<br />:"�ti.
<br /> ID.
<br />�` �� . . � . '� Y;. V
<br />�y � . . . . . � . . . � ,.�� �.I� �
<br /> � If lUt�3er Y>:iragr*a{�Ix IR Iif.rrai ihe }'�roF7< rtc ie •t�te� vt' tiie i'ro��e�'t } i � otlur�� i i� ;irr� atirc: ! ; � l ci �d� :. I .eni3er �
<br /> .h:til appd�g. ; n�� inttar 4littn inza�lc:diatelt' ��ri��• ti� ttai� .atr. r�i rlr�: .!'ro��c+ tr or• it . a� �aui�iciori i ,.,• 1 ciulc�•. any 1?uz�d,
<br /> � l�etci l�y l_c nd�r t�t x.lxe t�itne t�i �)�pliratiori :�ti i in�i{et �as�aizr�t r iiK � :.am. < < u .r�9 1 �� iris \turtt;AFi.
<br /> � ,,,�� 3. ;Rp�plicatioa af �Paym�ts. i�nlev_.; .pplirrixbte Intie• �n �atiides � �,ttur���i�� .�li �>a;��an��ut� � rc���ei��c�d � t�� I.:e.nder
<br /> � �tnd�er thc late an� i�sr�graplts t ':+�uc� � AerTvf ;1��l1 F >r. apjxlius3 l �x L��norr �� rwt an �>:tiy+ne�ac �� f rrxnwuat,ti }xi�:�k�le k<a
<br /> �„ I.endcr by I3errca�ver ui�cler }�a,ruga•a}rii '.', lie+revi. tlicn t �-a intai «t papabl�� c��� il�� � c�tr, ;znc3 ni: Ti��tur�a xldcax�r.t�5, if
<br /> r
<br /> � � ;kaay, x,u�d ti $�e,� tu tlxe �>e•izxci�al , �il- thr �tiotcr .�ni'1 to� th� ��r�srr�i�,rx� af I+uturr ��A1v bi�ci :c , �i�t � xti��. �
<br /> .-� 4. <.C,laonrges: Liens. , �ior.m3vetsl�ait }ray :ilt Y,;�a�.. ass�ss3ut*n�s ytr�5i c>t,ln+e�r clr �r�e�� ; ,tit�c*v ;�nrl am�nsx'ta�aat a��trib-
<br /> �, utnbl� to tlu, k?so�erty L�t�ir3i ars�y �t,tati�i :� }�ric+rit�- t���er t3ri:: \ inrtgn�r, ' ,inc1 �tv�titS�d arnt :,, if .tny-; at I.en�er':�
<br /> M1 � r op�ian-in � l�e ux�naex ;�r�ciderl u�adec• p�j:��rn}it� :? 1:iet*�n[ t�r h}� Rnrro�cer z�i�kiii� �ti:�yrnetit,, �vhen iltic: ciireetlq to
<br /> � the pay�e thereof. L�orrurrcr s�a}i pr��x�ptlz' fvrtiis;h tc� I:etn<ici a31 tiiiticc� uP ut�o�iat.s r�uc t::rc3er ttzis }�ara�sz;k�h ;
<br /> nrsd .in: Ltae� . rvent 23orrawer �l�� �a mai�� ��caykuent� dirert4y, S3ori �an^rr �hui! ��ro»i��tt}� fur�tisli tc� Lc�»ricr .raae'sFxk.s evi-
<br /> tlencing sLzelx p�yir�eu�,z�: Siorrcawcr slzall l�i�+��3tyL1� r3➢�c��nr�: �vv Iie� �clzic.l� 1�st },r�xiciiv �ves• t�iis 1Iot�G}�a�;c : }arra-
<br /> viried, Lha�, l3orrower-shall »oL be .a�e:quircvi sa ciiscla:�i��: an�• <uc•li . ii�ai so loe<g aa 13orrc�t��rr sl�a�ii _a�ret� iri 3vritin� lo
<br /> � . "' Cl�e paynnent �f #,lae obliq*atie�i secttre& t>y t�cix lieu i�2 a m3nner acr. c}>tahlr ro I.c.i�cicr, r�i :}a3Si' 'rzi ficsod Eaitii r.bntest
<br /> ' - : suct$ 'lie�i k:�y, orzlci�end enfarc�vettt oi Fuc}: lieai i�i; le�,K�l �iracc �din�e; �cliu:ta o�itr:�te iu ��ra��cszG Lhe enit�rcerrtent of
<br /> � the lieii ar S�arfeiture of flte Fropert�* eaa• :tiny �a:�rt tlicreoL
<br /> ; S. Iiazcrd`in�uraaco. �anro��•rr �i�ait kr.cp tlre in�ipmae �nents' nm�° e�astins� or 3iernaftcr c�recied o�i ilic Y.ro�i-
<br /> , erty insnr�d against lpc.s b� fire,, l�uzarcls iiirluded tcitl3�n tlse tex �ta `'e,�teia3�ii caw �sr� ge." :ind suc�°ii utla��r :kt.szz�rds 'as
<br /> . ' ' Le�der-may require i�rad in cu��t :�ruouuCs �;�e� for� stich ueriocis a� t.ciador u� .tiy i � qu �re ; procic�<yit _ tlaat I;,endex shaif
<br /> ,� not requir�e lhi�t the z}maunt of �uclx cc���erx�;e ,_xcecci tla at ananuiit nf cnz�c�.ra qe �•� quire�� ic� pay tiic sutns secumd 'by
<br /> ttx�s :biart�uge. :
<br /> Tlie ia�surA[icc carrier }arcaviding t,he in:;urauce �}i�ll be ckasa!ii b�• }3r�s°rn�tez• �ulatect ta :�{a�>rovf�,i L�y I,�nder ;
<br /> provided, #hai; suct� appra�va [ :;i�akl nat be unrensonaF>I�: ivithhel�i. :Ali ��renisunss cin iusurnnce pa�isiea shnl! ue }�nid
<br /> ` ' ; at d..cnr�er s option in i.he �ns�iner ;ir�3�•ided i,mdi.r p:ar:a�,i:3�ili '? herecaf c�r t>� B��cro�ti•er uiaking ��t+}'iaient, wlien due,
<br /> " : directly t,cr tlxeixxsuraucrrarrier.
<br /> � ? In the event �ny T�alicy is not renewed on or before ien days of ilc expiration; the Lender, to E�ecat.uct
<br /> its interr.st, ma�= procure insurance on the in��rov�n�ents, pa�' the premiunis and suci� sum shall lyecame
<br /> " irnmeil'uitely clue and' puyab3e ��'ittz' interest nt th� rnt� sefi. focth ' in. s�id note untii �nid and shull be
<br /> secured �y ihis �7�rt�age: �',iiture Uy Yiarmwer tc� c:oniply inay, �t capf.ion of Le:nder, const.itute a default
<br /> � ixnder th� t�rnzs af this I�i�rtg:�ge.
<br /> � ' i :�.11 irzsrir��ec �>oliciea anc3 rcne�v�lc td�ereoi �li:ill i_=e in iac•i3t :�i:cept ;iialt: ca 1 ,ond��a� :snri �li:ilt inctudc i� :�tc�ncinr<i
<br /> i iaiart�nge cl�usein ia�-or of a�i,-xd in ivrzii acr.c�>t;ible. to I,�zxiea•. 1 .¢ndc�r sl�a�.3 huve ti�c ri�:hi, t� hcairt the }.�olieies and
<br /> �" resiewAls xliereof, ;uid Borrouer snvil prornpti}- lurnis� tc� Lci:�9er ali teziew��nl uoLices sud :+ii i•eccipts ut ��sid pre-
<br /> '� i�iiu�iis. I€� the e�'ec� t, ai loss , �3nrrarvei� shsll give }�roizi�it iic.�t.ire to th� irxsi�r:tnc� c,:irz�icr au�1 Tteudec; :�zici I.ender
<br /> � % nxayanal�e procaf af iuss ii iaaG �ti:��ic pronapt.i�' b�� i3urr�tivei .
<br /> Unleas ]�ender :�nd Borra�r��r otheriviwe s�ree iu ti�:•ri 'tins;, in�unix�cc }�rc�aecai� siiall Uc tt�ulied t.0 i•estorution or
<br /> ' re}yair nf i,lie L'rupert� datna�:<td; prcavide3 :=uc1r restors�tion cx- re�pt+ir is z�c:cmoiiaic.iil�• 1i isit�le aani. t}xe ae.eurity �>f
<br /> this .\Aort�age is nc7t cherehy alu�aireij . If :.uch :�scor��tic�i� t>r re}�nil• i, rr�t. r.eori��n"scali}� lrnsilale pr if the scuurity�
<br /> nf this �\iari�uge �xo�ud be ina��aireci , tl�e insursnce fyrcxe��cis sizall i�e appii<:�l iia i:dic aums :ecureri 6y ti�is i�Sortgagc.
<br /> ,. �vitli tl�,e esctiss; if � n3+; puid t,o li�rrocver. Ii tFir= l'c•o��e�-ty is akayncicane�l by .'x3«rru��•er or ii T3orraca��r faxils tc� res�ond
<br /> ,` to Lender n�it.hin 30 d;�ys uiier noc.�ee 1��� Lendee• io l�r�rrc3cver thnt t.}�e inauranuc. earrier olTers to settie a clai�Y� for
<br /> � insurance tienefits, I,ender is :xur.horized to collcct: :+nc.i Aap��l�� l:he, insiiiacic� }aracee<ia .iL l,eri<texs option either;to
<br /> restorntion or r< �r� 'tr Q£ �he E'aroE>ert�� ar i;o thc suui, at_ciu�ed b�, tiii. \iort�;igc.
<br /> aUnless ?.cnc�er aiza Barrv�ver otliecieis4 a�;rec in 1��riliu�; tus csurii ux�j�liratiun of proc�.eci� to }arincipsl .slx�tll
<br /> no� exten+d or �>astg�one tl�e duc d:ste oi tiie inunttily �iz�,L,�l:3tueurs teicrrcei tr� ici }�aragraplis l :ini-}. 2 liereni or elian�;c
<br /> � the amous�t o( suc�i instvllments.
<br /> ; II under E�arsgrnpi� 1S hereuf tlzc� Yru�crt�� is rice�uii�ed b�- I.,enda� , .el � a�i�;ht , title �nd intensst ni gorrnwer iri'
<br /> 1 a,nd ta a�}• iasurs�nc:c� �>alir.ieF :uui Scz snd eo ti3u i�ruc�cd� il�ercoi it:o ch� e�icnt af t:he suws secured b�� t.his ;lfort-
<br /> gage .iin�raed.i�ttily� g.�rioa• lo si.culr :�i� �3r :acc�aisii.i�r7 ) � ci>ult ��ag f��oin da2n�r�ge fu t1az�. Yropert� F �rior 4o i.lic: se�te: ur
<br /> a � a.cquisition shall }�fa���s t,a Le�de.c. � � � � � �
<br /> � G 6. Fzmsarvataoa cmd Mmt�teatmcxs of Prop@rtyt Loaseholds: Condo�iniums. Borrna er , ���sIi kcep t.}ie Yio{�-
<br /> cx
<br /> ; ert;.v iu �;ood re}aazr aud sl�uil s�ot �x =•zuic or conunit �t <isie, nu�,xirnunt, o.r dee<�rioraii� i uf td�e 1'roper4�• and shall
<br /> + ' i con�{�ly �4ith tl�e pmvisiane oi nn� leasc;, ii t,liis \lurt�u�*e i� un :i 3cax�r�io1� , lt t.l�ia �loitg:tRe. 4� on :i con�lacniuiutu :
<br /> unit, Bnrrowors4iail gerlorin ;�II of �3u�ro�ver'a olili�saions tic�c.ier tlu dr�. l =�ration c� f condotniuiUm ur inastur deed ,
<br /> t�ie tyy-la��s uc�d re�5ulaLim�� �of� thc r,ondo�tau�xiun� �,rot �ct .�nd c.��nsuiiuul�i c9ociiznezz 'ts. � �
<br /> 7. P�otectioa .of I.vader"s Security. it S3cirmrier frbils tu perfiorna thr_ covrn:ix7ts rzi�d :��reemewi,s co�itaixied iri
<br /> `�' � t,l�is��l�rz,gage, t�r a£ �#ny� aeC�ion ar F�nbseeding� is eonnzz�uced wi�icli n�at,�ria �il}T :�lTcrts 1 ci�der's Snttirw6 ii� tlie Prop-
<br /> � � �� erty;� irle�ud'na�, laur, r�o6limic<:d to,� eiru��enr dutn:�� ii , ins��ltinc,�� , c�dc, e;� tor� e.�neiai, ��i zirrmn��eusents z>r yzroceed�-
<br /> ingc; invtalvii�g a le.gn� rugt �r ciecedexat, t3zci� Lenrier rii I .�na� a s oEit ���n , i� :�on 3ioLice tc� T3carra�4 rr, nieiy zziuku suclz
<br /> ` ����earaiices, c3isUi�rse sucli �uuis viici take, suci� :actia-x� :Ls i� ; �ccc:ss:;ry i.i1 prcitc.cti I�eniicr's irat.etti�st, inctudinh, l�ut,
<br /> not -limif.ta,ti tq, cfis�ursemexit oS masunu�*Sc aiiornc.v , icc� :.sxd eutry� u}�oia tl�e Yropert�' 2,� msl:c re�sics. �txy�
<br /> :�rnoants *3isi�ursca 3��• Lencies pursuxc�t ta tliis i�aragi-aph 7 , �ritli iiiiereci: t.herec�u . �lral! become additiic�nc�l iudebtr -
<br /> ednese uf 13armwe�- sacure3 1�� tdais �1,ortgage. L3ntess 1lorro�c�•r ai�d I�x�cl��• n�*rc� t.s� <>tiher terins ai paymcxit, surl�
<br /> 3 ' � 'a721tOUR�.6 B�1}.111.:�UC {)tiYlLUtC 11�;G41) fdUG1CU lI'v tt �Yrituii � vu= .i+ "vsa� � .;. 1 ..'C�1 u� ....y.� j` ` ....-�...:, . i1 CCF. � ...'1l'� Si�.�l� ltin�a?' 1�{nr.. � .
<br /> esti £ron� ihe date o{ disl�uisw:��ent at it�ce ra�tc stnt�d i =� t3�e � oi<: unic�s p:� 1'itl�nt of i��teiz.st ii! sueh rafe wtauld Ue
<br /> ; �ont.rary. Lo r�uulie�:b9�� lnn� , iai w�tiich c��erst >uch :i�:�x�unt5 slaali l�exs• int.�ere�6 ut f.lae liagl�es� �^ate pom�iasablo lay
<br /> r�pliGa{>�e �ati� . \utl�ina� cuitt.aineai in thi� � » ntgra��l: i s:inll rer>>siir l.c^r;.<�er t.o ie�ctxr :tu}� cxFac;nse or do utzy tici.
<br /> liercund�r.
<br /> 8. Inapectioa. Le,i�dc�� izulv' xu:�ke or ��:ust: to t�e i.i;aiit �ca.•onAial� v ,rtrir:: upon nn�i xn���ccl �one of th.: Pru{r
<br /> `. � �r#)•, �+rt+vit3mt3� thatt ] ,cnder � �tnl� sive� ]3orm�er� tu�U �c �+:•ao� to :��a� •t3c $ r i +ia�icc,ti<m , pret{��Sx�k ei°�st�trtt�.+le s�t�ite�'
<br /> thierefor relat�d tc+ T.,ender'� int4re�x in t.3��; Properi,r
<br /> 9. Coademnation.. '�'1�� proceeds u1 an� :��vani or cicaui7 inr iia�nug�, uircr.i. ur cc�useque�ntial, in ruxic�ectian
<br /> �vif,lrxYna' n�tad�emsastsoii ot' a�[r3aer i,t�kin� ryi th.i PrU�acva•tti: sm (a;trt s1�A �t>uf . ur Cc�r cr<�trs�e�':i�ict ia li�u cf ��aud�*tiuui-
<br /> tion, art� liereliv s�.ssiq�ied az�c� rl��itl i�e }ia�id Lo T,r ndar.
<br /> r
<br /> ' In t�eeti�ent t�f a xotsl Lekin�; oi tf�e I'ro��ert��, tl��. ��rocc ��i, •{ic�l1 l�c :c.:7���iic�i tc� tlii rurr�• s�..ure.ci l�y ttiis 21ort-
<br /> g��, �xic,l� ilze skc,i�s,.af an�, d��i�i t,o 13ai•ru�ri;r. Iia t3 c ���ei�t vf ;.t �'.�.titr�2 takin{; cxf ttu� }>roperty , ianicss i3orro�b•er ..,,�„� rF� -�
<br /> a►ud:7�ender: aGP�erzlmisr, agr�^ �ir wiat;it2g, tlnez� slial! ��c x��7�le.e�Y Is� tl�c euaix� �ccuiv.�c9 b�� t1ii� :�i�r6ga�e siieh propor- ,, '*: ; � '"
<br /> i,ionof t�s prc�e�tlb �; is� c�ual t� ilnai g�m{wrL'ae�n w} ticls ilae maiaou�iL ul 1 �ac cuiai� -ecurul Uy i��is livrt�u�e amme- �` �
<br /> ` ,.� ' dasteiy gxior io tl�e datc of ts�:ia� I�eA�;c to tl�e fi�i�� �ix�rkrC ti�� lui ca{ 11�c YrnE�x i�t.�� i:t��x�eilistelv �>rior tc� tlac� d�,1tu of �,.�
<br /> . ca�Cixag, �ait3tt�te halance dZ ch�e �rar.ecnds ���ici an I3errr:,,��er. "k'"���
<br /> ag
<br /> ,° , ._� . 7l t�y ,�?�..,pµ.p� :+c �I n ri.�+nw.+7 ltx. 113nre+nvavar ni• ��ef .zi4w+ r�nta .. l�y ) � .ro . i..�r } {� iYLirrr��vwr 1.��gr. 3 }iN s�n;i�jpn7etnr C�I�Prc ,� ���"t ,
<br /> Le ii���e �n safa�trl +�r «-e�ttde� r� a4aLi3e�� S�e �d�s+;sa�en, S�c��ivwea• Ittils tu r<rnpt�ad tca 1.�,.iadcr tivil }ain 3U �3nti's i�f i.��r, dsGe r , ,�
<br /> , o[ z�itcti motice;, l.�ax�er ie a�uL�ors�st�ci to ro➢lect a�id ati�i��3S� �lac pi�c�c,cnrolh at: I.c3zdet•'r vF>i �n�� .•xiiai�r to rczr.zurat�ioe� ar A
<br /> a�ep�tir �f L4�e 1?ropexl,y or #nca �$�e sutixs ;�ecure.� i�v ti�i: �1ort�*sz�n,.
<br /> �7n1�4u I,�az�e>r tatidBo��s�c+wer t�t,�ertii�e sgree au u�riUis�g. ;�i�3� sucli aa.pplicai�inxn c�i ��rocee,•ds t.p }>rit3ci{ia1 aLai!
<br /> ��. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ,.. L� ..... �
<br />