<br /> y , .
<br />��% ' 3 :. ,
<br />� { �, �:' :
<br /> ',:�:�.�v.
<br /> � � �
<br /> ; 77- UU24 � � �
<br /> _ , . °
<br /> � ` �� . . � � � That the ;Mottga�or��viil..pay...ihe s`ndehkedqe.as :ea herein644�re prt.+vided. . .' . � � .��� ,�. .
<br /> � � � ThAt the .Mart�,agur�; ss t}re awner o[ said Nre>�>erly in fei• simpl< �� and hns gorxi right and lawful authority .to. xell antl �:
<br /> � :convey the. saarie -ar�ci that the. s�me 3x ftee' acid clear pC uny Ditcn or.. eneinnhrt�nce: :x�id thatt ATr.iXtgagor will . isarranL anc( idc•(encl fhe ^` '
<br /> � title to � xaid �remises�.�.agaial.wR th� �t�lairns ��f a11- Peranne �;w�+hsr�nao�ver_ .�� .
<br /> � � � � �
<br /> � � �� Ti'� pay iinnaea3is:teiy 'when +ine ttnd payairle a11 general taxea, s�xe�:i��! tdxes, s;peci:al �a:s�...s��rs�;irients, water c.harges; r�r.rwer sr:rv- ����'
<br /> �� . . icx� �r}�.rgc�a. and aChea� trtxes�. an�rl r,hUr,P,es� agtainnt s�i�i� pirt�pcpYlY, anri t�13 t�xi^,s 1rvi�r�l on tt�e� d�F3L 4wi^urc�d. horeby, �.arul� Ler Lunrish .�ftza, �
<br /> , ;. � hSnrt�;�.agee; uF�ri '�riK7nest: ��viltx"ihe� x>ri��na! ur:�. sJu�alic�ctltc� mcei}>Ls' {t+ere#`�r.. �Th�a Mbrtq..t�;tir �. a7; rees�. ��t}eat ther.- . .whall i7t% '�. add�e7 Yn�:.. , .
<br /> . , � � � each rxanrrthly paymenC rr�yuira�.3 I�crcuncier ur undrr ttsc� � r-vialerac^-• �rf �iuFrt s.�:�•urecS tirret�y� an � �=rne�unt . e^.stim:at«=cl � Fiy the A1nrt�;aF;e+.e � �
<br /> ' � � to t7r ���suf}ieiex�.t ta "en�Abte . tk�e i'wlortfiagee . t.o .�ieit�� . as they becc»nar dtKe•, ai3- taxe.�z, £a�.3rvsmen��,s; and xe�:r4ka� . clzarge=�: u�»n the pretrtu �:
<br /> . � iu:a � subjeet theretn:� t�ny <tr. f�cirncY Eiec.euse: c�l"fhe-� ii�aufPicte�i:y� i; f cuc}� �� a<3<Situin:al � ��}aayrncent:i � :,1�a11 ''bt^ (rrrthw%tP�i � <}e�rr,�.;ite•il t�y t4�ic `
<br /> � Mozt�i,iSczr wdE11 t�he 3\'IostF,;iag;ee uE�.xri d�.manri ba' th�•. � Moitt;;ahe.c.. .<'Any ric(azslt urrtler lhi.a. .prarm�; ra�sli �h.fU, beT rfe�•mec} a rlrtx�ui{. '$:7 �
<br /> � � . � (�aymcnt� '+>f taxc^s,�. a.a.�u�vsnu�rr4., nr � simi:.ir � charges - n�qeai.red � }rerearndur. �.. .. . � - � . . . � . . . . .
<br /> ' � . i'h��- Phort�::afl'<xr agrn.es tbat �ik�ere aha11 alsu k,�� � a�3deel . 4s> �each� rrts��n�tQa' tiay�autnt .u! {:ra �rr�pa: ,and irxta�crat r�s9r.�: red Yri•r�^• �. .
<br /> un3er �ait aniount est4x�axfed i>y t]�ttt .Mnrtkagee t�� bi� ratdiir,ient. t.cr er>:at�ile lhr. !LS :�ri}��rf,<�e' to paay , :a. it . �Pxcccimce;. dibG• . . tfte in�.:tr'ar�ce
<br /> {>remLivan un ti.s3y. innuranc�c � policy a,frtivr�red tn tl�,� 114 ��rk��gc�e. Atty de�fici«rncv bePet�tue�e . u; U��c visutficicac,V� t�f .. such .uldi[ir,nel , �>,9y- ' . ..
<br /> . . rnerato-, �-�sha11 h�r� thrlhwith �Sepo•.efecl � l��y �Yhr h�S+irt.��#gur ����'st}� Ytie � ?Vfr,rt�np;ir,.t uiwn <3e�nraud `.>y Eh�. 1K�rtga�ei� �Aa�y. drf.�ulf � .x,rndtir :his � .
<br /> ` -� � }��e�ruFraph st!a: i ix rlxren,ed a �ierfr�uli. in !h., yny�zi��r;.t ��f inx.urar�ccr rrremicsin.:: � If �.hr���pnfic. 0 <�r� ssatrcies � <iep<rsit.�d ;ire Sucl: � a*+ tn�n�r:..� ' ., .
<br /> � � �t�wziera . orn»fl risk �wFic•i�s-, an�4 t9e cdit{��sifs :art .u�ut'Yictrint tr� �say ti-�e rrai.icei prF•nBunM. t {yt� T�,�oet�;aY,ee rvr '+}' anpiy [hW- clef�nwit to � � .
<br /> � � . nay ��rr,rnium�s �in r�sks r.?quirr�al to 6sA insured !>y i.hiF :ns>rtt;sg�p- � � � �
<br /> . � i'aym.�^iwfa; mr�cle by the ;1Sortl;a ��c�r �endn•r the .�xbov. y.� �ra �;za�7�t�s nia}� . .xt t}:o� op:.iun �.�f P.h �� 2�4i,rt5;:igee . bt� ktelt7 hy. it aiasl �
<br /> t'aainmfnglNd . +veth � ntha�;r .suc•.h tuntid� .ur its ox�mi C;znd� (or the; ���ym����[ uf sti�r1�� itor�is. a�u1 �� r, til sso ap}�Iied , vuch p�aYm�'•.nta ar�� Pu,r�rk�+_+ � � .
<br /> piecjg�d •a* se�:urity. for � t?ie tm��airl Pr.ilaance �.I' Yhe ,rr7ort�arr i��clrhf��di;<<ss. � � � � . � � � �
<br /> d• . � '7'p prorure. delsver Ln. titt4k zriz+intuit� for the binc.fif sy! t �-:e h'[�;�xtx,ti�oe �du : istF; �the tife u! Chis :naort �agi� arly,I.n�I f�c�lictes :a.`rz,i . .
<br /> �. � rr>iac����alk ilt�rt^of, ci4'liverre�9 aL fe-ast t<•n dz�ys #x.forer ik�e� aaT�icatlo .^. i7( e2ny- si.�-I2 p!�riit�ias. ins�urin�� ap�ain:.t, fire and ut.f�arr insurnYrC� .
<br /> 1�azurcis,. casG�a.F4ieR, fand cr>ntir�.��enciea sy ihc: 313 ::�rtg:e�:c.e rnag' re .r-,,uire, ias ara urnaaunt eyusl tti t}ie indebkednesa secure=cl by .�bhie
<br /> Pvl�at2�;ka�e. lsrzd in c:oen�.anies a��<-¢�pL-atile io U:c- 1bT �rL� x �„,"ec, v. i1.Yi lesx 7-r,ayaE�3.� �. t.au5�� it� f�eor oF �.nd in i.?rrs'i aCct!1�Eabhrl to� :h'sr� �i�4orY�ct- .
<br /> �5er_. 3rt t�he ev�nt any � pi ;lioti �v ric1, rc�r'��we�d ur� <�r ba:or�: tr � a.:. .�e �,f � ,r'. rs¢7i . tation, ttee 139ort_ ;;tio rt :�y >> rrt�c.ure insc: ratticF � ,.>te tixe � � � �
<br /> imI�e��verflen[s.. i9ay lbr,� Prrmie[n thrrefor. �i�d .viu°h >une st..�ti hrr.�ymc�� i�rireic�Sir�tcly due arad C�atyuC�le wifA� Vntezest at th� rete 5eRt � . .
<br /> tcrrLh in said not� unlif pxid an�i s1��aR br s�rct� rr��. by this tuncCFa�s,u. F^::iilura orx xhc� �'�art rsf thie ;vSortga,yortn £u.rnish s��r}e re•ne�vale � � �
<br /> ns ai� . here.in .r�uired ur faiir� rc . to pxy a,ny 4urzi5 arie�,a;�zx_ed hsereunda- r sIi:�il, xi: Ctie op?tiviz �of t.he D4crxg��ee, cUnstifut+- �� rie�fault .
<br /> �nuar f.4's4 t.erm� u& ik�ii� . ixwrt;;r�;u. Thrr � e,io-�la�,<uv ot' ,euch pol ,i ;es ::hall . � u 4.k�c: ��vc�nf of r3etault. �tonstitiats� nix ar;:3rgrimtent Krf lYce un� . ' � �
<br /> carnFN3 premiurn, . . � � � � .
<br /> � � l�ny su[ns [es�e_i�.r.d by [h�;' IvTrrtk�nge� � � �c s �-L3nr. :�f ta,s or docvy�ge insured ag^a �naL miaxy t�� r��4a(ned by TFRe A9urY�(age� � . �
<br /> �rid rs��iplie�i. . tr�ward the puymcr�t u!' ti�e t3eht hc. rel�y se^cure:d. . or.. t3C t}�,� . x�}�mio:r c�f t.kie A�Y<ati�;ugee,�, sneh. suma �;ik�hcr w•holly or in � . � �
<br /> � part maY he p�id ravcrr : si tiie R3ortgs�;c>r to �� i,s�e�3 t.�r� rvpalr such buitdin�;s or tu trufld - i�ew Luiidin�s ira fheir �x3{ar. w < rr f��r .iny - � . -
<br /> . � . �ather put{wse oc ob}�cC satisf:acie,7ry W thir ;�1urt.gi�ger� wiihriuf afFcctin� t4icr lien �rn thr nxorlgage for itrr, Ctill 3inount s.eomrerl here- .
<br /> � t�y befure such V��ymer�t c•ver iex;k Place. � . . .
<br /> � � �t�� I7coia�Ptly repuir, re�vt.e� re ur rrbuild any buil� lingx ^ r 6rxK�c� iren�e»ts isuw ur hevc-after un t.hr, Errernisor- u�hi[�'8i may Far� � � � � �
<br /> � cutne dt�ma�ecf r�r dest.nvyed : 6v ku.kp aaid f�zr:=�ise. in gcx�d un��cli �.ion aand r��p�air and trae from any rrxx•r�han�ic's lirn or ol. .�er :iere o� �
<br /> Arlaixaz � o( lia^a no2 r;xpreusly suk�rdinatr. d to LPie lie-n l��ere•ot: not tu .sufT�er os- ryerrnit, :xin� unlawfu�i use c�C ur �any izuisance tt� uxist an � � � �
<br /> .. ns3i�3 yrojiaartY nor [u pa!n7�i � w��:te r,�n aui�9 yxemises . rior t�� do a:iy c>! h�ar aci �vherrb,� the Prop� r[Y' hvrcby acrnviyc<�I shall � hrrome. . . �.
<br /> 1�� vmluabie, n<xr t.<a di�nini�sh or irr�pair ifs va.fue P>y any ar[ ur orni_�asiun to arc �, tr� c.�mE�l�� .with UI1 requir�'+rr�ent.s uf law with rmsF.ect � � � .
<br /> . tcr tkse mort �agecl pre.mises and the use 1f�ereof, . . � . �
<br /> � �Phut s�wuld. i.tre� yremisrs or a�iy p:trt t.kzere�vl�: fx- t:+k<n o � da �naKed by r<-:.isnii of an5` i�uhli<:• inxprr�vc•m -rni, cir cuitdemna4ion � . � . � . � .
<br /> proceea3ing. �,r under the rigiit ca[ cminent dumain , or ira axiy uihr. .^ �nanri<� r, 1.4�e 1�Sortgagee :s}�xtl f:�c� c:�ifitted�� fu. atl t:um�aunsalinns; �
<br /> awurds, and .any other payitfe•ni or mlief thcrcfor, and skxafllre � eri:iifl4rd�, at its �option. tc� c~rmsn�:nce: apiie&r� in � �zinci sireasecute� �i❑ . i.ts : , � � � � �
<br /> own nuine� any. ection or proceeding, cu ter makr u.ny comprumis<r ar �cttlement in cunnr:ction with suci� #.aking or rlamuge�. All �uch � �
<br /> � coni{aervtation, awardit, damAges. � ri�ht at aciion vnd pracec�is� �are hereby . assiFnm<i� to�� the Mc>rt�;agee. � .whi7 � may. � ait:er� � deducting� � � � �
<br /> � therefrom � atl �itv ex�nsa:s, release aziy moneys ac• .n�ceived by. if. oz ui>pty� the suine on ar�y inile6ted�msa urcur�ci h�reby . �"I'he..: Mort• � � . . . � �
<br /> �� g»gor . ugxees� �tn�� execuLe� �uch further a�sign�r+ents oi any c<zmpensat���n, .nwar<1s, �i:�mFeges,� and rights of �cti<�n ,and T,irnrecYls a+ thr - �,. � � � � �
<br /> Mariga�ee - rnay�. require. . . . . � � . � . . . . . . . . . � . . � � .
<br /> '1'hat. dn case of i�ailurc to pe, rl'urrn any nf the cuvc�iei�x4s herefn, thr Murtl;'nge� rnsiy d�'� ori � thr ?44orfgsg<�>r'ti behnit F+vrrylhirtg � ' -' � � ; � � � � �
<br /> � so ccrvenaiated: ihat. f,he Mortga�ee may a1sG do any act iE mray deem n�_ei:-a�ary. t.0 protect the lier� thereof; tki:� c the� Morfqagor wi❑ � � � � � � � �.
<br /> • �;; � repay upcin dc=mand an,v moncys paid t�r disUurs��cl by tlie Morkgage�:� for any <if t.he .ibov�u pur�ioses, and :�uc}� maney�s to�;ethier with � ... . �
<br /> . ini.ez^t-�st 'thereon saP. the � rate� nrrroide�d in� said not�rnhai! become so rnuch arld4tionni ine3e+btednera � fiereliy� �secur��d ���and� n�nv �t�« in• � � � . �� � . � �
<br /> ciuded in ezxY decree f<>recloeing fhis rn<xtgage ai�id be paid uut +: f t.he rents c�r #aroc<•eds uf � �ale � <rL said � �>rein�yi•� � :if nul � ritherwise � �.' � . . � .
<br /> pui.d; . that it shntt. rsvt br abligatory upern the Mart�;ngec: to ir:yi: ire into the validity c>E ;��ny lir•n, encamtvances, ur c•.Paim in ad- � � � � � �
<br /> . vancixxq .[noneye . �.s�� abnvrc authorized�, .but nathinK hen:in roretaine<I, shiall 3�r construe�! a. �� requiring .the Murtgager lu'. advunce � �ny � � � � � �
<br /> ^ monr.yu fwr.:any nuch Vurptise raoc tu do any act hercw�dcr; .�trd that M11ort�;�agec shail nr�t incur ainy persunu{ IiaL�ility Ix^cause <>f any- � � � � �� � �
<br /> thing:. it.maY- do. ar�pmik .tu .du. here.undex.. � . . . . � . � . . � � .�. � . . � . . . . �
<br /> . �� � � � � Tn thc� eveni o! Ehe default by T�Torigagcrr in f.he 7rayment of anp instalfinent , :�s reyuired by. thr� . Not.c� �securecl � irrreby. or . � . �. � . �
<br /> . . in tne pedoru'�xnce oi t:fe uk>li.gutiun in this mortgage Ur in thae riuic secr,i:��d ihetet�y. the ".fortgaFF'i shall hc�� entitled fo c3ectae•c+� the � � � . �.. � �
<br /> �� �� �i -rbt seetireel heref.Y due and t>�'✓�6ta without noEicr, nnd t.hc A4orGgaFee� shall he entiUed. at. iL�s nptian, tvithou[ :aotic<•�. eithert�.y itw�rll . � . � . .
<br /> , � or by. 8� :rt,�*eeiver .tv be. :a4�pr,�inkc:d��hy hhe :cuurt lherr�st; and �wittwut tegani to � the acicK3tlacy nf any security � tor the indekrteclneas se- . � �
<br /> � � eutied hercby. �Lo rnter uywn.. and� tak8 �pos��ssiean � ot� the �� martRage<i premiscs�, attd in ce�llect ai�d �recei+.�e the rrnis. . s+aurY �and pre�fits . � . � .
<br /> , P�� � Yhereo7, �andapplyrthessxne; lesscosts� o[ o��ratiura - and � rnitecfian, u �x>n� thc. � � indebte�inc:ss ;tecumd� by �� tfiia � mort�age: � said rents;��. . � .
<br /> � .:> . � . isaues and ��-�rofi.tei��6eing�hereby >u�igr�ed to tihe� Mortqaqes-as� furthes ;.heuritv (�r the� F�aymenl. .af ali.:.indebit<dness s�.ruxed�. he�rby;�� � � � � � � . .
<br /> �� � � . � The P.Sortga�ec: ��hail have� the � �puwrr to ap{winL any ag�nt or agents it may desire for fhe purpose of re�iairing suid Prem• . ^"��r ��
<br /> a o;
<br /> � �.� � . � � ises� renking the..xame,. culleciing�. the rfnSs, revenues and income , and .it may , ryuy uut <af said incnme ali expenses inrurrcYJ in rent- �. � � � .: � �a,�� �
<br /> � � �ing ar�d � managing�� the sxame � and ot � callecting� :the zentals there.f:rom. The �� bafarice rrmaining. it aiiy: shall Mc � aryPlied�� foward � tho � * y
<br /> . ��3isekarge � nf the znortgage indebtedneas. This �.assiq�tm�ent in te> t�rminate and Frecnme �sull aa�l �•oic3 u��n relvas� ��f this mortRage. , �, !.; ` �
<br /> �� . . � . . . . . . . . . � . . . , � . . x i•a i�,
<br /> , �
<br /> . . . . . . . . � '{� �. � y ..
<br /> ilYt' �" _'_...�_ . �. . .��.�.+..�.`ww.�u�+««.w:.:n..w..rv.ne.w.�+e.�n�wuvu�ma,.u.e�.ww...—...._ � . .�,..» ... . � . . .. . . .. .. . � .� . � .
<br /> ._ ....,...... .� ..n....� ...��.�....n.... ...: ,..w� . w .. ��. w...w ..�.......v....:...... .. � .... �.,... ......_ . �_._ ...._.. . .._ .M M �. .. ..
<br />�.+ i. . . 4G4��... .� .:... .
<br /> fr � . �
<br />� !
<br /> a� �
<br />