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`:�: <br />_` t, , ;t , : <br />^. . �. , <br /> a:;• t ,r 'w <br /> a_� <br />� � I � <br />�� MO�tTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTAI.LMENT �UE DA'fE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL !iE I <br />"�9 � � �� . APPI.IED TO INSTALLMEfVfS LpST TO BECOhSE DUc' Ut�D£R T:�IIS F.10RTGAGF, PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAUL7 � <br /> � AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MOflTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF 1'HE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHHR OF THEM. . � . � <br /> f'AYEE AGREES TO fURNISH TO TNE Ui�DERSI^uivcD l0U% �F. �UCH PftINCtPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PF20- <br /> . HIBITED EIY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS , � . � . � � <br /> � . " 5HALL BE BECURED� BY THIS MOR7GAGE IN .TNE SAME MANNC• R �ANU � EFFECT� AS �F� NO PREPAYMENTS HAD i3EEN bfAQE. . � � � � � <br /> 'ffdE MORTGAGOR TURTHF.R CQVCNANI'S AND AGRGES : <br /> �'' ��� . . . . � . 'PheL th�• hiJrfgagur . will yny thr indeblednesx � as hereinbcfore provided. � , . � � � � � � � . . <br /> � � . : 't'fiat thc Atorlgagor in thc ownrr uf ynid proper!}' in Icc simplc :rod !ms go�xi nr;hl und IaH•ful nulhorily fn s��ll nnd . � � � . . . . <br /> � com'ep � lhe �ame . onrl llvit th�� ssme is free. and cl�++�r u( miy licn or ��ncwnhr.mce: and t!i;�l �lurtca�:nr tirill u�nrrnnt nnd d��(end ihe . � . � . � - � <br /> � tidr � to� eaid � pr��mise.v vgainsF ihe clainu � o( nll Per4ons N9iarn�oF�vrr. . � . � . , � , <br /> . . 'Co pny imntrdiately ti•hrn due amd p»yi�61c +ill i,'enerul t:�xea, tiperial I.�se�. special ��s,es.=.rnenls.. u;�trr rhnrgrs. setscr scrv- . . � . � .. . . <br /> � � ic�+ charGra: xnd uiher tuzes. nnd dinrgc+ agninst snid property. .ind ,�II tases I��vird un lhe �lebl. secured hereby, nnd to (urnisL die � . .. . <br /> . hfortti�igee, .upon mqu�sl. 5vilh ihr originul � ,or duplicute receipls lhcrr(ur. 7'he �1urt�;;n„or n};rees iht�l t6ere sbull be mdded {n � � � . � . . . � <br /> � � e�nch � iriun�lily . P�+yment re��uin•rl ?u�reundrr nr und!:r th�� evidunce of de6l aecumd herrby tin ;+mount cstim:ded b�� ihr ;�(origngee � .. <br /> . . . la he� su(Rcienk tn enahle lho A1ort�;a�;ee iu p��>', . as. lhey becor�:ie du�•, all tn�e� �sse;smenf�;. . and eimilar chargrs uPun thn prem• � . . . . � <br /> � � i�;ea �subjerl tl�ecr,to: nny d�ficieney. b��ciws��. of tlm. intiulliciene> of surii addiliunal . pnYmunts :heli 6te furlh�vilh drpoaitrd. bv the � . � . �.� <br /> Alorlgli�;��r witk� -the Morl{,ager, upon demand by ihr \lurh„��iger Aii}• �iefault �mde: tliis�pr.q!h shxll b�• d��em�•d a ds�(nult in . . . . . <br /> � puYmrn4 � o( lnx�. t � �a;aessments. ur .imilnr ch:�r4�s required hr�reunJre � . � . . <br /> . . . '1'he �iortgaFor agrers thnt. �hero shall ;d::n 6e :idded tu rnch mm�lhlp ps�mon� ut princip:d and inlerost ro��uired here� � � � . <br /> � � � w�der an amnunt estim�iteJ by the Ator(qngeu to be sulticient lo cnetble tiir \lnrte;a„er tn p:i}�. ;�.+ it i�eco�nr, due, the•i � . . : . . <br /> . � premiuru un any insur:�i�cr pulicy di�live�ed tu thc I�tort�;n�ee. Any deLc.�cn�v hecnuse of ihr insufticienry ot <uch aJditionul pay- � . . . . <br /> : �. menls shrdl bi• forihwifh deposifed bp lhe Tiorlt;uFur wilf� Ihe M�'�rfgac��r i� pon demund by ihc AturlC:�R�•�'. ����y dr(e�uit under this � � � <br /> . par�;;niph ,heill IH� deemed u drfiauli in t6r puytnrnt uf in�ur:�nco prrmiurns. If thr polic�� nr policie� depo;itvd aau• �uch us home- �. . . . . <br /> utvnen or [�Il riek policies. ;md the dcpusits are insufiicirnt tu p:iy the ��ntire premium. 1i.o \turtgagre m;i�� �ipply the depusit iu . . � , � . . . . � -. <br /> . . P�S premiums mi ri.sks required iu Ue. insurevl by lhis mort�;�;�e. . . �. . . . . <br /> Ysn�niente made hY fhe �lurt�;agor under fhe ci6ove piira�:raphs nuiy. ut lhr• np� iun uf tLe Atortgn�;ec, }K• iiel�l hy it :in:l � � . � � � <br /> rnrnmin;;led �roiUi ofher .uch funds or its uwn funds (ur thc pt�ymenl o[ such il��m�_ ;md unu! �.0 ap�rli�";. such p,acm��nts :atr hore}?y � � . . � � <br /> . pI�vlRivl nn wer.urily for thu �u�paid h;dnner ot thr murtt;aeu iudebledne_;s_ �. � . <br /> y :. � To pnxure, dcli�•cr to, aud maintniu [ur Ihe b��nefit n( Uie 11nri�a;� e during th� lit�� u[ thi> n;ort;:a7;t� trri�;innl pnlicies :md � - � . <br /> renewals Uiertrot, dcli�•enrd n[ len;f ti�n da}�s Imtm�� thr ozpiraliun of nny sucli puhci���. in.uri�u: n;;ain;t tire ami nther in=urnhle , . . <br /> huz:�nls. casuullie±. and conlin;;encic, as the \fortF«!:�'�' may require, in an amount equ:il to ihe ind�•bfednesF s��currd 6�- this . � � � <br /> :1lorlgage, and in cump�mics �cecptable to the p(ort�;agri�. with lose payt�hl�� clau>i� in fravnc ui und in f��rm uceepLt�ble to tPie \fort�;a- . . . <br /> . gee. In the c-venk any pulicy is no[ rime�+'rJ on nr be(ure ten Ja>', uf it, espii:�tiun. the Atortt;neor mE�y proc.ure insutnne'c ��n lhe . . . <br /> � imPrm�emcnLs, pny th�• prt�miwn tbi�refor. :md sur.h sum shall bcr.nuc immi�di�tely duo iuid paynble with imer�•�t at the• rate �et - � � <br /> ; fdrtt: in sai<! nWc� uniel pair! ami =h;!II IH� ��.cun•d by lhis murl;;:�t;e. Ffliluro nn thc pi+rt ut (hc Alortgn�:or to furnish such rrnewrals . . �. . . <br /> ,;.� as arr. herriu requimd ur failun• fo pay :ml' �umv advanced herennder �hull, at Ihe uption of ihc �tortga;;F�e. cunslilutc� r cir(ault �. . - � � � <br /> under the terms o( this moriKi+Ft'. 'I'he di�livery of such �rolicies shtdi. in thr event ot d�.(nult, constihne an us.i�;nrnrnt nt thr wr . � . <br /> � r��rnas1 premium. � . . � . <br /> dny sum, teceir[•rl by lhe \lnrfl:a�tr 6y rr•�.on ot In;s nr d;mia�;e in=ur��d n;:ainsL m;�y ire rotaim.d bp the \ lurtg:igec . � � - � . <br /> � �t +ind npplird towurcl ihe• p;icment u[ tho d��bt hereby ���currd, ur. at Ihr r�plinn uC thr Aiort{:��e.•. nuch �ums ��ithrr �cholh� nr in � . . <br /> ' piirt mny he � ��aid over �n the ".1urt �a�:or lo Iw uvrd In repnir �ucf: builrlin;;s or �n Imild nr•w� buildin�;s iu t6rir plari• nr fur �ny <br /> � � nthi-� purpusr ur ohj�•ct saticf;�i:(��ry to the Alort :;nti�•e �erthr,�ut :dT�•clint; Ihr G��n un th�� mnrtt;u�;e fur ih�� Itdl nntuunt recun•d itere - � � <br /> hy he{ure .urh paymrnt eecr Inok pL�ce. . <br /> � <br />.. � �. � 'I'u pn�mptly rr��aie rcslorr �,r reLuild :m�• buildiu;;s nr impn�rernrntr noH� ur h�•rr•.iiter �,n th�� prrrnis�•s �.-Lich m:n• fx.. . <br /> . rnm�• dnm>q:<rd ��r d�•strurrvl: to k��ep <aid pn-mi�y��, in ��n�J couditinn and repair nnd (r�•�• frum nny mechanic'. li�m or n( her lien ��r <br /> j� dnim u( lirn not czpn�s�ly :ulrardin�rtod to tLn I�cn hcrcu(: rn� tn sulTcr or ponnR r�uc unlaw(ul u,i• nf r,r :iny� nuisi�nce tn rxist on <br /> �: i <br /> sniri propi•rty nnr io p+�rmit aa�te nn sald nci� nnr In dn any nihrr :�ct •.vhe*rbc � lu• prup��rt�' h�� n•by convr��ed shall l�e�vnnr <br /> i � . le�:c v-slunhle, nur tu rfiminin}� ur imp.ur rts �•:ilur by' any :+ct or umis,iun in urt : U � inmF�ly u�ith ;dl n•quimmrn(x uf inw Hith n•4prct <br /> � � tu the murlgr+ged premisr� �inJ tiie us�� lhrn�of. <br /> s <br /> � <br /> � � 'Chat vhuul�i the premises or �uiy pnrt themnf Ix taken nr rlmm�tird 6y rrason n( any pu6lic im;rrovam��nf or rnndrmnatiun <br /> i:. . . pru�eivlin;;. ur under thr right o( rminent domnin. or iu uny� olher irumnrr. the Alorty;a�i�v xLall b�� ��niitieri lo :dl rnrt�prn�.�linns. <br /> A". n'h93[tIS. t1llfl :�➢t' ufllY[ pnymvnt ur n•li�d thcrr(nr. and �h;dt Lr cn � itl�•d, at. its op�i�m. �o cnmmroioe. ;ippi•ar in nnd pr�r;rcntc in it= <br /> � . nwn ❑8111C i�t7y actiun ur imnY�edin�, or tn m�ktr nnt' rutupri �mi.e or srtflenn•nl in cnnn�•cliun wifh .,uch tukin:; ur dam:ig�•. i\II .uch . <br /> � compE�n�:+tirm. �nvurds. de�maK�'s. riy:hi u,' acfion and prua�F�ds ;+ rr h�•rohy n�:.,i;;ned tu liu• �1urt;;a;;c��, x�hu rnuy. ;dt��r dcductin� <br /> therefmtn all its c�pense�v. relr��v�� m�y munc,y� su rra�ia�•d by it ur np�;lv � hr �am�• � �n :mc in�irhtedue=� srcun7i lu• r�•b��. 'I�hc �l��rt� <br /> � � �.. gagor aigiees to ��zt�e:Ute such furih�•r �aesignmrnts of :tm� c, �mperi;:dion. �nrnrd>, dam�i.r•s. :�rn.l ri ;;hls � �f .�cliun :u�d prr�ce�•d; ��: ih[• <br /> N ' � AtnrtgnKee mny raquire. <br /> e <br /> t. <br /> � '1'Imt in cas�• uf L�iluro w p�•rtorm anr ul thr cu� en;in�y hvnun, thi� :\inr�;;aR.m m��p �io � �n itu• \tort�;aRor'. ix�hal� ���rr: thin� <br /> s�� eovettunted: tLnt lhe :l�lorl�eger t�mp xlxu dn any aet i� nt;�p drem recti•cvin• tn prutec� the hen i6rrenL fh;it th�� �lorl�:r3�;or v.�ill <br /> z , rrpny upon demand any mnneys p�id i�r disbursrJ by th.� \lurtg;r,:rt� h�r any ot thr abuce pw�p�se+. :md .•�rh muro.�}�, iu�elh��r �.-ith <br /> inte��-�t thrreon nt thr rate prnci�.i��d in said nul�, rhnli b��ennm ru much miditinnnl i:idrhtrdnes.c hi•rehy �rcurrd ❑ud muy }ur im <br /> � r,ludc�l in .mV decrec (on�rinsing this mort�a:e and bc puid uut o ( thr r�•nts ur ��rurcr�7c „I salc �:t Said premi=�•s i( m,l ui6rncisc <br /> � puid: [hat it shnll nut L�• ubli�atort' opnn thr Afort�u�:e�� to inyuirr into l}��. l;�Gdity� nf any licn. onrumt-,rnm�c.. �.�r claim in :�d� <br /> � vnncinR muneyv as nbuer :wihnrized. l�at nnthinti h�� rcin r<.,i, tninod .hull 1,�> cr.n:irurd a� mqwrir�e � hv \f��rtcaqr�� t �� advann• nnq <br /> '. { munuys (or unY such Vurpose nor to du nny nct I�crrund�• r. ;md thrrt �tnrtcnt���• sL:al� m.n. in��ur :� i� y �x•r>ounl liabih�y L��cau.�. nf ,iny- <br /> . thin,� it muy do ��r umit In da her�•unri��r. <br /> In t6e evenL u( Ihr de[ault bv A1ort�uSor vt th�� pnymrnt n( :ui�' instalbn�•nt . n, myuimd hc ( br A'nte .rcumd hrreby. ar <br /> � in thr, pi•rfnrmnnce of tli�• uhligation in this mnrt�i�„e or iu thr uotv �ecut�•d lherrby. fh�• A1nrl �aFee sh.�ll hi� ��niifl��d t� � da�l;vr the <br /> ' drbt sE�cured hereby di�c nnd paynble �rit6out notire, itnd thr lfortgn;;r�• shall bc• ���tlitlyd ;d rts upiinn. �cithuut nuticc, rither by ilu�ll '. <br /> or by u rca•ivcr to In appuint�<I by thit court thorcroC and �vithnut n - �rd tu the ndct�u.tcr ni dny ��•i•urilc tur ih� indrb�r-dncss v. <br /> cuteal hereby. in rnter upon :md Lahc• pn>�.r+sion oI th�• mirrt �nr;i•d prcmisr;. uurl tu .,nd rrcri��o thr rrnls i sues :md pruGts . .. " � �. '� . .', <br /> . thereol, and uyply [he c,vre. less rorts n( o�x�r3+lion and colirc�ian. iipnn thr indcUt.ivlucca >rrun�d Ly � I:i� murt„:�gn. said rent.�, ' �y �, <br /> iscucs and profiLs being h��rrby aa,i�:ned to the �Iort�:.��;er us (urthrr sr i unt �• :or thr p.iym��nt n( :dl iu �t b�� dm ss �c.unryl h��rcby . . � <br /> . � � "Che Moritia�;en �hall hacu tha pnwer to appoint any +��e�nt or n�rnl.; it may dca� re for the purp�„c � d rrpainn� x�iJ prom � �, <br /> . . iwrs: rrn6ng the aamr: collrclinf: thc rertls. revenurs and �nceme. �and il m:ir pav vnt uf cnid ir.a�em• .�U ���. u�•mr, inrnrr�Ki ir ront - h <br />� � � ing �nd mannginF ihe +ame and nt collci•tinF the rvninls there�( rnm 1�he balance n moininc. if any. shell L�- ;� ppli��d �n«�ard thr U,J <br />�`R°' - : dischnrFr a[ the morl��ge indi�btedn���s. TLis i�ssiKnment i� to t ��m�inatr nnd I.�c��mv null an�i cnid np� m rrli�n,.� o[ iL-i� mnrir.n�e. � � <br />�. <br />^,�a , <br />�^ <br />� <br />� ' ' <br />�\:� . . ... . . i <br /> ^ � J <br />�_ Mz„� <br />; <br />