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� na6 i � <br />.ti2+,Y.wp . <br />�C� � TM <br /> � <br /> 77- UQ � � SU <br /> (,�Kxr�ts,a Cpvw,rt,�nrts. $orrc*wer and Lcndtr rnwc-nant nnd agrce �a f�?Ctuan: <br /> 1, Pirswe�t ot Priacipal �+nd lateeest. kltarrcwrr �shalY �src�mptly px� wttcn duc Thc cr �n;;��sai oC ar..i enee :�c�� x�^ ihr <br /> ire�cbtcdnax ev.idcncad bY the Noet, Prepaytansnt and tsse chr�€s ai pmrrded scz thc T.�xe. and the �snnci�+al et ana zr+�crest <br /> on any Futurc l+�fvanccs securcd bia lhis C��d of Tn�u. <br /> z, F'awds for '�`a� �sd 1�swce. Subjcct td s}roplical�c !aw or so a w-rertcn vwa�vcv hy I_cu�er. U�a��r �h�: p�}• <br /> to L,cnder nn tkac day mo�thly i�stallmeMs ot pnncipai asd, ineerest arc paya0lc undcr thc tiote, uncfi the N.�re is paiJ xr� 1'uti. <br /> a sum (hcrws� '••Funds"# equa� ta orxe-tvwctftA at tl�ee w<carfy caxes a�� aa+exxrnent: wh�ch mati� aztain pnc�Rc. n•'er thes <br /> ! I}c�d nf Tnsst. �nd �raund renn a�x. thr Propectv. iE any. �lus oix•iwetfth of r�tart�' picma++�tt i++stalimesats for haaard incurznre. <br /> �,E�< p�G.�wclEtLi oI ycarl�� prertiom ihsta{imcnts #or mo'rigagc insurance, if any. all as reas.anabiy est�s�siatcd �nra�aii> and �rom <br /> t�cnc tw time by Len�r ron the bacia �f asarssmena and 3:iills and reamnablr eseiniates :hcreoi. <br /> f <br /> 'i'he Funds stsalI be Aeld in acs insiitutian the de�sats or accounax of whict-+ are ins�red or guarantetd bv a 6�eciErxl or <br /> usce �qe�tey t+cscluditt� i,.en�cr if I�nt�kcr is such an instizx�teanl: Lcnd¢r shatt ap�ly �he Furtdx ta pa}� xaid eaaca, asscs>..-.�nrs. <br /> insvrance pr�aaaums a�d ground r�a.nts. �.ender ma�• not +`7iarEe �oe �a hoidiag anal appiying ahe Punds, analy�zin�. SaiJ acc:�un� <br /> or vrrifying attc3 COmpiltttg said a�e.csmtnts and billx, tx�l¢sa Lencier Qa}•s Borrx+wer mteresx or. th¢ I=vnds and �ppi�catsie law <br /> �essnizs Lendtr tzro ma1:c suzh a +:hargc. l3orcowar a�nd L.csxde: mau a�rec ea� w'n�ing ai thc arxu ot execu:inn of lhis <br /> Dced of Trusi `thac intarest an the Funds shali be patd io 8orro�;�cr, and uniess toch a�recment is snade or zp�l�catrlr lax <br /> requiressuch itateztiu t�+ t�e �aid, L.caider shad! ttot bc reazcired ro pay 6armµ�er an)' or ¢arn�ngs on ttae �unds L.e�der <br /> staaAl give to Hotrow'cr. withc�ut charFc, an annual awe.riaaten� vt thc �'nnds shc+.. �rt� crc�iits and aehsxs to the !�c2nds ata<� thc <br /> pur�ou tor wlaich cach dcbit to tt�se �urtds was made. 'Thc F'unds are p7tdgcd ac acidxtic�nal sccuri;,� for xhc sums sce�+c� <br /> by this I?eeti cnf Tt'itst. <br /> If t#vc amnunt of tre Fuhds l�aeld by C.enacr, togethor aExh the tumre mnrz�ht�• inataiimencs of �unds pa}�nble p-�c�� rn <br /> the duc da�cs �sf taacs, assessmencs_ insuranae �rmmiums and ground rents, shalt eacccd thc amount res�ucred ��� oat' sard cazes. <br /> assctsmcau, ie�ttr�rscc �+remfums and grnuttd rents as thcy faTl due, such ca:i:ess sha2! txe, at I3csrrower's op��an, c�il�cr <br /> prompYly tepai�d `io HOcrn�et b�r cred .cd to 13c�roow'er on manthiy instailmcrszs of Fi�nds. If 4he atneseinc c�f the F`�+nds <br /> 3 � <br /> heia isy ;u:�t�+cz >���.. •_.•- � � =--�- • = F- } a'sx, axcessmerit3. insurartcc pr.^_miiims and grout�d rents as ihe)� fatt �iuz. <br /> Ttocrawer shalt pay tn t�enc#cr any amount nccessary tn r+�aF;e up tlse deficiency uithin 30 da>'s fmm rhe date rutice is m�iled <br /> bp :.ender te Bnrrowcr r.equcstin� - paycaent tl�ectai <br /> Upan pa'-ment in fnil o: aYi ss�ms securcd by this I�ced of Trust, Lender stsali promptly refund tv Bormwcr an4� f'amd� <br /> heici b�} i.en@er_ 3f under para�rapt� 1S hetco� the Fro�scrcY �s solr,l or thc k'ro{+�rt}• rs othcru'ese acc}saired hy 3.-ender, Lcaidet <br /> cha31 apply, na tater than irnmcdrateix }sriar ta tbc saF� ot the t'roperty or Kca xcquisccron by Lcncset. any ���ndx 1:ei+ci by <br /> I:,endet ffit the tzsne of apfslitation as a crcdit agaTnst the sxmas secvred by thos I)�ed of Trust. <br /> ^ed <br /> 3. AppAicstiotc mE l'a�nneats. i3nlcss applicabfe iaw pravides other��ise, al[ psynrtents rereiveyd bp l.ereder unciar the <br /> e <br /> Noteaao para�raphs } ��,3 :� �er�af shati b¢ app}ied by Lendcr tirst in paycnen: oE amnua:s payable ta Lender b� B�r:c�wer <br /> uatFcr paragraph 2 hereuf, then to intcrest payablc an Y�c Note, then te thn prancipal of tiie iv�tv. :�f� th�n ao inttre<s and <br /> � pnIIcipa! oh any Futucc A3van���� <br /> q, Chas�+es; L'rens. Borroweg shaU pa�� all taxes. assessments and othcr eharges, fines an3 ocngaositians attriHutatxlc tn <br /> the 2'mgcm �h'sch may attain a �ariocim n�cr thix Y�eed of Trust, and leatehtsld payments or �mund tents. if any, it� tha <br /> manuer provic�ed undar para�cauh 2 hcreof or, it nut p+3�d in su'ch manntr, by l3orraN•er ntai:ing pay¢:aient, wh�n due. �,t�zi.c3� <br /> �o the pa� yet thereaf. Sarrower shall pramptl}• futnish tc� Lcizdcr all nociccs oi antounts duc under ttsis paragra�h, anc� is lh¢ <br /> ¢vtnt �3ottowrz shalE makc paYmesat ditcctlp: Borrowcr shall prcamptiy Rirnish to Leadec rece�pes eviKfenring such pavrtcents. <br /> 8arrower shai3 prompti�' dischar�c uny lien which has prioric�• ever this Decd o, Trusc; provided, that F�orro4wcr sha11 -n�ot hc <br /> � r�uired to dischatge any auch 3icsa so long a3 Borrowes shati agrce in writin� to iiic pa��rntnt of t#re c�bltgaxion secut�d by <br /> such Iiep in a csianucr. acccptabte ta Lender; arsha![ in good faith contcst s�ch liEn by, or dcCcnd enEorcement a€ such 3icn ir,. <br /> )e�at mccedin$s whiah operstc to pmvcnt the cnforc�°ment of thc lien ar f�rfcicurc ot the Yropcst)' or an}� y�Rn thcmo.`• <br /> •��, F.p� �p�ncs�ee, gortts+ver shaii kcep the ian�rovcments now� eaisung on c�rcafter crececd on tMe Psc.pen�- insured <br /> against lou br. fire; hazards inciucTed within ihe teme "e�tenricd coveragc", anci such a�her hazanis, as lcnder mny rc�qu�n <br /> and 'sn such atr:ounu ahd fot sttch peziods as Lendtr ma�� require; pn�vided: thaz Lendcr sha11 not requirc zh�t the amotrnt rc+f <br /> :r ' <br /> such cove`age exceed that amouur o: rnvcrage rcquired to pa�• thc sums seaured by ihis S�eed of 'Fnis4, <br /> ThC nvsurancc rar=ier providi�ng the insurancc shall lx ehosen by k3orrow-sr subjcct cc+ approval b�� Lender, }srov+decl, <br /> thxt such sppra�'a1 shaIl nat be u�tcasonably withhel� Ali premiums an inssarance }�oitcies shalI t+c paid a'n she rrtanncr <br /> � p�vidtd un3cr �anagrap2� 2 ,hcre�# or. if nat paid in such mann�r, by Eoszawrx �s+akin�; payment, whcn due, �iimctiy ta ahe . <br /> . 4IISt1CdIIQ�QBSI'1T.A �� � � . � � � � <br /> A1t insursncs palicics and cccsewals thercof shat[ bc in form accepcable to Lendcr anci shail include a scandatti ma�gage <br /> elanse in favor af and iit form acceptable to L,ender. L:endcr shatl hav� the riLzht to hald the poiici�s and ri.newals 2hereof, <br /> aad $artawer-shall promptly Eurca3sh to I..ender all rcnawal notices and all receiprs of paid prerniurxas, In the cvent +nf loss. <br /> NorroH�cs stxat� give p:ottxpt xtoucc ta the insurancc rarrrer and Lender. Lendcr ma}• cxiai:c proof c�f l�ass it not made pr�erx�pE1Y <br /> b}� �3ncmwer. <br /> t3nirss Land�r and Born+wer otarerwise x�rec in �.�riung, insurance pmcer.ds shall be applirci ta restacation or repair ot <br /> ihe Prbperty cf:amaFed; provideri s:s.h res�oratit�n or repair zs cconpmically (CasibFc and the sca�rit_v o( this Dced of Traist i� <br /> nat thereby tmflairai. If stech restoratioa or �pair is nc�t eCcinomically ieasiblc or if thc sec�rily of t�is llee�# of Trust wbu3d <br /> bc impaireri, ti�r insurance proccer3s shaff bc applicd to the sums sccurcd by this Decd of Trust. wicia thc e�c�ss, if aay. Fa+d <br /> 1n Boctowct. 3f [he Yra{+crty is at.andoned by SnrroW�ca, or iC i3armwer fails to respand to [�endcr �'ith�n 3() dxys lroz�t tt+c <br /> date no:ice is mailed by Lcadcr ti� I�orrowor that the irasurancc catricr otiers tc* settie a ctaim for insuranec �enefits, L:cndcr <br /> is autharired` tp colYcet and appl} ihe insuranca nracrocals at Lertders option either to rr:sstoratioaz ar rcpa+r o�' tht Pros{xrty <br /> crr ta the suxns sacured b)' tliis D�ed of Tnut. - <br /> (Jnyess 3..ender anri 8om�wer othcrwis¢ �grcc in av'= iting, uny such applicatinn eC �roceeds to grincipal sMat{ nat extend <br /> ; nr posepone ttaa duc datc af dtG rnonthly iastaliments refcrrrd tc� in paragraplis 1 gnd ' hercro( c�r rhangc the amc+acnt of' <br /> ,� such tnstaUmcnts. It us+der para�'aph ISi hem+f the Property is acqulmi :by L.endet, uTt ri�ht, utle and +nccncnc of IIot-sti�wcr <br /> in gnd 2o an�' insurancr po�icies asnd in and to ihe proc.-eccis thcreof rcsuli�ng trnn� dama�e to the P'�'oF"erty prior ta xh� saie <br /> or acq¢isitian shall pass to Lzadrs to the eatent ot thc au�tts sccured b�� this Dcrd ot Trvss immed'iaacly� prior to such saln or <br /> accuisiuu;�n. <br /> , xi <br /> G. Preser�'atiun ��d iNqiaty�ncnce a! Pmpen}�, I.cssehofds; Gondomin'r�+ns; , Flaaaed Unit I7�crelop�mcnts. Horzvwer <br /> chall I:rp ttsc Ptapem' in gt�d repai# and shait hot ccimmit wasic or permn imp�irment ar clttcriuraticen nC Ihc f'r�Pcrty <br /> and sh�Dl cam,"�. 1>� a'ith t2te psovisions of any lease it this I?eed bt Tnyst is an a lcasehutd. If this I>eed of Trust fs oa a unsi in a <br /> eandominium �nr n �tanned unet deveiopment, 13orrawer shall pecionn al! of Barrvwcr's obliga�ios+s under [hc dec#aration <br /> or covmants +ctrat6ng ar governi�6 ihe co;sdaminiurrs or ptanned unit dc��eFc+pn�cn� , she h��•IeWx ond r¢�ulation. c+C thc <br /> cocadominjum or planacd un�t dc�vclopmont, and caastituane documents. 13' a cendominium or �?kanned i��xit dc�•eioPn�en� <br /> rsder is racxuced : by BorxvM'cr and tccorded to�eth¢r wi�h this L?ecd of 7rust_ thc cnvenants �nd aFrtcnscnxs ol such ridtr <br /> stsal! bc itirestporated into and sha3f amend und aupplexnec�t the covenants anci sa:rccments oE this i3e+ed of '�nist as if chc rider <br /> were a part 2sereiaL ' <br /> 7. Ptuteactian of Lendec's Sectzrit�'• 1 � A�rra�""«" ��'�a to perfocm the covenants and a���ecmCtils rontaihcd in this <br /> v <br /> Dc�3 of 1'ru&3, or if any actian dr procctding is ccmmtnced wlaich ma�er�ally ad�ecis Lendcra an�errst an ihc Yro�*crt3'. <br /> i�scluding, but rn�tiimitod to, e�n,r�tait uon�in, in�vl.•cYr;y, rede rnfrn-cmrnt. or nn:�e�;eencertc< or nroceeci �rtg� inv�It-inF n <br /> ` bankrvpz ord�etdent. [2sen I.endcrat Lentlers opiic�tt. upon natice so Borrowcr, rnay nzake au.^h a�+pe�rances, d�shurs� auch <br /> sssmc and tak,c; aue.3a ttazioa as i� necesser�, to proxact Lender's intcrest. mcludmg. buz no� iim:ani io, ciisL�uraean��u ol <br /> m�sanable .�ttotney's fees and e�try uppn the Prv�.+crty tc� rt�a#s rr}�airs. Ti I..cnder rcquircd �ortFagc insurance ns a <br /> rontiitian of srf�ttcica�; Lhe ioan scc�ted hy tl*is 17ted a¢ Trust, Barrower shafl �a�� (he �remtums res�uired t� rnaintain such <br /> jn5urasnce in cflezt untit _such tirr�o- as thc rcquircmeaz fnr suth insurance tcrnsrnates in acco�iarace wiih Fiortow�ee`s �n3 <br /> sur <br /> Lender's writ�an agrecmenx a� applicabic 1aw, Dorx'nv�vsr shali pa�• ihe amouc:i c�! al! mongagt irtsurance premiums � the .,,,�,t , _ �, 1. <br /> ma�tsar. �rovada! vx+dcr iasra�raRao 2 hereof, � �,,�� : <br /> Any �udts disk+utsed by Lender pursuant tc+ this para�raph 7, wish imeresr thetcnn. �ha�lt Mzcc*nu a�3diaional <br /> t inciebtedness �t BoT'iowtt secus� by thia 13ee� of Tcus3. Untcss 8orrower gnd Lender a�rcc m otl+cx ternas c<( pa��ment_ such ;.�y Y <br /> {.,., ser+ouhts chall �te payaksit atppn ar�iict trom L.etader �ce ��rtc�wat rec�uescmg Pay-ment thcreof. and sisall lxar intercs� [m�++ tho <br /> date o[ dlBbuzsotnC�t aL ihG txte psyable frdm tdme t� time on outs:anding �+titecipai und¢r thc I�ntc canless payment of ir*icres� <br /> at suCh rate wou13 ba conttat� Yo applitable leN', ic� whi¢h event such ats�ovntx shatt bcar intcrost at che highes� ratc n" � <br /> patxnsssible uader spP�+raL�io l�w, i�otYti�i� cnniaincc3 :^s3 tt:is raia�Fh ? �hxl# reyu;re Lender to x�zcur am� sxv�nse o�r' take " <br /> rn}' swiaaa 'a�Y�euYdcr, <br /> , 8. Ip�tioa. Leax+3et mm� 3n:le ar taernc ta bc a�sde temso�abic entntc s�pem and insF*��tona <*l xhe Fr.:i}�cii� . }�+ , <�� i�..� .� , <br /> #�� y��� �}� g�vo $atrower rsouce preor to anw� such inspcctian specif)'irs,� tcasonalile cauae thcmtnr rcpatccS io 1_e�der'a <br /> intenest in L� Ps+Dt�tttY- <br />� �. � � _J <br /> � <br /> � <br />