:� , a �.,
<br /> i , ''„s�
<br /> ��` If �tnder paragrapl� 18 hereai the Yro��ert,y is. sold or thE: Pro��ezcy is atherwi�e acquirrci h�• Lrnder. lxr:der
<br /> j �
<br /> .3�t�1J apply ,��ia ts�ter tl�r3n inamec3iat.el�� } rrior ta #3xc. snie of tlne Ym��reti� or it�� a�ynzsition 2,y Lender_ any Funds� �
<br /> I'xeld by l.erader at the t,iine oi applic:st�on n� ss creriit n�;ainar, tLe siims •ceured tn� tkii� .11an�a;,;c:.
<br /> 3. Applicat':on of Paymeats. IJnless apr�licz�b'Ie 131r �iF-uvidf°s atheawisc, i+il F�ayment�; reeciceci by T.ender
<br /> und�r tt�e T.�ToEe and p:aragrnpl�s I and :3 licreoi slia3l ba sC�3ylic-�l }�,y T,encicr fir�t in ��a:cmera� �f smount.� {�ayable tn
<br /> Leader by $oarrawer under �aara:grn�riz 2 hereoi, thei� to ineer�st puyal�le c�n ehc :�'ota und nn k'uLure �.,clvances, if
<br /> � �� ttny�,,snd t2�en to t�tte �r�beip� t oE Clur I'+�'oie ai�d �t.o t7xe lxrinci�x�i of F'uti:.•e� Advancr.s . if ��arry. �
<br /> � 4. Ghiagea; Lisms. Borrowers19�i1 3�as � i1 La.xe;, a,:se�scxyenta nF1d otlier chsrges _ fines and im}aositsons attrib-
<br /> � trtttble io tkte Pro�rertv �v�iich ulny � t�uin a prioritw ucer tliis liort�age;: and grpund rents, ii an,y, at Lender°s
<br /> � option in tt� e m�nner �ruti-ided nnder �arn�ra�ili 2 hereof o3• l3,y T3onower mnking payrnent, when due , directiy to
<br /> � t3�e payee i=l�ereaf. Barro��er shail prn;cmptl�* furnislt to 7.,anr�c�r atI notir,es of aruouaa�s due under this �,aiagrw.ph , ,
<br /> G tsnd in the event Borm�er sha12 makt ps}ax3en"s diseetl� ; I3orrow:er stit�ll �rornr>tly: iuriazsh to Lender receipts evi-
<br /> l � dene;ng suc3r payment�. Iiorrower shz�ll p�ronapttu clischurge asny lien whieh hns �rias5tr over tFiis \4oztgage; pra-
<br /> ; � vided, that �orrower sl�alt nat !se required to disclisrge any sueh lieaz so lon� as Borrawer shnil agree in vrritia� to
<br /> ;;, ; tho psym+en�•of tl�e ob3i�aGian seeureci oy such Iien in n inunner noce�rta6ie to Lender, or shall in good Ezait3z contest•
<br /> , ; ' '{ sueh'lien by, ordef+end enfvrcementof suc;l� iien in ; iegal procecdings +vfiich ope.ate ta '�re�°ent the enfcsrcement of
<br /> ": tlie iien or forfeitare bf the Yioperty or aii,Y �isrf. t iiereoi:
<br /> ` 5. H�crdIasur�ee. Borro�ves. sh:til l:eep ti�c im;�roverneiifs 7�ow exisiing or hereafter erec 'ted.oa� the Prop-
<br /> � , i erty, insurerl agai�rst loss by frre, hsaa3c3s inclnded cs�it6in the tercn "extended coverage", and sucl� other hazards as
<br /> � ;i Lender inay.,tequire and in staeh aanonrts nrai ior saxcli I�eriods as t:encler l�iny require , Kzroti�ided ; thrst L.ender, shsll
<br /> not reqvire ihst the amcsunt oi snoh c�rer�ge exceed thiit srnom�n� ai eoverage reqnired to pa,y tl�e sums secured "hy
<br /> s this Mortgage_
<br /> • ;?' The in�ursnce carri�r pror--ding ifxe insurai�ec shnfl ve e��osen by f3orrower sutsject' to , s�provat .t3y, Zender ;
<br /> ,; . ' Nrovided, thaE sucl� apprr�val sha.11 noi :�ae imaeasonat�l,y withheld_ :1iT premiunu on insurance �olicies shall be psid ;
<br /> � acLender's optiion in t}ze inanner pro��ided under p.�ragrapl2 ? hcreof or i�g° Sorro�ver :makix�g payment, rvhea due,
<br /> '� ' i directly to t3�e insurance carrier.
<br /> y� ; In the erent anV �olicg is not renewed, on ar before ten days o# its ecpira�ion, the Lender, to prot+ect
<br /> " its interest, mny procu�e ittsurance an the improcemenLs, pay the prerniums aand such sum shall become
<br /> " ` i immediately due and payable wikh �nterest at tiYe rate set forth in said note untii paid and shall be > � '
<br /> secured by this b�ortgage. FaiIure by Borrower to cornp�ly may, at option of Lender; constitute a default
<br /> , ; ! undes the' terntis of-this iLlortgage.
<br /> r�u insurance polieies andrened�ais ciiereoi siimii ue in ior€n aceepiai�ie t.o i;ender snd siiflii inciude a siandard
<br /> morigage cisuse in 8avor oi and in forrs� aecepisl�le to Lendar_ Len�er e13a31 have ti�e right io hold< the policies and
<br /> ` renewsis tFrereof, and �cirro�cer shall prompYdy inmi�i� io Ler_der 2I1 rene:val notices and alf receipts oi paid pre- -
<br /> ' ` miums. In' U3�e eventoi ioss, Borro�ver snnll give grompt ,noti�e io ine iiisurstice e��fier and Lender, and` Lender ,, , ;:
<br /> t may make proof oi loss if not made prornptly Uy Borrower.
<br /> U�less 3.ender and �orrower otlrer�t�ise a�ree in writi��, znsnrnnce praceeds shaii be applied to ress:oration or
<br /> ' repair of the Properiy darnaged , provided sucli restoration or repair is economicallp feasible and the aecuri"ty oi
<br /> � this Mortga.ge is noi theseby i�npaired. Ii such restorntion oi• �epair is not economicslly feasihle or if t�e security
<br /> o# this �Zor�gage would be inipaired, the fnsurance �aroceeiis sh�ll be ap}�lied to the surns secured by this Mort,ga.ge;
<br /> s4 ith°the excess,if uny, psid to Sorrowea•. I:f t:l�e YraperGy is abandotaed bv Aorrower or iF Botrower fails to respond
<br /> ; � to Lieader witl�in 30 days aiGer uotice t�y I.ender to 33orrower that the insurance carrier offers tu settle -a clnim for :
<br /> 't '. ineurance benefits;; Lender is auihorized to co3iect and appiy 31�e insuranee proceeds at Lender's optiia� either :to <
<br /> ;? restoration or aepair oi the P3•operty or 'to t}ae sums sec�xred bs- tl�is \IorGgege. ,
<br /> y, Ualess 3.ender stind �orrower oihe�vise agree in �vriiing; any such applicaiion ai proceeds to prineipat shsfl
<br /> % � not extend os postpone t3�e due date oi the nxanthiy installments referred to in paragra.phs 1 and 2 hereo� or change
<br /> d ' tife amouni c�f such insia3lments.
<br /> �, , � If und'es pars�raph ]8 hereof tlie �'roperty is acyuired b�:- Lender, sli righi , {,itle nnd interest of Borrower in
<br /> , ,,, " ' i and t.o ar.}+ issurance �o� icies and in asad to the praceeds therevf �to i,lie cxtent of ihe sums secured by �l�is Mort-
<br /> ,, . ; gsge immea�ately pri�r �o suoh saie .os r�cquisiiiarsl resulting from damage io #he Pxoperty �rior to �he:' sale or
<br /> acquieifuion shall pass tfl �,ender:
<br /> fi. Pressrvatioa �dM�atanance of Property: Leaseholds; Condasaiaiums. $orrower shall keep the Prop-
<br /> '� erty in good repqir and shall not permii or eommit ticnste; impainrnen 't, or deterioration of ihe Property and shall
<br /> ;', comply tiviih tYie provision4 of any lease; if ti�is �3oitgnge is o� u leaseholci. Ii this DRortgage is on n condominium
<br /> uriit, Borrow-erstxall perrorm all of Borrower's obligations un�ser the decl3.ration oi condominium or master deed,
<br /> t�e by-latvs and regulaii�ns oi the aandominium pso} ecc and eonstituent docwnenis.
<br /> ?. Protectioa o� I.�ader's S�ecurity_ If Borrower tails Eo �erform ihe covenants snd agreements contained in
<br /> t.his llortgage, or if any action or prace�eding is co�menced tiv}zict� mat,exisfly a�fects Lender's interest in the Plap-
<br /> erty, inelud'utg, hut noz 3iiniEed t.o, em3nent donaai2r, iusolc-eney . coc9e enforcement, or �rraxigements or groceed-
<br /> � , : ia$s .involvis�g a bankrupti or cfe�edenz, ttzen Lender st F.ender 's option , upon notice to Borrotiver, may �ake such
<br /> appesrances, ciisbvrse su�c;li suins and Lske suclz ac�ion as is neces:ary co �rdteci Lender's interest, including, but
<br /> ,',_ ; not limited �o, d 'ssksurserr�c�ent of reasanable afiornev 's r"ees arad eniry uPon the Pro�erf.y to make repairs. Any
<br /> ars�ountsdisbursed by Lender p�arsuanf, to this paragrap�z i , n-stli inieresi thereon, shaIl Uecome 4ddi�iorgai indebt-
<br /> ^� edness vi Bo�rower seeur�d bv t.�is \foa-tgage. Un�ess Borrozver and Lender agree to otiher ternis of payznent, stroh
<br /> smounts s�all be paya�l� upan nntice faom Len�3er to Aarrower request:ing payment t3�ernoi, and shall �+ear inter
<br /> i est Irom che date of disb�rsement at tl�e rate stiateci ii� i.he IVoic unless �aayment oi inierest si svch rate �vould be
<br /> ec►nt,rany: to, xpplicable laiv, i� whicli eti�ent such amour�ts shsl! bear inieiest at tt:e highest rate pern3iseible by
<br /> applaca�ble .law_ \ot7�ing ctsnCsineci in kl�is ��sragra�l� 7 shaall reqriire Lender to incur any expense or co any set
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> $. IuspeectSoa. I.�nde� inaz� mak� or esuse Lo be �nade reasonabic eniries upon and inspecLions of ihe Prop-
<br /> 5 erty, proa•'asled thst I.eac�er s?�si: git•e �err�ser �otirr ; �rior � a an�• suc�ii ir.spectio:x si�ecif�;•in�, reasonable cause
<br /> tl�eretnr rala#,�i tu I,encies's ini:ares't in �iae Yr,e��rrc3� .
<br /> 9. �arsdec�ztatinn_ 13e ' proeeeds �t un3� n�+�sscl or clasm tor dams�es, direci or consequentiai, in connection
<br /> ; wi�h any eondemnat3on or oLSer iakin� o# tE�e Propaert�� , or �rt�r[ thereof. or Sor eonx-eyance in lieu of condemna-
<br /> ' '�Son, are her�b,y� assigned .and s3�a11 be psid io Lr:nde�.
<br /> `, , in tl�e ase�t of s taial iaking �S the ProFiertl�, t3�c p;occed� s:'iali lie sp;�lsed to the sLms secured by i.his b7ort- '
<br /> " ' gage, with the �exeesr,, if an_y, �aid io Borrower. Iaa �l�e event of a part.ial taking of ihe Prc�perty, unie�. Borrower "'"'=�' � ' ,�,� ��
<br /> . aaad i��er €�t6er+wise agree in wriiing, ti�Ere- staail 7oe a�>;�lied €.n tlie suius sec+�re�i oy fhis Ziori,gage such prop�r- , :. �,:;�'
<br /> �• ti+c9n c�f Lhe pzoeeede as is eqUal W that �Sropvsiion wi�ir,h Ll�e ar�ovnt oi ihe hums secured by this ?�4ort.gsge itnme- '" ' 4
<br /> � diste3y prior la ihe date caf taking besrs to t#se fair n�ark�t s�sl �c of iiie E'ic+pertg immeciisteiv p�ior to ii�e date of � �' r'-
<br /> 1� 1st �'
<br /> xa3ciog� 'wAtii tli+e balauae of athe }�roceeds paid to Borrower_ ;��
<br /> if t,.3�e P�'Opet�y is ab�adosed by $�rrnwer or if sfter natir=e by Lender ta Borrocver tYisi ihe condeiunor oSers :;�_,
<br /> w mskieara �waur3 ostaer.�ie a ciasmi ior ciania�, 3i+orsutser *aa.s w responc� co L,eader w3than 3U days oi 4he dat.e '
<br />� � .jI eursh nuLi�� I.r.v�ier ia nu�lwremes3 io wileet z�eaci a4a��ly: tire }�++w;eexis ac s.ender's o��ion eittaer to restt�ration or
<br /> �epaix v� the Prwperty or so Lhe s�axas seaur�ed �� tl:is \lori ga�c. .° �
<br /> �7nl+ees Le�►der at�ci Sosrmwer ocher+wise sgne iaa u�riWing, ssny s�o#� ap�iieation of proceeds to priacipal shail
<br /> �. , . � � � �� � �
<br /> a._
<br />�
<br />