���, -
<br /> E' t$ �. �
<br />� 1 , �,e,�
<br /> w ' — . �
<br /> �
<br /> a �
<br /> noi extenci �i� ,�osi}�one the riue date or t��_ e u�oi�iiils� irsiailment.:> reiermd io u, �,.:r3grapi�s 1 asnd `2 hereof or
<br /> � ehr�nge t,he ainour.t oi suclr instsltments:
<br /> 10.' Borrower I3dt Relee=sed. S:atensian oi ti�c time for ��atpt�iea�i oi• :no�3ific:aiiorr oi :�inortization �i the sums
<br /> seccared by tliie �'iar's;gage �;��r,ted iav l,eizderto �an�- saacce=sn�• in in:.eresc af Borroxver � 'rra:�l not n7�erute to release;
<br /> in uny �zr��ix�er, tlie ?iabiiitc oi zl�e Qrigina� 13orrox•er ;xe�d I3ozro���c� a� c .uace�sar.� ir. inter�si.. Len<ier shall not be
<br /> re�uired t�t3 comusence ��roceeclit:gs':igainst, sucli su,:oeasor or refuse ics excend i.ime fvr paj ment or oihervs�ise modity-
<br /> un�ortiizRtion asf tlye �vnis secured bt� tl�is � Im•rga�;e In� r�Rsoiy oi au�- cicmand �nade lip i 'tae ori�;inal Borroner and
<br /> � Borrower`s auecessora in interest. _
<br /> _ Id. Fosbecu�ce by Leades lYoha Wciver. any forbearance by� I,ender in exerc��zn6 si�y rignt or remedy `
<br /> �2- hereunder, or ot.henvise afforded by anplica�le laxv ; sl�sll noi }�e a �x-ai;�er of or ��reclude t.hc exercise o# any right
<br /> � or rem�ed�= l�er�under. 'Phe }�raaureinent of insux•a*icn o�• iile paymenL oi taxes or other 3ier�s or charges t�y Lender
<br /> C�C sha33 a�ot he a �ti�airer nf Lender's right t.o � eceic•rate c3.�e rnatiiriiv oi tl�e iiirieaiedness secured by this =4lortgage, �
<br /> C\? i2: Remedies Cuxau2a�ve. A3J i�medsec nrc+«3�; + ^ ± ?�� :lior�gage are disti7ct and cumuiative io any other
<br /> '� right c�r renie<i3*,undsr this � lart;;�re �r :i;`*. irr}cci :>� ;a�r cn� i �uit �-: anrl nsai- be exereised concurrently, �ndepend- �
<br /> � �ntly or suacersivel��.
<br /> � 23. Sueeessor� aad Assigns Hound; Joint and Severai Liability Captions - The e�o� en.tints and a�reement.�
<br /> ^ harein contai�ed shsil bind, snd the rights li=ereuYider �}iaii inure to , t-3ic aes��eeci� e suceessor; and assigns oi Lender
<br /> �' and Borrower; suMjeet. in xkre pxo��iGions oi � >aragra��h : ; hereoL :� 1 ; �orun� nis and agreen�en 'ts of I3orroA�er sha{2
<br /> ` l�e joi�t and seceral . TLe cei��iions anci lieaciin�s oi the ��aragra��li� �Si il�i� \iort�agr. are far convenience oni�� and
<br /> are not fa be used to inier�ret or define the �srovisians iier��i.
<br /> 14. Notice. :�n� �toCice xo Barro�t'er ��ro�-ide•<i ioi• in ti�i= \lart �afi,� = iia11 f �c g;i�-cn },�.- nZ�silin� �ucli xioiicc b}*
<br /> ceriified �xiai! addres�eci ia Horroxvc r nt tl�c Yropen}� ;lddresa .:i:itec hei��l+' , eace��t for :in�• nutice reqi:ired under
<br /> �>ar3graph ] E3 hereof t:o i;c �ivdn to I'.orroc4-er in Tl�e �nanne�� �irr.�eribeci ] �}• :tp��lica}�le lsiv, an�� notioe ��ra��ided
<br /> ;c,r in tl�is �Yortgage st.�ell t�e ti 'r.eiue<i [o ha;-�_+ I}cren �; i��en to Borro«'es- �vhr�n givc�n iea the �n�nner 43esign�t¢ci herein.
<br /> lb. Uniforsn i�Iori�gage: Govermming Lcczw; Severabili.y. '�'li:s iorni o� i:ioi�tGage cozr_bines unifo.'r coti�euants
<br /> for r3ationai iase �na Tnon-uniTarm csavenarit� n-icli limiteci }�:xriZiiuns h}� jurisriict.ion to cansiStute a ur.iiorm secu-
<br /> ' riiy instrument cavering reai ��ro}�ea-iy. 'I'l�is ttorigage �i-ia11 ( �c go��erne�i u� tkre lati;• oi � l�r, jurisciiction in which
<br /> � the Property is locaced. In ci�e e�•ent ihat :an�• 7�ra;-is;oi, or clnu�e ni i.liis \fortgage or ihe \ote conflicts ivith
<br /> applicable l�k-, sucln conflici shall s:ot at3'ec# other � �ro�•ision5 oi tha� \lortgage or tlie \' ote �chieh ca:i he given
<br /> effectwithou� tlie coni3ietir�g �>ravisiot� , anci to ihi� e�ac! ti�e t>rovisions oi t3�e _llartgage and the � ote are <1eel�red
<br /> to beseverab3e.
<br /> � 16. Borrowea's� Copy. 13orro���er shafl he iurnislied a coniornze.x3 cup�- oi this \Sorc�age ai thc t�ime of execu- .
<br /> tion or a�-er recordation }:ereai.
<br /> I?. Traasfer of t22e Property: Assumptaon. li a! ; o: an}- pari of tf:e Properiy or ars interest therein is sold
<br /> or traxasierred i�y i3orro�ver ;virhoui irilder•'- �iri�i• �� ri 'ctere cui�se��i. . c-xciutiing ( aj ihe ereaLion oi a lien or encum-
<br /> brance bubordinaie io this \Surtgage . ( bl c}3e cre�acion o� aa }�urchasc: mone�� .ecurity iizr,erest for irousehnld appli-
<br /> ances. (c ) a t;rsnsier bt deeise. c3eseFnt or b-:> aneration c�f iu:r upon : hc dcstl� oi as joint. ienuiit or idl the grant of
<br /> any lease�iold inierest +�t t,lir�e yeur:, or le�s .�oc caniainin� :i.i� upt�i�ii to pu.ci'sase , 3.ender a�in;•, 3e I�ender's o;.t:o:�, � �
<br /> desiare ali t:he sums �ec:ured },y z !�is 1lortgage to i�c iimnedia[elv siuc and � ,ayable. I.enc3er sl�all )iave �r� ived such
<br /> option tU acce�eraie ii . �irior to tiie : a1e or tsansier, Lci:cier aiici tiie .aersozi e<� W-hoin the Praperey is to Ue sold or
<br /> lransferreci rracl'i agreetnei�i in n•riting ihat zhe creait ui �uci � i ,cr�or7 i� _aci: iar.ivr�• to Lenaier and t1�ai the interest
<br /> �iay�abde on ciie sums s�cureci k�t� chi= \lorig-�ge �hail I,re ,,; ,ucl � rsie :as Le:iuer �hall request. If Levder l�as waived
<br /> the option to �.cceleratc� j�roviaed in this �'�ara�!rapi� 17 and ii 1',ort•�«�et s succ:essor in incerest has e?:e.cuied a writ-
<br /> Len usun�;�tion agreexne�it accepted ii� �erix•iz�g 'v`� �.ender. I:e�Yder siiall relexsa I3orroce�er irc�m sll obligaiion€ uader
<br /> this Mongage a:xl the 1`oie.
<br /> if Lender exercises suci: o�tion zo nccelerate . I.eudea• s6i.�ii �uaii I3arraiver noiice oi acceleraiion in accordance
<br /> iuiiti paragra�y�i 14 ki�reuf. �uel� aiot;ce rilr� fi prrocic3e a period �uf ixot J� �s t.F�sa� 30 x�is��d Tram i!�� ��ata ihe notiee is
<br /> inailed �t�atk�in ��+�}�icii Borro���er z3�a�� 1'�c�y �1�, _ =unxs declare�ci d��c, it 3iorrc���+•er i;�ils io ps�- stich s�.ams f�rior to the
<br /> expiraiion oi such period. Lender r�7ay, �eitl.ouc IxirtLcr r, oticf� or � 'te�r�and orr 13'orron•er; ir_�rol.c any remedies �er-
<br /> miitetl i�y psragrap}i lSherevf.
<br /> �o�.-I% :� it^aia� �_ac•� *: w �;n. �I'orrc��.��ea• axa�l f.ender i'us•2iac�r co��erian� :iiid agree zt� te��lk>�+• 5 ; �
<br /> 28. Acceleratioa; Remedies. T;xc�� �t as j,�-o�� ider, ; r� irira�r:a : ,li l i � �ereof, upt>ci I3orro�ver'= Lreaciz af a�iy
<br /> cov�er�ant uragreernen�i of L' cirro�ti�rr i❑ tiiis '�dr�rt �:� ge, iryctading tiaa �ro��en :�nt� i�� 1>ar �c }yti-n dur ar�y sum.: securecf �
<br /> #�y xliis \ Iortga�e, Lerder ��rior to :zeceler:iz �mi . ; < ,ali r.i:izl i� oure to i3orro�, rr ss � ,rin�i�{eKi iri pzrrs�rap' � ; 4 i;emo;
<br /> s;�ecifyin� : r, 31 ihe tarescii ; ! 2 � tt7e :urtion rc���uis•eei � o c�u !�c �ucli i , re:,�1a : � 3 � u �iatc . i�ot tess ti�an tlroir.�}' r3apb � � � �
<br /> � � n , . • },c .,�atc t1�e notieri� �iaaiSed ccr }3orr�a�r:cr. Lti- �� 6��•ir �iui � bre-:trf � inu�i i ,i� c �ir�d ; un�1 I�} i r. }sat. faifure to cure
<br /> , _
<br /> .ue}a breiae}i oii us• bc:2are ti�e d3ce suecifierj it: tli� noxice �i;si� ic -u: x. iri uec•el� :��±ir�i: ui t7 :e �urtss �eeare<1 b}� tnis
<br /> � � ti�Svrsgr�g� �sn�i sa�iF oi clie, Pro}verty. If tLe i� _4acli :a nut. cureci ���n ur � ,efore tive �� eie �pecifae� in i !re �'�c�tice , Lenfler � � � �
<br /> at I:c;idcr 's opti�n a*a•<.y uc.claa•c :�li ni thr usns �rcurc:ci ilti� thi> \ Iort �;�.�;e to i�e it�urie<iiucrl�� due a*7ci i�a��a6le
<br /> i��itkwut turLner dsmsi�<J anci ii'i3y forerlose i i�ii� AIorck*a�gr.r i,�� ,; udicia: proceec'iin�;. I.ender sl:rnll he Cntiilc.ci to r.•ollec[ � � � � �
<br /> , in sucts ; �r�aeeeeiing z :! �xE�er�cs u fnrtr_i � � � . : � �i i . _ _. �,;. ` ��� c,< i ii c:i co �o�tc vi �i<a�•uiiuntac�v �. ��idenee . �
<br />�, abstracts end citic e � r*�ortti
<br /> i8. Barsovraz�s �ghi ta Reinsfate. Aotursl��atiutu,'i�; i iva �t� n ,i< < elc�rntian of sr,z� ,:urix eeure�3 bi t�lns �
<br /> �
<br /> ��OT�.gA�C': � $0i"SOv7PT .:t;�li ll.+. . ., ��:i� i �biil� L iin'� � .�ii� i ,. ......'e.flinn P)r_ :'..417 �7V �..t'It(�t'.I' I.0 CI'liDPCI'. t }el " �7nrf �..,h�. u3:- � . .
<br /> continued aU �ny t.intc �rriar tu ent:y oi a ; ud �ir3ent c�itr�]•��iz � i ��i� 'lfort ��a�;e ii : ! �ei f3c>rro�s�er i�av:; 3..ender ali
<br /> � ��trus cshia� would be Lhc� dxie urrder tiric \I oi�c�,u�_e. rl �r� \c�te anu ncstc:. necurinK 1'iinir�� _=bdi•aiuc�e� . if :��v , t�ara no � � � �
<br /> scce?eration ooeurn�r9 : lhl Bormwer rurty� xtll h��c•::,•lie�.� r� l :vi + nci�c� a *•e�ec•nas�3�� � z�r ceitrar-:3�rnis c�i �i�ormwi�r cnn-
<br /> tained inthis ,'�•Sori�s�e ; { t, � $orrower pa�•s il] ^ea�onin7c. ex� >tu rs ineiirrc�ci :�� 1 rr.�fer itr eniorr2nr� � ihe r �ienint,s � � � �
<br /> and agreements of $ox-rower cont�ineei i�i ci � \furi �,a�,r a�n�i n enCe�ir3rrc� T,en ier � s•eiiz�ise= as jrro��ieiecl tri para- �
<br /> 2rso3� i8 3�ereo�; inclut3ing, t3ut not ?ixnitr.c� � o. retf�c�n�enle artornex� 's t � e� _ ��n<i rdl � Burro .x� ar tal.� � .: ucn actaon as � � �
<br /> I.ender may reasonab�y require to assure taist itie iien c�i il�in \fo:-t �a�;e , I .ender'� ir:ic.re��c i�� tP�e Pra��crc�- anci —
<br /> Borra�er's abIi�;atinn u E�sy ik�e sums secr�=ec➢ t�c ? l�i�e :?lartet��;e �3� all continuc� �inii�z�73ired. i'F��on ,ifei� � payinent. � �
<br /> aaxd etas'e i>v $orrr�wer�, # liia ;Lfc.2gag,� �nd tt�e oirli�;stfuars �rcufcrd Lrr�elir �iaav3 irn3i:�iu in :�.ill f'oi�ei 3rni �fFecc as i1 ''"�= T �: `
<br /> ac sr.:,:.:er4t:a�. hav� oc�urreci_ � r ;�
<br /> 24. Aesigament. oi Rsats: Rpgoiattneut .at Hcceiver; Lender =_n Posses�ian. .�� :zddition��l sec:uriiti here- '� "��
<br /> � r .
<br /> � � Ur]t�8.r. $OPSQR'CT �'kC1'CtJ;6'��SiSPl�Pi5 �t0 �nC�ei Z�lf I-CitTS t7j �tllk' �T'Oj3fPl�!.' . j)l'Ot'iC3ir� t �E�it �07POS1'G.r ��IRIi . �f)210Z 'LO� IICCCIET- � '- '
<br /> ation under �rrsragrapix 18 hexeof or �sl�aniio�n�nt of the Prn��erty . i � ave tt�e rig3�z to coIlerc�t ancl reiain suci� ra:nts ; °�'
<br /> , :c; '::e;�_becume .duc :x:.di;�s:..::c. ,, vt-r,
<br /> . :.
<br /> � . ��'�!' "J^— .�.CCBIfT$1.SCSr^.. L'^`��" �i`P..".i:�..tt�l l'^wt �lE "8CI �J .�' ...'..'.�C ! l':: . :'1 � ti'SL � £1 ' ?,- 1-cP � :^ � :L .^'.:., �:l j'.,CI::. . .
<br /> or t�r judieiall� s�pisoiraCe� receiver shall 3�e Aniit3c� to cnier vpon ; tanz F�o=�t �. iusi ui ar �� +�issxa�;� tne Yror�eriy
<br /> s�nd ttr enlIeet the rents vi t�ae Prop�-rty, 'sn�iu+3in;,> ah+�ae -aia�t cltie. .�:} rcnts r�rl}eete�i rn- l.endt�r o;• th�. rcee�rer *:
<br />�; s�aaSl bes{�piterl fr.-m;; iK, Ni:. iii�iai; vi i'sic cosa� o: anaauaemiat oi ihe l�rot�ert.ti• zcax3 eol3eckiur_ ni . re . . . inciuc3in� . i >ui.
<br /> nut tiuiitet� 2.U, Teeeives� fees. ��remina37a a=j *tr�eiver � i�vzsii� and � t ssunnf�ir :ittcariicv ": i< � . u3x: t �ten ie� rt. '.ums
<br /> � sece:,re� h+� � his �13ari�� y!r: I.e�nc3er anz� t.he >e-s .3v�r eiiaii rii ( ia1�1N t r -.scrt„�nt r,nl1� Yrjr f.l�c�sc rent� w��iu:idl}- . �ecirer3
<br /> C �
<br /> d .. - . � .� .,�,.._ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . �� � . �
<br />?�. :�.. . � . . .
<br />. �
<br />