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<br /> : v.r4.. . . . . . . � � . � . . . . �
<br /> L`.� 6. ' If he: fails to ,pay any' sum or lceep an,y covenant provided fqe• in th3s mortgage, tkee Mortgagee, at
<br /> �`�- its optioa, rnay p�y or �)erfor•m tl�e same, and all zxpend�tures so made sYzall be added to the principal �am
<br /> C�t ' cawing ;on the abcave iiote, si�all be secured }tes•eby, anc� shali 'bear inter�st until paid at the rate provided
<br /> � ` � ; fnr im.the principa�l indeatiedness.
<br /> � �"� 7. �Upan reqraest of the lYlortga�ee; Mortgagor sha31 cxecute and de�iver a supplemental note or nates
<br /> t; 1'r, fot• the' sum pr; s�ams advanced by Niortgagee for ttie a.lteration, moderz�izatian, or irnprovement made at
<br /> ` ' ^ t�e ' Mnx�tgagor's 3�e�uest ; or for m�.intenance of said Premisss, or for taxes or asses�ments against the
<br /> �` � ' same, a.nd. for :ax�.y other pur•ppse eise:�vhere ,authorized lxareunder. Sa.id nate. or nr�tes shuli be secn�•ed
<br /> i ` ` f�ereuy'-"on a paz~it3' �aith and as :fully as if the advance evidenced thereb� ��ere incluiled in the note first
<br /> <a., . � , � �
<br /> ` ctescribec� akaove. Said supplemeutal ' note ar notes shall bear< intereatat the i�ate' provided for in the prin-
<br /> '„ i eipai inclebtednes_s anci shall be payable in approximate]y e�ual monthly payinents for such period as may
<br /> a . kye agreed upon by the hTortgagee and Mortgagor. b'aiTin�, to agree un t�e matui•it3; the �vhole:of the sum �
<br /> ` oa• sums so advari<:ed shall be due arid payable thirty (3C) days after ri�n�and }�y the D�os-tgagee. Ta no
<br /> � ; ' event shall the rn�tuz�it<< extend beyond the altimate matm�ity of the note fi3•st desc��ibed above. �
<br /> � ? 8. s'He hee•ebg ussigns, transfex•s and sets over tc� the Mortgagee, to be a��ptied to�+•ard ttte payment af
<br /> � ' '' t€�e. note and a}t sc�ms secfired hereby in case of a defautt ire the performance at any of the tes•ms and condi- ' G ` " `
<br /> t�oizs of this mortgage or the said note, all tlle 2•ents, revenues and ii�cu�ne Co be derived from tt�e moz�t-
<br /> • ;` ' ��ged j�remises dvrin� such time as the xnortga�e indebtectness shall z-emain =anpaid ; and • the 14ortgagee ;
<br /> s�nil liave poiti�er �o appoint any agexstor-a�ents it may> desire for the gurpose of renting th� same and col- '
<br /> l�eting the reiits, a•evenues and income, and it may pay out of said incorrses ali :.ecessai•y ca�nr.tis�ions and
<br /> � z <expanses incut•red in i•ez3ting and managing the same and of collectin� renta3s thci•efrorn ; tfie balance
<br /> ' �' - remaining, if anyr to k�e 'xPPlied toward the discharbe of said martgage indel�teciness. ' ' '
<br /> � 9. He ��°ili ecantii2uausl}• maintain . hazard insurauce, of such type or types and amounts as i�3ortgtx�ce
<br /> , �; r��y from time ta titne i•ec�ttire, on the impz�ovements no�v or hereafter on saicI i�z•emises and except �vhen
<br /> � � payment fot• 11I such pi•c:rniums has ttteretofore been niade under ( a ) �f paz•a�,rrapti 2 h+ereof, �c-ill pa�
<br /> � {��oinptly zvnen cia-e any premiums th�refor. -,ZJpon defaailt thereof, Niortgagee rnay pav tite same. i�ll _ . ` ' .
<br /> "3 ' ` ii� surance shall ` be ca�•riec� in compan:�es appx•o��ed by ±he blortgagNP and thepc�licies and renez+�als thereof ' �
<br /> �` ,i sFsalI lie lield by �h� h'Ioi•t�agee and have attachcd thereto 2oss ga;•aU1e c�auses in favor of ar.� ,a, f�rm
<br /> ; ac,ceptable to the �foi�tga�ee. In event of loss il7ortgagor tivili give imrh•eciiate notice t�y mail to the Mort-
<br /> a a ee; x�•ha ma • � alie rnnf nf,i�,c� e� ::�t .. u rcm.--ti "
<br /> ; , g g � r- ,. Y � y Ly �rauri$agoz-, an�i each ensui•anc� company con-
<br /> : { e�rned is 31ei:eby �uth�rized and directed to�make payment for such loss dii:ectly to the 14loz-t6ragee iirstead
<br /> oi to tlie Jlortgagor and the DTortgagee jointly, anc� the insurance F�roceeds, oc• any part thereof,
<br /> ' � m�y be applicd b,y- tlie Mortgagee at its option either to the reduetion of the iiiclebledness F�ereby secta•eii
<br /> �'F or to the restoi•ati,on ua• repair of the pi•operty clamaged. Tn ecrent of forecl��sure of this mortgage, or oiher
<br /> z ,,
<br /> � transfer �f 'title t� the mort�aged: property in extinguishment of the i _ide}�tedness secur�d hereby; a]I
<br /> N x `ri�ht, ',#it}e aizd in#erest of the \Iortgagor iri and to an�cinsui•ance polic�es tlien in torce sl�alt pass to tlte
<br /> Lv � purchaser or gran#ee. ,
<br /> ; 10. As additional aafd collateral security for the payment of tl�e nvtc �lescri �ec3, a ��ci all sums to become
<br /> `' i due under this ma�ti�age, tlie :�io�•tgagor hereby assigns to tlie l�iortgage� all lease bonuses, prafits, re�e-
<br /> nsaes, royalties, rights, az� d other benefits accruing to the Nlortgag�or under ang• and all oil aucl gas leases
<br /> �� no«; or during tne life cit` tlxis mortgage, executect on said premises, tivit� ttie i•igtit to z•eccive find receipt
<br /> „y fo�� the same ancl �spply . tf�em to said fndebtedness as we31 �efore as after clefatz:lt in the cosYditions of this
<br />� , � mortgage, an<l th� n1<�i•t�anee may clEmand, sue fox• and recoti�ex� any such pay�meTits zrheri due ancl pay-
<br /> ,:' � ak�le, k�ut shall uot Le required so to do: This assi�nment is to terminatc: a�id become uui3 �ua void upon ' ;
<br /> , F i.elease of this mai-�t�,rage.
<br /> ; 11 . Iie sh;�it zaot comn�it or pei•init tii�aste ; and shali maintain the prapei•t�- in as guod conclition as at
<br /> ' � pr�;sezit, reasanabl� ct•ear and tear excepted. LJpon any failure to so inaiutaizz , bfortgngee, at its option,
<br /> `,' � may cause i°e�san�€��1e maintenance w�ork to be pet•forme�l at the cost o£ 17ortgagox•. Ariy amounts paid
<br /> y Lli+rsrefor by Mot•tgagee. sl�all bear interest at the rate �si�ovided for in tl�e ��t�incipal in<�ek>tedness, shaU
<br /> �; ;t th�reupon becoine a part of the indebtedntss secured by- this instrument� rataFaiy anc� on a parity �i�ith a!1 '
<br /> _ ' ot�er indebtedness securect I�ei•eby, and shail be payabte tfiirty' (:i0 ) days Fifter <lernand.
<br /> p 12. If the pz�mises, or any t�art thereof, be condemned under the polrer o€ eminent domain; or
<br /> ac+a�uired for a public vse, the damag+as awarded, the pi:oceeds for the ta]sing o:f, or the consideration fox•
<br /> ' i sush acquisit�on;' t� the extent of the full amount of the remaining trnp�.id indebtedness secured by this
<br /> mortgage, or hereh,y assigned ta the Mortgagee, and �hall be paid for�h�rith to said Rfoi-tgagee, to be
<br /> �� f applied on account, of tl3e last matnring instailments of such indebtedn�s. -
<br /> , ; '; 13. If the llSo3�tga�,*9r fails to ma:ke any payments �n�hen due, or to conform to and compl,y k�itli any
<br /> � of the conditionsor agreements cont�tined :n this -mor•Lgage, or the nofes �i-hich it secua•es, then the
<br /> z � � - entire prixzei �>al su�i auci accrued int�rest sliail at once become due and paYabic, at the eicctio�i �f the
<br /> ` - � ' Mvi•tgagee ; and th is �nartgage may tY�iereupon be foreclosed immediateIy foa- the :lrhole of #he indebted-
<br /> ness hereby secur�d, inciudinb the ccsst cf Lxtending tlze abstract of title from tlie date of this moi-t-
<br /> � ga� to the time of tommencing such suit, a reasonable at-torney's fee, and :uiy sun�s'paiii }�y the Veterans
<br /> '' � Ac�ministration on account of the guaranty or insu�•ance� of the indebteeI�ess secured hereby, all of «�hich
<br /> ,, sh�ll be 'included i� the decree of foreclosurn- .��c� , ' �,., '
<br /> ; 14, If t�e ind+�t�ess secured h�ereby be guaranteed o!• insx�red tzncI�er Title 38, United States Code, �. `
<br /> ; sn�h Ti'tle and iteg�la#aons issaed thereunder an�i in efCect on the date here+of shali govern the �ights, duties $ ` ' - „
<br /> aaad tiaba�its'es of t}t�.e par£ies �ereto, atrsi a;33' }srovisions of tl�is or other ins�raments executed in conszectian ,. �-
<br /> ` wn�:h Sa3id 3�ci�eb�ess ,w�ie3a are it�caasistent with said 1`itle or I�egulatiotts are herebv amended to �'�' '�
<br /> �,� �>
<br /> ecx�fo�tz t3s.�zeta .
<br /> The: cov�ena�.t� }xere�.� contained shall bind, and t�e benefrts and advautages shail inure to, the "�' . ,
<br /> . t,
<br /> �
<br />