� . . . . . . ' . .. � . . . i M1N .... A�.n. � ' . .
<br /> ' . . . . . . . . F �i" �':
<br /> w� yy� >
<br /> _ � �
<br /> �
<br /> � . . : � ... . � . ., . �. . . . ��. . . .. . . _...� . �. ..� �.. ' .�tiq�.;' . . � .
<br /> V
<br /> �� � IS axander para�ra�r�i� 1 �, hereof thc� Yro�crt,y iw solri <� r t h� t'ro�.ierrw� as oil�i�riui�c� r�equirex� l,i� t,c��cier, I.:e.iac�er �
<br /> sI�alt �_ aWFI}�;� nn lnter � 8tian ii�Z�necliei.�Iv �Sri�ar tt� th�� riilc• r�f rl��r Y�•o�,ert,v �i� its arqui;it�ian 1,ti• t.r.�idc�r, � ;in�•� k�iti��la
<br /> � iielcl ��� I.enc'ter :at t:1ie t,inxe vf ztpl�lic�tzon as .i cri=d�t .Lqs:ia+t tlu• ,wiis , c�c.:u�e�i i,t• elii: :lcCarir;a�;�,,
<br /> 3• APPI`saation of Pay�ne�4ta Li�ilas, ix��y,i]icsxbl. ):i��� �,� c�tii�jc.r: ot }ienvi,ri�, a11 }r,ay-3i3�tirs n*.�•.�i��c^ei lav T.czni�er
<br /> under�theNnteanci g:Lrs�ri�plis� a anrd 1''. h�� eof _s1a :331 h<t �ap�plicd h}- � T.i.nci��r tia�sr az� �ise�•a�ac�z�t ��i rein�i�ur }>.�,yst�le. to
<br /> L�n�3er La�• I3orrower a�na3ar p.�ragra��L 2' Iiereui, klie�j t+:a Sratcazst �aiir:�t,l<r on clie � atc :in�i e,a� Pu�:iira :1dc•.rns.es. i('
<br /> �. - .Lny; a�rd t3ien :to ilae [�rittci}�z�t oP iiu* �'utc ainei to ti�n qas•is�ci;nni ui l�'utisre ,1�lrances , ii sn}-,
<br /> *""�` �S. Charges: Liens. ', IIormn�er sl�all }�a�- ai9 taai.., ic�e�san�ci�ts :;nd c3ttici• cl�ar�cs, ft:�� , ,i�id isn}Sosit;ions actriU_
<br /> � CT�.- ��t.�sble to tl�e 1?roperL�- �chitra inay nttsi;� .i }.�ric�ritv c�uc_r tl3i;, ;1lorfqx�e , :anri �3•ouii<3 ae.n#,s; it sitg, :st Letxi��:r':�
<br /> *'� optinn in tlie ivaraner T3rnti•Sdecl urrder E�uiat�z•.it�li `2 4urroi cir ii�� I3orr����ea• mskirig nicym�nt. , xc�li�n dttc. 'directiv tn
<br /> C� • the }�ayee theceof. �Tarrocver �liaH t>roxia�:�tly iurrfi4h i <? 7,eixder a�tt ��otice� nf a�z�nunis r3iec+ uniicr this p:ir,��rnph ,
<br /> C aud .n L17e avent I;arra�a�er shall mai�cr: �u�ynaen#, d 'zn.et.i5•, I3c>rrux��er sl+:iii �,rc�xuptiy i��rnish tc� ].,eculer receipt� ewi-
<br /> , � detioitag sucli piiyixlenis. Borrower sUalI Ksroiti{�tly' �i�,char�c uny- lien �chici� l�u:; ;,rioi•it� at�e.r t1�i; J1��rtgsge. ; pxo_
<br /> � , vided,; lt�,ut B�rrta:a�cr shall t�uibe r�quirec: to iiisc3�s�;g�. au�� siic3i liir: 40 lt>a�g ss Borro��•ez• ,i�;�tl s�ree ia �vriting t.n
<br /> t.he ps�ment of<t [ae o6�li�atSor scc�ared b}• sudt lien iti :i �»flnnev :iae.ept.;ai>3e !.o Lenxier, or ;i�:til in qc�od faith cant:est
<br /> ' sueh 3ietz by, ar defenti enfarceusent of sueli liiriz iti , legul �src>cceiiiii� wizic,ti r7�x�ra�ie t,o ��a•eveni tl�c eniureement of
<br /> t,he Iien or fnrfeiGure� of -tha 2'r4perty� nr n7a� �anri t iic:•eof.
<br /> S. HazardInsurmico. I3orm�ce:rslzall kec�a thr in�jar<�vements nuci iy�istin�; or liercaftcr ereuteci aci tt�e I'rop-
<br /> erty insured n�;minst loss b,y fire, h�zardc i�clur�c.�ci Yvit,t�in t;lie t,erin "e�tcizcied eo�-era�e", rind such othex• I�;tz:is'�s ns
<br /> Leridern�ay requ3fe; an�� in vu¢Lx ia�ub�nt.s �nei fc�r s�,�ci� ��{v�aori� t�a I�,.iui�ier �neiti- rc^,qnirc ; ��Tociii�d , � t}ai�t T.cudor �tYall
<br /> not requiret.l�at t�ho nxzauunt c�f stxcl� oot•��ra�e <t�ceed tiist :iuiaiiiit oi eoversge r��t� u�red to Fs:�y tlae stiix�s secturec3 'by
<br /> � this ?4�ort�uge:
<br /> The insixxai�ev c:irrier �arovidtn�, tfie in;ur:�nc.e aha:1 be i�lios�en l.s�' I3c�rro�� cr ,ub,iect t-o app� oval l;ry• .I,eader ;
<br /> � prnv3d�d, tfaa� suc.h approvs�i � sl�all �no#�� br� imret�aunaUly tvithl�eld : :111 premiums c�n iri�ur�nce pol�rics she�Il L�e �inid
<br /> at l.ender's o}�#.ion in tiie manner pro�•i�ii�d under ��aragr.izrh :.� l�ere,cai or }»• 13urra���t:r mal:ing {an}^inent, �rlien du�,
<br /> directly t.o the insurance carrier:
<br /> In ihe evex�t any palicy is not renewed on or befor� ien da��s of its expiration, thc� I,ender, tn protrct
<br /> ; its intere.�t, may procure insurance on the imprvvements, pay t,he premivais und such sxmt sliall l�ecaxne
<br /> imm��diately due nnd payable a�ith interest at the rate aet forth in said note until psid and shail be
<br /> secured b�� this 2�4ortgztge. F�ilure bY �3orrower to ('ORIj?IV I11:iV� nt opi:ron nf Lt:nder, constitute n defnulti
<br /> nnder the terms of t}iis �'lartgage,
<br /> All icaeurranci� policies :ind rene�e� ls the� cot ;hull b�� in iorm �cc���uable to I cndc�• ar3d �I� ail inrlude a st:ssnc�letrct
<br /> innrtg�ge �lau�e iaz fuvar of and in forna sct epta�i�le. to Lendei l .��nd��r shr� l3 hs�re, thc itikiit: t.o l�alci id�e }�«licies .ix�ci
<br /> rene�vsle tlaereof; and 13orrower siirill pro�aiptl}• iur�iish to T.ender :ili rm�e�ral �ioiir.�� �an�i all recei�aLs of }aaid prn-
<br /> miums. In i2ie erenG of loss, 13orron•er si�.ill �;i�•e }7zoi��pt nutice to Ll�e insutanr.e c:irrier and I.:e3x9er, and I.ender
<br /> niay inuke proof oC tass if noi, inade protu{itiv l�,y 33orra��•er.
<br /> I33iless Lender and �3orrencer c�thcrivisc :�grec in nrix�c.g, iu,z�A•.u�ce �� ruceeds siial ! be :�}7glqe�i t�� r� sLaration ar
<br /> re�air of the Yroperi}• d.ttnag�ad , i�Fo��idi:ii sarla rn�t�r:�uon oi icg �ijr �s �cononxually� ic ��it�Ie ;tnd t:l�e scvurit�• ot
<br /> this 3�Lortga�e is not tlitarebp impa�r�d. 2f ,uc1� re;x,or;itinn ot � c}?sir i, nor ecuiio:i�ic:tllt fe,tsiblc� i�i• ii t,1ic security
<br /> � of this �D'Iort�sge wuuld be impuired , tlie i�rsiar:inue ���rorr*ri,3s .}rill 6� :ip�,ilSei3 to t� hr� swns secur¢d t>}- t,his nforLga�e, � �
<br /> with the excess; if nny, �aid to 73orru�vex•, Ii tlie }'i•c�Fnity i� .afjaueioncd i>�> }im•ro��-er or � i l�orrotirer fnils to res�aond
<br /> to I,ender wiihin 30 days afier notace i��� I .ender tv I3orrii��- er t hzt the: msur:uuc carr�cr ot�'ers tn settle a cluina for
<br /> insurance benefits, I.ender is autlaorized to rollect and aptalti� thc insuracice �arocceds a(. 7:,eiacl�ar'S option either to
<br /> � restoration or rep;sir oi t.he YroperY;,y or to ti�e �uuxs secrired h�• t-i� i. \ Iort,gage_
<br /> r LTnless Leuder anci 33arron•er oCherwise ;sgz�ee. in writ.in� anv suc)i application of procesds� t� priiicipal �ha31
<br /> " � ❑ot erctend or postposie tl�c �due �1at-e ��i tlie �uo�itI� l�r install,n�ic�ntc i c�ierreci t� in paragraphs 1 s.id 2 2i�reaf or ek�ang� ��
<br /> the amount o# such insta3lments.
<br /> If under �axw �rsph 18 hereoi rhe Yrapirtt� is acyuired by Tencier, ali rigiit, title an�3 inLe.:•est of Aorrower in
<br /> nnd ta anv insurane.e policies rind in ;inc� to th� i,roce��3. t2aereuj � to t.l �c extent ni the siitn:: �ecu�•ed b}• this i1lc�rt-
<br /> �age iminudiat+ehR prios• 2.0 sucii si�le or scqui�ii.ion i re�uit iuc; ll�u�i� d:ima�;e to t,iie Prcipert:�� prini• to t.he ,�le ur
<br /> cicquisition shsll psss i:o Le»der.
<br /> 6. Presezvation mid Mmntanance of Property; Lenseholda; Condonainiums. 13or•row•er �1i�11 1.eep tlie k'rop-
<br /> erty iL� good re.psir und shnll not perrnit: or camtnit. �1 tste, imp•i�rment , or �:etr� ic�rstion of i12c Yropert}� nnd shAll
<br /> � ; cumply n•ith ti2e provisic�ns oi aay� leuse, it tli�s \lortg ;p;c, i= un �i le:isei�old . lf this \ lori.guge is on a c�t�dominiuui
<br /> unit, $orrower shutl �>zriorrri all oi I3orrowei 's obligation� :���dc�r the dc,cicii•:atio�i ui eacidonairiiiiuz or 2naster deed ,
<br /> : � Che by—laws ai�d � regulai,ion� oi thc condominiun� proicci. and ca4scituent .iacnmert.s. � � �
<br /> x 7. Prate3ction of Lender's Security. 1 £ Borro��-er f;i� l� iu �aerforn� the� c�oe�ci� ants and s�;rcrm�»ts contaisiec� in
<br /> this \=fortgsge, or ii am• sci,ion or procecding is conunuice•d whirh n�uicriail�- at�icC, I.euder 's inCerest in the Prnp.
<br /> , . ert,y, inoluding; l�uis no�t limited to, en�inent domnin , in;oive��c�� , caie enTosceznt;nt, c�z• ;,ta•ra�i��einenY..� ar proceed-
<br /> inbs involving a bankrupt ur eieosdent, tl�esi 1,ender :u Lcuder'� o��t.i��n , uuon notii�e ta 13c�rrntiver. ma�v niuke such
<br /> appearances, disUurse sucl� sums anci ta�e such scti�an a� i. ui � � �s��r�� to proL.ect l,endei•'s int,erest. inctudin�, hut
<br /> nob liinited to, disuursecnes�t nf re�sonab)�, at.t,orney . C�.�� n:�d enta;v iq�ota th�= Yroperty tc> roak� re�aiis. :'� ny
<br /> , � �inount�s disbursed by L,ea�der E�ursuant to t-hie E�s�rugi .�ph 7 , �vit.h interest cd�ereori. :ha�ll beaoine addif,ionai inde�t-
<br /> edness of Borrower secured by ihis \lorigx�e. tTilless 13orra�ti•ei anii Lendc*r sgrce to nther ter;ns ��f �aayment, sc��h
<br /> atn�nunts shull he payabie upon uoticc irc�uz I,enc{er to 13orru�c�i rrquesting ��:iyinent tliereoi, and �2iall bear iuter-
<br /> est from tkie date oi dis6urstinent ai il�e rste st:�ted in Ghe 1'o 'cc uniess puyxnent of ini.cresr, nt, suclx ratc �woutd be
<br /> conirary to apPlic� bie latie, in �vhich ec•�.nr sucii ainourcts ;l�c� il 1,>ear inLescsC at zhc liigl»at rat,� pertnissible b��
<br /> � � uPplir,a.�ble �3a�r•. �Tut�liit��; cqn 't� ined m thi� psr;igra��3L 7 �ha� 31 rt^quirc l.e.nde.r to ii�r. ur suy expense �r dc� ati}' �at, � � � � �
<br /> hereundea -
<br /> � i
<br /> a 8. � �poetioai. � I .endi�r insy make o3� r::�u.e t.o bc mairic: rtwso�ihizlo inarie� u � ion ruid in ,rsei^t��n;: oI the Pm�- `
<br /> r.rGv; �rovic9ed tiast I�encier �la�� il gzve Rerro�tier ntitire � >ric;r o :r:�y ,.uli � . �.pe�rtioii e� xcu �� in�; reasunuble� rsuse i
<br /> .. � � Vh nnf .� r � �� u T� a - � � - � -
<br /> e. . .e_ el$t, a L 'uc:,• � . li �. �u3t. AlA E,le. P.ru}x�d-c3•. � .
<br /> 9. Candenznahan, 'f'iie Proretcl� of a:i� xu�ard car i• laiui iur c3an� t�es , �ire�t ur cansec� ucn�iul , in canneet�2on
<br /> ti�•itih an_y c;an�3nnii�ation or otlier t:akmg c�f ¢ Iz< Yros�er�y . oi- pari i fecreot , or for c•oai�•eyanrc im lieu �72 <•ondecnn.t-
<br /> t.ion , nre lie.rehy ussigue��i sod _hsll l.>� gaid io I.c>nder.
<br /> � ., In the everrt. of a i�ta3 � xking of t !�e Yroj.�ert�� , Lhc �,roc�eed. .Lcill l,e a�*} �liud tu ti�s< �uin, ,c�cured bv this \iorG- °"�.r °� , z,
<br /> :' � _ "� � �a�e, iti�ith the� �>ateess< 'if aaa4 , pai3 tt� Borrcn��ea•. Is� 1he k��t�r�c� of a Fiurtial trsk'ing of iiic I�'rol ,crf.y . u��ile�. 13i>rrovicer
<br /> , c * ; �ud I,et�der o�hera�•zse agree �n a�ritSng; t}ae,r�? s6.at3 �re i��i�,ticxi 2a il�e siva�s securK.d t�}- this �1r�rGg,��;e aur.}i pcopor- " � .�
<br /> � '.:. �.ion vY the �ruceeds ss is e�yu�l t� t,hr�t propurtioii vvhi<�1� tlie aanc�uni of tl�e su�ns secua•e�l bp t3ai: \?ortgage iiucue- ��
<br /> � 8iat�1.Y- �rior to #,I�e dn#� e�d' Cz�king k�nr:� t;o tlye i�ir aasrkoi- vatlne e�f t,li�a Yrafaerf,5� imnardiatviy Farior Uo the dnte <�t' � ' r�"�"`
<br /> taking, with the balance o1' the proceeds }�aid t,o E3c�rrowc�•. .� ;.;;r� ;,
<br /> . If the PraperE� is nb�:ttdoned �p Borra+�a'cr qr if ;after noxice by i,c�ncier ix1 f3orm�ti•er that: til�c conde7nnor affPrn
<br /> a . � , . . .
<br /> �� '�:.::�. �,.a ..x:t�r3 �i eni�i� u uiatua ior cxatiza�, }torrowaa• x ,y� {� t� re,pnnci # u l.ender 1rit:}:in 30 dravs of the de�in�
<br /> t�S st� :o; .,,.., T,;c^.;,er :a :.uLLuAi��.i tu a�uiic:ci na}ci u}�iri1 eia� ��roceexis xi l,r..xuier 'R c���tion i�ii,fier io msturation ar
<br /> repair gf l.he Ympert,,yar tv t:l�e sums �aur� Gy t.i�i� �! ort �a�,e.
<br /> UnIssa �.ex�der und �orr�wer nt,liet�c�ise a�;ree izz « ntin�, a7a,y such applseatio�i of proceec3s tc� principal shrill
<br /> ,.�- ' „, �
<br /> ---^�^ .
<br />„ _
<br />, .
<br />� ,
<br />