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<br /> If under para�rar�h 43 he��ui tSie Yropert}� is sald or ii�e 1?ropert�� is othr_r�ris�� sequired br I,ender, I:ender
<br /> �hull ;�pptg• , uo laier tt�an i�nri'xediateiy prior to tlic sslc ot zhe ;';c�.� , . � :i . ii {u.�izion l �y' Lender, .xuy P'unds
<br /> !ie!d by Lende� ai: the time oi apj�!�c tt.ion e� s a rxedit n{�airt,i tlic snui� aci• rcr�l bv this \tortR�ige.
<br /> 3. n�,..r.....r.::e:. �f PaYmeats. Uities� n�ppiicai�� e l ��c � l�iov�dc� oti�urcvi �e, ,ili pra }riuuiit� receivecl by Len49er
<br /> ' � under ff:v '_`�'ote and paragrapl�s 1 �lnd 2 liereof shali =7c :ip��3ieii Iay Lcnder iirst in t�aiyineni cri :iitioun 't� ��ay.�ble to
<br /> a � Lender f.>y I3orrocti•er under paragrapli � hercoP, t!icii io intei �sL f ,ayabl�� on the �ot�� �ind on Future :1r:lvances, if
<br /> � anp, � nd ti�en fo the princi�x�t oi i}ie �tiotc iind io zl'i�, iirmc:I>zi oi Fature .1ef� snces, ii any.
<br /> � 4. Chcrges; Liens. Borro�aver ahsll pav � 11 titxe�, .assesinents :inc+ �tiier charges , fines and impositioiis attrib-
<br /> ( , � „+�}��Q to tl�e Pro�ertu whach z»yv eit�ain a }irioi•itG over ih�s \Sori�a�e ; a, nd ground rents; if auy, ;st I,ender's
<br /> � L,Y, c,�'tton i�i i:��e manner Pro�ided under �>arngra;�li 2 }E�re+if or 6}� F3orxo�� �s• in�king pnynieni,, srkxei� due; directtyta
<br /> the payee tl�ereof: T3orro�ver �l�.�ll 4iromptly iu�nisli to T,ender :�ll raotices ui amotutts duc iinder tl�is ��aragraph;
<br /> r�° z�nd in tt.� even� I3arroti�•er sh� l � makc, f�ayment direcCly, Fairo��•er �liall �>ronrptl,y� furaish to Let�der receipts evi-
<br /> j\, dencingsu�eli payments: Borro�ershall" �iroinjiily c4ischarge any 3ien wh;e;� 3�as prioritv over this �tortgage ; pro-
<br /> vided; that Borr4wer shuYl not be rec�uired T,o dis�l�ssge ��n� sirch lieu so loa�g a� 13orroti��er shall ..gree ir. �vriting to
<br /> , the payment oi the abligation �ecurec{ by suclr lien in :� innnne,r ncreptahle iv I � i�der, or si�nll in gooci iai 'th contest
<br /> � 4 such lien k3y, or defend enforcement of sue1� lien in , le:gal nr,nr�.edi,��: �eldc}T opeiat.e i o prevent the entorcement of
<br /> t.he tien or forfeiture os' Clie Property or any i�art tl�e�eof.
<br /> 5, Hazard Insuraaee. Barrower sha11 kee�� Llic iiizg�ro��emecit,s +io�c e�isiii�g or h�ere.attcr eree�ed on t}ie Prop-
<br /> ert�- insure€1 against loss by fire, hnzards included n•ishiii Lhe iecm "e;:tended covcrage", and si�ch otlier 1�3zards as
<br /> Leisder ipay require :�nd in sucis amounts and for sucli periods a> Lendcr tnay recauirc : :�rovic3ed . that Len�er slialt
<br /> nat require tliati}ie acnount ot sueie coverrxge ex.cee�� tlieai: tnmount. oF enrerage required to 3�ay ti�e smns secured'l�y
<br /> T}!]fi �701't�2gQ. � . � � . . .
<br /> The insurance carrier providing tl�e insurance .-haI1 l�e chosen i�y ]3orrower subject io approvat �}� Lender ;
<br /> ��rovided , ihat such approval s��ll not Ue nm•essonal�ly �vithheld. A11 premivans on insurnnce policies sliall Ue paid '
<br /> �.:i Lender`s optiun �;; the manner provide� under � �ar:�grnpli '� hcreoi nr b�- Borro ���er making pa,yment, when due ,
<br /> ` d 'areetly ta ihe insurance currier_
<br /> In the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br /> its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, pay t.he prerniu�u �nd such su:n shall become
<br /> immediately due and payable with interest at t�e rate set forth in said note until paid flnd shal] be
<br /> secLred by this ri'lortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at o�tion of Lender, constitute a default
<br /> ' nnder the terms of this Marigage.
<br /> Atl i::surattce �,o3ii�i�-s ar,d iine:;-ai5 tliei•eat shali bc, in Iarm ricce5�t,able t:a I u+der <:nd sliall icaclude :� standard
<br /> in�rtgnge clause in favor of anci in i'urm seceptable tn Lender. Lender shull f�ave tlte rig;i�t to hold the policies an�
<br /> renewals t�ereof, and Borrower stiall promptly {urnasli to Len�er aIi rene�v:�,l notices and ull receipts of paid pre-
<br /> aniums. In the event or ioss, Borrorver shal] givc promp� notice to xhe insurance cnrrier and Lender, and Lender
<br /> may mnke proof of loss if not 3nade prompil�� l.i�� f3orrower.
<br /> tinless I.ender and Borrowec otlierwise agree in �critiii;;, insuranee 2>roceeds shall t�e stpplied to restoration or
<br /> repaie of : l�e Yroperiy damaged, provided such resroration or re�:7aiir i: econorniczall�� teasible :iad the securit}• 02
<br /> , ; this `4arigage is not iherebp impaired . Ii sucii restorntion ur repair is not c conoinicaliy Fessible or if t}te securit}'
<br /> of this Dlartgage «-ould Ue impsired, the insurauce �>_oceeds �hall l,e applied to the ;ums secured tay this Plortgage,
<br /> cvith the excess, ii any, paid to �orroH�er. If the Yrogeriy is :zbandoned by I3orrower or ii 13orrower tails to respond
<br /> co Lender �vithin 30 davs afier notice by Lender to Borrower iliat t.}�e insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for
<br /> insurance benefits, Lender is authorized io collect and ap;>l,y the insurynce proceeds at Lender's option either to
<br /> restoration or repair ot the Property or to the sunis secvred bti• il� is \loitigage
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrou�er otherwise ugree in ��• riting any such applicztioi� oT proceeds zo principal shall
<br /> not extend oe postpone the due date of tlie monthly install�nents :•eferred to is� paragraphs 1 :ind 2 hereof or change
<br /> the smount of such insiallments. ,
<br /> If under paragraph 18 hereof the Yroperty is acquired b,r' Lender, ftll righi, title .�nd interest of Borrower in
<br /> ssnd to anv ineursnce puiicies and iti i� nd io tl�e proeeeds ti�rreot ( to il�e e�i,eni of ttie eums :�ecured by •:::s 11ort-
<br /> , �age immediately prior io sucf� salc or acqui:ition i resultin�; from dam:�ge tu tf�c Propert,y prior to the sale or
<br /> acquiaition shall pass io I:ender.
<br /> 6. Pzeservation mzd Mmaien�ce of Proparty: Leaseholds; Condomixz.iums. E3orrower slza.11 keep the Prop-
<br /> erty in good repair �nd shali not }, -..:,it or coi;snit �vaste, impsirtneni, or ueteriorution of the Property � nd shall
<br /> comply with tf�e gros•isions of any lease, ii this \lori.guge is on a leasehold . Ii zhis �fortgage is or� a condominium
<br /> uuii, Borrower shaiI perTorm ail ot }3orrower's obli�atious iiiider the declar:stion uf coc�dotninium or master <{eed ,
<br /> the by-laws and regulations of the condominium �>roject und consiituenc dociuucnts.
<br /> 7. Pratectiaa of Lendei s Security. li Borrow�r fsil� co perYorm the covenants unei agreements contained in
<br /> tlxis \fortgage, or if any action or proceeding is con�rnenced «•hicii tnuteriall�- uffects Lender's interest in the Prop-
<br /> eriy, including, but not limitzd to, emineni don�ai:� , in:ol ��ency , c«de rnEo_=cement , «r arran�einents or proceed-
<br /> ings involving a bankrupt or riecedent, then Lender at ].ezider'; option; upan notice iu }3orrower , may mske suct�
<br /> appearances, disburse sucl� suEz�s and take suclti actzon ne ie �iccessary ro protec6 Lender's interest, including, Uui
<br /> not limiteai to, disbursement ai reasoaable sitorr.e��'s fees ;ind entry t:pon the Propert:• to malsc repairs. Any
<br /> amouuts disbursed by Lender j3ur.�,ant to thic f�aragruph 7 , �viili ini�rest ilEereon , shall become 3.dditiona' :ndeb'�-
<br /> eciness oi Borrower secured by this 1lortgage. tihless 13orro�r•er snd Lender agree to oiher Cenns of payment, such
<br /> arriauriw n�,at? be ��ayable upor notice frora Lancier �0 13orrawer requ�s6iud �aarmeni ihereoi, and shall besr inter- �
<br /> est from the dace of disburse:nent at. the rate stafed in the �ote unie�s payznent. oi interest st such rate �vould be
<br /> �onirary to appiicable laiv, ir� which event such �,rnounts st2ail bea� interest at the highest z•a%e permissi'ole by
<br /> applieubie las��. lothing conta.ined in this 2�aragru�*!i � .i'� :i11 reryuirc Lender Lo incur an_y expense or do an,y act �
<br /> hereunder_
<br /> � 8. Tr,�,eetion. � Lender r�3ay make or rsu=e ro �c mi��{ e• r��a�unahle ��ntries unon aird inspecEions of the Yrop- �
<br /> er6y, pru��5ded tnxf Lender sliall give I3orrower rio; iec �+a•ior io ;ii��' �ucl � ans�mct,ion :;pecifvin� reasonai�le cituse
<br /> therefor re3ated to Lender's intere�i in t,he Pra{�crt,�-.
<br /> 9. Cvndemnation. The proceeds o[ uny a+varc3 or clttitn for rixmn�es , direct or consequential, i�t comiection
<br /> with uny r;andetnration �r other t.aking oi the Yr��rorty. oi• ��ari tl �ereot , or Sor con��eysnce ia lieu of c<:ndemni�-
<br /> tion, are ifer�by assigned and snall be paid to Lender.
<br /> � In tiae evecu ot z� total tai:ing uf ifae Pru�eri,v , ts�e ��roc� ed� :;i �uiI 1�e x�pplied to the auuis se:. ured Lp this 1lort- � � .x ;,
<br /> gnge, u•iih t)ie excess, if any , p:aid to Borro��er. Iia the event oi s partial t�king ot ihe YraperLy , uciless Borrower f ' "
<br /> and I,ender oiherwise agree in �vriting, ti7ere sl»l( kre ap��lied to tlie sums �ecured by tliis �tortguge ;uch propor- � ;� �
<br /> tion. oi the proceecis as is equa� to that pToportion �vi�ich t.he amoui�t of ihe sutris �ecured t>y t.}iis ;\foi�tgage imme- �
<br /> ` � diaLely prior !o tUe daie of ta'�:ing beais io ti3e fair uiarket. z�aiue of tlie L'ro�erty i�umediatelti- prxor to the date of , � �
<br /> isking, :�ih the �a3Wxice ,of :he �racced: pwid to BQr^;-o�rer. a"' .
<br /> _ ,.... ,�.. , :
<br /> If t�� P:opert}� :s sbandczsed hy Rorzorver or i? atter �3ot +ce i,y I;cnder to Borrnwer thr�i. the cnndesm�or ofierG '
<br /> Co anake an award or seLtie u clain� fpr dani�,gee; I3orrower Isiis so respozu fn �,enuer within 30 days <�f the date
<br /> of such nntiee, 1.en�er is authorizc�i to coilect anci sp��lV ttic proceeci: at I. ender's c���tion either to resfqration or
<br /> repair of t�e Propert,y or Lo Ghe susns secured {�� tlais \(att�:��e.
<br /> TTnless Lenaer and F3orrosver �therwise ,agree i� writing, aixy such np�lication ef ;�rocer3s �o r;ri:,,� �:i? �!ir_:
<br /> 4 � _ .. ,. , �
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