<br /> � .. �.a�n.
<br /> � . �
<br /> � � %9,Y1�CP C>#C1�tA�?}t � � �Y�FCfIt ttsl" ��XU� n !"tM' tib �Uxj lt]' Iflr � �CUr� +c't[ 1" Sr �Sf !ie'PYtiv� :�- C�Illfr�� 9ai' � .t' ll.jrl" . � .PI1�1C7
<br /> ��'7ii�� iS���7� 011 �{)(„�p (f}Flli I7T1#3YC!C�IA�-k)j,Y (1flAl1' Irs 4Y1C t+:k�C 4,Yf f � IP �"'.`i.%�aPf( 4' A')C' 1 � * i1�'r �111�lP i (III �iY � .Plt� �l'I', �;l7iR' �' Ufit�k
<br /> hrtald by l.�. nder at thc tin�et�t �ap��licstt#un �« r, �� r«��IGt �.�;aen.i � I �R� �axacis ,,G�A� ur�•� i h , rh � , ^� inr� �ag,�.
<br /> 9. A}!lpkiR�tion oI P4yp,ttsl�s. L!nich:� ny+�xdic°ablG� f;sir prru�•ute7. otl �.rnv �..r . aii � �:�,Ys�ictttN r�•cetvr�l !�}� Lertde[
<br /> under ►!:� '�1'c�te and �aragru{xt+r> 1 iuz+d '.�. Lvrr,�r �.i�ali Lt- is� ,�flu��� i i,}� Lend�� r rir>t in ��ra„��u.c�nr ui u�nuunt� puyable to
<br /> L�nd+er k�y tiorrawer under �isa,raqruE�L 2 tierroi . t �ien u� intcn��t t �.�:��ul�lc un rlu� lotcr arad an F'utur�� A�lvanr.ea, if
<br /> any, aiui t�ten to the prinei{zac! of the tiotu urui tv tt�c prri�zici� �nf ui E utuee Adt•nucey , ii �n4•. � � � � � �
<br /> 4. Cisergrs: Lians. Bosrowerni�ull pny i�ii taxes, ���e�vrnenth .snd i.+thcr char�;eer, tines sn<1 imposittona uttrib-
<br /> utpble tt� the Yroperty which mav attain u ��r�vrity o��er thie �Ic�rtgaqc, and Kround rent:,, iti uny, nt Idettder's
<br /> � � option in the manner provideci under ��atagrsf�ti `�' lierkzot or l�y 13orrmver rnaking p:xymettt , when ciuc, c�irectly to
<br /> � the payce thereof. Borrawer �hali promptly furz»sFe to I.ender nll :iokicea nt arnounts c3uc itnder this parsgraph ,
<br /> � and in the evenG Barrower xhsil iEiukc payment �€irectly, I3orro�sR�r tihnll procriptly furnish tu I.ender receipts evi-
<br /> � deneing �u�eli. ps}rrnents. �orrower shall jaromlztty disckzarge zny liefi ���hich has priority' over thi� liortgage ; prw
<br /> � vided, that Borrower shsll nat k�e sequiaecl to disci�arge uny 5ucli li�-.rx su Iong as E3orrow�r shull agree in writing to
<br /> the payrae�t of the nbtigation r�ecured by such lier: in :� manner ncceptnble to I.en<Ier, or sli�Il in good faith contest
<br /> ` � sueh lien by, ar defend enforcernent cf such licn ic., legsl fyroceedinF;a wl�ich opernce to preve>nt the enfurcerrsent of
<br /> ►
<br /> ►�; the lien ar forfeiture of the Property or any part tl�ereof.
<br /> 1'�. S. Kazhrd Insuraace. Sarrotiver shall keep tlie i�u��racements rFo�v existing or here�tter erected on ther Prop-
<br /> �rty insure+ci against loss by frre, hazards included �vithin the term " eYtended coveruge", a�nd auch oihec haz.�.rds as
<br /> ` I,ender ma� require snd in such amounts and ior sucli f�eriods as Lender cnu}� require ; psc�vided, that Letxder shall
<br /> , - not require that the amount of such oot•erage exceed that amount of coverage rer�uired ta pay the sums aecured 'by
<br /> ' , ' thie b3ortgsge.
<br /> The insurance c�rrier E�raviding the insurauc:c sha3l be chosen Liy Ii�rrower subject to npproval by I.ender ;
<br /> `.:" k provided, t�iut suctr spproval stzall noi 6e unre�sot�ubly witliheld. All premiums on insuranee policies slittll i>e paid
<br /> � ' at Lender's option in tlie manner provided ucider �ar�grup3� 2 hereoT or hy Borrocvex• m�.Itittg p,iyment, when due,
<br /> ' directly to �tlie insurunce carrierr
<br /> x Tn the even� any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiratian, t.he ' Lender; to protect
<br /> its interest, mav pracure insurance on the impTovements, pay the premiums and such sum shall " become '
<br /> � ;, irnmediate3y due and payable with in£erest at the rate set forth in said note until paid and shall be
<br /> , secured byz this Mortgage. , Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a defauIt
<br /> under the terins of this- Mortgage.
<br /> :111 insurance golicies and renewa,ls thereof � hsil 6e in iorm acceptabte t:o I�ender nnd shall ineiude a stsnderd
<br /> ; ` xnortgage elnuse in irzvor of nnd in form aeceptable to Lender. Lend �r shxll liave iheriglit to hold the {iolici�s ,And ,
<br /> ; ' renezvals tYaereof, and Borrowei- shnll promptiv furnisli to I,ender al ] renewal uotices anci all receipts o£ paid pre- ' ,
<br /> x miums. In, the event of loss, Borrower shull give y�rompt noiice tu iize insurance currier and Lendei; and Lender
<br /> `� � � � � � � � :nay mmke� proof�� oi loss if not -rnade promptly by 13orrower. � � � � � �
<br /> " Unless Lender and Borra�er otherwise u�Tee in writing, insm:�.xnec Eiroceeds shali t�e apglied to restorat.ion or -
<br /> �� '� repair of f,t�e Property auma�ed, provided sucli restorntion or rep� ir is econoiuicall.r' feasible tic�d the security of
<br /> ` ± 1 this 1�Iortgage is not tl�ereby impaired: If sucl� restoration or repair is not economically icnsibie ar if the security
<br /> of this Aior-tgage �vould be impairetl; thc insurnnce procecds �l�all be applied to the sums secured by this \�iortgage,
<br /> � with the excess; if any; paid to Borrower. If tlie Yroperty is abuncloned by I3orro�ver or iF 33orrower fuiis to respond
<br /> , � to Lender within 3D duys ;after notice by Lender to Borrocver thnt the insurance carriei• o#1'ers to settle a claim for
<br /> �:, r :n�urance benefits, Lender is authorized tv co!lecG and apply the insurance procceds ut I.�nder's option eitY�er to
<br /> sestorution or repair of the Propert,y or to t]�e suru s secured by tl�is :lIorf,gage.
<br /> € Unless Lender and Borroti�= er other�vise ugree iix �vriting, any sucfi sspplication oi proceeds to principul shall
<br /> ,. � , not eztend +cir postpone �he due date oi the month3y- installments referred to in paragraphs 1 �nd 2 hereof or c?range
<br /> i the amount of suah installments_: �
<br /> '. " If under parsgraph 18 hereof tLe Property is acquired by I,ender, nll right, title and interest of Borrower in
<br /> , t and to uciy insurance pol:�ies and in anci. to the praceeds tiiei•eof (i.o tlie e�tent oi the sun�a secured 6,y this �fort-
<br /> � j , gage ;immediately prioi• to sueli sule m� acquisition) , result.ing from dua�u�e to the Yroperty prior tc� ihe ssla or :
<br /> acquisitian shalLpxss to Lei�der.
<br /> � 6:<Preaervarion cmd :Mmnteaanca of Property; Leaseholds; Coadomiaiums. 13orrower shall keep the Yrop-
<br /> erty in gaoc3 repuirand shall nat permit ur commii wasee, impairment, or deterioration af the Property and ahnll
<br /> ' complywiC� i.lie provisions of any lease, if tLis �:IortgagQ is on ai leaseholci. If this 14ortgage is on n condominium
<br /> unit, Borrower shaFl perform ssll of Boxrotiuer's obZ�gations under tfic declaraiion of condominium or master deed,
<br /> the by=lnws and regulations of ti�e condominium project znd constitue��t documents.
<br /> r�. , 7. Prot�ction of Lender's SBcurity. If Borrower Cuils to perforin the covenants and ugreements contained in
<br /> � this iVIortgage; or if any action o�• procceding is coxz�me��ced rvhich msterially affects Lender's interesti in the 3'rop-
<br /> � erty; inClud�ng; hut not limited io, ecninent domasu; iiisoh�ency, cude enforcement ; or axrangemenis or proceed-
<br /> y
<br /> ings,involvi�g a bankrupt or decedent; then Lender nt f.endet's option ; upon notice to Borrower, may make such
<br /> y ` appearances, dishurse such sums and -take such uction :�s is necessary to }�rotect T endcr's interest, including, but
<br /> not 3imited to, disbursenient o1 reasonable Atiorney 's f. ees :ind entn: upon ilie 1'tbpert_y to mmke repairs: Any
<br /> amounts clisiiursed by Lender puisuunL to this parecgca}ih 7 , rviCl� interest thereoi� ; shall t>ecome additional indebt-
<br /> : .j edness of Borrorver secu;•ed vy ihis \Tort�age; Unless t3orrower and Lender agree to other ter�iis oF payment, such
<br /> amounts shall be payabIc upon �otice from I.ender. ta Borrotic•er reque�tin� pay::nent; thereot, and shall bear inter-
<br /> ; ; est from the date of disbursement st the rute stated in the Note uniess 7Jayment of interest at such rate would be
<br /> contrary vo applicable law, in evhiclt eveni such a,mounts sl�all bear interesc at the higlnest rate permissib2e by
<br /> applicable, l;aw. \Totliing contained in 2his paragra�l� 7 s6rill i•ec�uire Lender io incur any expense or do any act
<br /> � � �� � hereunder. � � � �
<br /> 8. Inspectioa. - Lender may wake or exuse to 6c rosde reasonsblc entries upon snd inspections of the Prop-
<br /> „ ; erG3�, provid�ed: tktat I.ender sliuil give I3oi•rower notice tu�ior t.o .inti• .u<•6 in.pecz,ion :pec4f�in�; ressunuble cxuse
<br /> t'tsere2or reiaated to Lender's interest in tl�e Yroperc5_
<br /> 9. Condamnation. . The proceeds oF , nny ,srvu�sii or claitn for ciain�ges; direct or consequentisl; iri conneation
<br /> with any eoiademnation :or atl�er tuking of the I?ro��erty . or parf therc:of, or for couvey�nce in lieu of candeznnx-
<br /> � . • .~ t9on, are here�y assigne¢.and skiail, be paid Go Lendes:
<br /> , � In-tlie e�'ent o! a loi,sl taking of tl�e Yro�ierty; clie proceeiia nhall i>e cip�lied tathe suins secui�vd by this ?�3ort- , ..
<br /> - � ,.,,� ,. ,, � �
<br /> � ggge, n+ith t�e exeess, if any, pnid to Borro�var, ln the event of n p;trtinb tnkin� of ihe Prup�rt}•, unless I3orrower �
<br /> 7 � aad Lentier +aCl�e.rwise :agree in �r riting, tlaere Sha3I �e a��}�lied to the svms secure�3 by ti�is \lortgage such propor- `"' ' '
<br /> tiou of the �s�'oceeds as is equal Lo thst proportion wzhicl� tl�e aniount of the sums secured by this ?biortgage imme- �' �
<br /> ��F� '
<br /> � diatelyprzor. to the date of 'takin� bears to ihe fair anarket t�aiue uf tlie Yroperty immeclisteiy prior io tl�e da.#.e of � ,�
<br /> t�aking, �i'rda.�e �raiance �of the paooeeds paid to $ors�ower: }
<br /> � ,.
<br /> If Lhe �atoper#�y is abaxidon,ed by Borroaver or if .iitec nocice I��� Le3�der !o I3orrower tlaat t:he condenmor crffers `°�� "
<br /> to +nake an BWsrd or settie a c3s�sm for d�tz9ages, Borro�ti-ex� fails t.o respond to Lendcr cviis�in 30 davs af the d�ie - "� '
<br /> ,� � oi such nora�e, I,ender is auttiorized to -eollect an�3 .xp��ly Ct3e >>roceea3s aC Lender's opiiun ciLl�er to restoraiicsn or �°''
<br /> ' repa�r of the 3'roparty orto tlxe suins secured li tiri� \ioi•: c� e "`
<br /> Y - -g g •
<br /> Unless Lcnder avd $orrowaer otl�envise agree i� �eri£ing, any suc�3 application of proceeda �o principsi sliall
<br /> � ��. � .. �
<br />� �
<br />