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<br /> To HavE wNn Ta IioLD the sasne unto tlie hiortgage�e, as licrein procideci. 3tortgagor repres�rnts tcr,
<br /> 0 and covenants with, t3ie hfortgagee, that the Biortgagor }r:ts �ood right to s��ll �.nd ccanvey said p�emises ;
<br /> � that' tliey are free from encurnbrance, ezccept a^� hereinothcrw ise reci*ed ; th�t ths.e 4Sortgagtar «�ili warrant
<br /> � and defend the same ay_�ainst the laiw�£ui ei.�ims of all persona w-�amsrxrver: 31r�rtg;zgar hereby relinquishes
<br /> �, all r�ghts af hamestea.d, all maritai rights, eith�:r in tatv or in ec�;�ity. �nd ail ut}aer contingent it�teres�.g of
<br /> f � khe ,�lartga8'ar 5n and ta the- ubove-descr�bed premises.
<br /> h PBpv�nEn A1.wa�s, an� these presecx�ts are executed and �elelivered upon zh� fo!]ouing conditions, to
<br /> (\, wit :
<br /> r, ' ?�Sartgagor ..ngrees ta pay to tfie �iprtyy:�riee, or ordar, tt�e af„c�resa:id przncipai s�n� with interest Procr� �tate
<br /> $ , at t.he rate of eight per cenium j 8 . O�ri ) ��r ann on t3�e �n��d balanc�e �ntit g�id_
<br /> + _ ` fifxe said rinti I and in�erest sha�3 �ic rst �'edera a ngs an oan so�iation
<br /> �„ F I� �a3:aUle at the offlce of of Lin.coln
<br /> in :"Grand Zs land, Nebraska , pr at :such ati�ei• pia.ce as the }iolder of the note may designate in
<br /> writfngdeiivered or m<iited ta ttze �43ort�a�oi•, in monthly inst�.3lments ofTWO HiSS]DRE� SEVEAT'i'Y AND' 77 / 100
<br /> I)o7lars ($ 270 . 77 3 , cammencing orf t1Ye first. day of �a7-y , 19 7 f , and continuing an
<br /> " ` the first day: of each m+onth ilasre.3fter until said note fs fully paid, except that, if not saoner paid, tilae finttl
<br /> nayment af principal and iinterest shalt be due and p.iyable on tl�e first clay of ' ��e 2aa7 ; �yli
<br /> accor-ding to the terms of a certain prumissory note of even da�e here�s✓itlt'executed b3• the said hiortga�or.
<br /> ' ", � The Mortgagor further agr•ees s
<br /> � ' ' 1. He �il] pay the inciebte�iness, as hfreinbefo�•e provi<te�. Pri4>ilege is resen�ed �o prepap at 2,nc� ;
<br /> „ = `�' - tinie, �vithaut pi� miu��n �ii• 3ec:, the e,r�tire indet�tedness or an1� �arl thereof not l�ss than the amount:of �sie
<br /> ; installment, or one hundred dollars ($IOU.00) , �vhichever is 1�ss. Pzepa,yment u� fuli shall be credited on _
<br /> � ' the <rlate recsived. Partiai prepayment, ot3iex than on an instailment due date, iaeed not be credited until
<br /> the next foI2ovving installment due date or thiriy days after sucli prepaymenC, u�iz=.�hever is earlier:
<br /> `� � 2. Together with, and in a�idition to, the rnonthlg paymer�#s of principal ancl interest ;payabie under
<br /> the terms o€ the note secured hereby, Aiortgagor iviIl pay io Mmi�tgngee, as tt-��stee, ( under theterms a= tIus
<br /> trust as hereinafter stated) on the first c�ay of each month un�.il said nate is fnll�*paid :
<br /> (a) A s�mequai io the ground rents, if any, next clue, plus the premiums ttxatwfl] nextbecome 'dne
<br /> and payable c,n policies of fire and other hazard insurance cuvering the mortgaged property,
<br /> % ' plus ta�:es auc3 assessments next due o�� tl�e mortgageci prppertE� (ail asestimafed by the '�LSort-
<br /> ; � gagee, and vf n°hich the `lortgagor is notified) less ali sum:s alieadg� gaid . thex-efor divideci by ;
<br /> the numb�r of months t;o elaps� hefvre o�ie rnontli priar to the date �•hen such �•ound rents,
<br /> , ' , ' . pren�iu.nis, #.:ires and assessrnents n•ili bec:ome deli ;� queiit, sucls sums t� be he2d by Moz�tgagee
<br /> in trust to }�ay- said gronnd rer�ts, preniiarns, taxes �n�l special a.ssessmeenfs.
<br /> ; ' ( b ) T}ie aggregate a£ ttie an�ounts p�yable pursuant to sL :l�paragraph (a} azid those payable ort. the
<br /> s, - � note secured liereUg , sliaii be paid in a singie pap�ne�t eaci2 month, to �e app3ied to the Ici23ov��-
<br /> �' { zngitems :znzheoz:derstated :
<br /> � ( � ) �roun�l rents, taxes, as�essaients, fire aud o�her h�zard insur:a:x�ce �rerniums ;
<br /> ' � ` (ri) in 'terestan the noteseca�red hemb�- ; and
<br /> (III) amc�rtization o€ the priucipal oi said note.
<br /> � r�,ny deficiericg irz the amaunt � 1 au}� sach a�regatc-- monihI�� �yayment s1�aIY, unless made good
<br /> a by the hloi•t�ngor px•iar to #he dtre dai:e of the next sa�ch payment, constitute an event of defan3t
<br /> ' ; uncier this rsanrtgage_ , at :1Zoz-tg�ag�e's- oiation, hlo2-�gagar u�iIl };ay a ,.3ate eharge" nat excced-
<br /> " � ' ing, four per ce�i�tum (4 !"'� ) of any� i3lstail ment `vher.a paid n�ore tdian fi€teen ( la} days after the `
<br /> due date thea•cof to cot�er thc exti�a expense ii�volveci in handlingdelinc�vent paa ments, but such
<br /> ` "late c,iiaa•�e" sliall nnt k�e pa��a3�le out of ttze i�e <�ceec�s uf an�- sale macicy to saxisfy the indeb#ed-
<br /> ness secui•er3 1�e2•Fs3��r, unless suc� ��roceeds ai•e suftici�nt to discharge t'ree entzre inde�tadn�ss and
<br /> ' ai1 prnper casts and exlaenaes sEeurerI iheret�S•.
<br /> 3. ; If tYr.e tatal of t�e payments made by the I1+tortgz��,nor �3tder (cz) of paragraph 2 precedin� s:hall
<br /> exceect ' the aniaunt pf , gayments actually made by the �4�fortgagee, as trustee, far �round rents; Caxes� aiac�
<br /> assessments or insuranee premiums, as tla� ease rnay t�„ such �xcess si�all be creciited bs the :lfortg�gee
<br /> c�n subsequent paymenta. to be made by the 114ortgagor far such atiems or, at hiortgagee's og�ion, astrustee, '
<br /> shali $ie refunded to bSort,gagor. If, ho�ue��er, such mnnthip p�yrne�ats sha31 not i�e sufficient to pay such
<br /> " iteans when the same :shalI 'became. due anxl payante. then the �lartga�or shall pay to t,he �Sor-�.gag�, a,
<br /> % ' �'ustee. ariy amoant �er�ssary io anake up �e deficiency u�ithin .ihirtv ( 30} day=s a �'ter ���ritiexi notice frorn
<br /> � �e Mort,gagee stating tlie amouzft flf the deficreney, �cvh3ch nert3ce nzay he given by mail. ]f at any tsme
<br /> f t�te i1lCartgagvr shall tender to t3ae Afortgagee, in acccsrciance }vith the pr�visions of the note secured
<br /> , hereby. full payment of the entire indebt�edness reprnsentecl �hereby, the �lfort�agee, as trustee, s}aai3,
<br /> i� camputing the amougt of such indebtedness, credit ta ihe account of the litort.�agor any credit balance
<br /> auceumulated nnder the �rovisions of ta ) of paragran}s 2 lierr-�f: If there shafil be a default under �ny
<br /> of the provisions of this mortgage resultir.g in � pub3ic sale o� the prernises co;=�erecl hereby, or if the
<br /> �ort�gc� acquires the pro�:r�y athar�s i� aftex defau3t, the sloi°t�a�, as tz^�stee, shall apply, at the
<br /> � time of the co�nmencezrcaent af snch prpc�eriings, or at the tim� #3�ie praperty is r�#hei-�ise :�cguired, 'th�
<br /> acmount then senzaining ttr eredit the Moz-tgagar under ja) af �aragraph 3 prec�ding, as a credit an �lie
<br /> � - i�Ger�� accrued and uxipaid and the halane�e to the prineipal th�n remacining ixz:paid on said note: ;,;�¢ , „ . • }
<br /> :a, �' '
<br /> ` � 4. 7'he lie� of this ix�st;rument shaii re�rsain in fuil force a�d effect d�ring anv post��iement or exten- ;�
<br /> ;:;, " saora a� the time of pst�e�t of the indebteduessoa� auy gart thereof secured herebgr. `� . ' ""' �
<br /> „ . . . . ; : • ` �.z,
<br /> � ,• 5_ He wztt .pag a11 g'�vund rents, taxes, assessiaaents, aa-aLer r�tes. and ather ga��ernrne�i:�I or mux2ici- ;„>�a "; .
<br /> � � P� ���5�. ��+�$, or impositios�s. ie�3eduz�n sai+d nr�mas+Ps an�` �a,t h� �-a14 pay ai? taxe� lesiecl tt�a� >�;s ^'� '
<br /> - - rr,� ,�,..
<br /> "�. � " :i t:anx'k�'a,g's. ox t�e debt se�ui•ed tlaei�,elav, tns*e�lier u• iEh ;any �t}ter taxeq or Ag4essm�•,as ,n�h;.��; ,,,�y �,n in`�: �d .
<br /> ` ' � � f - �iizat�r�e �awtso�fNeiarxs�aagair�ttf�eI�fart�agee. �r the �egal �x�?der nf s� s3 n..;^ci �a: r.ota, an accu�nt vi �
<br /> , " : f�ais #n��,latedt�eesss. eaee�� r��i�en �y�xnent �ar all �uch items has tF�eretofvre been m�de under {a. ) of para_ " ,
<br /> -' g^3'a8ah 4 heremf, and he �:itl prnuLpt2y deliv�r the o3tiieia3 rer.eini.� t)zerwfc+r to th� ,'uYnrfa,��e. Tn �s�fa :�ih
<br /> t�erea£ #he 31�oi-tB�S� �Y�3' �he same;
<br /> �.r� . � J
<br />� -
<br />