<br /> 4� �
<br />..:.`.�. 'ry. � '1 � �. :.
<br /> # �
<br /> � ��r� �� � � � l � �
<br /> 9, CaidemwstiAn. T?:t pno+:eeci+ ot tn+r award �^�r cia�m ' +sr .iamai�+n, c: rcc- «�� :nn�r�uenii:i . = n e�±ne^ec+:erc?n �+ �ih an�
<br /> caaodemeauun +rr other ta'ksag ot the Yso�+en[�, o: {�srz shercot, c: tess conwevance �.y . i<u tiek �+�ndemasu.�n, are i+crctay m.u�ned
<br /> ar�a ahall be pa:�" to t,cmader.
<br /> In the eYer�t of a �+xsl takin� of the P�paert,y, che prcxeccls shnll !�e a�s>i�ed R ,x che si�mx s+ecure,i 5v sh'rs L�+eed oP 1'nisc-
<br /> wuta the exceas, ii any. pa3d ta 8umower, !rs �he evens at a pac�.al uk�ng a( tt+s Propeny, unresa Borrra+arev and Lersc3er
<br /> ualacnvise asre+e in n+ritirr� thsn ah�l! be s�alied to cRe suass se+:ureJ by : h�s Lhc..t .�F Tnsxt such R�'aportion af the proccc.is
<br /> a
<br /> a: a cqatl w that proporscon whicA the arraoarru uC the sums ucumi by chss C7eai as{ Tnasz amme�Saaeciy pr.or cn tha daic af
<br /> r takiaag bcua to the fa�t maticet vaiue of rhe Property immediatciy prior tu the daie ot' cak�ng, aviih the C�alanee of the praaeafa
<br /> i �.;� �o ��„o„�.
<br /> [[ the Fropeny is a�c�,iontd �x Eorsa«�er. or dE, after notice by Lender to 6arrnwer that tfie �rondemnor offen to make
<br /> an awaM o� settle a claim forda�nagea, Narrowcr faits to rcspand to Lendes w�ihsn �0 dawa after tt-+e date such nonce �s
<br /> maiied, Lender is authoriaed to cotlect and applr the praceais. ac Lendsr's oAaic�n, either ta restoratian or repair of tha
<br /> PruQerty or to the sums sacured by this iked of Tnsst.
<br /> Lfntess Lcndtr and E3amowrr othtrwise Zgrte in writing, any sarch a�apiicauon of procreds to prirscipal sMali nut entend
<br /> or postpone the due date of the monthly �nscalimenes referred iu in paragraphs 1 and Z heceoE or changc the amount af
<br /> Si�cSI iR3L31�R3GAtS. . . . .
<br /> 10. Bo'ruw:t iVot Re.lemed. E.rtensian af the tirne for payment or m€odiflca�son of amartizatia€a ot thc sums senired
<br /> ru
<br /> Av t;�is Dred of Tnut graated by Let�der ro arsy successor in interest of 13orrower shall noc op�erate eo release. in any manner,
<br /> the �iaineity oi �?�e uc��+naY Sorcnw•er and Bcsrrawor's successots i� intecut . Lencior shall nat be requiRc! tc+ commenec
<br /> , pcocrecfings agaias: such auc¢essor or refuse to extersd [ime for paymesst or eche�wise mcdtfy amartization cf the sums
<br /> securecl by ttsis Dted of Tnut by reasan of anwr demand made by th,e origina! Bormwer aRd Barruwer's successors in intee�eat.
<br /> o- tl. �'orbeararece 6r�' [.-ender Not a 1Yaur�er. Any farbearance tsy Lender in ererr:ising any right or reme+dy hercunder, er
<br /> othetwise at�orded by app�icabfe taw, shail nat ire a waiver oE ar preciude the exarcxse af anv s�ch right or ren�edy .
<br /> T'�c p�:urrment nf insurance or the paymeni of saxes ar other Jie�ss or charges by i.cndzr sl�aEl nat � a wa�ver af Lender's
<br /> right ro acceleratc the maturity of th� indebceadness serured by this Deed of �"nsst.
<br /> 12. Remcdies Cu�etuFarive. Aii remedies pcnvided in this Deed of Tnrst are distinct and cumuiasive to eny oelse: ri�ht
<br /> oit remed�r andet this Deeci of "2'tvsi or at£ondeci by iaw or equity�, and mav be c�cescised cvaaurre,ntly, ir.cie�enaently or
<br /> su�ivel�
<br /> nc and AssiKns Sonnd; Srsa'nt and Seve�m! Liabilit_w, Captions. The covenants a:�d agrcementa hcrein
<br /> rontaincd shal[ hind, and the rights hereunaer shalt i�suc� zo, �he resxective successors and assiens of �.eniier and florrnwer.
<br /> ' .: � g11I5)�CCC �.(0 :� 1�1C '�Q['4Y13Itl03 af paragraph 17 hcs-euf. Ait covenants and agrecittcncs �sf Horsower shaif be jvinc and � s�veraF .�� � � . �
<br /> 'iZse captions and headiap,s of che pa:agraphs: af this Leed of Tnyst are for convenience only and �re nr�t ta be uscd to
<br /> ' interpret or dctine tfze provisians hereo[.
<br /> � IS, Nutice. Eccept fnr any nuticc requireci tsncicr apptic�al� law cu be give� in anoshar man�er. (a) anY n�cicr eo
<br /> ` Ba�rawer grovided Eur in ttais Deed o£ Tcusc s�ail U�e gxven by maiiing such noticr bw++ �r:rtifieri mai( adGcessed 2a Svrrower aa
<br /> ttte Properxp .Address or ac snch pther address as Bocrower may dasiguace by na�ice ta Lender as provided herein, anc9
<br /> ( b ) any notice to Lender s�ali be given by certifi�si mail, rcturn r+eceipt rcques�ed. ta Lender's addt�s siated here'sR or to
<br /> sucis other address as Lender rttay dssignate by nocica ro �orruwar as provrded lsaceir.. Aay nacic� procfdzd iot ;n i::is'
<br /> � L�eeciof Trust shali 6c deemed to have been giweu cn Horrower or Lander when �iven irt iFt� i�ianrter d�ignated hetein _
<br /> 1S. Unifocm Deed oE T'n�t: �overni� Laa; SCYlt8I1'tIIfV. 7tais fornt of dsed of truat combines uniform covenants, for
<br /> , naeiouai use and non-uniforen covenants wiih limited vaciateons tsy jurisdictian ta constitute a uni#orrn securitv instrvment
<br /> mvcring teat property. This Decd of Trust sYtal! be govtr�ed by the law oC tfie jurisdietion in which tt3e Ym�ertv is lucazesi_
<br /> e
<br /> tn3he evens that any provision or clausc uf tt�is Deed of Trvst or t3�e Note contlicss with appticable law, such conflict stsall
<br /> not atfect ocher proxisiaoa �cx� ;his Decd oE Trust or the Note whicit can 6e given eff..�ct wichout the conriicting grovision :
<br /> and to chis end tfze pcovisioas oE the Deed of - 1'rust and thc Nute are dec3are.1 to tx severable.
<br /> 16. Boirovrer's Gopy. 73orrower shalf b�e furneshed a canfortned copy oi the i�i ote and oF this De�d of Trust at cEte ticne
<br /> of e�ecutzon or aftet rc�cpci3atio'n ttenwf.
<br /> �c
<br /> 1?, Traaster ot �hb''1'st+�►ti�,v;4celssumptiam. If a11 or anv part of the Fcoperty �t' an intcrest thecein is 5oid ac traasfers-ed
<br /> ' by $orrower withoett„I.�nc�"s ptinr written cnnsent, excluding ( a ) the creatiun ot a lien or encum€irence subordinate tv
<br /> ; this Deed of Tcvst, ( b) tTie cC'z3[%+oms�€*a,purcfaase monev secunty icstere.c[ for hausefiojd apptiances: ( c ) a transfer by devise;.
<br /> ms
<br /> ; ; drsccttt oc by opera[ion of taw upon she death of a joini tenant or (d ) the grant of any leasehold iqteresz of rhree }-ears ar t�ss
<br /> net �contaiaictg an option ro punhate, Lender rnay, at Lender's optiost, d�:iare a11 ttae surns secuctd by tEais Deed of Tnuc to �
<br /> � co
<br /> = immediattly due a�d payatsle. Lem3crshalf f�.ave waivec! such option to accelerate if, prior to the safe- o� transfer, Lendes
<br /> ; ac�d tha person to whom thc Prape[ty is to be sold o� transferred reach ageeement in wrfting thar ttie credit of sucii pelson
<br /> is sacrisfactory to Lendnr: arsd that ,the mterest payable on the iums sccurecl by this Deed oE Tnut shall bz at s�:c6 rate as ,
<br /> : Lcrnder sttalf seqursL If Lcnder has waiveci tfte option to accelerate provided in this paragrapH i7, acxd i'� IIoirower's suceessor
<br /> in �nterest has ececuc+e�i a written assumption agreement accapeesi io wricing by Leneier, Lender shait releasc Bormwer fro�r+
<br /> � all ohligations undec this Deed of Tnut and t31e Nocc.
<br /> lf I_ender exercises such aption- to acceiera[e, Lender shali mait Dorrower nasice of accelecatia� in accordance witt�
<br /> _ pasagraph f4 liereof: 3nch natice ahall provi�a`.e ape riod oE not less than 3Q days from the date the rtt�tice is mailed witYain
<br /> whieh Horrowex may pay tkae sums dccla�ed d�ue. ! f $orrower faiis to pay such sums prior tv thc expiaation of such Feriod.
<br /> Uesxder may; without furthes nveice or demand on t3orrower, #nvoi:�e �ny remeciies perrnitt¢d by paragraat� L3 henof:
<br /> 1JoN-U1�txoRt4t CovE}v+SKrs. Bortawer and Lender furthcr covenant and agree as fuilowe:
<br /> 18. Acceteration; Retntdies, Excep( as gcuwlded i� paragrrph 17 hercof. upoQ Sarrower's breaci� of any cove»anf ar
<br /> a�reemetu of Bonowqr ist Rhis Deed oE Trs�ss, inNudimc the corenarttt ta pay wtren ,dae anr sams secunKl D�� this Ueed
<br /> oE Tn�st. i,en�ier prioc to accelerratioa shali maii notics to 8orcower av prorided i� parag�agii IA hecewF ±�secifyinQ: tl) ch.�
<br /> bteytb; {2) the action required to cssre such bseach; (3D a datq noc less thaxa 30 da�e from ihe date t�e notice ig maiie+# lo
<br /> sa
<br /> � Btsmo�rar, by which snch breacte musr tre cuc�e�l; and , t4) ihet failure to cure such hreach an or bef+�rc the date speciP'ird
<br /> in tlse notice mav t�sult Itt acceleretion of ttre sums sscucrd hy tixis peed oE 7'n:st �nd sale of the PropeHy. The npcice
<br /> shmil further infacm gorcw�ver of the riRht tc� rei�cstate after eccefera�iun aod thc ri�ht ta bring a caurt actian to assert
<br /> the xau,ezisicncc. of a defauit or any other defen� of Borrowcr lo accelenlio� nnd saie. If Lhe Ascach is not cux�ed
<br /> oa or ixfote the data spec'il"ied in ttte notiee, Lender at I,ender's optian msy deciare all af the sums secured @y ttiis lleed
<br /> of Trust ta Ae immed`ealeiy due and payable wiEi�aut futther dernaRd and mar in. oke the power of sate arz�d any uthet terned`.es
<br /> per�nitted Dy applicable lave�.- Lender shall be tniitled to coilert a!i rrmunable custs and e.cpensa inca+rred in pursuink tha
<br /> rcmedles provided in thls pa�raph 19. {ncdu+�iln$. but not lirnited tu. reasonaUle aictorney's fees.
<br /> � lf the power of salt is invoked, Tnistee sim/1 necord a notice at defnnit in eact� countp ia �vhici� the I'rciperty or sume
<br /> pert thereof is l�c�cated and sfiall mail copies of ,ucl� m:tiee in fhe mas�ner pces�ribe+i �y applicaWe la�v t�e l3orrnwrr and to the
<br /> otlses ptrson� prrscribeJ bv appiCc�bie law: A€ter tlxe ��pse ai such tima a3 �naay be renuired br npp7�cable law, I'rusYee shai[
<br /> �ive puWic notice oC yelc to the persuos and in fhe manncr prescribed br- aopiicalrie faw. Tn�stee_ �ilhout demand on
<br /> ` tiomuwer, shal! •se11 the Property at pubtic aurtiun to the hi�{�ef� 6i�idar al #he time aszd place and un�ier t[se terms desiknntec�
<br /> in Llt�e notict of sale in one �or more parcets aes�d [n svch order �s 7'rusiee mav determine. l-n�stee ma� pnstpone sade n[ a1L
<br /> e ,
<br /> or any pxn�el wf the 1'rupet-ty by p�blic annos�ncement at th¢ time nnd plaee of an.� previously schec§ule�l sa.ie. S .etteler or
<br /> Lcnsers desiqnee nimy purciaae�c tAe I'n��ierty m2 a+�p s+aie.
<br /> L'pon tcreipt of paymcnt oP fhe pnre bed,. Trustce shait detiver In the putrhate+r Tn�stce's �1ecd cvnrRyim� 4he Yropertr
<br /> soid. 7'Me :rcrtitals in the 'Trt+stce's deed shall be prima facie evidenfe oF the lruth at fhe statements r�aade themin. Tntst�e
<br /> �halE aµplv' the proceeds ctf fhc sn3e ?n ihe fodl�wenQ orden (a) tq alt rrasnnabie �usts aecd expen_+ces of [tae sale. indudimq, but
<br /> �rot Isn�tte�d ka. T`nuteds Ee�s of nat more than "'� af Itee gros9 sale pric�, reusonabfe atior�ey'S I4C5 ani# costs af
<br /> tide evideqcr. ib) to ail sums yecazed by �his i3�d uE 'Trust: and (ci t�+e ezcess, if any. to Ihe persun or persons Ie�Gallv en�illed
<br /> � thcreto: . � � � � � � � � � � � � . '""�� , � � `� �.
<br /> 19. 84t�rowct's !ti&Esi to Reenstate. Notwi�hstandi�eg Lender's arcelesan:aon of t�+e sums secured b±� chis 13eed of 7'r�� s� . ^'
<br /> Nurrawer shail �ave the righf to have any proceeciingx begun by Lender to enfos-ce this I�eed or '� nest discott��nG�ea at � � "" `
<br /> � any tame prios to the earlier so oc:cur of (i) ihe €�'iflh day betnre the saEY of the Yropenw pvt�uant tu the pcswer oF sale �:ontairted � "
<br /> int�t"saG7eesirifTrustvrt�il ���r!' � g fW�Bmentmnforcing this i}eeci of Tn�st if: ta) B�rrowdr oays Len�ier ait sums whach woiaiu3
<br /> hc tls+Cn due uttdcr thts D�.`:cci of Trr�st, the Noee artc� ituies �curvng Futurc Ad�•a�aces, i[ any, had nu .=cceleraisan occurred : y _
<br /> D
<br /> (b3 F3orruwer cures ail breaches o( any o��ct cavcrzants or agreements of 9arrcx+�er Lnnta�ned �n this C>c^ed cf l'rust � �
<br /> � . . . � ic# f�rravrer .pays mii -r��a��ai�ia axyxnsrs � ie�.:airrro.t b}� Lz�+.tzr ewrd Truate� in eni'.3 .-�; ng the �a� ex�acx�s ar,d atrcemtnts c .` . � .
<br /> II�t�utittr ^.unsaincd in th�a L�etd nf 'T'n�se an+^1 in ent"rming Lens�ef� �n�i 'i rc ,�trP'< mmedir� �a ��ov> <ird �� na� �granh ' �
<br /> � hareot, ihtlud'tng. � Nut not ii[teiled��.tu. reasonabig at:terney"s tets: afad fd1 l3�r�n�.aer �aices suth activn as L..cn�ier ma�� rraaonabiy "'�"`�"
<br /> teqtrare tn assure thai the {�tn oF thts lleed �i Trt�s4 Lcnuer s in[rre5t in che Yra�etY)� aie�{ E3orro» �r's at*� i�ati��n tc� F: xy
<br /> 5 � � __....r
<br /> �
<br />