� _ � _._ :�' ►
<br /> ,.,_
<br /> � �
<br /> � INDIYtdUAL
<br /> ��:� DUE 03V SALE
<br /> SAVIlVG6 FUND
<br /> .FowM Ncs...72a .
<br /> ��W loan Nun�her_.__33067__ _ 188 - 1
<br /> � . . , � i.na—. .�❑ra�<in. �� �. �
<br /> � . . .. .. : . . � . . . . . . � �
<br /> r-.
<br /> �`J�'- (�(}2�r 18 �V'1 U R �T' G A G E
<br /> ' 'T'HIS MOR'I'GAGE. mmde and erecuted th�s .^'�'° claY of _ �"y A I3,
<br /> 19_..'T.?..,between the A4oxLgr�gor,Dqxaa�s�._D, ,,Meh�..n8..a�d,.Rehecca,1�.,Mehrin�.,. hu�b,�nd,:and,.wif+e, �
<br /> ` ,j,�,�_;�,. ,T��&��a a�;c� S�i�;�ey A ,Jgn;sen,..husband and wif� ..j�3ntly.,�nd severally and e,ach irs
<br /> , Q of _Gr�id_.Ss�.a�ci ... .:.. .. Count} ��E...,KaI.� .....:.:........ . Stat�,of..Nebraska. _..., hr.reanafter referceci their °
<br /> tu �s t}ie $orrow�r, and tl�e lbt�rtgagcre, �'FIiST �EDERAL SAVTi`v°C:S Ai`r'D I.Ur1?V :'1SS(?CIATI�N l�F �+�
<br /> LINCC�LI�r, �2.35 `'N" Street, Ir_c:oln, Nel�raska 6:i501, i#s sucec.s..�.ors t�nd aasi�n.�, ti�reina:ter re£erred.#,o right,
<br /> as I.enaer.
<br /> 4VJ'rx�sstxx, TY:at the said Bazrower for an�3 in consider�tion of ihe swn oT.TSeLERT3..�THR.EE..TIiDLiSAND
<br /> , EZGi3T.;.HLTND&ED__ANll..NQt'-1l]0--.. . -----------_------.--�ul;ars (i.JS�......_23,$OA.AQ. .. )
<br /> . . .....,
<br /> y paid tay ssid Lender, do�� t�ereFay cncsrtyt�ge, grAnt and convev to Lcxider, its surcessors and assigns; the `
<br /> ;".,x' following describ�tl'propei•t}*Incated in the Gaunty of._........_:.. Ha�.l...._.__ .. ., Sf�te c�f Nebr�skiz: '`
<br /> ;
<br /> � Lat T��ro (2), Bl.oc_� Six {6) 13�annie S3rae Ad�ition to the City of ;
<br /> � Grand Is3and, Ha13 County, iVeUxaska.
<br /> � ToG�x'tt�x w-ita all ine improvernents now or hereaitsr erecteci on t.lie property, and ull ensen�ents,
<br /> � righis, �ppurtenances, rents, ray:�ltie�, minernl, oi2 and g�s rights anii profit,ti, w�ater_ wu�:r righ�s, und
<br /> water stock,and nll fiatums now or hereafter attiacheci to ti�e> propert:y, eill af which,inciuding rt�place-
<br /> . .:
<br /> ments'and a�3ditie>ns thereto,shall b�deemed tp E�e e�nd remain :� part af the property covered Uy this
<br /> i Mortga�e; and a�.l of the foregoing, together w�t}.i s��id propertY (.or thc leaseliold estatc in t:tie.event this
<br /> Mort�ga ;s on'a leaseliold),r�re herein referred to as Y.he "Proper�y".
<br /> "'� Borrower.cos-enunts that Bntmwcr is lawfully seised of the F�state herei�y conve��eel snd has tlxe 7ight
<br /> to rnartgage,:-gta�tand conve�� the Pro�erty, t:hat the Property Ss unencuax�iered, anr3 t.hgt Borrawer tvill
<br /> warr�nt ar.� defesid generally t;he t.i�.le t,o t3xe Yro�eri.y �g�inst �Il c�l�iis�s and dena�uzds, suk�ject to �ny
<br /> easements asd r�trieticans listed in �schedule of exceptions tr� cov�err�ge in an�� t.itle iaisur.�ncc: policp in-
<br /> surin�I.ender's iriterest in ttre Prop�rt;s,or (`?) atitorney's qpinion of,title fream i�bstr�cG o# title rertifiecl
<br /> � by bonded abstracter.
<br /> � PxovLOEu A��wxs, nnd these pr�sent.s axre e�ec:¢ted and deliver�d upon the fcllowinE;�onr.�itians,ag'ree- '.
<br /> a ment,s s�nd c7bligaiians of ihe Borrc�ti�er. to-wiL: �
<br /> ,
<br /> ; .
<br /> , '" 7 he Borro�ves a�,recs t�pa� to tl�e t,c nc3er nr arder, ik�e principal sum of :.:TWE29TY xHiLEE �.L�QUSANll
<br /> �
<br /> - .E.���T.:HUNDRED AND [d01100 ... .._ -----------^-'L3ollnri (L'b 4. .�3�R00:00 . : )
<br /> hpa�>nbie as provici�d in a note executc:d�x�nd rle�livered, conc:Ln•renily herewi#h, tiie iin.il pa��rnecxt of princiK�eyl, _
<br /> '� if noC sooaierp�id.�on the .._.1.s:t..._. ...._ day of._...Jun�.� . .,.... : . �tR.�QQ2 `'
<br /> �
<br /> ? L7xrNoxaK Cos7�xnNrs: 13ormwer and Lender cavenuni and ngre�as f�>llaws.
<br /> I. Payment v#Principal�d Inierest. Barnnver st��ll pinmpLly g�aY�vhen due t,he i�a'inci��a�l c�f zixid iui-
<br /> terest;an the indsbtedness evidencec? bl't!:e Note, ��repa,�•men[ ,and Int� chsrges a:� pravided in ihe Note,
<br /> and i•he'primcipr�l cif und intes�est an any Future Advance�securec!b4•t.hiv n�Tort.ga�;e.
<br />� y' 2. Funds for Taxea and Insurance. _Sukaject to I,Pnde ; o�t.ion w�de� p.i�a�;raphs 4 nnd ,5 he.rcof. Har-
<br /> i,�wsr�nai'x pay i'r� i�encier on the day montl�iy inscallsnent:;,of j:�rinripalaanc!interesi;art.�a:at�uk�le unde�r l.he:
<br /> '.. ':� N�t,e; xsr.til the iVote.is paid itx full,a �um (lar rein "Func}s"1 equ��l tc� onr.-tw�etffn of t}ae, �-t:nrly :;��e. nncl
<br /> ussessment,g whicri ma,y attain priorit�over this A1or�gnge, and gmu�ci rents on Che Property, it anY plus
<br /> , on�-twelith�f.ye�rly prexnium insta�lments for l�aznrd insurance, plus ona-i�i•t]fth o£ �'���i•iy premiutn in-
<br /> st�Iimen�c fur mo�4�age insur+inca, if axa,y, :�ll�s res�son�l>I,y c�stim2�t.rt�d iiut�altv .�ncl fru�i iime ta t:itne 1�1�
<br /> ]:eri�er on the bas�s of�ssessments sznd hilis 3nc1 reaaunakite esfimat.c:� thereof,I.endu:r sh�il;����aly t.he Funcis
<br /> W �xv aHid iaxea, �e�ses�;trx�ni..�,insur�auic�E�r�aiiiuin5 umi �;�roun�l rrnt�v. l.Gi.ctex ali�ll iu3's:e uu ��tixrg� fur air
<br /> holdia�; and ap}�lyin� the Funds or �-erifyring and campilxng said as��ssuients anci bills,1'I�e Lendcr shPalI
<br /> give Lu the B�rro�ver,without char�e, an xnnual accouniing�f t.he F'`unds sha�vin�;cnKii�,s snc3 debits ta the
<br /> `` Fux�{Is and the pu��tos�for w�hieh eacia cl�bit to lhc: Funds u�as �axHde. 'I"he Funds ai� i?Ic,dgeci as aridit:ional
<br /> securitY for the s�tns securec� bv thi.� Niortga;ge.The Eiurmrv�*r ngrees ihat:t:he Funcis tsittv be helti 6y�1he
<br /> '.g Leacle�and cvuim�iglecl cwith otiher funds and tlie i.ender's�wn func3s and thc>I.ender c�c�ey��ay sucli items �
<br /> ; from its o�s•n tunc,�;s�n�l i.he Leiider a:2�n21 i3ut l�e lir�bl�for ini,en�st ca�•die•idGnus u�i su�la f'uiids. "'� �`-�-°`',.
<br /> = If tho aaauunac of the Funds lieid by t,ender,Goget:her wibh t1�e future :nontlxiy inst�aliments �f Funr�ti �y ��Y
<br /> , � pay�bie priar to t3�e due dat�es of t:�x�s,asses.smen�, insurauce prerniums an� ground mnt;s, sliali exc��3 ��#�
<br /> the amawnt requir�ec� to�a.�said,tases;asaessments,insurauce:�are�x�i€itris�nd gmun�i rent�,as t.hey iaLl ciue, ' ,,;,
<br /> ruch exc�s.sttail �e,at iiorrnwer's+>ption, ei#,her p�camWtly rc�paid t�13citrower ar cnc3sted ta E3ormwer on r;��.."
<br /> ;'.'' r.�an#ka�y^;iaz,s��ztts of�"uads, it t�c acr.D�t.of the Fnuds hcld b-:I.uzder skail nc�t �,e,L?�c:ient tc, �a��° �_, ,
<br /> xs��nrw� afir�e�mQn$�,inF��ra�n��+remit��t� nnd g;rc?tz�3d rnn*s a� they �*ell ciue, E3�rrc7u�e�r ��nnii l,�y 1:�� l.�an�1«�r
<br /> ; ang amcrx9n�ne4:�a.sary #o make up th�deficiettcy wvithit�thirty d�ys a#ier ncrtacr,fnia� Z.ender ta liornawer
<br /> z�eqts�stixag payn;e�tat there�crf, ar i3ar�awer:�ias11, 6Y az�incr�se in monthly inst€�llment� of Funds requireci, .
<br /> T�i�9 ttie defie�ieia�y �viChin the Fund acca+nn�iYag Peeriad.
<br /> ZTpov pa�u�ca�i:t full of a11 surus set;ast.>d Iry� L#ai;a Martga�e,I.eader shall a��ph>Fur3ds heid a,x c•redit.
<br /> ' � . HQ8.1316f.5��bi321]S f�i9P_. �� � . .
<br /> �, .. .. ... . .. � . _ � . . . ......... . .. . . . � ��... . � �
<br /> c �
<br />