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<br /> . .... . ;, . :. . i: : .. . . . .:. ..: . ,. .. . .. . . . � . . . . . . . �.,a.,'
<br /> �� If under �ar�graph 3S Irereof c }ie Pro�,erc.v i5 sod�3 or c1 ��: I'ro�ar.rt.�• is oi.lmrca�ise aequireei b�� I:cnder. t.ezider �
<br /> s1u� I1;uP}alY� n,a la.£sr thar� immediately„ prio3- to tt�c r,si� ��i ttie t?rn��ea•t;v c�r ii � at�r�uisiti��a b� Lciiric:r, ctiny S'unda
<br /> }ieici.b,y Lender ac t.lie .timc o!' aSapfi�;nti�n s�s u crcrlit again>t tl�e ,taui� sect�rr�� h�- t13"s, ti-tart�,r��a
<br /> 3. }5pplieation of ' Peymeafs. ITnless s���>�iC:ahle I;iac ��rovide. catdizrn•i���, :31i ta.�yat�ei�ta a•ec�eiced t�y Lei�de,r
<br /> , . , ; � unc�e.i ttae Not� and �aai�t�r:�plit� i .�srr12 Iiereaf ��i�l ! 1» tx�i,Calie<d hc' I.endc i`. fir.5s in iazs�-anee�t a2 aanaaints �>ay��blc t� ,t
<br /> O Lender by Borrower ux�der i�nragr��13 � ifcreof, ttaen �o snterest �uiyz�:ulc� on sl�c \'U1.e :ind is�� E�utuj•e. A�ia-apc.es, ii
<br /> O �zi�, and tdi�en ta the iirine.i�al of tl�e \oke �incP io cl�e �a��inci{�eii of Nuiara <�li�ti-ance:; if ara}�:
<br /> L1i,' 4. Charg�s: 3.iens. Bnrrovrer �1�u31 }�s�� atI t��es;_ae;se�s�aze:::s �,• a at.;er char��s, fin� ar:d ;sn��es;r,�..n .;>trita-,
<br /> " � ` p utti.bie tn the. i'rripert�r �i�icL inu3- nttai�i a priorit� o�•er tiris Ziors,��gn. and �roeinc3 mnrs; 'sf as23•, mt I.uucler's
<br /> ` G'Z op�ion iai the xnunuer �su�*ided uixder para�rsxFrta 2 hereof car S�� Bnrro�e�er zizsi:ing �a3>snez�t, tix•13en due, direct�v io
<br /> �r , the puyee ther�eof: Btrsioscex• slialF �araxripkPy £urziis}i �En Le.sxier stl no#ices cif :s�xxot�nt.s dut`: izrnder tliis pzragrupl� ,
<br /> � anr,� nn t,ha evenG I3orm�uar thati inaYce }�uyn�ent„directly, }3urrorcer sl�ail pron�pzl }� furnish t� Leude�• rece'spts. evi-
<br /> daneing svcl� :}suymexats_ Borrower sk�all j7rqmptl;�* dis�I�nr6e anr lien �zhich laas �xrioriuy ox=er this 1lartg��e „ pzo�
<br /> a
<br /> vitied, tliat Bazrotivus shall �iat be requireii to disci�ssrge aiiv,� surlr lien sa iong � Borrower �haxli ngree in ivriting to
<br /> E ; ':� , ^ the gayu�ent ni the ok�ligmtion sec�areci 1ay s�rth iieti iz� a� sx�unner ac.cept;able to Len�er, �r ,i�nit- in gaod fai�h �anf.est
<br /> ` sucii tiea by, or detend,enforcemexnt o3 suc11 3ien in, legsl ��rucecding�; �c�3�ieh ouerate io prei�ent the 'pnfureement of
<br /> � ' tne lien ar forfeiture �f ihe Properi;y or anv �x�r% il�ereoi: '
<br /> �` 5, Hcszasd Iusuranco. $nrrou•er sli�ll l:ee{� tlie in�pa•oti�en3eaiis noi�� esisfing or i�ere�fter ' erected nn tlie I'ro�-
<br /> �rty'insured xgninst lass by fige; }ar�zards ine4u�ed zvithin tlie term "ext.ended cuvera�e", :�n3 sucl: �thei• hiizarris ss
<br /> �': Leader tnay require � nd izi sttch axnaunts �nd ior sucl� periods an t.eiedor ma.y rer�iiir� ; ��rovie3�.d . that �ender, sliaPi
<br /> ` not requir� thsi the _q3xiavnt of suc}� c�rerage exceed t;lissi aaiiuunt of acsveri�ge rec�uireci ta �5a�- tlie sc�ms secured 'by
<br /> � : t€ais _NIortga�e. ;;
<br /> ` ` � The inauranc� ca.rrier ��roviding ilae i�tsurai�ce s}i�I1 Ue cl�osen ?av F3orr�ateer sulaject to aPprovai l�w- Lender ;
<br /> ' ` � >ravide<i ilaat. such a Tov�t sliall nui, t�e unreusonably wi��iheld: :233
<br /> , 6 , pP {�remiuu�s on ansuannce ��oIicies �Iisi! be psid '
<br /> � :" ai Lender's, c�ption iii tExe xnanner provided u:�d�r par��rapt� '2 ti�reaf or h�� I3orrower in�l:ing ��aymeat, �ehen due,
<br /> � dzreretly to the insursnce csrrier.
<br /> ` In the even#. any policy is not renewed on or before ten davs o# its expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br /> its interest, m�y pracure insurance on the' improvements; ��ay tl�e premiums and sexch sum shall Ue�cxtme '
<br /> iminedistely due an+d prtyak�le with interest at the rate set forth in sxid not,e untii paid and shall be
<br /> � secured by this 1�4orfgage. Fnilure by Bormwer to comply niay, at option a£ Ixnder, constitute a default '
<br /> undet the terr�s of this s'1+Iortgage_
<br /> ;�11 insurance po3icies and rei7e�vals tt�ereof sh�li !�e in io�in accept.ahle to Lt,ndes� an�l sh313 i�ic3ude a stundcsrd
<br /> inortgage clause.in is��or ai xnci iiY iorm scce}�tai�le i,o LenC;er. Lencier �liall l�ave tl3e riglxt. to hold t,he }aoPicias ;ti�id
<br /> � rene�r�Als thereof, and Berroa•er s13a11 Nromptiy iurnieh tu Lesidea• a:11 re�iewa3 iiatices azid sli recei}.�ks uf psict pre-
<br /> �uiums. In il�e eveni oi la�s, f3orrazr•er shiill give prom�>i notice iq the insuranc� carrier and I�i;uaer, and I.etider
<br /> inay n�aYce groof oi loss if not made promY�tiy, �y Borrowex•,
<br /> , - ' Unless Len3er and Borrowec �thenvise agri.e in n�rii.in�, insitrance ��roceeds sliali' be appiied to rast�ration or
<br /> ' repair of i.he Froperb� cii�rnuged .: �ro��idcii such restorstion ua• re}�air i, ecanumic-ali}- ieasible iand the Recurity of
<br /> Ltiis ?�torCgagz is not flYereby impaired. If sucli a•esioraxcion or irpair is iroi ecotiomically feasi}�9e or if ihe securi6v
<br /> nf this _liartgmge c4�outd be im��aired; tiie insu.•anee j�raeeecis sl�.il! i�e appiicd Yo tlze sums seeurec} 61� this :!S,lortgage,:
<br /> wath the excess; if an}, paid tq Borrotrer. lf sl�e '1'ropert�• is ai�andoned bv Borrower or ii I3orrawer fails to resgqnd
<br /> Lo Lender �vi 'thin 30 �ays slter notice by Lender to }3o:•rorver tl�ai tl�e :nsurnnce r,arrier �ffers ta settle a �lnirzz :for
<br /> iasuranee benefita; l:ender is auilicar'szed to collect. ;and apj3ly t.l�e iY�surunce pruc:eeds itit 3.e;ider's option either to
<br /> restoratioa or repsir ai ihe Yropertv or io the sunss secure�z b5• 'c3iis �TorLgnge. '
<br /> ; " � Un.less Lender ttind Borracti^e:� oi.iienvise agree in writing, ac��• suc�i ap}�licatiou of proceeds to principal sl�al]
<br /> z�ot e�ctend or �ostpone £l�e due date of the �i3ont.?aly install�uents i•eierred io in t�aragrsphs 1 si7d 2 liereoi or ahange
<br /> t.he amounL of such. instnliments. '
<br /> ; If under pssragru�h, 1S hereof the Yroperiy is acquired by Lei�cier, all ri�ht, titic and inberest of Borrnw�r iu
<br /> a.ud Lo aa,y insursnce poiicies and in and to the proceec3s tlxe�•eoi (to tiae extenL o€ the sums secured by t.his Aiort-
<br /> gsge iiuznediatelp F»•ior ia sucli sale or uryuisicion ) x�esulti»� il•oin 19au�:xge to tlie Yropei�t}* prior to ttte sale nr
<br /> sequisi4on sha€3 pass to Leiider.
<br /> 6. Preservatien �3 Mcaatenaace of Propexty; Leasetaolds: Condominiums. 1�osre�ver styull keep the Prop-
<br /> ; erf,y in good reF�air anc3 shall not permit or comzntt tivaste, i�nE.�airment., or d�i�rioraiion of the Yropertp and shalT
<br /> coinply n�itfi the t�rovis'sons ai any le�se, i ( ihis \lortgage is on a Jeasei�old. li this \4ortgage is on a condamininm
<br /> unit, Borrovrer shall perforni a11 oi Borron�er's ol�tigations uiider the c'seci�xration of condominium nr ti�s�ster deed,
<br /> ' the by-laws snd ragulatiozis of tl�e condominiuin }�rojeei ar.d consiituent documents.
<br /> f 7. Proteclion oi Lender's Security. If Borro�ver iails io �acrTortrx tl3e coven�nts and ugreoments c.ontaiued in
<br /> t.his 32ortgage, or if any actio�i ar proceeding is can�meneed whici� cnaterit�lly �f�e�is Lender's anierest in ihe Prop-
<br /> e.rty, inciuding, UuL n�G lixnited to, eminent dom4iin, in,olt-�ncv , cod� enforcement,, or zrr�n�ements ar proceed-
<br /> :ngs ir.v�ls•ing s bankrupt ordecede�t. L.�en Lcn3er at ?.�ndc:'s o�iiim., upar. ::3t: ce tc }3or;o:;�r, mat- msl:a �uc;; _
<br /> a�pearatnce�, ciisbur;;e suci: suins anri take sucii actior� sao i� ueee�sary- io ��rot.eci Lender's intemst, ineluding, Uut
<br /> , � not 3imiieci 'ta; .disbuasemenL Qi reasonable xttorney 's fees and eutry- u��on the Proper�y to ma6e xepairs. t�ny
<br /> �inounts �3isburraec� by Lender putsusnt to i.}yis parsgra��ii 7, �ti�iih inierest il�ereon , shs31 becocue additional indebt-
<br /> edness of Iiorrower eecurec{ by 'this �iortgage. Unless Bormaver ar�d Lender agree t-0 ott�er tern7s of payment; such
<br /> amounts shull,be payab3e upon noticedrom Lender to Borrca�ver requestiiig paynient ihereof, and shall hear i�ter-
<br /> est irom the date of dis6ursement xt the ra#e st�ted in ihe \Tote unless pavment oP intere�t ss "t. sucii rat�e x�auld be
<br /> conirary to tspplicable Iaw, in �vhici� e��ent sucii umounts sliull tiear intemsi at. tlie higliest rate penuissible b3�
<br /> appiicable inw. \'oi,l�i�ih containeci ia� t3�is ;�arr�gra��ta 7 �1�a.3! require Leiider to incur anv ex��ense or do any aot
<br /> `; hereuzxien
<br /> 8. inspsetion. Lender m:z�� mnke or esu:e tu h�: nizcie rea�anxi�lr �ritrics uyion and irs�,ections c�f ttie ProF-
<br /> '.� orix , }�ruvideci tl��ti, I.exi�ier sfiali give $orrc�x•er n�� icr. paior tcr un�• �uch inspeci;ion s�ieczfpin� rensonai�le cause
<br /> cherefor related io Lender's mterest in the Yrceperty.
<br /> 3. CondemaaGas. : il�e �roeeeds ni sny a�ra:rci or clfl3m iar ciarxisges, direct or consequeniial, in �onnection
<br /> ���ith say condczm;atio�a or other t�kis�g of tixe Yropert.y , or �asrt tlierro[, oi• ior coc1�•evance sn lieu oi cQn��lemnr�-
<br /> r ; tion, are hereby assigxxec't and shall be paid to I.enc{er.
<br /> In t�+� event of u cof,si ts�king oi the 1'roNeriy, xiie proeeeci� �hal1 i�e up�lic� co t:he sutuc ��Gureci b�- tkis .'�Sort-
<br /> g�ge, �cith the e�ce�s. if an� . �iaid to Rarra�*�cr. I�i Tl�c ever:� ui a �,artial taking oi thc Yraperty�, unlcas BorroSver � b � "a" �
<br /> ` uad .Z.ender taZhervcise a ee in �-rii-in • � . ; ;�^3 ,
<br /> �' g, ihere mlia3l be a�s;aliecl to tlie , uu�s secureci - by this �tort�;age aucki pro�or- ` ', �;
<br /> t?on n# fhe gro^�=e�3s 3s 'ts eqoal so � liai propar6ioia y�l�ich tlie axnount- of tl�e suivs secured by cli� �iar'tgaga imxne- �
<br /> � diatei,v prior to t�e date oi t�kis�; bears. ta tiae tsir n�arl:eG c��lue af iiie k'roi�erty iinmediafeic }�rior f,o tl�e dat.e- of "�M���� ,-
<br /> takiz;g, with the 1>als�ee:of the proczeds puid to I3orm+ver. `� ;
<br /> SSths Pm�serty is sbandnned by i3orro��e3� os if .�fter not.'tee b�� Lender to Sorrocver that t_i�� condcmnor of?�r� fl�`'� �
<br />�;;,,, t� �naltG .axi aw:ssz� ar settic a clazm far damages.;;Barra�z�er falis to r�,v;�ond ta I.,eu3er withiu 30 davs ot t.he .iafK �
<br /> vt s�tci� uaCice, Lender is authorized t4 collect and a}apl�• the 2z2��cee�fs st I.enr�er's okaiion ei[tzer to restorstion or �` '' �
<br /> rePaar;o# �ae Praperty or to t2ae sutns �ecured b�- tfais _lic�rtigage. •
<br /> IT�1ess Lender �nc1 Barrower otltercvise agree in cvriLir,g, any: sueh applie.ation oi ptoeeeds to �rinci�a�i stiall
<br /> A
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> , _
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