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�, <br />�.:,.� <br /> � , � � . <br />�;,� z 4a <br /> E � � <br /> ., � <br /> � <br /> .. <br /> . w._ro:.�.. <br /> �� � � � If uncier �atsra�;ruph 18 hereot ciic t't'oper� y i� �;calri or thr }'rrap� if;v i � oth� � �v�se ��. �#un �� 3 h�- l ,eri�ier. I .ender � � � � <br /> � til�t�ll��aj3�15-,� nn 3a1,Cr t.4�:in in�met�lGutelp� prwr to ��tlit rala z�1 tlu� Yr<i� �c i �,�� tir iE , aecycii�rt3un h�• L�aurler, ni � v t�'nnr3s <br /> ft�ld, b�• Lenc,ier .�t th� $ime of� itppti�.ation t� a x�red�t a�;qti��.t thca .�iuu� securr�<{ I��- f }ii.. A ��l �irf�s�;n. <br /> � � � � 3. Agglication oF � PKxyrsaents L7nlr.ti �t� ��� iinalat�� i;k�r pz �n� 'r.lcs oYi��r�vi�i., ;� fl }u�y�nunts ir�•rived ho l ,ei�adc:..r � � <br /> � � � uvder tlx: ',Vq1:e �nd �>arugr.tF�lts ,I tirt�i `W 1i� � enf 51r,}la iz�s ;i� ���ite�f ta�'� l .i�nriz�r tiitit iu �>c��piyic+ut ot atni�izi��is �.a.�vtti�tc� 't,� � <br /> � � Lender I�y+ 7�ur�atti'cr tisi¢y±r f���'a�ra���h '� ��1�rraoi, Ch<:�� t.0 �Ititi r � ,t � > >iir�aLrlc or� 1 h� :V{ai�ra �is3c;� nt� Puf.uri� z1ti}��;��arrr,� , � if � : � <br /> � � a�ry, p�ilci t}Ien���to Gkie J�rincip�l, nf thc I��c>to cit�e) �to� t4��� �n•inei � ral � c��t T�iit,ux•ft :1rit�nnccs, 6f an}�� � � <br /> �''.i 4. Char;fes: Liens. Ba>rrot��er s1i:i11 ��a�� sl ? ti;�e_= s,acsstzteni�,s :tur1 otl�er i ha�r�<�;>� t�nes� :ir�cl z�n�zositious stt:t�rila- <br /> ,� ut�ble tu the� 3'ro��ert1• «'hicli az�n� �Lcalin .t priar�t� nver tlus �to� t �;age, �,ii�d }�roiznd r��uts. � � 1 uuy, ;�t T,��ncler';� <br /> , � � � � option in t#ae �nann�r � provided �uutier p,��:��;raph �',?' hca:eKif��� �ii• [�y I3orc«����+r� i�a,al:in�; � pa�1'ni:��it, wher� duc, dirertdl� �ta7 � <br /> � the �tnyee therepf. �3�rrn�ver si�aill ��rotrigitl�- furiiish to T;enc3r.i• :�. il < uutices c�i aacioiu�ts ciue i� ri<icr this la�cugrap}x , <br /> � :xnd Sn tl�e evei7G Borra�ue.e sPanll � ai�e�kzt �a�,yiilonx. �3ir�o�ly, J3u� r47�v��r� slia�ll prom�,�kd�� Eiic•nSsL to I ,rii�lcr rereipts r,v4 - <br /> � > el�ncitt� sucli E�s�}�m�zit9. Ciara�r�wer al�all ;�x•nn�pt:1,Y d�xch�rge tim• lian ���hirh �i i� �,��iot•itti• i�vr,r thix :1i<�rt�.��;e ; prra- <br /> vided; th�t, l3orro�ver shaIl rint t�e tvequirc:�1 ta �tisciiur�;c �n>� �iirl� licn so lon�; u, .13ot�ron ,>a• shalS a{;rer in �vritin� i;e� <br /> � t.l�e p�yment vf tho oiitigutie��� seciar<�1 la�- auc !i lieri u� :� i��:;nt�c r acce�si al.ilc= tr� I�e�i�ir.r; r�r :,liall in �;oa�i P:iitls coi�t.e?t <br /> � cuctt li�an �ay, or defend eriforcetu�nt �C sticli 3iwi in , Ic.�.tl j�roceecti»gs �vliich c3perriic t,o �� c�evc�it. the c�niorct>.ti�ent csi <br /> tt�d lien nr forfeiture oi tV�e E>ropQrtti- or a7�v ��xrt: t.hur�of. <br /> 5: Ha�ard Insuranee. I3ori•o�vz.r sh:�ll I.r,ey � tl �� iti��>rore�nr, nCs �ion <.eistin}; or lier��:sfter ��rt^ctcr:l on tlfc ProRa- <br /> •� �. � <•r1,y insured :�gsihat� toss by � fre, � ha��r<9e�ed� « itlzi�i� tl�iz� terx�Yj ��s::+�icitdi^r.i c,�n�er�u�e , cbnd al��ch othc�r huaGbrcis t�s � <br /> � Len<iermav� rerquia•eaxnt3; in �suoh �:zu���itiits �anclfar� sur. h �3erioas ��sLcncii±rirui�- z�ec�uire ; pro�•ided , if�aGT.u����t:ier �shnl7 � � � <br /> � not ret�uir4 tliat th�; mm�unt. of suvh r:o��carage e�oei:d i,1 �,tt, amclunt. ut +•ovezatgc� rc�iuircrl t.v p�r ti�e surn� seaw�ed 'by <br /> , � t liis :\2ort�ago. <br /> �� � :I'he ircqcrrancrt� r. ais7er � �arovicting tlae iu:;��rance ;+hsi(1 l�e chosei� by 13orro�ver� sukajcrc. t,a :s���7nn=nl b�f I,euder ; � � � � <br /> E,aro��ide�l , Gl�iat sucli .a�{��rc�c•e11 shalt tiok� be ia�ix•eiesoiialalv �vithlic��ld. All }�rc�viuma �n i�iasur�.a�et pR, li¢ic+s �hsll i.i� �iait�. � � � <br /> at Lendei's� opLion in G-he ai��nner piv��i<:ied uuder ��arn�ra�ah 2 her��i�f or b�� Liorran�er n�nlu�i� payincrnt, �vh��n dne , � <br /> direutly to tlie insuennee cttirrier. <br /> � Tn khe evet2t, anV Policy , is noi; rene�ved ,on ar Ue£orca ten days of itv expiration, tt�e L�nder, t« prot,�r. t <br /> ` rt.s intere�t, inay procure intiurance: an tlie improv�mentsr 2�ay t.l�e �:aretr�iunts .ind �uch sum sl�ull I:iccom� <br /> i�nmecGately �due'and� � ��a,yHt�l� w3th iYx[er�st at thc: � ratx� se�.t fi�rth in �aici � nutc> un�il pni� atid ahall� bc � � � � � � <br /> sci^ured 6y this Mortga�e. l�ttilure UV l3orraweA• to comply naay, ut optaon of Lender, cun�tihit,e a diyfaul # <br /> ' under tlre terms of this MurtqAgca, <br /> % t1ll insut•.tnct palicie�� .Gud ren���� ala, t,}i�t �ol �hull h�� in ioztti acce��t .ibli: t:u 1 � nd�e�• ,�ne.i ati;ill incltid�� x st.,in� icsrr} <br /> nlort�age cltause �tttiivor c�f scrd� iii forrn :� c�aj �taGle t�� Lendei . Lendei t1u�31 li:.tive (:hc ri�lir: t��c� izold t.h��. pr>] icies az��� � �� <br /> rs�ncs�vnls ttiereaf, nnd T3oi•roscer aliali prczia�ptiy Curnisli to :i,euder all rene�v:�l notice4 iirici :ilt reeeiE�ts ��f ��aici F�rew <br /> u�ium�. Iu the erenG uf toss, Borro�ser .yli .11l y;ivc� �xrornpt, uot,ice tu tlie insuc:tncr ct� rrier :ind T:.ender, nnd I.,eud�r <br /> iraay xuake proof of losa if nut made prorriptly I.i�• 13orro�vcr. <br /> � ° Unless L�endcraud Borrow�r uthcr�vi:�� a�n:r, in «-x�ifi�i�;�, ic�auraiacc� E�rocc^ee,{5 �httll fza� uppli�d lo reatar�t;ion Ur � <br /> � re��uirc�f t}i� �Yronuty d:r,ma�;ed, p�nvic3ird �ueh ,•��starat� i�n � �i � � ��a��ir �� aeuiio�uic:� ily i� �s�ble :�an.i t. l�e �ec:urit}- of �� � <br /> sti � thls � ��lortg�ge is not; ��thereby im� it�ii•ecl. If sa� h � est,cir:it,ion oi repct � r i� ne�C eca��o�nic:� ll,y� Yc.�ail�le or 3f � Llie �secnritv <br /> � � o£ this illort�nge �n�oia[d �l+e ittipaired , t�he islsurauce �,rore��dv �liull ho npail ; ed to tlir �u7ns sucm�ecf 1,�y }(�x� nlart�agc, � � <br /> t with the e�ccess, ii any, paid ta 13or4o�cer. il thc I.'ro�acrl,r is nl ,an�iuned 1��� I3c,rcY��� cr ar rf E3urruweA• fsxile tr� rc>n��and <br /> � to Len�3cr �vitliir. 30 dxy5 ufier notiac� Uy L�a7�der to 13orro��er thnt thc �u�iia�niic,c ci�rrier ofticre tca sFsttle n ¢lsim fur <br /> inaursnce� k�eaoiit�s, J ,c�a�ier is authoriaed to colle.ct� suci n���:�1�� t�l��c in,���r�nae }is•oceeds aC Lender'n e�pt�ion eithEr � to � � � � <br /> c�Goration or repair ot fhe Yraperf,y or to ihe. sums �ecut�ed 61� Lliis \ Ioriga�;e , <br /> � � LJnlees �Lcndar aud 13orrower oLtierwiGi .i�rec in ��� riting in � sucl� applicitiou o1 yrti�cueds lo C�rinci��nl �h;all � � <br /> � � not oztend ar pustponc ttta due dt�tu �f thc mUr�lhly iu;.tallnicut� � t;l'erred to iii p;ica�iaptiev 1 .md 2 Lxei•eof �r c;hnnRe � <br /> tlte smount af such installtnenta. <br /> � � �If und�r paragr��ph 18 trereoF tlie� }'rc�perly is a�yu�red b�� I ,r:x�der tili ri�hk ti6ie und intcitst o3' ,Hnrs•o��er iia � <br /> aic}�{ tr� unv �imurunec polii i4� :�iid in an�i to tlnl ���a•oc� �c3c thcri��t t t�o tlx ettarit oi t.l�e ,ruuti <ecurecl l�� this ,l�Lort� <br /> � {�wg*c; itnmedittt�ly prior tv nuoh safc or etcquisiei<an ) tecultin�; frocx� d �ii�a�sc t�u tl�c i'r�,�pe.rLy p�•inr� t�c.i tha �ale o�� <br /> ;iequisition slxnli �asss to Leuder. <br /> B. Preservation and Maantonanco of Propeziy; Leaseholda; Condominiuma. }3orro�vcr sli tif( It,ce{a tlie k'ro��- <br /> ierty in good re�:raii �tnd shall nat. perinit or uomtnil �e sste , imt� t� rnae�it , ur clefcunrution oT tlie }'r�pei� }� und sLul! <br /> romply� lvith itie �,�aovieions of :iriy l�ase, if tlii� :AI�arl �.i�e is uiz i Ica��ela�ylcl . Ii' Uii� ��Xortgcx�c ia m� a c�aridomic�iu�n � � <br /> � � ai�it, Borrc�wei• shall Y�erf��z•ar�i i� ll of 13c�rro�ver';� �>hli�ationh uu� �er t�ha ��i��c1aF•�� of cundominiurr� oi• n�netpr ci��ed , � � <br /> tlie l.}�,1aws and regulations of tBc 4c>nduitaim �zru � �rojeat :md cousi itucnt. dnr. i.iu�c�ntti. <br /> � � 7. Paotectlon of Lendar's Security. It 13oi•rowe�t C zil,s t�u � �crl'orru th�� covf nantn su�1 � tgrc�itiuA�tfi c�nt�aisaed zEi � � <br /> � � tlrie \���n�6�agc;, or if :tsiy a�ci,ion or procecdin�; i, cuiriauEtiiceu ���ivah zuaLcruwlly utXeci.� I..cncler 'd ii�tcrest in t.l�v I�'ro�>_ � � � <br /> � erty, incli�ding� � i�ut aot limited (.o, en�iucx3t dour:�iu , � �� soi��ou� v , cod�r c�it«ri�ewaut, c�r Gr z•au��;en�i^nts or prranead- � � � � � � <br /> itig�t itsvolving t� taunkrup� or tie�Cdu�t,, then l.endCt• nt l ,enc9ct .: o��t�ion , tt�+cm nalicu t�� 13�»•rmv�r, ma� v tnc�kr aueh <br /> � a�spearances, disk+ua�se� suc.h snix�s snd t,mkc 5urli ac6iou ��s i� nc � cysary 6n protc�aG In�ncti* r'e; interuab, includin�;, bu6 � � <br /> � � ttot� littiitcd tv, ciStburserx�cnt uC rensvnablr� ��1Corney � a � c .• itaiel cx�� fry tipou t ?iC PropesCy to u�aka repaar�. :1n}� <br /> amount� dishursr�d b,y I�,ecider �taursur�riL to Y.Iu� pna•e��� aE?L 7, o� if�l � iiitea•�si. tlirre�un , sh�ll bcxauiaia� addiGiuual� ind��bt- � � � � � � <br /> ednes& of Borrower secured Uy tlii5 \Ic�rt:gu�;� Unl��ss i3orruwci Ai�cl f,entier ugrec to otlier tior�uw �it ��:tiytnc�nt , nuch <br /> Qi�ionczta; sh�t112re puysbie tep�n nat,iae Iram l,cnd�r tci 13orrosrxrr requesfiu�; przvmi�nt tJiercoC, atttl shtsll C�etir� ini,er- <br /> � est fxnm �tl�e �ia�te ol distwrseuien4 at, t,l�e rntc .faC�;d in �.hc Not,e unle�ss �aai,ya�ac��at o{ iuterest al- eurh razt4 H��cruld be <br /> contrary to upplicable la�v , in tvliiclz e�•ent suc.h auroianf:� �liull I,�r*:ir inlire,sl� at. t�ha 1�igl� usL riGise parrni�.yil�le by <br /> nppticabla � ltsw. ;Nathi ��q oon,Criincd in tl� ig � �uragA�:�pL i shitll iirc�uirc l ,uider i;,� ini�u,r nm� �x�:aunsa or �.lc� :er�y act. <br /> lisreuncier. <br /> 8._ �Ir�6p@cliou. Lendet ARi��zv �nake or cau�c tu huar�a� ic cs .i.��nubl� entri��s u�ion rtaid em��e�ctiunN al' tlio I'retp- � <br /> rrtv�: provtJed i,N��i# l .i��'�tie1 �latall �gf�� e }ic>rro�ler z.��tice � ,a9or , �.o arr .�nli ui..pec6io❑� c��eai [x� in�! raxA.�an;ibie A�a�asr. <br /> fh�reti�r .•clat:ri: Lo T u;:der'� ii�, ii+ i,Lr I' ruE�ert,y . <br /> 9. Condemnctyoci. �"!'ht* i�rocir,�l� qt a.n� a�rard ur cluim ;ur ciuu�-eKea, ,lirocc or �oner�qucnt�ia�l , in i;anne�t.ivn � � <br /> � w'it�l� zin�y, xondwixtsx�Liczz�a o�r ot,hai• t�t]ciex� oJ � tire � F'ro�aeriy . vr �rr� v;c therr�rai, ui• G:� r� rum�rav�ut�ce iu lieu � f' oon�luinnn- � � � � � � <br /> `� tian,� �r� hex•eb�� ns�ignucl ysc� sleall be Fa�.tid to l.,c.�ulur.� , � <br /> " � � In the ev�nt. of zi tot:sl � tslcingUi' tlia Yrvperty , tl�c � �racectio .�l �c� , l I �t, uliR,] ie�i iu t:he .uan-: yi��curec{ b�� tl�iv 14ort- <br /> " �" ,�� 1 . ; <br /> ; �;tt�,e, vt�itli blie c!�:cesb, if <iav , � ,n;id to Rort���vct; l.n ttic i�vrnt af :t � ret•tial t :iltint� ui' kh,r I 'ri ,pi�riy , uni�:�r:� 13urrowcl• , ;' : <br /> � % x z�aid Len�er otlaGruisc u�rue, irs �vrat:iu�;, thi:re aiiall lae t���aalisad tc� tl�c stunw secuicd t��� tlnti llurl.kae}�u si�clt prop��r- � `:da , <br /> f�' ' 4iou of Llie }�rUcrede ns i. equet] tu Ll�wt ?iru�.o� tion er}7ic(i lLe a�z�ourat at LLe cunx� 3i,cure�ci by this �lartgK�e ixx�mr.- ,�`4 ' <br /> cliatcly prior !o tlie datc vi taking Y�ea�rs� tc> Lhe Pttiir inaskcL vFalur of El�ee Nrv}:x�rb}� iuuu��d�al.� h� prior Ln t,lac date uP 1 <br /> tnking, w,itl� tlxed>biaci�e ,oE the �roceuci� �axid t�5 13oa�ra���vr, , ,: ,,�_y' <br /> � : ' � � h� l�xppda'l;y is� ab�,ndoaed by 13Ora'ntv�r Ur� il � aftea• uoticc � [��- 3.�cnd4r t�i .13orrc�r�vee tht�.t� f h�, rondeninnr .,11'vw , ^:` <br /> Tf t <br /> � Go .; �l,,i:,,«.x� awa,i��I ua ee:U:de: u ctz�ini � tos r1.ui�agea, f3orrm�cr ii�lln t� t�esPun�: tq L�c�itirar �rit.l � in 3� duvn t�I ihe• dal��� �� " <br />'�. " � t�'' .t,;h zit7tiCo,;,�ltrr is � '<iul,liuriwcxl tu �;u11�:�ai� crri�� a����iy tl�as �l'�rc�cceiie ;tY. Lei�cl��i•'W v��tic�xi c�ii6ct• t�,:� re�akor��,Gi4n <�r• "�. <br /> repx►ir of tlto Ps•aperty pr to 41�4 suxna accurecl by tlris �la�•tgi�ke, <br /> Unless Ldi3dcr �in<i 73arrativt�r qtlaet•�vibe n�r�:e ia writin}�, any such sj>p;icst,i9ta of pruceede to princi{ai.ot ;�6a11 <br /> , � <br /> ..,.�. :.. <br />� �, . <br />„ ' .,..._. <br />� . <br />'_ <br />