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l-.; � � n ' '• <br />�r � „� � <br />�: . <br /> 4�< � '.! ����W 1 <br /> tiv. ' . . . . . . - <br /> ti�� � � <br />� <br /> �. �. . 'I'he Tlnrtrneee rnny cullect u late ch�v�c" nut to ez<•ecd I�i��e Centv (5cl (nr nnrh dollnr (31 .W) uf r.ic}i �ulnl munthh• . . <br /> �mymc•nt mora+ than I5 dn�'; in anear, to cu� or ta�� i•:.tra raP� n..e iiiv� rivrd iu hwuHing deliuyucnl u�so�uil.+. � <br /> � . � Alt payme�lts mude. under Uu � p:ovieions uf �I�iu motlgage ur ihe i�oiv h�. rr6y x•currd. �� hicit may b�� construed as interest, . . . <br /> � � �hall nut, in� the� a��reg»t� over Ihe lerm � ihera�f, ezceed thr rntr ihat mny nnw be Ir��vfull,y n�ntractod (nr in wriiin�. � . . � � . <br /> It is fuilher uga�ed Ih��t in ci�4e uuy xuif is bet;un tn torrc;ose ih�ix murt�titii�, the hturt�;�iRee: ita representntives ur uswigns. <br /> � � slmll at uncr Le emitled fu I.he pnssrssion � of . haid premiees, . nnd upou �pplicntion li�emtur, lhe cnurt in wLich such actiun ehall . � � ' � . <br /> � lxt brougld or nny )udge of vuc1� cuurtr aillicr in �term � lime or vncation, � i� hereby nvthoriud to a{r�x�int n receiver lu fxke pusst�- _ � � . . � . <br /> aion nf said {�retnises, or io cullect thr.. tents Ihem[rum, an�l � iu do and prrtorm. such other :uLc ns mny be rc�c�uired by lhe order. � � .: . . . <br /> of the. court m.iking the appninimrni; �und a�id btorlgognr Lereb,V wnivc�: any notice of t�uch nppiicatimt. :uid cnnsenls ln. lhc :�p. � . . . <br /> . . � � pnintment �of i� receivi�r upon � tLe proJuctibn � nf this nmrtgage. ieilhout otl�er evidrnce. � � � . � � . <br /> � The� �2urfgiigre shnll bc suhru;;uted lo ;ill nf thc ri�hta, privilrg�w. priorities, nnd cyuilics uf any Iicnholdor whose lien muy . . �� <br /> � . huru bcen �iischarged from � Ihe pr�x�•rds nf 1Lis �lnt�n. or hy � miy hmd� hr.r'rhy paid nr (urnishod by the .1lortgagee. . . . : . <br /> � TT IS LXPRh;SSLY AGRF.BD lhnC if thc Atort'�L�,D[ SI1fiII sell, cnnvep or atiennte snid p�opertp, ne �ny part thrriat, <br /> or uny intenat 6�crein, or shrdl lm diveste�i of his fitic or fmy inten�st thcrein in imy monner or way, �shether �roluntarily or <br /> ; involm�tarily. withoul writtrn consr-nl of the A4ortqog��c being first !md :ind obl:iin�i. \(ortgiigce shat( 6ave the ril;ht. �it its option. <br /> ` � to declare nny� ind��btednexs . or obliSntioav arcured hr.reby, irrrspistivrr of lhe mnturity d�rte 5p��c�itied in un}- nute evidenrinK the . � . - � <br /> sume, immcdiuLely due and p�q�ablc without n�>ticr, nnd •uiid del�t shnll thereu�x�n twcome ul�aolute. I[ lLe ownership nf the morL <br /> � go�ed pro�xrty ktecomrx ��rsfc�l in s �xr;!on uther thtm the Atortg�goq the Alor�ng�ti� m+iy, w•ithout uotice tn the Mortgngor, de:d . . . � . � . .. . �. <br /> ' u'ifh such successor or nuccc�s��n . in interesf with relerec�ce tn lliis mnrtgagn nnd the debt herei�y srcumd iL9 N7II1 the htortgngoq � � � � � <br /> �� � �% � � nnd mny . for6eur to su� ur ma}• ezteud timc for Uie paymc�nt ot Lhe debt hereby scrurer( H�ithout di�rhnrginK nr in any way aff�rting - . � � - � � � <br /> the linbi�ity ot the original htortFngnr h��reunder or u�xm dir de6t e<r•ur�d. � � . � . � . . - <br /> ( : In this ius4wnrnt the singul.v includ�v ihe plaral und the musculine includee the feminine amd the nruter �nd this im � � � � <br /> F � . ::Irumrnt. shall ixr hinding upnn Ihr widersigned. Lis h��irs. person �i re•pre.rntniives. succe�.w:s nnd nssiKne. � � . � � . <br /> . � i - � . . . . � . <br /> 4 <br /> . � . . � � . � . . <br /> � � IN lV1'1'NESS \t�HFRI.OF, �ce h[rve hrreui�to set o�v hands nnd srul, ihe day nnd year fir:?t a��cir �erittcn. . . � � � . � � . <br /> � In the precencr. oL• / ! /. � . � - � <br /> ( /% /� <br /> ; �.� � � / � — .. . . <br /> . . � � L:c ^t"-C` r� ` ' <br /> a ' `�. ..t. . . , ..`„��.�t-�C..� . .. .. . _. _ . . ..'�^: ..--_...... ...... ..._...... . . . .. <br /> S <br /> ; Curtis ` Tande <br /> . /l 9 �� <br /> ; ; o....._C_..,.-Clit�..�='fy`� �../��-�-t-c�� . .._...._ <br /> ' Carol L . Tande <br /> i <br /> ' s•rn�rt: or vcnrt,�sxn <br /> ; � 5,. <br /> yi.. i � . ..._.. . . . __ . $F3]1..._..county. . �� . . . <br /> �: � On this .. �.�..... ._ dny ot .. ��!"'`. �' . _ . . . ., 19...771��fore me, the �mdeniKneci, n Nolnp• Pu61ic, in and tor said � <br /> i <br /> '' Cuunty, p�r5onatl>� cn�»�•..... Curtis mande and Carol L . Tande� husband and wife7 <br /> �xroonnlly knuwn to me to t� the idcnticnl persor�v whose nnmi� nre nftixed to the above nnd foreguing instrument, ns mort;n�orr�. � <br /> - and i•ach uckno�cin]�ed eaid instrument to be his or her voluntnry nct and deed. � � <br /> 3- � . ; � my hnnd nnd notariat senl at.... UT3nd.,Isltt. nd �_ NetiraSkA.. . _. .__.._ _. . ._.. ... .. . .... . . ._ ._..... ..... ... .... . . ... .. ..... . <br /> s- � the da�e Inst ntwvc written. <br /> ' ' HOBEHT 0. PIACZEK � <br /> t : � . <br /> , , GENEflAL NOTARY - State of Nsbr. /'(�, � � ' <br /> � My Commisalon E�iros _ . . . . �7 . . .. ..._. ..... .. . . .. ..... . <br /> .. . �. . . ��`" <br /> , ";��� NOVEMB/ER 25. 1978 . . . . . .. ......... / : Notary Yublic � <br /> �' �� My crrmtnission expires... .. ._._. �r.. _Z_S'._�.� <br /> , , . . .. . . . . __ .. . . . _ _ . _. <br /> ti <br /> _ : ;' STATE OF. . ... . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. ... . .... . . . . ... . ... . . ..... . ... <br /> f <br /> I l S5. <br /> ; County . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . _ ._ . . . _ .. _._ . . . _.. _ . . .. . . . <br /> - Pntered on numericnl index and filed for record in the Register oE Deeds O[[ice o[ snid County the <br /> . _ . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. of......... . .... . ... . .. . .. .. . . .. . _. ... . . , 12. . .. .. .. , flt . . . ... _ . . . . . . . .. . . .o'clock and. . .... .. .. . _ . . _ . mir�utes . . . ... ... . . .M,. <br /> � ; and recorded in Book..... ............. . .. . ......of �Iortga�es ut page..._ . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . ., us Instrument No.. . ... . . .. .. ....._. ... <br /> . .. . . .. . _ . . ._ . . .. . . . . . . .. _... .._ . . .. . ... . . .. . . .. . ... ... .. .. . ... .. . .. .. . . .... <br /> Reg. of Deeds <br /> ` ' By. . _ . . . . . . . . . .. . _ _ . _ . . .. . . _ . . _ . . _ . . .. . . . .. _ _ . . . . . _ . . _ .. ... Deputy <br /> �Vhen recorded to be returned to the •� � <br /> I�IRST FEDEft�1L SAVINGS :1ND LOAN :�SSOCIATIO�I OF 1.INCOI,ti " � � : <br /> , <br /> �� LINCOLN O�FICES: PnuneC ]5�0521 � ' � <br /> � 1235 "tl" SIreN � 135 �:o. Cotner Olvtl. n ]Oilr end "A" 51. � .^SJ I tla. I i th Sttt<I <br /> � 220U Wlnlhmo NC. � 70th an0 Vine 51. ¢ . <br /> � <br /> OMAMA OfFICES: Phone55< �B000 . � � <br /> � H70L Pdcillc SL � 21U1 Su. 12nE St. • Gl 3105 t1o. 9t11M1 SL rl lu`Y20 Yfes� Uedge NE. � <br /> � REGIONAL Di'FICES: � 21 :U ff�at Are., Ne�mry � 533 "C" Svee1. V'mrlvey � IJiJ "DI" Spee�. O�E <br /> pa ' Ppone2 ]4isI3 PM1cne ]294'.U: PLcr�cl2N.3 '. IH <br />�� � 1301 Maln �ve., Qete � 223 Oo� Outle Ave., Alli�nce � 1911 W��t :n0 SL, f,r�n� I�I�nJ � 511 !lo. piwry 51., <br />�.'. . � P�ene NN�J ]�Y pben� ]G:21�5J Ppone JCa•<473 '�arth Pl.ur <br />" � Coorrl;ht 19G5 hi flnl FedtrDi Strinp anE laan Afzoclillon ol Uncoln. Uncoln. Ne6ueb <br /> i^5 <br /> ti� � � <br />