� �
<br /> � +
<br /> � * '
<br /> .t �
<br /> . ,
<br /> � � Id crndaK ¢arrx�ruplr 1 !� i��n�eaf tlu� �'r�i� �a �-t �• i.. ,n {d .tir thr Pr,���r�rt�• i� orlu r�w i�� :���.a � iii �,.i ! n ! � ndu I un!« r �
<br /> .laa�k2 a�Ply, nu fates tf�xt� ca�irtuv3inteiy ��rii,r ro tlic� �.aslc " z th�^ ►'rca�rcrty «�r ec4 a� qi,� .r�.-- . , . ,. � . ,. . . ,� : 1 ,., ., i ,.
<br /> k,ud��tlk hyr I.eruirr �t. tl�u titr�� +c�f m���licati�na� a�a e� crc�l �x :��;un.t kl�r r �:�ri� st�c, u�r�f hy � lu. Al .�rtu���c , �
<br /> � 9. �iK�14zrKitoRt tfl Pa�Pess�ntac. (Jo�1�ex.� �,�pplirr�bl«� li�w- �aroc•a�l� n c3thenvi� . :iIl pt���t � ia•r�t � ta�ca•Ive:i 6v- I,ian�icr
<br /> � ul�rt.kk�; :�ate ancl ��u�rngraY�lex t un�i l h�reni� �hi�ll 1 ,, , ,4�,� �Io�cr;i hc 1.a�zid��r lir.t iu pn��mcYac �if vnar, unta puy��bl�� k¢3 � �
<br /> i.ecaw:lor [�y i�orco�srer ttatier parx�xo[rh '�TM YtereuC, d,hutz to inzerk, �u�yfi#�h nu tt �E �. nQc nra�i �n Fulurrr Advatxae�+, tf
<br /> un,Y . anci thci� Ga th� airit:a�i�sml �ti the Ti�ta� i�nst to llic� �rri�sciF�al ��i .[�utu:c :l�i �;in�r�x. if sn},
<br /> 4. Charg� Liama. Y3orxow+ti-rshntl pa�y ail k:uzc�c . nasse�am��ntm xcid otlar,r �^6ir.�r�es, lic�ca �nil iropasiGiox�s Qd,txab-
<br /> {� utslale t,o t6u Yrope,��y whi�ch rnay uttain c► prz�rity� ovcr tiiix \ CnrtF;ap,e, nn<l y;r�itteid rexil � _ if nt�y, �t I,etider"n
<br /> � C�7 o�tidn in ti�u mt+nn�� nruvAii,�xi urx�r.r R�r�rugra{alt � 43cy.r�nf car i�)• Hc�rrerx��cr rnnkin� paymr. nL� v!rlxeu e�uc, iiirectl�• tc�
<br /> � the payr�u thereaf. Sqrrotiv�r ahnI2 prurcz}�tly furz�i�sli zo 7,4xit�er nl ! ncrtioae ��t ztirur+«nts cl�e«y i �ntier thi,s pnru�runh ;
<br /> ' t � � � � aatt in t�te �ven.C� klurm���er sfrnli� a�akn �aa�yti��ec�t direczPy, ��rroaer 4h,ax11� �u°�sxtx�tlr=� turuisEt taa���I.e�ticde>c � �rec.ei{at:� evi- � �
<br /> � ;
<br /> + � den�ia�g �uali paytnes�ts., I'iorrowes^ xhnll ��rotrt}�ttyr disr.ltar�4 Uny lictn wvltick� I�us (iriority ovt�r <t�liiH �Iartgn�c ; prq-
<br /> 5 ,� vidmc3, tlknaF. 7Sorrowe� si�nll nxat bea �pquSrei� Ca ctisQLi�a��cr i�ea1 xtroli Ite:n �so lu��g �� lls�rra'wev rh�l.4aq��ce ixi w�itin�y �ea
<br /> .�
<br /> � .i - tho p�►,ym�nG of t,he r�bligatiari s�:caarcKi lry auc1� lien iu .t m.�nn�� axc� r.r�t.��talr, to I;c�n�f ci�, or slenli in �;ouc1 f�ith conGc�t
<br /> � � euck lier�i,Uy. nr defetzd enfar+c�me�£ af �ucl� lieay in, le,�ul �+rc�crrru�r� ��c�liickt oper:et� to ayr�vent. +. kr4 ec�£nrnvment at
<br /> +„` Ghe Eiea nr forfc�iture +af the E3rape:xty oa• stitty ��art tl�ereof.
<br /> : 5. T3azard Is�aurtmoe. Bc+rr�tivcr �}ra� il keep thc irriprcat�emc�i�ts nn��� etistin� oa I�erf�After crecled oTx tka�e �'rq�a-
<br /> � . ', " r,rGq in��sa•e�1 s�guix�sG �nss tay �trc, h.azaards includecl within ttao terni ''�x�iuc#eci cu� er�.sgu", aixd :��.xcfe oi�i�er h:tiz�tr�is n� .
<br /> �;� ' L,�ac�es rxaay reqcc�r� x9�ic4 fxi sx�n6 a�enunc� ux�,a ioi- aiactz p�Ktiratls as 1.4rzc€cr nioi�� ri�civaitr ; pr+avis3��j; Lhc�t ��ox���i^ shal#
<br /> � noC requiC� tltut tlrrs am�uqt uf such anvt�rt�gu cxeeed t:F� as. r�xnutin�t of crc�yerap*c� r�*c�uir�cl tc� #�,iti tlie yum�s aecur�d 'by*
<br /> a this :Murtgz�g�,
<br /> '� xkte .iitsu�nce+ �:arri�r �rso�•iding tl�e iiiaurane� e}i:�lt k�e� clibeeu ���- 13cirracver >u1�,jes:t Eo :,���py�C�t�u1 GF� I,enr�e�' ;
<br /> ��� ��rovided ; thut sucl� �,��ravnF sl�r�lt nat k�� ur�re�souubty �vitl�li�ld. A11 }3a°ptuiums or. iusuran�e �aalSvie� niiatilV be paic�
<br /> ,�'� ' nt L�nd�ex's upt�ic,n iri diio ta�ax�ner: ��rav�dc�cd utidcr p:.�rz�.grn��i� 'v heR�caf csr h3+ ]3e�rrcr�c-�r u�nkiFa� }�nyirAe¢ab; �vkzen ctuc; .
<br /> ,� ciirec�Iy to the �nsuraaice cacrice. .
<br /> ,� 3n tlte eve�nt any polircy ia nat resie�ved on or bQfore te:n cibys af it..v exp3roCion, Lhe Ltnder, to grot�ct ;
<br /> ;;m its irsterest, may prouurH iin�urarce orr the izripr�vemenis, p�y th� pr�miums e�nd suoh auni shall Gi�i�o�rie ; " ��
<br /> «i� imtnetliately tlue arxti pu,y�t�le wit•h intorest at the rnte set fortt� in ytud not� , un�Lil paid and -:�h.�ll k�e
<br /> , „
<br /> ?� . s�-ured `by this 141fort,�uge. F"�tilaire l�y B�rrow�r to cornply n:�y, i�t opt�ian caf Tyend�er, canstitute u clEfuult � ,
<br /> � � � � � ���� ��� � �� . :;�
<br /> ? under Ghd ternts of tlzis Mt�rt u �e.
<br /> ''^ .�11 znsurance ��o7�eieh 'itnci rutt?e�vnls tt��reoi sh:till Yx; in #orm etcceY)t�ablo to :Leuc �er cinci ;l�.c�l ina3uiie* u ;�taudarcl � ,
<br /> ,� uiorG�ssge clause in fsa,vor �f rznci iei farm s+cce�'�tabDe tn Letu3e�•: Lcuder �laall I�s�ti�c t4i� rigi� t, t �� dturr! t•hr�y �:iulir,ie�! ar.ci � ,` '�
<br /> �? resiewni� tl�preof„ aiid 13orrower sk�i�il �n•am�.�tl� [*!rta:wt, + c �:rt.,id�r � I! rcuctva? nict��cs atici �41 st�ceipts «f �4id pra- .
<br /> ,,�� taiiurt�s. Ln� the �venE ai loss, iiorintiver atrull give prqm�at uol,ice �o t,hc in;ureiticc cnra•icr r�nd I,eudui: 'a�n�� L�au�tar '
<br /> rnny m$ku praof of Ivss if not m�.41� ��roxnptty by ]3orrowe��:
<br /> �` � Unleas Lender arid Borrower atherwiso ugrec in writing, fiusureis�c� procceds slanit b� upplia� to restnc�stidn ac
<br /> s
<br /> ,F} ' c•epuir of t,l�e F'ropert�y dnniaged , ��roricled sucti restor.�tiq�� ur rcpnir ia econornic;�, lly te:isiule an�d the set:ul•ik�,y of
<br /> �; tltis '1�or,'.�age �snot #hesre�a�* im�s�:ii•e<I. Tf suoh r��tor.ition crr reEiaiir. is uc�6 ecoriotraiunily feasiUl� _m� iC thti s�sauiiCye '. :
<br /> ;': oE this hlottqage woultl �e in�pnired , tlre insur:sa�cc proc.i.eG�s slanli Dc a}�j�lieci to thc surns securr_cl b�� this llioCtgage ;
<br /> � `-.
<br /> �� with the'excase, i! nny, pu'tci tci L�orruwea�. If tlt�� L't•operty� ie stb:tuelunecl lyy f3orru�vea^ or if T3orrawer t�ils tv responc# : ,
<br /> to Lender witUin 30 c3nys uft�r xiotiee !�}• I�ender ta $o:•rowec t,hz�t Ghe ausurunce ca.rrier- pffers to settle fl ela�irri for � ,
<br /> ;�; ' insuranae bouefits Leuder is uuGttvrized to calleoC and a�aply Llie iiasurar�ae �rooceds rit ];.ernd�r,'� o�>ti�rn . n�thor- ta. �
<br /> , .
<br /> R resta�utiai or re�air caf the k'rppu�y tu� to tl�e �uma e�.cnreci: bv ttiis a\ I�rG���Ko.
<br /> ,; E7nl�s 1,encler azid J3orrower otlrcrwisv , ���ree in �vritinK,V,uiy Sual.� n��ialication at' proceeds to princi�s�l ehult
<br /> not eactc+n+d or postporto iho due du�e of the montlily instntillnx �uts rof�rre<I to in xa:xru�rnplis i aucl 2 h�r�ai Lr ahong�-
<br /> ;�.' : tfie nxnount oC such installuiente.
<br /> Tf under prsrugrt+.pli 18: hereoC tliu Yraperty i� acnuired b,v I.endea• ; ull right, titlis i�nd int�ertst of T3orrotvcr in
<br /> � , and t.�o nity insurunee ��olicie� iu�d in uud ta t:lie ��rooc�+zt9a tl�e�•�of (t.a t,t�� r.�xbcv�G qt � hc sutii�; yc>curcc� b,y� Cha� l�lort-
<br /> gsge . immediutely;:�r�ur to �uclt sezlta aa� ucyu,is`slioii) i-r.,tili;iv�; fruiir cl:suiuga t,c� th� 1'tropG:rt,y F>ri��• to the stx�e or ,
<br /> ; ' .toqui$itian ali�tli �ass to T.euder. . ;
<br /> 6. Prvseevation and Mmntencnce of Propa+riy; Leasekolds: Cosidcminiums, 13orrt�rver si�qll ko�e}a 41i� k'rop� ' '
<br /> `1 erty in good Pe}�air 2nd sheill npt �aeranit or conivaiL w:LsW, i.iu��airmenL. or iletr.ric�r.�6wu ��f tlir, Prulavrty �,nxi �hall
<br /> "� cornply with tl�v F�rovi�ians vf auv lensc:, if tliib \tort�t:��;i; i; o�� n lu:Lsel�ol�.i, If f,h�s 1-iortgsgca i� o:� i� eot�donainium
<br /> imit, Iiorrower shnll ��urCorm all nY l3orroavuc's oUli�atiorie; und�r kiie deeli�r�it,ion o4 coiidoTriiniutu ua• muht�r deed,
<br /> ��� ttie by-li�gva und 'requ�atiot�s �c�f �thc conr�loiuiui,ucn p�pject tu�d cons6itx�e�� iloouiYyanl�, � �
<br /> � � � �'. Frateckion, of �under'ss Security. � S , E3 -vrru�ver � i;�i15 ��o ���rforai � tlic� covcxaxi�r,s ,md eir�reemeub� cox�kuaued in �
<br /> f�`� �Lie a�lortguge, or if nny aotinri oi• E�rvceedan� is nomiuenred ivhich ivatexi;illv :�fiect5 T.under'n interast in tkie Pro��. ,
<br /> y;, erty, including, I�ut not liniltcd �d, e�uincnt; cl�xaitkin, ina��l ���ctiioy�, tiadu cnl'orce�i�ca�t, ; ur i�rran�;c�uxe�its ur I:ir�cuid-
<br /> '„p �: ings involvin�„ s bctpks�up6 vr• dececzent, t6en Lender at .l.ex�der'w opt,i<Sn , �apor� notice in I3orrow� ei�; uxay muko aucl�
<br /> , � - - ssppeaxaneea� iti�bur�e� sucli sum� ;incl take sur,iz twcbioi� « �s i� c� �3,ersx•y io pr��f:.ect, 1 �3nc1er's iutere::l, incltidia�g, bu6
<br /> riot liznited to, �1i�ksurscuictat of i•easdnnUle utt�orni+y'� teca :u�d ent.rv upA�u , Llic� Yrq}�ect,y to xrtakea re}�qir�. Any
<br /> `'�� amoaz�te +�ieburst�d.Ly l�encier pursuttnk to ttiis f�urugca��li 7, �vi61i iiiterest �4crec>�i, s3in16 bncame additiortttl indebti-
<br /> ,;,� ecine�s of �iarrower bee;ured bv this biorlguge. L7nlesq 13orra4vcr and T ,e�ader ugrve to ,��tt�er t�,ru:cr of �.�uytnunt, auiih
<br /> f, -� amourats sl�ull be pa,yabla upon notace fkoru I.�nttei� 1;U BorrU�sei reque5tiup� �uyxueut 6hereaf , F~zad •ihA11 htsar int.er-
<br /> ,� eat frorm tl�e dnth ot d "asliurs�tinent at tl�u ratr, xGated in the N'�tn un3e.•;,s pitpmei�t of iut,erest nt such rnte wvrild be
<br /> '�� conLrary �o up�liosble law, it� cvhzait event �ueli ttu�oeint� ;:6u11 hqaa• i��6ereat nt, 6Eaa higlx.+sC rat� �em�iesi�l� Iry
<br /> � ' c�}aplicable Inw. Nothis�g tio4�L�.ined in fliis ��arc�rs��li 7 4hi�Il ee��tiir�: ].�u�d�ai• lu iucur uiiy cxEr�use or �u nny i4ct
<br /> `� " Mareurader.
<br /> &. Tal�taatian. ; T_et�der iiatty izaakc ur ra��n� W l�� anudc re+tsuueuirl4r �nlriea u��o�� s�ir1 irarpc�c�I.ionH o£ th�� 1�xv�Y�W �
<br /> yY � !?1'f�V� }1t'U'4�11�fif� ( �lAf� T.,+t'IIt{Pl c�ltl � � �*, dV( [1t�S'Pb�t•CY Y�(i11C1' f�P1(xp ( a �lA�' �t.A � �) Iely��pPl21�11 >�`L`S.S . } SP.a�s 2t. tya-;;iI��L� ;. ..:3..0
<br />�"�} C�1CTO�t3T2'E+�BLe!fl fp Taaisrion� �. . * ...�,Cr.A. : }�c ti'OE)1, r1�•,� . . � . : .
<br /> � ` 9 Caandemwarioa. Thc �irqc�:edn nf any � �rasivi �r elaii�� for drs�raagey, dirt*cl c:�r conse<yuer�bi�tl, in canr�ection. �
<br /> ,,.r1 � wi�.h �any condernns�txo�t ur vtYxez� tw.3ting t�f .tlin Propcl•ty, car prirl tlmr<rof, crr frrr rc7i3vi�yuiarcz in litau c,f t;ura<i�ux�tn�-
<br /> "'� � tion, areheTeby i�s�igneii 'arad shall t�a puid tuLca��3cr
<br /> , ° ; ira tY1e evunC of A tal.al t,akang u3 kh� Y�•apex•ty, tliu I�ruc��cl� dlaell , bc it�a�alle�i t:o t2�c, nuiun �c�avreQ b}� t;his A2:urt- �
<br /> 4 �a�e, ti��itli. 11xo s;xu�;an, if auy, }�uid L� 13oa•rawer. Iu tha < i�ent,-of r� purGiGr.l tulaca�,* u! t,h� 1'rn�eruy, unlce�a 2ioa•rnwer `.' � .� ^, ;
<br /> ; , and �4der �ther►vi�e agre� in ���riGat�g� th�xc a9i�al1 bt� a�7plie�l to th�t hur.�is c�,uurc.kl 1,ry tLis :�lo��E,gwgc 5uch �x�a�o��. � �- �" ' :
<br /> i L'aon oi` th� p�uue�ds us i� uqual i,o GlaKt pruj�ariion rvlricfx tha uiriouut of the �ui�x� e�c�urecd i>�• t1�ie Alurtt�K� i�nme- ��; `", ;r�
<br /> '�; dia�,ely �riss�r Lo ilae �Ixate of takin� i�axe to t#�� t�sir iu�r�kc�t ��luc ut tL� ;}'rn�>r.iw3. iirxmcrdiat�:ly �riva� 6a tlx^ .ciuQa; c�i � �
<br /> ;� Cukxqg, wi� tlte �sla��: of t}Ys �rror�ee3s paid tcr Bw•rower.
<br /> t£ th�'Yrnjret�,y 4+t �b5,tkd<*.'.S� 1��• �?vrrQtsCr t�r :£ �tfter na::icc t�y Z.c:i;:ier tu Lu� ic,avur 6Lca� 4Ii� uw��]ai�auuc u3cu�a p:y. < .
<br /> �° � ��, .
<br /> `:� t�u rxiu3ca ��+ �wur� �ir �mlt�le A �iflim trr tia:�t�g�, �,�az�ri��•er £ai;s ta t�es�.ts�nd tn 2.�iac:cr �ciLLi� :� cluyd +�i bl�.e dei,t,
<br /> of fi3iC�s �ca�ipd, �aetsi9er 1& �utl�ai�� i,ta octllecti �.aa�! ap,��3y tla�y�ivetcic�ta at 1,ez�cdc,r'r� ap#.inx� catliea• fa i�.ntc�ra4non ai•
<br /> � � reriai�l' a>f tt?n Property +or tcr the nui�� �aured t�� aLifi .11�ri �,age.
<br /> � �Tx�l�� �.onder �txd Bori�ar*ver crtli4�r�eime atCrrse iui �vriti��� , snv euch appliax.Li�an of t�rnne�riH i �, �,rin.•i�,aa r+4init
<br />� � . . . .. . � �X� � . � m
<br /> .�. :'
<br />�I �6' � � " . .. . � . . . , .. . ., . . •�� . .
<br /> f. ` �� � . . . . . � � � . . . � . .
<br /> t:.: '. � . . . . . . � � .
<br />� � � . : . . . . . . . .
<br />