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<br /> �y' DUC QN B�AL F
<br /> 3AVlNGS P7JN0
<br /> � � FOA�a lNb.T20 � � . .
<br /> l+aan Nursrber__33�.is___�__i$8_ m-a��_n
<br /> 1� � �� � � � � � �
<br /> 7'7'-:U032$5 M O R T G A G E
<br /> "� � THI3 MQRTC:t#�G'E, made arsd execTsted thie...........:..Q.... ......... c�ay of .__._ ...,�<sa.K............... A.D.,
<br /> �, + I91.�.�,be4�veen the Ninrtgagor, �onald. I. .:BAurke_.and.Mar_tha..J.�.:.8ourlce3'husha.ad._aad..vi.fa,... .
<br /> � .i�aintly_.a�e3...eacri�._.i.u.,:theiac_'.�can..xigh.z.,......................._........___.........._.<.......------ -•�---�-----...---•--........__._.....
<br /> � of---..Gr�n�d_.z�l.at�si..._-•,.., County of... ......��3a13..........:....State of..1Veb.rssssica..:.....,hereiaufter refened ,
<br /> �,� t�o ae the Borrower ar�d the MortgAgee, F3RST FEDERAL SAVINGS Al�?D LOAi1 ASSOeIATION OF
<br /> �
<br /> LINCOLDT, 3235 `.'V"-Street, Lincaln, Dlebras2ca 63�Oi, its successor.+ and assigny, hereinafter refened ta
<br /> `..<°� ass Z.ender.
<br /> �
<br /> �ViTxEss�Tx Tk�at the said Borrower for and in consideration of the surn of �NTY TWO '�#p[7S�ID
<br /> �' FOUR_HUNDBED,AND_DT+_0/100._.... .-.--•-•----. . .� ...: ...... .........-�ol;ars (LIS$_.22,400..QU�. . _...._:..) '
<br /> �
<br /> � paid by:,said Lender, does hereby mortgage,grant and convey to Lenc�er-its succe9sorrs anc3 assigns; the
<br /> -�? :following described propertylocated in the Co�nty of:.. .��11:_. _ ., State of N�braska: `
<br /> ,,�3 � � ........ ... .. �� � � � �,
<br /> �� Tha North 8ixty-three (E3) feet of Lot Ten (10), 3n E1vck One (I�� in �;
<br /> "LakeviPw", �n Addition to the Cityof Grand Island, Ha31 County, Nc:brasl�a.
<br /> 9�.� .. � . � . 5, '�
<br /> �� .�. .. . ,� . . . . . . .�� . . .. }, ':
<br /> TOGETAER�W1tY1 all'�the improvements no�:�.or hereafter erected ori.the property, and all �easements, ,` � •�. : -"�
<br /> �-j r3ghts,appurtenances, aent,s, roya2ties, minera1,oil anfl gas rights and pmfits, tivuter, water rights, and ;' �;
<br /> .,,,;,,�, , water stack, and all fixtures now or hereafter attr�ched to the property, all of which, including replace- ,; ! ; , '
<br /> �, . menfs and additians thereto,shall be-deemed to be and remain a part of the: property covered by this !
<br /> �;� Mortgage; and all of tFae foregoing,Lagether with said property (ar the leasehoid estate in the event Ehis
<br /> � Nlortgage is on'a leasekiold) are herein referred to ac the "Pr��erty'. 't -'
<br /> ' Borrower covenants that Borrower is lAwfully seised af the estate hereby conveyed and has the right �
<br /> }:� �
<br /> to mprtgage,,grant and.convey Che Property, that the Property-is unencumbered,.and that�orrower.will , , �
<br /> ,;',� warrant'.and defend genzrally the title to the'ProPerty;against all clasms and demands, sub}ect to any ; . - -
<br /> easements•and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptians to coverage in any title insurnnce poiicy in-
<br /> �Y, suring Lendex's interestr in the Pmperty;or (2) attorney's opinion of titie from abstrac� of title certified �
<br /> s� �y bonded abstracter. ; F,
<br /> `� PaovinEn ALwAYs, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions,agree-
<br /> r� . �
<br /> naents and obligatione of the Borrower, to-witc
<br /> f ;..
<br /> The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender or order the pruicipal sum of __:TWEN�.Y__TI�Q_-THOI�SANI3-.
<br /> -S-fl[IA..FIZTTIDR,3?�l:.AND__�t0�1AII--- . ....--•-- ..:.., .__..... .--...._.-�o11arF (US $--...22,.l+aQ-..QO,:. ---.... .) °.
<br /> �,� payable as prx�vi�led in A note esecuted and delfvered,concurrently here+.vith,tkxe fix�al'payment of'pnncipal,
<br /> _� iE not sooner paid,on the.......�'xx�.t...:.�.. day of. ..•--�June.....:.. ......_ ......,,�.20Q2
<br /> r:�" Uxisos�Covsxarrrs. Borrower and Lender covennnt and agree as follows_ '
<br /> q � i. Payment of Principal cmd Interest. Borrower shall promptiy pa,y whem duQ the'principal'of and in-
<br /> .,� terest on the indebtedness evidenceti bg the Note,prepayrnent and late charges as provided in the Note,
<br /> l � and the prin�ipal of and'intereston any Future Advances secured by thia Mortgage. _
<br /> :�,.� 2. Fexnds faz T¢xes an3 Insurc�..ae. Subject to Lender's option und�er paragraphs 4 and v hereof,Beax-
<br /> ra
<br /> rower sh 1 a ;t e o
<br /> al p y o I.end r n the day monthly installments of principal-and interest are payabie under the
<br /> $-, Note,uzitil tt3e Note is paid in full, a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly tAxes aa�d
<br />� z assessments which may.�ttain priority over Lhis-Mortgage, and grcaund aents on tlze Property,if anv plus
<br /> �,�;. one-twetfth a�yearly premium 3nstallments for liazard insurance, plus one tweifth of yearly premium in-
<br /> � stallment� for murtgage insurance, if anv, all aa reasonably estimatecl i�itiallv and froin tim�to tirne 7ery
<br /> � Lender on the b�+sis of a;�aeGcments and bills and reasonabie estimatea thereof,Lencier shai?appl>�the�unds
<br /> i to pay said taxes,assess�nenta;:insuzance premiuins and ground rentx. Lender shaIl make no eharge £or so
<br /> i' nr�iuuig anu appiyiag icaro rutl�is nr verifyitYg uaiu �tiiiiYiiuisg suiu rxnse�s:ineni5 s�zyci LiitS. Tne i.endeT snaii
<br /> .s -5 giwe to the Borr;pwer, wi�hout eharge,an annual accounting of the FuncL-s showing credita and debita to t�e
<br /> {;`� F�nds and the purpose:f.�or which each debit to t3�e Funds savas made. Th�Funds aae pledged'ss additional
<br /> °� rxecurity..�or tt3e sums secured ksy th�s Martgage.3'he �3orrower agrees tlsat the �unds may be held by the ' -
<br /> ' i Lender and commingled with other#unds and t�e Lender's own funds and the Lezxder may pay such items _ ,g ,
<br /> � fronn,xts,ow,n �unds and the I.�der shall x�,c+t be liable for interest or di°vidends on surh Funds.: -.:,� z'�,
<br /> �' Tf the au�aunt o#th�e F'aan�s hel€�by Lender toge�her vvith the futu�'e monthty installments af Funde i�+r� �` :
<br /> � paeyabls•�iar#u�;khe�du+�dates o#t�es,asseasraents, instarance premiu�s and grc�und rents, shall e$ceed
<br /> tis�e'amot3�t�G required#o�ay eaid-tas�es,assesau�ante,insura�ce premiums and ground rents as they fall due, �``
<br /> ,p� s�eh�xr,ses.a�aii'be, at�arrower's�ptaon,yeit.h�r}�rompElt* repaid to Bo�'rower or cn�dited to 33arrower r3n � �
<br /> �'� m4r�tt��7r'��lstac�lr�letn#s of' k�nds. If �he amavnt of the Fuixds held by Lender:shsll not Ue sufiicient to pay :',,��"q '
<br /> �,� ca9ces,s�e�ts,uasu�nce prEmisams a�gt+t9und zeri#s as they fall cilue,Borromver shall pay to l.ender -,
<br /> �Y�moutat a�ecesnar3>t�a make aup#�e deficieaey witt�.iu t�.irty days a#ter notice from Leuder to$orrower H'"
<br /> requestir��c�rmenC�e=seof,or Baraower s�ail, by an incr�ase ia monttr:ly instai�ents�€ l�'urzds reqiin_+�3, """
<br /> ,..
<br /> h re�av the�deficiea�ev�f�rain tk�e-�!Y�vwi n��vrrrr�t8rr��rri�:
<br /> -�� • �
<br /> U}mn pa�anent ara f�i.of all sctt�a secured by this 2#r�ortgage;-3.ender shall ap�l_v Funds heid as a crec33t
<br /> "' a�inst alll sun-as due.
<br /> �-^.�,,. ..... �
<br />� �
<br />