, � :�.
<br /> � �'.;���
<br /> �. _�. �
<br /> tND�ViDUAL
<br /> DUE'l7N SqLE
<br /> SAY-If3GS FUI�Et'S
<br /> � r� �FoaMs No.724.. � . . . . � .. . � � .: � �� � � .. .
<br /> �.-��°��.11 Loa� hJumtrer:._��S►9Z___-_J..$.� _.; -�.�__n
<br /> �: '��* �(�2�58
<br /> M 0-<F2 T.� A G_ E, ,.
<br /> i9__�.T"�HI��OFt'k'�AGE,tnadz�n�l executed-this .:.__. ��- --..:day of:: .!:�G�.:� _..... A D_, , .'
<br /> �� , . een the LvTortgagar, �1znoZ.d..I,..._7�iux.l.osa:_.ans�::�.,avz'a_:,L....�'t.�u��.t�W,;.:h.us.baurJ:_,ancl.w�£e,, . '
<br /> < ' ; 7,�z���Y_�d..ear,�__�._kha�..x._sa�ii,:xigb.t�'.:. :........... .... ... .----.• -•.�:... ._..:,.:. ..�.._.,_ ....:.._.._...�. `
<br /> ' c�f ..._.����d,.:���.a�t.�::__._.., Gounty o# ..... _..`�.al„�.:--• --�....,State o#_�.Ne1�x�sAc.�._...:.., heremiiafter xeferaed ;
<br /> ' �` ta as the.Boirower, and the-Mortga�ee. FIR:�ST FEVERAL SAVINGS AND I.QAN ASS(3�IATION OF ', - , .. '
<br /> ' �: LINGOLDT,%1235 "N'' Street;-,Liracoln, IvTebraska 685Q1, its successaa:� and assigns,-hereinafter seferre� to ' � ; :-
<br /> ,�t � : as Zender.
<br /> ` = WtTx�sseTx: That the;'suid Boriower for and in consideration:of the'sum of FIFTY TIi0U5AND,:AND, _° " `
<br /> •. NOf 1d0 ...._._ .._...... _,... .__.`�ol:ars.(US �.SOI�OflO,�4:_
<br /> , __.,._, __..-•. - ---..��, __._.... :...._. . . ....._�__..)
<br /> pa�d Tay said:Lender,does hereby mortgage,grant and convev to;Lender, iYs svccessors aia•d.iass�gns; tl�e '.. `
<br /> 'r, : , follopring�de;ccribed praperty located in the Caunty of ;. '._.:__Ha11 . - State of 1V ebraska: -: `
<br /> ... ---•-- --��---> ,.
<br /> i �, .:
<br /> �•� : _'-_,at �ro (2), Centes�nial Gard,eas Subdivision; in the`City oP Granc3' Island.'
<br /> � " } �-ia11 County, Nebra�ka
<br /> ,
<br /> .
<br /> k
<br /> � .;
<br /> � .. ... . .... .. . ..� �... . .. ..� . . ; .., . . ; , ..
<br /> Toc�;T�tEn with aI3 the irnprc�vements now or hereaftor ereeted on the Fraperty, anct atl easemprats;
<br /> xights;appurtenances, rents; royslties; mineral, oiY-and gas'riglzts and.profits, water. wa�r rights,;and
<br /> ` _ �va�r-stoc3�.;and a11 fisstures=now or heTeafter attached to tfie property; all of �vhich, inclvding repla�ce-' ` ' :'
<br /> � ` ments:and additions thereta,'sha1�be deemed �Eo be and remain a art of the `
<br /> : 3� PraPQrty cavered by t�is ,, ;
<br /> ' Martgage;.and all of tiie foregoing, together cvith said propert,y-(or the Ieasehold estate in the event:t3�is
<br /> ll�iortguge is on a leasehoid) are herein referred to asS the"Proper�y-"_
<br /> Borrawer,covenan�s that Barsower is lawfully seised of tlae esia�e here'vy conveyecl anu.has the righz —
<br /> to mortgag�,;grant and coavey t}�.e Proparty, that the Prope;ty is nnencnmbered, und that- $orrower wili � `
<br /> x , �rcant and;defend generally:the title to the Property against all claims>:and demands„subject ta any ;i " � ` .
<br /> ; easements and restrictions listed i�i a schedule of esceptions to coverage in any title:insurance policy in-
<br /> r, �.�',� suruig T,ender's interes�in the Froperty; or (?) attomey's opinion of titte from abstract of-title certii€ed
<br /> �+ � by boraded abstracter.
<br /> ' Pxa.vtv�a Ar.wnYs, and these presents nre execuied aiid delivered npon the follo�ving corr_ditions,agree-
<br /> r � ments-und aWligatians +of the Borrower; to-wit- c';.
<br /> � � -
<br /> ` The Bc3rrasver agre�es ta pay to the Lender,or order_ the principal surn of_F SFTY,THOUSAND„Ai��_,___,,. �
<br /> < < N.C�J.�A!?.._.___..__ --- -------------- 5¢ 00(3..0..._.:,.. ` '
<br /> , � ------- .._. _.. --•---.. .._...---._..'i�ollars (US �._..._. �.._ Q ---�
<br /> W payabie as pravidect in a nate execx�ted ancl delavered, cor+carrentiv herewith,the 1'inal paymer3t of grincipal,
<br /> ; if not sooner paid,on t�e_.:�St__:.__:._,.._ dav of:.:_._.APx?1...._ 8
<br /> . zs--q--...
<br /> . - -- ...-- —�--� --�,
<br /> u`..�� � , . . � . . . . ,.. .
<br /> } " UNz�osaT CavExnrrrs.fiorrower and Lender covenant and agree ss follows:
<br /> �' ; 1. Payiaeat of Principal and Yr�torest. liorrower sfiall promptly pa,y when due the princ.�ipai pf and in-
<br /> ! ' '� ' tesest on the indebted�zzss evidenc�d by tlie i�Tc7te;�repayrnent and Iate charges as providec�in the Noie, ,'
<br /> and t,he pri�seipai of uni3 inte.rest ari any�'uLure Advances securec3 by flxis?�4ortgage.
<br /> � 2. Fune�s for Tcxxes.amd:Insurcr�ce: Subject to 7.ender's opEion uaider paragraphs 4 and a 2�ereof,Bcxr-
<br /> ; mwer sha31 �ay to I.ender on the clay monthly instalimentg r�[principal and intereatare paya}�Le under the
<br /> „ � Nvte,vntil #he Note is�aid in fu1L a sum (her�in"Funds") equal to one-twelfth af the yea�ly taxes ar3d
<br /> ! a�sessments w}sich may,attain pria:it_y,ove=this YvIortgage, and groun,el rent�G �n tlie Pro�ierty, if any plus
<br /> °,a on�e-tw;eift3� af yearly premiuzn in�allments for hazard insurance,plus one-twelfth o£yenrly premium iax-
<br /> lI
<br /> stal�neatts f�r mortgage itzsnrance, if any,ail as reasonably estirrzatec3 initially'and from t,iizae to timz k3y
<br /> ,.'. � Lender on ttie�asis of assessments and bi11s and reasonal�Ie estimates 4hereof,Lendcr s,h�31 applv the Funds
<br /> to paY.sRid tases.assessments,insnrance premiums and�round rent4_ imnder chall make no ehArne for so
<br /> � halding an� app�ying t�e.Funds owa verifying a�d compiling eaici assessments and i�ills. The L�ender shall
<br /> � ga;*e tv:the Bortower, without charge;an annua�aceounting o#�he Funds slzowing creditry and debits to t13e
<br /> .. u
<br /> _, � : Fa�tu3s and�e.puriwse for wtucl�each debit to Che Funds was tnade. '€'he Funds �re pledged as.additional
<br /> r secunt�t£or �l�sume;secuaed by tbis Niontgags,. '3'he Borrower agrees that the Fvnds may be held by the
<br /> � .` "i�t.der an� cornmingled n-ith other funds.and t�e I:ender's uwn funcis and the L�nder m�y pay suGh items. ,; •-:�
<br /> tsraan its osv�E funds and. ttae �drea'sfiail a�at b�e�iable fffr interest or diviclends cqn such Funds. °�
<br /> � If the ssnourat of tds�+e�'und�s he�d by LendPr,togethsr wit:h the f�xt�e mon�hly instaiLnemts o# Func� .i "�,,1 "�'; �
<br /> P�►37a61e prip�'t�o the due dates af��s�.ass�ents, inss�r�mce premiums and groiand ren�s, shall exceecl �
<br /> t�ue amaaunt�ui�ed f�o�aay ssid�c�s,'�e��s,ansuuance paeniiauns az�d�oi€nd ren�,s as they fatl due, �" '``+
<br /> � �
<br /> ; aucl�es�ss shall.be,aC�t�aw�z's option,;eit��r�rmmptly-repffici to�ormwer or credited to Borrower on �
<br /> ;^� .: � mo��}L#�i�s�men�s:of Funds. If the acsaoun�•.oE the>Funds held by�.enrFer sha�l r�ot be su�cient.to paw '"x�,_.� `
<br /> 1++�:�,.�rrr�taa,�ssu�caa�;amm�ums amd gr�aund rents �s they falk due;f3urtr`wer shall pay to l.tin�e�
<br /> . r,... .
<br /> ���t¢�ur�t �itat�aswa�y #��ia�:e u� �I�e:u�nic:a�-y wiihiti thittv days sat�r r�ocice aram I.�nder to�rron+�
<br /> rec�uestit+g, e�n�thc�scaf,or,£3oarmnver "'.v,
<br /> �shall, bv an°inr..s�aee in mv2t�;hly install�mretits cs#Fuacis reqaire�,
<br /> l
<br /> rep�sy t�e��c."a�etecy wit�ia the�us-ad accauntiag�eefaad.
<br /> g��on �a--^'3zacat in.fuli ai a�l�uryue�eecu�aaros�I;y llus 3vlor#.gage,Lensirr shail xppiy Funcds he':�as a crecii�:
<br /> . � agaia�st ali s�na daae.
<br />� ,� � ' ' �
<br />€
<br />�
<br />