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—t3 ,i . . . � . � <br />✓��' ' . . . . � . . . � � . . [ � t.. . . . . . . . <br /> w <br /> � . . . � . . .' . . � . . . � . . � � �� � 1 <br /> . . . . . . . •. r1n. '� . . . � <br /> . . <br /> rPyµ�ro.�a....� . .. . . . , . . . . . . . . .. . . , . � . . . . . <br /> $�., �' <br /> �( i <br /> p . w.cµ <br /> N"'�I �� • 'f � . <br /> not extend o;� 3�osipo�e the :dt�e �3ate cri tlie ix�onthi}- instn? :ineriis rrferred !o ii� 7�sra�raphs 2 aciri 2 hereof ar <br /> c2a�tnge the �xnoani of snclx : insta3lmenzs: <br /> lU. Borrawer No! Released. L;�tension of tnc fin�e ior �iayaz�ent or iriodification of .axxiort;ization ai the sums <br /> `, s�aured by this �icar%grs�e granted !�y i.esider to �;iy �iaceessar in 's�itesest r�i Borro�rer shalt not .oper�te :to release, <br /> in any snannea, tlte 33st�iliLy of' tl:e original d3o.;ro�+�cr .anii; I3nrrorw�cr .: succe�ars in i��ierest: i.ender shall ' not' be <br /> � requised tn camrnence. �>roceedings against rucl� sucec�or or refu�e ia txcend zinie ior payYnent or atherwise modify . <br /> j'" arnoriization of the sun�s se�ured by t3iis \Iortga�e br reasoa� of n�iv deznxnc9 n��de bv the ori�;inal Borr�wer. and <br /> � � � $nrrawer's successors in interest. <br /> _ ', ,; 0 11. Fozbearcmce by Lsnder 1+Tat a. Waiver. Any forbearanee b,y Lenrler in exercising any right or mmedp <br /> � � hereunder, or ot�ierwvise-affarded b�- u}snlic�ble la�r, shail nnr, Lc¢ 1�, tivaiver of or preclude tihe exe;eise of aag rigbt <br /> �' � �s remedy 1�es�eunder. 'T'i�e �rocuren�enr. of insurauae or tl�e t �ae�ruenc o# taxes or other liens or cl�arges by J:ender <br /> a � ` shai! not 3x a�: lvz�ii•er°oi Lender's rigtri t,o accelerate #he 'maturity ' of tlie iudeb4,edness s�cured b�� titis �4iortgsge. <br /> � � - y 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in tlsis \tortgage are r3isti�fet t�nc� cumuiative to any ;other <br /> h right �r remed3> -under this �Iorigo�e ar a�iorded l�p la�v ri�� e��xic}�, and ma�� k�r, e�ereised roncnrrenilrc, independ- <br /> entiy ar successivaly, <br /> I�. Successars �td Assigus Bouad; Joint and Several I.iahility; Captio:w. Tlrc r.ovenants anc� agreements <br /> herein contained sitali �ind , and i1�e rigl�ts i�ereunrier sSittlf inisre tu, flsc respecti��e �uccessors aiad sa�igns of Lender <br /> nnd 13orrox+�er; <ubject zo tlze provision�; of ��urugra��li I : lrcreni: _�11 covenants anci s�reen�en�s of Horrower sl�all <br /> „ !�e yoint arid severs�l. 'i'he c�:p#ions and lieadax�gs oi the paragra��l�s oi tl� is \iortgage are for cons�enienc:e oniy and <br /> � ; ` are not to be used 'io in 'cerpret nr define tl�e I�rovi�iuna 4iereoi: <br /> 14. Notice. anr nntice io 23orz•oiver ��roc•i�ed foi• ia: tl�is \lortgagc s3�al ! 3�e giren In- �nsiling sucli 3latice i�y <br /> cert.i4iYa3 tnaii a�dressed io $orro�rer at the Yrc�perty _ldcirwn �t.�tited beio�r, ���:cent inr anv notioe required under <br /> faaragraph 18: l�ereai io be �ivc>n to F3orro�+•ei• in che �nanner prescril�ed bp ap�,lical>le larv. �ny notice provided <br /> far in tl�is _liorkg�g� �ha11 he dee7neci to have 6eeii gi�•en xo f3arrawer �i•i}en �iver� in ti�e insnner cfesi�nuted herei�. <br /> 1 �. Uaifgzm Mortgage; Goveming; Severability. 'I'hi� ft7s'tti of �norigt��e con�hines uniform covenants ' <br /> for nationa3 use and non-uniform covenants �citlx limiieci ��ariat.ions b�• jurisdictiorn to constitrate a unir`orm secu- <br /> rity instrument coverin� real i>roperty. This•igage St�uI1 },c gorert�eci by t;he la��� oi the jurisdicF,ion in which <br /> the Property is located. In tl�e event ihat am� i�rovision or clnuse ai t:l�is tiiortgage or tS�e Vote conflicts with <br /> applicable lu�e, suc}r confliet _=h�11 not ssfiecs oclier ��ro�•iszons oi tl�is _ltortgnge or the Nate which can be given <br /> effeot' x-ithout #l�e conflicring l:�rovision , and io this end ihe �>rovisions of the �ivr[��ge and the �Tote are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Baizzow8r's Copy. Baraower shall be furnished a coniormc@ cop�� ui this 3lortgage at the iime of exeou- ' <br /> iion or after recox�aiflor. hereof. <br /> 1?. Tr�sfer af tlae Property: Assumption. If :all o;� anj� parE vf ilie Properip or �n. int:�erest therein is sold <br /> or traasferred by Borrov�er 3z•ithoui, Lei:der:s prior �vritten conseni , excluding ( a ) i}ae creation of a lien ar encum- <br /> brance subordinaie to this \iortgage, t la :t the creation of n ��.ircl:use mone�• securiiy intierest for household sppli- <br /> ances. (cj u Gransier S�y de��ise, �3escenL or by operation oi ls�c upon t}�e aeath of a jaint ienant or (d ) ihe grant of <br /> � anp lessehold interest oi three years or tes� not c�ntaining acz option ro �surcl�Wse, Le.nder matr, .it, Lender's optian, <br /> declare all td�e suans secure3 i�y iltis 1lortgage t.o i�c iminediazelti� duc a�xd payable. I.ender �hali havt. x�ai�ed sueh <br /> option k,o accelerate ii, prior to i.l2e sale or iransier, Lenaer ux�d Uie pea•san to tim•hoizi t.he Property is 'xo be sold or <br /> transferred resclx ugreemeni in wsi 'zing zliai tne credit oi euch }>erson is satisiactory r,o Lendes snd that ttie interest <br /> w pa�abie on t�e sumn secured by t)iis 1lortgage sh�ll 6e ai: suc3� rate a� l.ender sl7all requesi. Ii Lei2der has waiveci <br /> � the apiion io accelerate provided in x2ris paragrapli 17 nnd if Borro�ver's succesror in inizr�st has e�ccuted a �vrit- <br /> ten assuinpiion agreement necepted in tivriting by I.ender, Lender shail release Borrasr-er from sil obligations under <br /> ihis Martgage and tl�e IrTote. <br /> If Lender ezercises sucl� option to sccelerate, Lender shiil m�ii Borrower notice oi acceleration isi stceordance <br /> n � with puragraph 3� hereof. .�uch nocice s4�:t11 }�roz-idi� s �aeriad oi not liss thun 3U ds}'s from tlae daLe tlxe notice is <br /> znsiied wittiin �ti'hich I3arrow•er i�ray par ti�r :�u�n� ucclareci du�,. li I3orroi��er Ysil� iu j�a>> �ucl� sums �zrior ta ihe <br /> 3 expirtation of �urh period; T..ender snay , i� itlfout furii�er notice or <ien;an� or. B'orra3ver; iir��oke any� remedies per- <br /> , <br /> mitt.ed by paragraph ZS laereof. <br /> ; �ox-i ' � Cav��:s::Te. Boi�ro�ti•er <ii�d I..eiider i°ne�t:l�er cocenaiit, and agi•e� as fol3oti��s : <br /> ' 18. Acceleration; Hemedies_ F,xcept a� t � rvvided in � y ira�a:yiii 1 7 l�creoi, upoir 13orro�uer's lireach of s�n,y ' <br /> co��ert�nt or agre�meni of Borrutiver in zl�is � lortga�;c , incluiling t }�c covc:nant_s to ��at� ���i�en ciuc :im- sums securec} <br /> � t�y ttlis 1tort,gage, Lender 7�rior i� acceiEration sli� ll i;iu�l notice 2a k3orro�Fer as providex4� iit �ti:intgs��ii� 74 �1�er�ai � � � <br /> ' :pecifying: ( 11 the breacli ; (2 } the action recauired to curi curl� breaci � ; i3 ! a ciate. ncat lcs� il�ctn t}xirt}'<davs <br /> froro tt�e datc: the t� 3 �iailiri ia }3�;rov��c•r. t ,}� �� lziclt �tict : i,rencli uivst be ru�rd ; and 141 thac f�ilur•e, to ctire. <br /> �u.Cii l;'.'QEr;: n�. 0?' �JE}.C:C' t}l:? ;���*' Sr. e, .f:fG _..t . �. .= �IC�rICC 1�1H. 1` TE'glSlt iR k!{^ft'�Ci'3Y ]OFI �'Jf . t.liC SLI711S �NC'lIPCI'� 1)V LFl]C � . .. �. <br /> �Tort�uge und sale of t.he Pmpert�•. Is' tl�e bre�icli ss not cured c�t: or beiore ihc dtete sPecifieri i:� t:he notice, Lendez <br /> at Lex�der's o�ation �iia�� rler, lurc all oi the �u�us .ecureci iry iliir \9ostgage to be itni�tediatet�= due anr: [�ayat�le <br /> x�ithoui further r3emand �nd ma}- ivreclose tl�is 1Iartgage b�� j udicial ��roreedix� g. Lend�r shi; ll 1>e entatleci to coilect <br /> " in :such prnceeding stl ek��enses uf f�reclosure , inclu� 3ing, hut net liinited to, co;is oY �$ocwtier�tr�n• evidence, <br /> � abstracts atnd titke reporis. <br /> 19. Boaowsrs Iiight to Reinstata. Zvhritl��kaneiing l.ender:� ucceleratio�i oC the �unxs seaured by this <br /> : ; tiLortgsge, $orrvR•er ahal! huve t1�e rigYri to ha�•e anqy proceee�ings btgan by I.e�xicr tu unforce tihis \fortguge dis- <br /> eontinued �i an�� time prior io enzn• of a judgsnent e.nioXcin� r3iis 1Iortguge i[ : fa� i Borro�res C�ups I.en<ier aIl <br /> sums which k•ould be then due under ii:i� Jlortgagr, tl�c \ote srni nocer �ecuring Fucurc .����ance„ if an�• ; d�ad no <br /> r.cceleration occurreii ; ( bi Boe•rower c�ires ail }3rtac•l�es oi az ��� oti�e3• r<x�•x•finncs ox• aen•einent� oi Borrou�er con- <br /> .. �, tninpfi in �thi$ �SC!'�'eSo i �.Ci �C7'.^Olt'Pr i�.q�. q -,_ 11 . _ ....,�C.....ti, � . ::l . . . 1'.; ^L' .-,.�.�1 7 T ,E... ,�� r jn t;.:{O�_ ( .I.� � l���. nCl'^P.::'ni � . . . . . . <br /> . ..�. . <br /> and a�reements of Borrower contained in 11ii:: �1ort�:��;c .�nd in i�riforrin �; I,endar'� retiiedies ci� providesl in I�ara- <br /> q graph ; i8 heren#; including, hut not lianited to, reasonnble attorney"s iee� : and (d ) I�orno«•er t:skes sueh aciion as <br /> I.ender ma3� reast3nably require to as�ure ti�at L#�e fien of tlsis \Iortgu�;r. Lentier'4 ir.trrest ifx the I'roperty :�nci <br /> $orrower's ob7igation #m pxy the sums tieeureci 1�v� th» liort�age �h:ai{ continue u�aim��airec� . L'Pon �uch �7a}�i:ient <br /> and cue by� Bo=_rower, ihis �3orf �agc. snd tlie obii�aiions secured I�eri b�� shall remain in full force and effeat. as if ^'�€ ` " �, <br /> , no acceleration had occurrcd. i. �"" �,.- <br /> ZQ. liasigamsat af:Reats: APPoisstmexit o4 Baceivers I.eader in Possessiom As additiona3 secnritp }:ere- ' .��g , <br /> under; Borron^et hereby a,ssi�ns io Lendar tlie res�t� of tl�e Prog�ei•c}.. }�ro�-idE�i C1iat Bormu•er sha31 . F�rior co ucceler- Ef��` � .. <br /> e <br /> � ation under passgraph i$ hereof or si�ancipnnaeizt of the Propert1�, have il�e i•i�ht io eollert an<� rets�in such renta ,`�a�' <br /> as Lhey �eoome due and �aaysble. : ;� .� <br /> l:ywn vva;aicrtktiar, uu3et ;�sin�;ra}ri� ia iieir.uf ui �i..uuuuau�;�tu u� t ;,� i'xu�,rat;.� , i .� u.ier. iii per.on, uy n�;eu� .; <br /> � :.. a.__ a_. - . . . - <br /> � <br /> , : <br />� i . . � . . O: �J,l'-.�ju.a�.+.u3j.a.,�.:�.�j3j7uluii;C.� . id%iCi'vCT. saiir'a� �i� tiltt.iii�li tu . i`+�ii'l� uj,YuIi, a.aiCt' j +U...iac.nnk+Ili ui .si:u iiilsiia�;a;. iii: �. i iJFi�I'�j' . � �e;: , . , �� � <br /> and tc� collect t:he rents af the Pnopertg, inciud'an� xl�ose t�a�s� duE. 33 [ rer�ts colleei,rd ]��� I.c�ider or ltxe recei��er <br /> rliall be spplied first #o pagtuenL of Lhe costs of u`usnagetnent ui t3ie Yro�aert�� ant3 collir. tion af rents. includin�, but, <br /> rnst. 3imiS.w# ra. rw�wavPr'� frrs:.: nrPmix�m�. .m r��rwiuvr'c hnnri� rtnri r.��asnnrahl� Mttnrnav'�: t�•r� stn.-1 ih��n i� rti.� �xsm� <br /> � �ecured by th'ts ?t'iart�a,ge. Lender and the receiver sirall l�r liab3e fc� accuut�t onl}� for ihose rents actually recei��ed . <br /> d � <br />� � <br />