Funds held as a credit
<br /> riqdilmL�.ti�i aLLs�uf3-l:iuC. .. . . .. .�. .
<br /> ., . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. .
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