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<br /> �� � _ . , . .. .. ., ..: . . . . . . .,,.„ .. . �.�
<br /> � IfVD1VtDUAL
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> �� SAViNGS FUNB
<br /> ���r�,. FOrtM NO.720 . � . _
<br /> L� Loan Number--33033--- M18$-- Y--14-
<br /> .� ��� . . . . . . TVPr. � UrancA... �
<br /> ??- fJO�'3�3 MO: RTGAGE
<br /> : THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed th�s .,�n4 ciay of 1'(rL,l ... A D.,
<br /> 19...'�7._,betu%een theMortgagor, gAUL E SMITH= a_singLe. person and LOIS A/ SCHROEDER?: .
<br /> .. ._...._. .. .... ......... ....... _...
<br /> ; a-singiec person
<br /> •-- --:.... .....__.., , _.._..._..------.. ..._.....,__... _-�-------•-
<br /> i of Grand.IsZand :... _..., Connty of ..Hall.. .:...._.a�t�te of Nebraska ,hereinafter referred
<br /> .... ... . ...._... .. ... ._.._ ...
<br /> ? to as't.he Barrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND ZOAN ASS4CIATFON OF
<br /> LIN�C7LN; 123� "N" Stteet, Lincoln, Nebraska 685G1,its succe5sors and assigns, hereinafter referreci #,o
<br /> ss Lender.
<br /> r':. � �.. . .� � . . . .
<br /> V4''t2N�s�2x: Thufi the said Boxro�ver for and in consideration of#he sum of .Eighteen thousand
<br /> , nine'hundred and-no/100 ------ --- -----_.,,.__Bol:ars EtiS�...18,900 00 ; _. ?
<br /> ,_ -----: -..,...- ------ ........ ..:... .. ._...__..._...._ .__...
<br /> g paid bt�said Lender, does herebv mortgage, grant and conv�v to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br /> � following described property located in the Count�Y of _.Hall „„_.._,.,,, Stnte o€ Nebraska:
<br /> Ti2e Southerly Forty-two (42) Feet of Northerly Eighty-four (84) feet of Lat
<br /> ; Five (5), in Block Eighteen (18), in H. G. C1ark's Addition to the City of
<br /> Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska. .
<br /> y
<br /> �i � � � � � �
<br /> ` Toc�,Txsa with all the impzovements noca or hereafter erected on the propert,y, and a11 easements,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rents,royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and prof+ts, water, water rights_, and
<br /> watex stuck, and alI fixtures now or hereafter attached to the propert4*, all of wrhich, including reptace-
<br /> � menhs'and additions thereto,shall be deemed to be and remain n pari of the propertS- covered h,y this
<br /> Mortgage; mnd xll of the foregoing, together Krit.h said propert.�• (or t.he leasehold estate in the event this
<br /> Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "F'roperty".
<br /> ` i Borrower covenants that Bormvver is la�vfully seised of�he eatate liereby conve,yed snd has the right
<br /> to martgage, grant and c�nvev the Froperty, that the Propert,y is une.ncnmbered, and that Burrower w-ill
<br /> warrant.and defend generally the title to the Pro��erty against all ciaims and demands, snbjecL tn ttny
<br /> easernents and restrictions listed in a schedule af exceptions io coverage in any title insurance-palicy in-
<br /> suring Lender's interest in the Propert.v,or (2) attorney's opinion of title from abstmct of title certified
<br /> by bonded abstracter:
<br /> PxovtoEu Ai,wavs, and these presents are esecuted and delivered upon the following conditions,agree-
<br /> ments and obligations �f the Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> �" The Barrower grees Ga pay to the Lender, or order,the principal sum of Efghteen thousand nine
<br /> hundrsd and no�10� ----------------------------- 18 900 OD . ._
<br /> --...---�-----•--•-•-- .._--•-------•..........................---. Dvllars (ZJS �.......!. ...... . ..}
<br /> ............... ....... . ..... .._.. .
<br /> puyable as pmvided in a note esecuted and delivered,concurrentlg herew�ith,the final payment of principal,
<br /> if not sooner paid,on the....._1:�+:... .........day of......_...._.�Sa�--..___.___....., �k.�QO�
<br /> i1Nt�anx�ovexnr�Ts. Borrower and I.ender covenant and agree as follocvs:
<br /> 1. Payment o€Principal and Interest. Br�rrower shall prornptly pay when due the prinr.i�ral of and in-
<br /> terest on the,inclebtedness evidenced by the Not.e,prc:paymerxt and late <�harges as provided in the \Tote,
<br /> aitd the princi}>al:of and interes4 on any Future Advances secured by i.his?�lortgage.
<br /> 2.,Funds#or Taxes and Insurcmce. Subject ta Lender's opt:ion under para�;raphs 4 nnd 5 hereof.Bor-
<br /> rower sha.11 �ay ta T.encler oa the day monthly insi;allments af p,�incipal and interest are paYat>le under t;hfa
<br /> Note„until'the i'�Iote is paid in Iull,a sum (herein "Funds") equal tc� one-twc:lfth nf i:he ��early tz+xes and
<br /> assessments which may attain prioritg o��er this I�lortgage, and gruuna ree�t,s an the Property, if any F�lus
<br /> v, onq-iiweI#th of,<<early premium instalimenis for hazard imurance, plus one-t,u�eifth of ye.�rly ��remium in-
<br /> stailments for mortgage insurance, if any, ali as reasonabiv est.imated initially and fronx time tn tinze �y
<br /> � I.ender on the 6asis o£assessments and�ilis ar.a_�sor_ab�
<br /> �t�r„at.yc thPrP�f, 3,Pnr3er Shall apr�ly the.Func}s
<br /> to gay said taxes,asses�ments,insurance premiums and grouc�l renLs. I.c:nder shall make nci c�hartie for..v
<br /> iaulciing atici a��iying it�e runcis er verifying anci 4waapiiing�aid �ees�anent� aiiu uius. il�e i.eiiuer e:3�aii
<br /> , ' give to the Borrower,without ch�s�e, an annual accounting u€the Func3,s shu�c�ing crediis an�l ciel�its to the
<br /> ;� Funds and the purpose far:which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additionai
<br /> ,;, ,'' seciiri.t� for the sums secured bv this T3orfgage. The Borrozver agrees thut ihe Funds nxa,y be held Uy the
<br /> Lznder and c�mminglec� with ofher fnncis and the Lender's ocvn funclG ar+d the Lender may Pay such itezns
<br /> fram its flwn funds and the:Lender shall not be liable for inUerest or di��dends on sur.h Funds. "�{ • �b�
<br /> If tha arnownt of the Funds heid:b,y Lender,together with the future mont.hly instaillmenis af Funds '" ''"""'
<br /> payable pziar ta the due dates of tases,assessments, insurance premSuzns anci ground rents, shall exceed ' �'s
<br /> the amount required;t�pay said taxes,assessmeczts,insurance premiums and graund renis as they fal2 due, r��
<br /> �� sucfi escess shai�be,at Barrower's option,either pro�ptly repaid to Barrower or crediterl to Bormwer orz a ,;�,,j"'
<br /> ' ma�thiy instaliments of Funds. If the amovnt o�the �uz�cis �eld b,v T�ender shalt not be suti"icien# t.o�.�ay
<br /> �
<br />� " �,..�es,a:ses�er.xs,insurance�rea�iuzns azid gruc�nu renL�a� i,Ley ta.i c:u� L:orruc.�r ;t:aii r�S to Len�er
<br /> ,
<br /> �_^_3 ±�*naant�tac;sss:��to maicN yp+he de�r��zcy n�t�iz:tN.irY;, ,��,..Msrex n,t_cn f..... L ._c±_r !o uor-n�3�Ar ,;,,,.,,,. ,
<br /> reqclesting payzz�ent thereof, or $oxrower shaii, by an increase in monthl,y instalhnenis of Fun�3s requirecl, -
<br /> � repay the deficiency within the Fund accounting perioci.
<br /> T7+�on pa.yza�ent in;fn31 !�f ntl �zrus qecured b� t?*:s�,Tortg�,^e,Lender sha�1 app?y F�.zrxl<hrl�i n� ? r�reri:t
<br /> ti
<br /> < against all:sums due.
<br /> �. _ _ �_ ,�
<br />� �
<br />