<br /> _
<br /> a � : ,.
<br />� '
<br />� � ,�;��
<br /> . �
<br /> � ,�.,_.� ,— .`. � �
<br /> �'�• � 02 � � 2
<br /> 6. If he £ails tn �aay any sum or l:eep auY coc�ezaant pi•a�ided f�r in tiiis niot-t�;a�e, t�ie �1�artgagee, at
<br /> its �ptic�n, ata:ay pa.v cor }aerfo�nr� Che sa�ie, anc3 a12 �apenditures so �iExde shail be added t�a t.�e principai stsrn
<br /> � ' ��x-iu� r�n t�ie' abpti=e xiatie, sh�ll t�e secured t3ereby, and, siiall }.�rar iaitierest ua�zil �aaic3 ;�L the ra#,� prnvicier�
<br /> fox� it� the garisici�3�tl inde4�tedness.
<br /> ` � R. L3pc�xi z�u�st of #i;e hiostgag�+e, Mna•tgagor shati e�er.ute anrl <��lic�r x supUletnetits�l note car i2otes
<br /> , for fhe suxa� az• aums advane�l b}* d4Zortga�ee tc�r t�r� ai'teratiran, itaociernizziEioJi, c�r iilzgz•t�venzeut n�ade at
<br /> t}re D�or#gmgr,t"s r�quesg ; ar �or maintenutacc� of s�P3 �.aa•er7iises. u.r fo�- taxa�s ur asses;nrt�nts af;ainst t�te
<br /> saaaze, sna� for, atxy oti�nr pu�•�se eds�wixere :�uthorizt�d liereue7des� : Said ��ote c�r tiote� slaali kre se�ttred
<br /> : 1�er�by oNz a p,arita With and �as £ut7y as if tlie �dwanc� evi�i4ne�d t]iez•r>t��. r�,ere irE�tuded itx th� note ftrst
<br /> �` ; desaz^�bec� siisove. Said svp}�ieaa�entnl not,� or nc�tes slsal2 #3es�r in��•�t �t ttie rate �z�nvi�3EK3 far :n tlze ►�t�itt-
<br /> » ' % ci �nI �n�i�t�t��ciness and s�asi3 t� �3ml=able in a�pn�wi»aatel� ec�u�.f iueiitt3.t>� ��auments i'ar suclt period Rs rt3a��
<br /> l��* agrecti upran by t�� �Iurtga�nee and '�lortg�gnr. Fuiling to agree oax tl�c� maatiai•ity, tht�^ ��•tnoi� c+f th� sTzni
<br /> ; ax• su�is so ad�•anced sliall �e due :�nd pay�ab2e thiz�<< (;?O) days a,ftei• i�en�ar�c3 by i:lze lSortg���. - In na
<br /> ' ec-eaxt stiaif Ltae xe��turit}� ea:tezad 3��4�ond tlte x� ltinxate nastur'atv oi the xso 'te lirsi descrii�ed ak�o��e.
<br /> 0
<br /> ` �. FIe 4iereUJ' �i�ns, transfers � nd set;s o�'er tc� the �9ortgxgee> it? be � F��lied tr�t4���•d the �,ayanent oz
<br /> % t3ae nofie atid all swt�:�; servrc�c3 txereF�y in c<�se of a defactl� in th� �yei•foi•niance �f �t��3- or' t}at tex�2iis mnd cont�i-
<br /> ` tidtrs c�f tfai.s mort.ga�e oa t.he said note, xll tl�e rents, re�•enu<�s and sneome tK� Eae dezi �-e�i is•ntn tlic; mc�rt-
<br /> ' �ap�ec� �7remises duri3xg sucli tim�� �s t.he mos#.gage iiide.£�tedness sliall re�t�aiit un�ui� ; and t.ie �1IorL��get
<br /> , ` siazilt h��•e pa>4er to ap�aint �t:a�� agcn� c�r a�aaxEs it nia�> de�sire for the �u �•pi�se i�f rentin�* tlie saxne anc! r.ai-
<br /> f r lertin�; the rei�ts, x���•ciatrE�s an�3 income, an�l it znri�• paal• aut of said iiara��iia a11. xie �es��az•�° romitai,ssioYss a�ici
<br /> ex��rnses iiicurred in tYe�z�tin� ancl manayin� the sanie rxnd vf cailt�c,tir�� z•.�3it.asla t}zerefrv;n ; t3ke i�a.la��ce
<br /> rera�aiziin�r if ��nl>, to lse tapF.�lieci ta���s�z�d the discFiarqe iYf said inortga�;e �s�de�bte�inc�sa
<br /> ; :1 . He K itl canticiuousi�° znaintain tiazard iusur:�nc�, ��f suc7x ty-pe or L5'b�es and ats�uu��ts xLs R3origa�,�e�e.
<br /> `°• Y�i:3�r, fsanz time to tisiit t��:tSi^�e, on tlre �mgrot�etnents noxR� or I�ereafter ��x saiic�l p2•irmise>.s � i�d eL� ept u�taea2
<br /> pa��ruen� fot� atll sueli pi•c•�r3iunis has thereto#ore been inade uaider (a ) of paia^zi�i•ag�iz ,? 3zc��•eaf, u�311 �i�
<br /> prr+mpil� �c�en due any* preniiums t,trex-efox. U��ar� d�fault Y.irereof, ':1�oa•t�,*a�,we�z may paaS tPte s�me. �3�
<br /> ; �: in�ur�:�tre s�ali, be ca�•i•sed ixi ccamy�ani�s ap�r��•ed be� th.� :lforts_;agee .�tic� thc= Aoliriea �iacl re>nes�eals tftee-ecaf
<br /> s}ta11 be lietd I�i� t17e Atart�,*,i�ee and }a:�ve attackied t}iereto losa paS'able r.lauseti in r'a �•cai� t�f azad aii fc�rm
<br /> acceg�t:abie �o the ?lioa•tg�agee. I7i eveiii of loss ;!'tart�*a�ax• �cili �i��e inana��c�93t;c �iotire by niuil �o t.}�e \Se+a t-
<br /> gagee, tir�iu..ai:�tc..��e }arx.�of uf loss if z�ot n�ade prom�at!}� k�)• 21i«rtgtigna�, and e�c1i insur:3ncc� c.craniaariy ctan-
<br /> , � cerueci is her�b4' auth�as-izect::�nci rlia�ect�d to maiz� pay-naent fni� suck Si�s� riirc�c.�: ty to the :licai�tga�e.� i��ierci
<br /> � ,: of to . the g�cfrt�� gor �nci the '4iort�-agee jaizit3�-, ar�c�l t,he i:n:<v2•:ance pr•cx�t>tvis, oz• au�* pait tl�i=:•e�c�f.
<br /> , = may Ue apg�2ied b�� '�IiE: iVT�>i•t�;a�::e zat. its option c�iL�ier to tgie reduetic>n of tlre� i3zdebt�'ci�oess hea•�?k�o� sc�c:uF•evt
<br /> ' ur Lo the resiox•aLinn �r repair �t th�� px-operty �3arnaged. Iu evc:nt nf i`ar�:clositre uf thfs xnox•tga�. ur c>iP�ei•
<br /> � tr�� zisfer af title io tlic= mrirs �;��ed t.arcapez•t�� in ��:tin�uistauient eni tlie aiiciet�tc�-lne:s se�tzre�d tieraby, <�.II
<br /> , � rigl�tG, �itle and inte3•�L c.�f the �13��z•t���oi� in and tci an�- insue•aa��ce po3ieies L��e�ti ar� tu�re� sii�it p;�:s ttr tl��e � � �
<br /> '3 �u �•ch�ser ar �ra2ite e.
<br /> i 1C1. .�s additionatl azie3 coilates•at sc*cut�itl' f�r t he pavinent c�i tlie i�ntc dc�sze:ued. uciri .�It sunis t<, kx.�co�ne
<br /> �
<br /> ,� t�u� uazc3ei• ttzi� morf�.r�e,��, thc. �i�rEgagc�r h�:reby zi:y�igns Ea the �ksortgix�� till ieaatic l�ontx���, ��s•a�at;s, :.c,s.�-
<br /> s
<br /> ntxes, x-oyaltie.s, riglats, z�iz�i c�iliez� b,�neia �s accra� ixib�^ to tlte �k1'aY•tga�a^ u.auer• �n3- .a�a<� r�it c�ii and �,as ikxaes
<br /> � zxaaa : �r c3pY•axi� #ne lile cat tl7is n3caz•t��t'�, �.�a=cu�ed � sz sai�l pren2isea, �trzth fihe s•Sgl� t ic� r�:�+c�=i�*e 2�nd t-t.e�r�pi
<br /> ;. Inr ttie szune atsr� a�plc• 2kiem tc� �iit� indebtediaess as �4-eit t>��£ore as aftcr cicf�ult iis t.lie �oaa�iiticat�� �f tl�ss
<br /> �nr>rtgagc�. � x�d tlie '_13iai•t�,rag�>e zn.�y deinand. sve tor aud reca��i:�• aatti• si;�h. Z�a�-nxct�ts ti4-dae:xi cli�c :�nd ���-
<br /> ` � �ikaf<�, b:�t �;1��]i iyo't b� �•t�iyuir� d so to dc�_ This assi�!u�ment is to termsnate aazzd Ea�.�:c�.mi� t�til. auac� v�aid irl�oz3
<br /> rclerase uf this rnaa•t�u��e.
<br /> ' � � � i1 .. He sh�ll � :lat c�azna�iit or Tazrz�ait rv�istc ; afld s1�s11 cnainta�n� tlx� �>�•opert�* in �ras �o�d� cnn��titio'zi Ay �At �
<br /> � � � �3ra�enL; ceas�cial�l� �x�ea�� and cear ��c��pted. ' LTpun any #'.�ilui•� tr� so� m�ini,aias , �3t�rt.p;aagc�, sit ihs ci��tic�n,
<br /> " fu �3�- cause� i�easonai�ia max�it,ena3nce 1�•c�r}: ta be periorntecl xG Llae cost i�f Aii�rt�xt�;czf•. Azz�- ,�mc�unCs ��aie�
<br /> ? ihi�refvs� t�}= Mat•t�a�c�e skFxil b.:ar inte�•est :.it tht� rate at•�rided foi• i:ai t.he ,
<br /> 3 pi•in�iX�<il iuc3i>t�L<.t3tae:s, shxll
<br /> � thi=reu�t� b�:utne x ��ai�•t t�t' the� indebt.edize�ss sc:citia•ec� b�- this ir.�ti•i:ment, z itabt� ztrr�i o3i a r:irit�- ti�.iCl� aIl
<br /> t�tl��r fz�debtedi�ess s�curf��i i�i?re2��� . aand sltall be l,ia}•:abl� th.�rt�� ( �3l) ,3 s�a��� :nti�r citn7aMd. � �
<br /> 1 '? If the pri�mises, c�r nny t.�a��G thereof, !>e condeninrd LFMder the F�c����ez• iaf a}niiaeut ci<�nz:iin, ar
<br /> arquit•ed for a put>lii, use, tlte c3ztrnages a�;�vrt�e.d , the p�-e>c�>etis fc>t� tl��z t.it�in�;• c>f, car t}te c�riisirle.a•;ation fcar
<br /> ' �uch acquisitit�n , tc� the e�tent c�f th� fuil umnniat ut t�lie rc�ta�iaiining w7�a.3id inc9elit.����tc�ss tic ��arec3 b�- tltis � � � �
<br /> �� ' ir�t>t-t�ttge. tar 13er��#ay xssig•nec� t�� thc� �fc�i•tga3,E,ce, ttnd slsall t�e pairi fortii ��• it�i t�i .aii4 'tt<�rt�."a �;f'c, to bc
<br /> appiie<i uti :is:cc�unt o! tlie irisC a��atux•ir�,�,* isisGalPineiats �f sueli inc�elztedziecs.
<br /> 13_ If i�x� �ioF i�a�oi- flails to ���ske �nY �aa}Fixuaats ��*�ien du�, or to co�ii'�a�•zu io aai�c3 c�oinplc� G�ith sit�w
<br /> ' ol the cut3cli�ir�ns oa• :�gx•eemenrs contaizFe�3 ita ttiis �nort�;:ige, or the ca ��tes e+ Ba �c3x it se�carc�s, tl�ei� i}t��
<br /> cnLa,s � �p� iiac4 �a1 stu7a �snd accav �>d ir�ter�9t sl1�a1� 4�t canc�a bici.�me� dui as«� P'+,1'��3� 1��, at tlu�� elec:#�ic�n oi th�� �
<br /> � \ i f� �:�i.` ,,,�ii� i,�. � i . a1} �,2.;�i�T�? I3]nl' (,`tkl!'t'U }JU1i JJe? 1tYi�?.�;�OJc.(� 1131Sri�C� 12t'�t'] \' E�ti)1' Lfll. 11`�lUtl' Clt jjll'. 117('�C:��t'C�— '
<br /> ' �icas ir�ret�S' seci� s ��d. xz,.�1,:<li �ig fhe. �.osi; �F i�xrt,xit� in� tl�e ahstract ai citle f't•c>ia7 1;lte ditte uF this nlot.t_
<br /> : ga�e to the iime of cc�msr�ezaci�i� such suit, a re.asc�nak�le attnrne��'s tee; and ait>• .un1s p;� ici b}+ the i'et,e*r:3ns
<br /> '. � �rlixiiniatra4iqa t�:� accrrtint oi i.he guarant�r or insurtt�ice taf t'tie iiidebtedaiecs se�ce�roci lic���et��-, ail } of r�-tiick2
<br /> ` siiall ka� iuc2u3ed in tkie deeree o� forecIosure. 'a,p • x, e.• ',,
<br /> <
<br /> � 1•d� 19 Ltae iztdebteciness secu:•er9 h4a-eb • be ` ° �.,, "�
<br /> y �gtrt�t•a�att�cd t7i iia�vred uaic���r ,Pixlc� 3ti. l:��tited St�3tes G<adr�, , < r� -:
<br /> ' � � � r+l �
<br /> , � sucYi Tit14 a�xici Regulati�ns ifisuc�d thet�eunder itisnd in �ef�c*ct crn t:lac c3,ite hE�r�>i�f shxtl gr>v4rii t;�ie i•ights, dutites � � �
<br /> and IiaLiilaties of the pax-t9es }xereto, :ai�d an.y }�i�ovisicins oi ti� �s nr Titl�ez• i �ystt•cxn;e�xts exfv,.utee� in can�zection �� ' w �;
<br /> : �rith s�id in3ebtetiness �t•hit}t air ineansisf:ent rcitti saie� 'i`itie o�• F:e�ulataons xre h�r�c�by :�inenderi to � � ., �'• ;
<br /> � . .P. _ N . � .
<br /> ;,; corefuz•�ta theretc�.
<br />� ,, �� .,
<br /> � , . �. . �j1P C��!'!?T1Rn'M i�n�•:^.:^ : C..:'F..:...C:3 : S�uaii uti,l�in qkii 4itc UCtic;;11�.: ��k113�1 �. :iQVc121L'..'?jZ,'�ti Cf13(1 ]I11t2'E'. LO, l;}1C . ��
<br /> r� ' � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . .. . .
<br /> �
<br /> ry� �
<br />