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<br /> I1'�lDIVIDL7AL
<br /> DUE ON SALE
<br /> F�� SAVINGS FtJtVL7'
<br /> �,, :. FORM N0.7ZO . . . . ' . �
<br /> _ U�� Loan Number_33016----� 188_ -'_1___
<br /> � � � � � � TyOe BranGh .
<br /> � �'7_Q�1�'918
<br /> ,�., ; MORTGAGE
<br /> THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this �� dav of 1�C��1�- A I?.,
<br /> � 19....7.7._,betw�en tiie 1S�ortgagor,�.oseph P.._Y'�athman_and__Jol�ne_�. Kathmani.hasband and wife, each in
<br /> --�- -
<br /> ; k y��;;��__�j e r.q y�;c x �n d i u?;d u a'�__ri ght:ans.,as_s�ause o�.:t2ze:other; �o�nti].y and severally
<br /> ' ' of__:.�rsnd,_ISiand: ...._, CountY of ..fIs]1.. ._.-- ----...._,State of..T+Tebraska:.::.._.,hereinafter referred
<br /> ta as the Borrasver; and the ?vlortgagee, FIRST FEDERAI.SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIOIV OF
<br /> LINCOLZtiT; 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska fi8501, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br /> � as Lender.
<br /> ` ; L�'iim�v�ssETx: That t.he sazd Borrower for aud in consideration of the sum of Ei�hteen,Thousarzd;.and
<br /> , ;, _.Fnur..l3iindr.ed.:E.i�ty..8xtd_:Ao�149---r-r.rc----r__--r.r.-----�ol:ars (US�1$,?}5._0.00_ - ......,:..)
<br /> paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage,grant and convey tn Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br /> '1 #oliowing:descrihed property loc�ted in the County of _�au.._ ._._ ._.................. State of 1tiTebraska:
<br /> Lot Twenty-three (23} in B1ock 'Pcao {2) in Sothman's Subd�vision to the City
<br /> of Grand Islsnd, Hall County, I+�ebra�ka.
<br /> 'I'cac�t•xEa cvith ai1 the unprovements now or hereafter erecied on t,he property, and all easements,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and
<br /> waier stock; and all fixtures now or hereafter ati;ached to the property, all of which, including replace-
<br /> ments and additions thereta,shall be deemed to be and remain a pazt of the property covered by this
<br /> Mortgage; aad all vf the foregoing, together with said propert,y t�r the leasehold estate in ihe event this
<br /> Mortgage is on a ieasehold) are herein referred to as the `"Property".
<br /> Borrower covenants that Bormk•er is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br /> ', to rnortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is ¢nencwnbered, and.thttt Borrower will
<br /> warrant and de#end generallv the title to the Propert_y a�ainst all claims and demands, subject to anY
<br /> easemen#s and restrictians listed in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance policy in-
<br /> suring Lender's interP,st in the �'roperty,or (3) attorne,y's opinion of title from abstract of title certified
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> �aovinEp ALwaYs, and these presents are executed and deliverec�upon the follow�ing conditions,agree-
<br /> menis and obligations of the $orrower, to-wita
<br /> The Borrovicer agrees to��pav to#he Lender,or order,the principal sum of�'��ti�e� �onsanc� F4ur
<br /> ": H�n3red F'�f'ty and No�100------------------------------Dollars (ti5 5.18,�t�0 00:..... . .......J
<br /> . ....�_.. .-----._ ...__._ ... _-.. ........................
<br /> payab3e as prot��ded in a note executed and delivered, concurretttlg•herewith,the finai paymeni o£principal,
<br /> ' i.t not sooner paid,an#he _..3s'c._......._... day ot ''�`a3`.. .... . ._._ __....._...... �..2G1Q6
<br /> UMY�attt.� Cpvsxwxz�s. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 1_ Faymea4 of Principal and In4eresL borrower shall pramgt3y�a,v �;'��'n c�ue the princ�ipal caf and in-
<br /> tercxt on the indebtedness evidenced bti•the'_�ot.e, psepayment and lats eharges as provided in the Nate,
<br /> and i:he princripal o£aad int,erest on any�fure Advances secured by this �R1orGgage.
<br /> 2. Funds far Tmces arad Iasurmiae. Su'f�ject to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof,Bor-
<br /> xrower shail nay ttr Lender an the day mc�nihl>>insLaliments of principa]and interest are payable under the
<br /> :�Tote, untii Ghe i�Tot.e is paid in full,a sum (herein "Funds") eyual Ca c�ne-L�ve�6fth a£ the ycarly t<�xes and
<br /> 3sse.,stnen�.y which tz�y attain griorit;p ocer t�iis:14ortgage, and ground ren#s on the Property, if any ptus
<br /> ane-twel#th of yeariy pmcnium installmenis fvr hs�zard insurance, plus c�ne-t:a�el£lh af ,yearly premium in-
<br /> sta2lments for uiortga�e insurance,if any, a31 as reasonably estimate<i initiaily and £rom time tn time by
<br /> I.endea on the t�asis of assessment�z and bills and reasnaable esfiinafKs iheseof, Lender shall apply the Func�s
<br /> ta pay said taxes,assessments, insurance premiums and gnound rent�s. Lender shall make no s�l:arge for so
<br /> ho3s3iu� and ap�iyiug ihe Funds or verifving And r,ompilin� said assessmenzs and bii?s. Tkae Lender shall
<br /> �?ve tn ttie 13ormwer,w-ithout ehazge, an ant�ual aecc�unting of the Funds show�ng c,reciits and debits to the
<br /> c�
<br /> Funa3s au:3:the pur�wse tor whieh each deFrii to the Fun3s was made. fihc: Funds are piesigec3 us ailditional
<br /> sec�uxity for the sums secured by this :��lortgnge. 'Fhe Bormwer agsee.� #hat the Funds snay be held by ihe
<br /> Leuder aud eon�miiagl4;d t��itb ather funcls aud the Lender's own funds and tlie i.encier naay}aay sucb iteins
<br /> from ifs awn funds and the LendEz shall not be liabie [or interesC or di�zdends on such Fun�s. - :
<br /> . . . . ^?.;� ��•x n, �
<br /> IF the nmavnt vf t}ie F"unds helci bg I,ender,to�ether x•ith t2�e future mvnthlp instullment:s of Furids � '�„:�'
<br /> � payabie prior to the due dates c�f taxes,assessmen#s; ansurance premiums and �round rents shaii exceeci `n'�, `
<br /> the�no�t requixe,d to pay said tases,assessments,ansurance premiums and ground rent�as they fail�iue, ;
<br /> such exce�.s�all be; at$oza�awer's option,eitT�er promptly mpaid to Borrower or credit�ed ta Borrower on
<br /> raront�}x1y �s#aliments of Fund.s. If the amaunt of ths Funds heId by Lendes stfall not be sui�cient to pAy '�="`
<br /> , ? taxew assessments,ins�s�xice�rremituus_and gzound re:n#s:as the;• fall due,$orrvwer shali pay to Lender °,
<br /> g�,� � . hY14 tildiUUli�.�[Itx.CeaSbt!`N'��..G41 3tlYtXtl.ilj3 1:3'tR.'t76I1l�BiliY�.'�'11:i3t1II L)11SLY�atit'S aiLBr 310LiL'L'�1iu131 LCnSlei�t�17VrTtilwet �. .
<br /> f�6 n.,....a; ...... � . . .
<br /> , ` .,.....x�r�.',;:a �t �..�c;:ecf, Gr lT',crzc:+er �.z+::. L.,' n:.�.ue�:K.u�oi,;;}�y it:n#�:1..���::;;�ui Fu�:s ra�uire:3,
<br /> repay:the deSciency ��athixa the Fund accountiag �r�eriad.
<br /> l;p�sn pa;,�ment in fuli of all sums ser,urc�l �y Lhi,c:s4ortga�+e„Lender shalt a�plv Fund::held as n credit
<br />. . ,���3�� :•••;� �;:�:
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