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<br /> , To HavE arra To HoLD tlie saxne unto the i4Sox°tgagee, as hereiti �>x•avided. iVIortgngor represE�azts tc�,
<br /> anci eovenai�ts �vith, tho Mortgagee, that the illortgagor has good right i:o sell and convey said �remises ;
<br /> that t}iey ai•e free firom er�cumbrance, exeept z�s hei•esnotheT•�vise recited ; that tfie Mortgagor �c�ill «�arrant
<br /> anc� deferid the same a�ainst ttie tawful claims of all pers�ns w}Lomsocver. i1Zai•tgtigoi• liereby x•elinc�uislles
<br /> all s•ighta of' haanestead, all max�ital riglits, either in law or in e:quity; and all otlier contingez�t, iiiteresCs oi
<br /> ` � the Mortgaqor iii and t� the aUove-desc:ribed pz•cmises.
<br /> YROviDED AL}vAYs, and these presents are exectited and delivered np�n the folio�ving conditions, to
<br /> wit :
<br /> 1�1ort��gor agrees to �ay ;ta the 141ortg�t�gee, or order, tlie aforesaid 2arincipai sum with interest from d�,te
<br /> at the rate qf . , eight per centum ( $ . 0 !%b ) �per <znnum on the u:i��id balance unCil �aid.
<br /> 'Lhe said principai �tnd interest shall be payable �t the ot�ice of r�irst �ederal S�v�.ngs and Loan
<br /> � Associati 1� of Linc�ln
<br /> in Lirseoln , or at auch otlier place as the holciei• o:f the no e may designal:e in
<br /> writing delivered or mailed to the i�iortgagor, in monthly installments oi 'Pwo Hundred R`went,y at�d 13�100--
<br /> Doliai:s ($ 220 . 13 ' ) , c�mmencin� an the fi:•st day of ,7-�� , 19 77 , and cantinuing on
<br /> ttie first day of each month thea•eafter until saici t�ote is tully paid, e..cept that, if not so�ner paid, ttie 1in:z1
<br /> ;�ayrnent of principll and interestshalk l�e clue and payable oti the tirst da3' of May 20D7 ; ali
<br /> � according to the te.rms of a cert�� in promissory note of even date hex•e�vith. e�ecuted by thesaid 11�orLgagor.
<br /> � Tl�e Mox:tgagor furtlier aKrees :
<br /> rt
<br /> 1. He �vill pay the iriclebtedness, as hei�eSnbefore pi•ovided. Privilegc� -is reserved to prepay at any
<br /> time, without premium o2• fee, ttie entire. iiidebtrdness or ariy part thereof not less than tkte ainount c.�f on�
<br /> installment , or one hundred dollars ($100.d0) , whichever is less_ Prepayment in full shail be credited pn
<br /> the - date receiyed. , Pastial prepayment, other than on an installment due date, need n�t be credited until -
<br /> � the next following installment due date or thirty days after such pr�pnym�nt, whichevcr.is earlier:
<br /> 2. Together wStli, and in addition to, the monthly payments of �rincipal and interest payabte under
<br /> the terms of tkie note sc,�cured hereby, ll�iortgagor �vill pay to Mortg:tgc�e, as trustee, (uricler tYie terms of thts
<br /> trust as hereinafter st�zted ) on the first day 'af each rrsonth untiI said note is f'ully paid :
<br /> � ; (a,) A sum equa.i tu the graund rerits, if an,y, next ciue, pius the premiwns that wi11 next become due
<br /> and pay�ible on policies of fix�e and ot;ier hazard iusurance co��ering the mortgaged property,
<br /> plus taxes arid assessments next clue on ll�,e mortgttged property ( all as estimated by the Mort-
<br /> gagee, anci of �cliiGh ttie 117o2•tga�oz• is notified ) less ail susns aireaay pai8 therefor clivided by
<br /> the number of months lo elapse bei'ore ane cnonth prior to the date 4c•hen such ground rents,
<br /> premiunis, taxes and <issessments �vill bc�comc� delinqueut, suctz sums to be held b,y Mortgagee
<br /> : in tt�ust to �tiy saiid ground i�ents, premii�ms, taxes and special assessments.
<br /> � ;' (b ) The aggregate of the zxiz�oLuits payable puraua�it to subparaqraph (a) and those payable on the
<br /> ° note seciired hereby�, sl�all be paid iii a single payinent eac}i inonti�, to be apglied ta tiie fo}lo�v-
<br /> � w ing iterris in the nrdez• slated :
<br /> ° t ( t ) grotuid re�its. taxes, assess�n�nts, fix•e and other hazard insttrance px�emiuma ;
<br /> ( zt ) intet•est on the note secured hereby ; nnd
<br /> � � ( riT ) €irnortizntiun of the principal of said note. � � � � �
<br /> 5 Auy deficiency in the aimount of �n�� such aggregate mc>nthty p;���meixt shall, unles� made gaod
<br /> ` by tlie �:tortgagor }>rior to ttle dt�e <iate ot L}ze next suclt payment, coiistitute an event oi default
<br /> � undex• this mortgage. At :�Iox•i �ragee's optioiz, 1Iort�agor �cill �ay a "late cI�nrge" not exeeed-
<br /> ` � ing four per ceutum ( •9 ;� ) vf any inst�ll uient �s•hen pai<i more than fifteen ( lu) e�aiys aPter the
<br /> due ciute thereuf. to co��er the e::tr� eipi�nse in��olved in handiing delinquent paymenta, taut �uch
<br /> " late chaige" shall not be payable out ofi the pi•ucceds of atiy sale made to satisfy the inciebted-
<br /> ` ness secured iiex•el�y, unless such pi•oceeds are suflicient to diacharge the entire indebtedness and
<br /> ' all proper costs and expenses secu�•ed thereby.
<br /> � ; � � �
<br /> 9 3. If the tntal of the paymenCs made by the Mortgngor under ( a ) of paragraph `L PrecedinA shall
<br /> f exceed the amount of payments actually made by the Mortgaigee, as trustee, Yor ground rei2ts. taxes an<�
<br /> ° assessments or izisurance premiurns, as the case may be, such excess shail he cx•eclifi.ed by the Mortga�ee
<br /> ; on subsequent payments to be made by t}te Mortgagor f��r suc�i items or, at Mortga�ce's option, as trustee,
<br /> ? shail be refunded ta RZortgagor. If, however, such monthly payments shall nat b� svtticient Lo pay such
<br /> � items when the same shull become dne and payak�le, then the il'iortga,{�n�� shall paiy to the R1carl:g.��ce, as
<br /> i truste+e, any �mount necessary to rn� ke up tlie deficiency «�ithin thirtY ( 30 ) days aftet• ��• ritten noticc; from
<br /> tkie Mortgag�ee stating the amount of the deficiency, which notice may be given by mail. If at any time
<br /> the Mortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance �i�ith the provisions �f the rn>Le secured
<br /> a hereby, full payrnent of the entire indebtedness represented thex•ebp, the ibiort�agee, zs tx•ustee, shall,
<br /> ' ' in. computing the amount of such indebtedness, creciit to the account of the Mortfiagor atty credit balance
<br /> f accUmulated under the provisions of ( a) of parxgi•ssph 2 hereof. If thet•e staall be a default under any
<br /> + nf the nr�vicions of this mortgage rese?ti�:g in s pGblie sa2e of t�:c pr� ...ises ca� ere.i U��ru�y, vr• if t3ie
<br /> r Mortgagee acquires the property otherwise after defauit, the 11'Iort�,Fakree, ais trustc,�c, shall apnly, at the
<br /> � time af the cornmencement of such proceedings, or at the time the property is otherwise ac�uired, the
<br /> ; amount then xemaining to credit the Mortgagor under (a) of parugraph 2 preceding, as a credit on t}ie
<br /> � Interest accrued and unpaid ancl t3ie bala�ice to tite principal then remaining unpaid on said note. �„� �
<br /> p . . . . . . - � : . . .
<br /> x 4. - The lien of this instrument shall remain in full force and ei£ect during any postpunement or exten- ,�y � � w
<br /> : sion of the time of payment of the fndebtedness ar any part thereof secured hereby.
<br /> � �
<br /> �� 5. He will pay all g'aound z•ents, tax,es, assessments, water rates, and atizer b>overnmentu3 or munici- �"
<br /> ' pal charges, fines, or irnpositions, levied upon said preniises and that he �viil pay zlt t��xes levieci ugon this
<br /> � X �� fl�nYt�A'd?y OP �}IQ.' �P}3± SCC12T'L'C: +22C�'C�Jy`� �CeCtit:.Y' `��I�-}'i aTi;j' Gii.�IC1' t:1.�C� ul' ii`sJw�all]C11LS li'tiYi:ll Illdy"' 1:11.-' lCVI.�.'(1 .
<br />� a iinrier the Ia�ti�s �f Ne6r�sir� wgsinst thc :1'�ortg,:�ce, �r th� ]egaZ l.alder oi s�ticl g�rincipal iiute, uii accuuni of �
<br /> this indebtedness, except when p�yment for all sucli items has ther�tofore been rnade under (a ) of para- �
<br /> graph 2 hereof, and he �vill promptly deliver the oflicial receipts therefor to the 111ortgagee. In default
<br /> therec�f the IYfoi•tvAgPP m�y ray the �ame.
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