� 8:
<br /> � i
<br /> � .. . . .. � . . 1 ,� �� .
<br /> � . . . . . ... ,...... .._.. . � ..
<br /> �� IND(ViDUAL
<br /> DUE ON SAi.E
<br /> y �� SAVtIVGS FUND
<br /> � PaszM No.720
<br /> ''����� Loan Number__ 3160Z --188 _--1
<br /> :;�"+d .:' .. . .. � . . . . .._��_.�_��..Troa . �oran�n�. . . - ' .'
<br /> ,b ��. �: ; :� . . .. ..
<br /> � 77= U(�2749 ; M O R T G A G E ,
<br /> �� �� - � �
<br /> .
<br /> ;.� ;
<br /> ,
<br /> r� TI3IS M()RTGAGE,made and eaec�uted thts r..�� ' dav of � ' A D,
<br /> t,, 19,..?_7..�,between the l�iortgagor>'...,ROBERT E ,PANOWICZ AFIi} ELKE I3 PANOWI , �iusband and
<br /> � .... ...._ .. �
<br /> wi�e ;�oiutly aari each in their`own right
<br /> � '� Grand Island -•-••- ".I�all ..�. Nebra�ka -. .... ,_�. '
<br /> � of _-.._. ..._,-- .-- •:--,County o£ _..._ ...... .: .:.......---,SL�te of....... _-- .:.. _,..,hereinafter referred
<br /> � to as. the Borrower aisd'the lrlortgagee, I'IRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAl�ASSOCIA'I`ION OF
<br /> ;� LINCOLN, t235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Ncbraska 65501, its successors rznd assigns, hereinnfter teferre�l to
<br /> as Lendes. � ;
<br /> ,� WtTiv�ssErx: That the saici Borroc�er for a�d in consideration of the sum of T`�� FOUR
<br /> . ----
<br /> „��� THOUSAAID TW� HiJ1�RED AI�II?,NO/1a0 -- ._.......Dol,ars (L�S$-- .24�200 00 )
<br /> � ,- ._....._ ._---- - -----.._.... . . ,----- ..__.. , `
<br /> paad by.�aid Lender, does hereby mortgaz,e,grant and convev to Lender; i�s successors and assi�,ns; the
<br /> a
<br /> y� foilewing described property loeated in tt3e County of..__:�a11 „ ,:,,,.;.. ____._,� State of Nebrt�skn:
<br /> s
<br /> 'Ch'e Noith 52.6 feet of the West Half (W�) of Lot Seven {7), o�' Vantine's
<br /> r' Subdivi.sion o�' part of the Northwest Quarter (NW�) o.f Sectian 22,,Township
<br /> � 1T North; Range 9 West of the 6th' Y.M,, Hall County, Nebsaslta.
<br /> r�
<br /> ;��
<br /> TocETx�x with all the iniprovements now or her4a#ter erected on the property, and all easements,
<br /> n� rights,:appurtenances, aents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water water rig�ts :and
<br /> water stock, and all fi�tures naw or hereafter attached to t,he property, �IZ of wh�ch, including replace-
<br /> ments and rxdditions th+ereto, shall be deemed tA be and rernain u part of tlae property- covered b�� this
<br /> � Mortamge; and all of ttie forego.ing, together with snid.property (or th�leasehold estate in the e�ent this
<br /> MortgAge is on a leaseEioid) are herein referred to as the "Progerty". '
<br /> k; Sarirower covenants thut Borrower is la�vfully seised of the estate herebv conveyecl and has the right ' ' ' ,.
<br /> rt to mortgage, grant and convey the Froperty, that the Propert,y is uneucuxnbered, and that Borrower will `
<br /> "' warrant;and defend geaerall_y the i:itie ta the Property a.gainst all claims and 'demands;-subject ta any ' `
<br /> �,
<br /> easemen#s and restrictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in ssiy-titie insurance policy'in-
<br /> suring Lendes's interest in the F'roperty,ar (2)attorney's apinion of ti�le from abstract of title certified
<br /> ,�. by bonded abstracter.
<br /> r� PxovinEn ALwe�s, and these presen:.s are executed and delivered upon the following conditions,agree-
<br /> ments and obligAtions of the Borrower„to•wit:
<br /> y�`� The Barrower agrees to pay to the Lender or or<1er the pr�ncipai sum of T��Y FOUR THOUSAND
<br /> ..::.�[,tQ IiiJLID1LED--ATILI-I�U(100------ •---.---- :- •--..._ . ..._. ...Dollars (LTS�:_ ._24,200 00
<br /> ,� . ......_ -?
<br /> .......:. ..... .
<br /> � payabie as provided in a note executed-and delivered,concurrenti� herewith, the fina]payment of��nncipal,
<br /> if not sooner paici,on ttfe._..._ls:t. . day of .....June _ ..._. ..., 19x:2QC?6
<br /> =t� UxrFoamc CovExnrras. Borrower and�.ender covenanf:and agree as follows:
<br /> �,� :
<br /> � 1. Payment of Princapal and Interest 1?ormwer shall promptly gay when due the princfipul of �+nd in-
<br /> ;�� terest on the indebtedness evideneed by t�e Note,prepaymenb and late chargeh as provided m the Note,
<br /> :,} . and the principal of and interest on any Future AdvAnces secured b,y this D4ortgage.
<br /> ;., 2_ Funds for'Taxes cmd Insuranca. Sa�bject to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 and :i hereof, Bor-
<br /> '� mwer shali pay to Lenc�Er on tS�e day monthlv installments of princi�al and iriteresL are pAyable under t.he
<br /> Y Note, untii tlae Z�Tote is puid in full,a suru (herein "Funds"3 equal to one-twslfLh of the yearly ta*�es nnd
<br /> �� nssess�ents which m�v a�tain.priority over this Mort.gage, and ground rents on the Pxopertv, if an,y glus
<br /> Fr,O
<br /> � one-twelfth qf,yearly premium installmeu#s for hazard insurance, plus one-tweift.la of yearly pre.n�urn in-
<br /> stallnaants for martgage insurance, if anv,'aIl as reasonablY estimated initial3�.nnd frum i.ime t� tvne b,y
<br /> � I:endes on tbe basis of assessments and bilis and reasonable esLimates thereof, Lender shall�zp�l,y th�.Funds
<br /> < to pa,y aaid taxes,assess3nents, insurAnca premiums and�ronnd rentc:. Lender shatl :na1�e no char�e for so
<br /> «,� holdi�g and a�piying the Funds ar verifying'and compiling szaid as�essment�- and bills. The Lender:;hall
<br /> � give tv tlae Bormwer,wi�hout c3iarge,;an annual accounting of the Funds showang credits and debits to the
<br /> ,;� Funds and the purpos+e faor which'each debzt to the Funds was made, The Fur:ds are piedged as additional
<br /> c� security.f�r the sums secured b�,r this Mort�age. The Borrower agrees that the Funds maY lue held by the
<br /> ,p Lender and coznmingled :«7th vther funds and the Lender's own funds a��d i�he T,ender inay pay such it,ems
<br /> �;� from it�ovr� funds anc3 khe I.ender shali�ot be Iiable for isterest or<iivide�c�s on suci� Fundc. "� �' '�";'�.•
<br /> �`� T£ the amount of thae,k'unds held by I.ender,together wi#h the #uture morithly instaliments of Funds �"" �`�
<br /> �'d payabl+e.Prior to;the dus:dates cif tsxes,assesstuents, insura�ce premiwns and gxound rents, ahall eicceed ,
<br /> ^� the�uiotutt iequired G��aay said taxes,.ass+essraents,insutance presaiums and ground ren#s as the,y fall dc�, '' �4
<br /> ; �uch.ea�cess..ahaIl:be,at�orrts�v�r's opfarrn, either_prs�m�tly repa�'c€ to Sorrow�ea-or cre:3ited to Borrosver on
<br /> „��
<br /> r; month3y;insta3�meints of:Fnnds. If the ai�ount of the Funds held by T.ender �hall not be su(Iirie►xt i,o pa�� �,,, -
<br /> ,�� Laxes«ffis�sm�.g,insu�uc�e-�rerniums;asnd gn�und rents as they falt duN, t3orrowe�r sha11 pay�t:o �.ender .
<br /> vf� any su�ou�lt n�'�etisaty �i�ak� �i{s the s3azFui�tey wit}un:i:hi�tY ciaYs adi.er noiice ircir.� 3.en+3er Lu�urruwCr �
<br /> ; a �q�es�ing T�s3�ment therwept,or Borrowes shall. bY an#ncrease in mcanthip iristallu�ents of Funds required,
<br /> �i�Y �e de&ciency wi�irs the �und ace+�unting period.
<br /> . LTgp.s=pay'�nt u�iu11 of a12 suuas t:eit:�tu7��' t:liia ll3ur+tgaige,Let�cirr a]iaiF a.}�Niy Fui��I�3irlcl u�a i�a�lil
<br /> ,
<br /> against all�urns due.
<br /> ��+�..,.,�, y_,_ � �J
<br /> �
<br />