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�,. ,, . <br /> �: � <br /> E ::,:�..�Y► <br /> � 1{ U!'tl�k`� [k�I'$�C$�rA j11 ��C'RN71 Sd �fi`" }�flY� Mi"1.Y Th .�o�.Y id� P l �ir� � �TY3E1f'ffA' !• � +' fi+ -ft40^+r� .A�� � �tiU"rvf inl � .c�:��� SC..' . j_C,ll(�C3' � <br /> Mtt�El agply, n+,� luter ttia�n imcn�.�txtrl�: rsrw3r cA tP�c �:� �� .�c3( tYa+�� Prc3��icr�t}• ��r ie » a��qasf,�t wri I �v 9 ,. � ¢ aJ+•r' ::�esv 1-'�nnwt+� <br /> tacdd by [.et�cfeos^ r�t chr, tusu� ni a���k�c��ion :t� u cr�eriit �.s;usu�c + 2tc� .��xn� -4c• �uF . t �rr,� td, i, :�lusew,s�� <br /> 3. Appl�opdioa a4 ?aym�ats. t ' a�le� u{r�5lieut�lr : ucti pxare+ ira� otl�Rrwt<,- , :�il �a:wy` iiueni�, r�rNiced hy t.endar � <br /> � undet the `_ti`t�te snd para�rap3is l attc3 2 trer+ecaf at�ail b� a� apli�wd I ,y f�cn�lrr hx°.t iii p:��•unent uf Axc�sxcavnC � ��asyab(� t,a � � <br /> Lender by f3orzowez und�r parsgrapfr 2 l�rzeai , clacai tn intcrrst � �:�yritilc� or� ti:c \osc, a�n,i oii E'uturr. .4rf4�ancErs, ii <br /> ssny, snd thtn to thc prineipui o! thr _"vatc �rui to tlie � rzi�ei�xut of Futiues :ti�fti a�ree:� . ii ixnp, <br /> < �. �arg�s; Liem. Borrower siz� pay rall taxcw, a�.e�nsenty und ocha�r ehargen. fincs und 'tm�ositions attrih- <br /> + utable to the Property which may zt,�tain a priority rav�r thi_v lInrtqnge, nn�f g:roun�1 rents, ii :s.iiy, �tt Lendet'�c <br /> ' optian in the manner provided under ��aragraph 2 hereof or t�y f3orro��er �naki�ng Eiayment, wtzen dur, . direct}y to <br /> '' the payee thereof. $orrower shall pres�nptly furni�h tn I..ettder all t�otice� of � ar�aui�ts due unGier this pAragraph, <br /> � and in the event Borrawer aliall �nakc psyment d 'trectly, �orro�4�er shs! ! pror.:Fi:!•y :urr.ssh ti, :.:: .-,��� receipts evi- <br /> .. <br /> � dencing such paymenEs. Borrower sha3�.l rrrpm�stly diacl�ar�e ur:} lien cchich hu� priority over t'tus �Iartgage ; pro- <br /> ' s j�.- vide+d, that I3orrower �ha11 aot be mc�uired to diseli�rge acay such lien so long ss 13orrower shalt a�;ree in writing t.o <br /> ' �1? - the payment o£-the obligaLion secured Y�y sucfi lien in a i7�snner «�cceptnble to I.c-.vder, or shrsll in go�od faittt contesE <br /> '�� p suchlienby, or'defend enforcement of suc1� lien in, legat ��roceedings �thich operate to �srevent the enforcement of <br /> '� Q the lieu'or farfe�iture a�f 'the Property oz anv part thereof. <br /> � ; 5. Hazarc} in���g, Borrocver shall keep tl�e iiix��racemenfs no�r existing oi• hereafter creeted on the Prop- <br /> , ; � erty insured �gainat luss by fise, hazarda ineluded within Ghe term "extended co�erage", anii sucl2 ailieu• huzards as <br /> : � Iws Lender inay rec�uire rsnd izr such amour3ts and for sc��li �erioc3s as I.ender snsy r�<�uire ; F�ravicled , tls:at Lender shall <br /> �-; �► arot require tha;� the amount o€ such cawerttge exceeci that smount of caverage required t � pay the sums seeured'by <br /> 0 <br /> , this �YSorEgage. <br /> � 'The insurance carrier providing s,€ie insurance shali 3�e ckoses by Borro�c�r su}�ject to appro��ai bv Lender; <br /> 4.� provided, that sach spprovsl shall not �ae unreasonably w�thhe2d. :�Il premiums on insurance policies shall be paid <br /> at LendeT's opc"son in the manner proc�cled under p:�ragrap-�. h 2 herevi or t�y Bor�ower making pay ment, when due, <br /> � direetly'to the insuranee carriar. <br /> �k In the event any policy is not senewed on or be#ore ten days of its eacpiratian; the I.er3der, to protect <br /> F its interest, may procure insurance on the unprovemea�ts, pay the premiums and such sur� sh�ell become <br /> `=�� immediatelp due and paya6le with anterest at the ra�e set forth in saic3 note until pai� and shall be <br /> ,•� secured ' by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to complg may, at optiosi of Lender, cons�itute a default <br /> '� under the terms o# this A7ortgage. <br /> � 3i} insur�,nac policies and renewa�is thereoi �iiall be ir_ (orn� aceeptabie co Lendcr and sl�all include a standard <br /> � raor4gage etaixse iu favor of ant! in forn� acce��table to Lender. Lender shall hzve: the riglit co 1�ald �he policies and <br /> renevvals therecsf; und Borrower s3�a11 promptic- furnish ta Lender all renewal notices urid sll recei¢sts of paid p;e- <br /> � miums. In the event of lass, f3orrocver shall gi�-e prompi notice [o the insuranee carrier �nd Lenc3er, and Lender <br /> _ , <br /> �� °� may make prooi of loss if hot macie promptdy by Borrow-er. - <br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree in `u�iii.�g, insurance proceeds shall be spI>lieri to restoration or <br /> � repsir oI the ProperGy riumaged, . providerl such restoration or re�air is econoix� ic�ilti- ieasible and tlie securicy of <br /> � thie a1�Loitgage is not ihereby imgaired_ Ii sucli restorntior: or repair is not ecanomically feasible or if the seeurity <br /> of this i�Sortgage wouId be impaired, t1aE insurance }aroceecs siiall bc apptiecl to t;ie sums secured h}- this lStartgage, <br /> '3 with the excess, if any, psid to Bortow�i•. If the Yroper6y is abandoned by I3orros;•er or ii I3orrower iaits to respond <br /> •�� ' to Lender within30 days ,nfter notice Ia.}�_ Lender to Borrower thai ti�e insurance- carrier offers to s�itTe a cIsim for <br /> %:� inaurance benefits; Le.-ider< is authorizeci to colleci anci sppl}• ,cI�e insurance praceeds- at I:ender's opGion eiLher to <br /> '''�# restaration or repair of the Property or to ihe surns secured l�t- t:his \Iortgage. ,. � ' <br /> � Unless Lender and 'Borrower othe�vise ssgree in wric3ng; any svch applicar.ion oi �roaeeds tv principsi shall <br /> ,,, ; note�ctenci or postpane ihe due date of the ii7onbhly instatln�ents reierTed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hQreof or claange <br /> .,.5 the amouat of such instailments. <br /> = If under paragraplr 28 hereoi the 3'ropercy xs acquire•d by Iiender, all right , title and interesc of Borrower in <br /> :�3 and i.o any insviance policies and in ancl to #:l�e proceeds t3�ereoi ! to the esceni oi the suins oecurec� by t,his il�ort- <br /> ,.; gage immediatYely prior to such sale c�r acquisitian ) resutting zrom damage to the Propesty priar co the sate or <br /> � ueyuisifiion sha3i pass io Lenden , <br /> ` ,c� 6. Preservation �d Mmatea�ce of Property: Leasaholds; Condomixuuaas. 33orroK�er shali keep the Prop- <br /> < .� erty in good repair andshall not permii or commii waste, impsirment, or de 'teroraiion of the Property ax3d shall <br /> � comply with the pro�>isions of anv lesse, ii this 1lorigage _s on a lessehold : If tYais 1Sortgage is on a condominium <br /> , � unit, Borzoyver shnit perform all of Borrower's abligat.ions under tlie declaration af condominiucn or master deed, <br /> ' ' the hy-la�vs and regulations of the condominium ��roject s. nd constituent dor,uments. <br /> .:� 7. Protection of Lender's Security_ Ii Borrower tail� to perionn the covemants anc.' , rigreeme�ts contained <in <br /> ;1� this 3Zortgage, or'ii any action or`pcocecding is commenced which materiall}• a�xects Lender's interesG in ihe Prop- <br /> ; erty, including, but not Iimited to;' emaneni domain, in�oivency; code enforceas.ent, or arrangeniersts or proceed- <br /> '� iugs involving a bankrvpt or decedent, then Lender at I_ezider's opttion, upon io Borrower; rnay make such <br /> 4�°� appearances, : disburse such sums and iske sucli siction us is neeessary to proteca Lender's interesG, inclnding, but <br /> � nat limited to, disburs,ement of reuson:able atGorneS•'s Fec� and entry upon th� Yroperty� to make repairs. 9iry <br /> �.:� ampunts disbursed by Lender pursuant to t,his F�amg1•�p3a a, �vitii interest thereon , sliall i�ecome adciitional • indebt- <br /> ;�� edness o£;Borrower seoured by this \3ortgage. Unless Barrawer and Lendes agre� to otl�er terms oi payment, such <br /> amounts shall be psyable upon notice €som Lender to Borsower requesting p�,yrnent i:l�eseoi, and st=a11 bear inter- <br /> � est frorn the d.s�Ee of disbursement at tki+e rate siated in the h ote u�aless papment oi interest at suclz rate zvonld be <br /> " � contrszy< to a�p�icable law, in which event sueh .amoun 't=- sl�all bear interest Ax t:he highest rate �ermissible by <br /> ,i � applicnble law. 1'othing containeci in t��is psragra��li 7 �li�tit rer�uire Iyender to incur any expense or do any aot <br /> » > hereunder. <br /> 4- } $. Inspeetion. Leiader may inake or cau�e to bc �caacie rer��onahlc eniries upon an<3 inspeotions �f the Frop- <br /> � erty, pruvided ,t3�iit Lei3der :laali gi��e �urrower iiocicc ; +i:ur io s�ny, suci� insr,eciiou specit3�ing resaonable eause <br /> � iherefor related ta-Lender's interer,t in the Property. <br /> d J. Coademsiiation. The procee�is af any a`x�srd or �laim ior ciamages, dire�t, or consequencisiy in connection <br /> s with anp conder�iation Ar;other iakin� of tUe �'roperty. vs• ��art tliere�f , Ur for conrecance in lieu of coudemna- <br /> , y ' taoa, are hereby:assigned snd shall be psad .to Leuder. <br /> In #;t;e eaeQ� of a tota3 iaking oi ihc Yropercy ; the proe�ced� �l�ail l�e applied �-o tiie susns secureci b,y ihis ASort- „� , . <br /> ' { gage, with the excess, if any, paid i� Borro«�er. In il�c eve;nt of s pazkiztl taking of tlie Pro��ertp; u�less �3orrower „ �T ` '' <br /> � and i.endsr otheswise agree in writing, there shsll be s�r�l3ed io c#re suius secur�d ��� t}i5s 1lortga�e such ��ropor �� , ' ,',� ; <br /> � � tion a# �e pracc3eds us is equal ta Lhat �ro�aortian u�hich t1�e ainount af th� surus sacured Uy this liortgage imme- „y��' <br /> ':� dis�te2y gsrinr ts+ i3ie datc of iaking 'hears to zhe fair iusrket value o£ t3ee Yropert�- icnmecii.ately prior to Lhe date of � ;x�; �, <br /> �; taking. avit3i t�he �balanoe of the proceeds paid io Barn+ok•er. '',� � <br /> � r Zf t.he-�'ia}�rty is sba�dnne�' .`-.y :;orr�a-er or ii z�fter b�� Lender io Bvrrv�ver ihst t.he carsdemz3�r oSetx ' ' <br /> 4.0, � a; . , <br /> ta ms��:an aws.R^d ' or settle � claun for �iams�e�, Barro�s�er fails to resUand Lo L.�ader nat}rin 30 da��s of tt�e date , . <br /> of sue3i notiae, I:,ender ,is authorised to +cbliec�; a�d apply #:��e ��rc>eeed� at Lende�'s oE,tiQn either to resioration or <br /> ; e <br /> ' : regair af tihe Frespertg os to tlae suans sec-3tred by tltis \lorigage. .1 <br /> CsnTesR I,esici�er ar�d Borepwer,oLher�ise agree �u s�ritirsg, an3 sucb applicatzson oi proceeds to principa! sha11 <br /> , �-�-� _ ,,_ <br />� <br />