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.�. <br /> �� <br />�� : . <br />;,. <br /> .� : : <br /> ,.,-_ <br /> � � <br /> . <br /> � <br /> . <br /> � <br /> , - <br /> � t•.� .... Nw ..'.+nnVwYw � <br /> : . . . , ..,.,� _N.<mi�.eaW: � <br /> , . .�a�m..ttww�nrt,+'U"ZM �,�,+wR.aB%".yd�+4Ad,�ecnsA�iwL�,riwn��SMm�,^"u���+aem✓Fsowwmaurwwwe� . . <br /> ` - togetlier with alltenzments, heredita�nents and appurtcnances belqngingYhereto <br /> 1.f'� <br /> �i 7'O JiAVE AND 1'U HOLll the :�bc�ve describ�d premises with atl the privile�;es und appurtanances thereunta belony,ing inr:iuding <br /> �all renls; issues and pro�rtstheretaf untn Mvrtgagee , tbrever: And Mortgagor hereby covenanis ti�ai htortgagor is weit and iru3y seized c�f <br /> L;'�ta goad titie ta tl�e premises at>crve aonveyed in the law, in fee simplo-, and has good riglit and iawfui .�uthority to convey the same, and <br /> �21�:� t the title so conceycd is cle�r, f'ree aird �.mii�curnbered except as utherwise noted and tha[ Mor[gagor will £prever warr�nt and de- <br /> ',,.;'?�end the same io Mcirtga�ee against sil claims whatsoever. <br /> � This i��artgage is giveti by Me:rtgd�ors to s�cure tlie �erformance c�C cach agreeznent contained herein , ai�d to secure the payment <br /> � of a lq2n in th� anlount of" the Tolal ot� Paymetits shown abuvc, whicli loan being evidenced by a proinisaory n<>te bearing even d•ate <br /> heiewith and which is furdiec described above, <br /> YI2OVIL3ED ALR'.1YS , and tliese presents are upon the expressed �ondition , [h�t if the Mortgagars shall pay in full ta the Mart- <br /> b�€�e a prnmissciry nate bc�aring even datr lierewith in Uie am��wit set forth above , payable in in.staitments aceording ta tite terrns there- <br /> � �'�f togeilrer with interesi as set fnrth dterein , and sl� all pay � aU t3xes and assessments lev}ed upon �id mat estate bel"ore �ttte��same be• � � � � �� <br /> � � � coines delinc�uenl, and keep � he i�uildin�s c>n said prs�nises insured f�r a st�m equat ta the indebfedztess serured hereby, loss , if any, pay- � � � � � �� <br /> able to ihe said hlarkgagee , ihrn tliese presents t�i be nul( and void , pi3ienvise to be xnd remain in full farce. <br /> THIS hiORTGAGE iS ALSO TO RE , ANv CONTICdUE TO BE, FRQ!Vf TID1E TC1 TlM1fE, SECURfTY FOR THE FAYbfEtVT - <br /> OF SUCH SUM OR SUM& OF MONEY AS THE M012TGAGEE MAY FROD9 TIME `fO TIME IN T'HE FUTURE ADYANCE TO THE, <br /> hiORTGAGOR, AN *,��'IDENCLD SY A SUPPLEM1iENTAL NpTE OR IvpTES, BUT ri`OT TC �::'EED THE TC7'TAL pF <br /> `- $ . . .**,I,6. ,.8,96,. 6 � . , . : , . , �xCEF'T FOR AIVY ADVAIVCES THA'T bfAY 13E Mr1DE TO PROTBCT TiiL SECI3RITY IN A�G � <br /> CORDANCE WITH THE TLRh15 OF 'THtS MORTGAGE. <br /> Ad3itional "Per�ns and C��n�itiui�s on tlie reverse uf this a�reement arc made a }�art hereof and incorparaled herein. <br /> IN WITNlSS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagors have executed these presents the day and year first above written. <br /> �.-�,..z���� ��, _ -- <br /> Mortgagor <br /> __��L�C�c f C-.�+T � <br /> � � � . ' � CJifg3�OF . . .. <br /> �� <br /> '< SfATE OF NEHRASKA ) _ <br /> _ � �S <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> ._..... _ . . <br /> . ,. On this �Q_ dxy oC n„ r; t �_. , 19 77 , belbrc mc, the undecsiF;zacd a Notary I'ublic, duly <br /> cUmmissiuned and qualitied tur an�i in; said state and county, personally came �odney E Fisher and Shirlev J Fi sher <br /> • ----_---�._ .._____�_..__ —_.----- ` <br /> tu me knrncr. Yo be the ic:enYi�alpe�suu or E�ersons wi�osu nacnc ts or numes are uf�xed 10 the fore�oing instrument and ar, knowledged - <br /> the execucion Chr,re«+- *� ' er qc theirvoluntary act and deed. <br /> 7fM�O AR�L <br /> ttt n��pd Notaria Seal' tl�e day anck year last aUove written . <br /> StATECi n+N�s1a��E�ess _ <br /> Oc,..oyer A. 1980 ------` --- — --- __._..._, .�. 3 • „� r ; <br /> _ ..__.__._ <br /> NOT RY PUBL <br /> � ��w.� <br /> � �" . <br /> My commission expires the day of � , 19� . <br /> � NCI'ICI: : fi�� U3"F1ER SIDF. FOR AI?i)ITkONAL TEt2i�+1SAh�ll CONDI'CIUNS <br /> . . . NEB. R.[: . . . . . _ . . . � <br /> t7RIGINt3,L � <br />� � � � <br />�. <br />� <br />� , <br />