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, � , . <br /> � _ ,,-� <br /> �_ � <br /> not extend or past.pone the due datc oi thu xnontlil}• i : jscnihnr�nts referreci to in para�;raphs 1 :tnd 'l hereoi or <br /> ohango the amount oC sucl� inatg3lments: <br /> 1�. Sorrorover L�LolReleas�d. I�xtension oF the fim� for p:�,ynient. or �nor�ificntion of � mortization of the aums <br /> secnred' by this liortga�e`grantec� by L.ender to auy successor in interest of Borrower shu13 not .operate to release, <br /> in any mannez, Lhe liabilitv oi t��e ori�nnl liorrower nnd Burroiti•cr'r �uceessors in I.ender shall not be <br /> required to commence proceedings against aucli enccessor or refuse to exEend tame fvr pu� ciseut or otherwise modify <br /> ssmortization of tha sums seeured by tliis \ '.ort�age I>y e�ngan oi an,y ciem�nc� �racie k�v the originut Borrower and <br /> iJ � � Borrawer'e euecessars in intereat. <br /> � , , ll. For�ur�mcr by Lender Not a Waiver. Any iarbearnnce by Lend�r ia exerciair�� any righc or remedy <br /> + � hereuader, or atherwise afforded 3�y n.pptica6l� ixcv, shnli not hc a wfliJer ot or preclude the exereise af any right <br /> � � or remedy hereunder. fihe grocuremenG of insyrance or t1�e payment of tases or other lierss or charges 6y Lender <br /> ` x � ` sLa1I not be s waiver of Lender's right io accelerate the rrxaturity `of the inhebtednesa secvred by this Morbgage. <br /> � , } � 1Z. 8emaclies Guaaulative. r All remecCies provided 'sn this �Iortga�e are distinet and eurilulstive to any. other <br /> righ� or remeci:}� under this ,1Tortgase oi• atTorcleil hy lu�c or eqwtv; and may bc eaercised aoncurrently , independ- <br /> q � � .. . . .. � . . . : � . . <br /> ' ; � ently or aixccessivel�r. <br /> � ^ � 13. �uceessors aad Xssigx�.s Bouad; boint aad Several Liability; Captions. :f17e cocennnts and a�reements <br /> ` hereitn; containetl sha11 bind, r�nd ithe rights l�ereunder e hall inttre to ; ttic resr.yer. tive sc�ccessors and assigns af Lender <br /> 4 F � and I3orrower, ' subject ta tha provisianx 'of paragrapfi 17' horeoF. :all covenssnzF an�l agreerrients of I3orrower-shail <br /> be joint and seceral_ The r.,aNtipns tin�3 hcadi�gs of tl�e para�r;aphs of this Jlorkgage are far convenie,nce onty and <br /> � � ' are �ot to be used to interpret or ciefine tiie provisions Iiereof. <br /> ', - � 14. Notice_ any notice to Borro�ver provided for irs thi� \ [ortgnge slinlL be given by �nailing such notice` by <br /> : i - eertified waii addressed to 13orrower a6 tl�e E'ropert,y Adclr�ss statecl bclow ; except far unv not'see �equired under <br /> � � '� paragruph 1$ ��ereof to ;be given to Borro�cer in thc inaa�ncr prescrihed b�• s}ii�licttl�le lavc, Any notice provided <br /> d G for in tl�is 3larigage siial] be cieecned to l�avc been given � o $on�o�vei• wl�en given in tlic n�rsnner designn.ted herein: <br /> � : ; � 15. Uniform Moztgage; Gov�minq Law; Severabi!€ty: "lliis forrr: of n2ortgage combines uniform covenants <br /> �'.: + for ,national use and non-uniform: covetrants �sith limiteci ' ��itriations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br /> " ` " ritg instrun�ent covering real pra�ert,y. This 14ortgage s3iall be governed by the la«� of the jurisdiction in zvhich <br /> J tl�e Properf�y is located. In the event ' tt�at any provisior� oi• clause of this 1lortgttge or the Note confiicts �vith <br /> i , � ' applicable .latv, such conflict sh�.11 not affect otlier prov's_sions ol' this .11orLgage or the l�Tote whicU can be given <br /> effect without the conflicting provision , and to tl�is end t�e �ii•ovisions of Che �Iortgage and the Note are declAred <br /> ` � � to be severable. <br /> �- ; 16. Borzower's Copy. Borrotver shall be iuTnisl�ed sl conformed copy of this illortguge at the time of execu- � <br /> , � tion or after reaordationliereof. <br /> ; � 17. Tzansfer of the Property� Assumption. If ,�ll o�• any part of the Property or an interest therein is 'sold <br /> - ; or transferred by Borro�ver without Lender's prior �vritien consent; excludin� (a) the creation of a lien or encum- <br /> � , , � , brance subori3inate io ,this Vlortgage, ( b) thc erez}tion oF a }iurchase nioney s�ecm�ity' interest for household :sppli- <br /> A } anees,! (c) a transfer bydevise, descent oi• by operation of la«• ui�on the deaih of tti jointienant or (d ) tl�e, grant of <br /> ' � sny leasehold interest of tl�ree yesrs orless not containing an uption to purchase, I�ender �nay, flt Lender's option, " <br /> -- '� dealare:all the sums secured bystkzis ilQortgage to bc iuunediutely due ancl p�.vablu: Lender, shall l�ave- waived-such . <br /> 's : option .to acceiern.te i€;'pr9or to tl�� sale or transfei; Lender and tlie person to «�hom, tdte 1'roperty is to be sold or � � <br /> �. k. ' transferred resch agreement in writing ilrn6 the creclit of snch person is satisFuctory to Lender und that ihe interest <br /> ` � pnyable on the sums secured by iP�is \lortgage s}iall be ,iz such rate i�s Lender sk�all, request: If Lender has waived <br /> f the option to accelerate provided in this pnrxgraph 17 and if 33orrowei's successnr in interes4 has executed �t writ- <br /> � ' ten assumption agreeinent uccepied in wrz,ang by I�endei; Lender shall release Borrower frozn-all ok�ligations nnder � '. <br /> ;. t this Mortgage and the, Note. ;, : ; <br /> � If Lender exetcises sucL optian to acceterate; LendershnlLauait Borrower notice ol' acceleration in Accordance <br /> � . ; <br /> �vit2i :�iarsgra�h 14 hereoi. Sucli; notice sfiiill providc a ��erio�i of iiot lcss thaii 30 ilays from Lhe date the notice is <br /> ' � rnniled within , avhich Borrocver inay pay the sums declared due. If 13o;•rower fails to pssy such sums prior to the <br /> f . '' expiration of such period , Lender may; �vithout further rotice or ciemand on B'orrower, invoke any rernedies: per- <br /> , ,' . � , <br /> mitted by para,graph 18 hereof. <br /> Nox-Ilxraoahr C'ovExn�Ts. I3oi�ro«•ei• and�der further coveiaanG and agree as Polio�v5 : <br /> ' � 18. Accel�eration;-Hemedie� Except a, �iro�•ided in p:u•abra�ili 17 Gereuf, v {�on I3arrower"s breach of any <br /> . , ; n covenant or agi�eement of Borro���er in tlris 1lortgngc, ineli�ding tlre coven;intc to �iay rvhen duc any sums secured <br /> t ' by this :11orGgage; Lender �?rior to accel�i•ntion aliall mai3 noticc to Bore•o��•cr us provided . iii �iarxgra��li 14 l�ereof <br /> ; , specifying: ( i ) the breach ; (2) the letion require<4 to ciuc such breacl� ; 13 ) n date , not less kLan'thirty days <br /> "t " ; ` fronrthe date the notice is ttiHilect to I3on•o�ver, be �chicli nucl � brc:tch �uust lic aureci ; a�d f4 ) tt�a4 failurc tu cure ' <br /> ;'.` � ' such Greach on or before the date specified in tlie notice inay re�ult in acceierution af tl�e: suuas secured by this <br /> :, ' � �.lortgage snd suleo£ the Propertu. If the breacli is not c�red oii or before thc daLe specified in ihe notice, Lender <br /> � , , at Lender's op'tion ii�ay declure all of the sutns secured by tliis �4ortgage to be i:mnedistel,y due '' and payable <br /> i '- . . witl�out further deniand and inav ioreclose this �fortga�,e L�• juciici3l proceeding. I.ender shall be entitl�s! to coliect <br /> in suci� proceeding sll eYpenses of foreclusure , inclacling, i�ut nat li�nited 'to, costs of docuu�entarv evidenee; <br /> � abstracts and title re�orta <br /> ' 19. Borrvsveis Hight to Rernstate. Notx�ithstandin� Lender's acceler.ation of the sums secured by ihis <br /> ' = Mortgage, Borrower shall l�ave tla£ right to huve an,y J�raceedinga l�eKun by I�cuder to enforce ttiis �Sortgage dis- <br /> � � eonLinued ut any time pzior Lo entiy of a judgiiaent enfciTcing thi, \Iortgage if : (a i 13orroc+�er pa,ys Lender all <br /> ` = sums which x�ould Ue then due unc3er this .lfortg.ige, the `.'otc and notes securin� Futurc .�dvances; if any, hxd no <br /> ' � acceleratiwi oecurred : ( b ) Boriro�er cures �tll t�reaches c3t uny other covcnar�ts ur xgreenaeiEts of Borrower con- <br /> taizted in tHis 'MortAsge ; (c) Borro�ver p:�vs c�ll re.s�onal3lc ey>cn�e� : n.ciiT•rcr3 h�� T.e�ider in i-nforcing tlte ro��eniints <br /> e ` and agreements of Borrowercontained in this �lorkga�e �nd im eni<�rcin�; T,e�nder� re.medies as provi<Aed in para- <br /> �,t graph 18 hereo#, inc3uding, . but' no?� limited to, ressonable sctorneq '� fees, anc. (<il Borrow•er takes such aetion as <br /> ; ;,; y Lender may resaonably require tea assure that the licn' c�f' this \Ic�rtgt�gc, Lrnder's inicrest ' in thc Pro��crty and <br /> ` Borrower'a obltgation to pay the sums secureci hv thi� \�ort�;sGe �hall cantinzae iiniuig�irecl . I.Ipon suc3� na�-ment <br /> ` and cure by Be�s'rower, this,R4ortgage and the obligsstiona �ecured 1ne��eU�� �;hall remi�in in fu31 force and effect as if , ' ;.>„ ; <br /> no acceleratinsn had ocaurred. �� � * <br /> `t � 20. 'Assig�uat ot Reata.: li�Poiutmeat o! $eceivea: Lender in Possessioa. a� �'" <br /> � . ' :�s additinr�al security here- �� <br /> r � under, Borrowe�s hereby assigae to I,ender the rents of the Pro�aeiKy, j>ro�•ideri t �at F3�rro�ti�er sliall ; prior to aceeler- �+ <br /> ,� �„ , atipq under paragragh 18 hereof vr abaudonfnent of t13e E�roperty , 7��.�•c #h,^. rxg :* ` <br /> s a 1 , ta r. ollec�- �nd retain such rents 5�'- <br /> as they beoome �due and pays6le: M <br />��,,,, .; . � U�ion t�Gu.2eraticxi .atader par�rgra}a1a .:lS IierewE or ut»ndauua�nx uf tiae I'rapertl� . Lu�der, in purduu, by ,ageni. ,,;� �, •, <br />'� " oz k�3: :judia:iall3' app{sinzed reoe'xsca sti�31 he to x��tsr upon , takc puss::ssimi c�i a�d r:�ynahe L::t k'ropert}� ." <br /> � ' and Lo coileCL t.�e reisLs; af Lhe 1?rQpesky.,: iricludzta� lhose �>ast clue. All rents. c+oliec�.ed I�� I.c:nder or the receiti^er <br /> c shai2 be spplier� 8ret tq payanent of the cuets of rrzanaKeme�nt of the Propert}• s�d collectian s�f nnt�, inc3uding, but <br /> nnt �3miLeci to, a�eteeiv�r'F #ees, �rre�iurr�:s rsn rr�eiver'a }M�wi� xn�3 reae�nxble ettornrv '.G fee�c . xr��i then tn the �uiYin <br /> seeused by this :�4ort�age_ I.ender mnd the xeceiver s1ia11 ti� liable t� account oraly for tY�ose m»ts aciuRll�• mceived . <br />�` <br /> �' i,.._ � <br />� <br />