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.yq <br />�C, . , � ,y- a: <br />^. t a+ } <br />� _ � ��. , <br />,� . . ..:,;.�� <br /> � �r <br />� � I I , � � 1 iF.l� � ' <br />,;�„ MORTGA�ORS MAY MAKF PREPAYMENTS QF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE pATE. Sl1CH PREPAYMENT SHALI. BE <br /> APPLIEO TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME 6UE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDEU 7HE UNOERSIGNED ARE NOT IN OEFAULT <br /> AND ARE TNEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR E�THER OF THEM, <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNI5H TO THE UNDERSIGNED 300�/a Of SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO• <br /> HI�ITED DY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES TNEN IN EPFECT, pLL SUCH ADPANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECURED t3Y THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MA�E. <br /> THE MORTGAGOR FLiRTHER COVENANTS AND AGRF.ES: <br /> r �� � � � � � � <br /> ThuClt�e Martgngbr will pny the in;iebti�clnc•ss ns hereinbefarc prnvidrd. <br /> . � � � . � ��ThaL the D4orlgnAor ifi .the owner of s�iid property in tei simple nnd Las gond ri�;ht and Iatelul aulLnrih� ti� .rll :and . . � � . <br /> � �� . � . arnvey .the �sume und t6n1.- the sumc is� free and. elenr c�f nny lien or encmnLrmice; �inr! Ihnt hlurltiaF;ur will wnrrant nnd d�•fnm9 the � � � <br /> ` title tu ai�id promist:s uR+�inat lhe claims of �311 , penons whomsoever. <br /> � � � � . � .. '1'n pny immr.�lirttcly when ilue. and pnYflblc z�ii gcnrrnl luxes, speriiil tt�xcs. sptriiil .i4,esament.:. water . chartics, suwer ��eiw . . . <br /> � ico- chargcw,. und uther tnxes a�d churges ag�iinst snid properly, and- all tnxes levicd nn the deht sr<vred hemhy, ant! to (urnish the � � <br /> � �. . � 111oetg:igee, .upan eequost, �vitt� Ihe nritiinal or du��lii�ate receipte �. lherefoe Thu \1ort�agor . agreeti that �. t}� ::hnll he� ndded � fo . . <br /> ` � � . eoc3i nwnlhly . payment requimd hereundcr or. wider thr, evid 'unce nf @e6t seciued hf�rchy .im smuunt e4tinuned be the At��rigagee � � � <br /> j to bu su�cient to enahle the Atori�;ngee to puy. ns they 6ecnmu Juc. all t:iae+. ;��ses;mrnls. smd similar churges uEwn lhc �irem- <br /> ise�:� subj�rt khemto; any de[iciency . lKv�e�use ..o[ the i��;ulliciency ut such nddiiionsl pnymi�nfs ahull . be fnrtMcith depo:;ifed � by .lhn �. � <br /> � � � TiorIK��F��r lcith fhn Dtorlgagoc upnn denwnd I�y the �(ortgagee. Any dci:mlt under ihis p;uugruph ,h;all I+c dremed t3 d��fault in � � . � . � , <br /> � � pnvment nf 4ixa+ aYsessmrnts. nr similxr chur4ns rrquired herrunrlrc . . . . - <br /> . '1'h�� !�tortgugor a{;re+�s Uial there shall nL.0 be addrd � o rach mnn� hly paymrnt of principnl and I«I��re�;t rcv�uired � . � � � <br /> � under �mi amount estimxled liy the \iur�„n�ee tu L�• xuHicirud to rntiblr ❑ir hinrtgn�un to p�ip, a. it becom�•s duc, the in;urnnm �. .. . . . <br /> - - � � premium . nn any insurann� pulicp delieered tu ih�• Alort�;agec. Any deFicicnc}• because nf ih�� in.yidficiency ��f auch nddifinnal pny. . �. � . �. <br /> � menls shull bc (urthwith deposited by the pl��rtgagor ���ilh thr \turtgnRee upon dem:md by ihr �lnrtga�;ec. :lny de(:mlt under lhis � . . . � . � . . . <br /> �. . 1 � . P�ragraph slintl }H+ deemed � a di•(�ult in ihr pnymrn[ uf insur.mce premiums. [[ the palicy ��r pulieii�s di�posil��d am such a, humn- � � . .. � ' <br /> � owner� nr nll�. riek �mlicies, and thr depusitx arr insu�ficii•nt to pa�• thr rotiru premium, the �turtrn�r�• m.�y apply iLe drpatiit tn . . <br /> t ' � � P:�Y irremiums un nsks rcquirprl tn b+� insured Ly this morigar,��. . . � � <br /> Yi�)annnty madi� by th�t \1ortFa�;or undcr Ihc abu��n p;iragrn�!hs mny, :�t ih�� uplion uf ihr S1orl�:n�;r�•. be h��ld t��• it nnd � .. . <br /> commingled with ofher such fuuds or iis o+vn fw�ds for the p:q•ment u[ such itrms. nnd until so ;�pplivd, sur.h pnymi•nIs nrr hrn•bp .� . .� . <br /> � plixlged ss sm�urity (or lhe unpaid 6:�6mce uf lhe mnrt�;ngc indeblydnr.s. � , � <br /> . 'Pn procum. dclicrr to. anil muintuin fur ihe benrfit u( the 1lorlgngei� during iho lifr n( this mortgage ori�; pnlicies �md � � ` . . � . <br /> renewals iherc��f, deliverai ut Icast lon dnys Ik�tore �lir� expirntinu of nny such pulici.,s, insurin�; ::gamst fire :md othor iiuuroLle � � � . � . <br /> :� ..r huzards. and cuntingencius as the Diortgn„ee may n�uire. in nn amuunt. rqual to fhe , indebtrdnrss sF�cured by this . ; � . � . . � . . <br /> M1tortgage. nnd� in a�mpnnies :�ceepf:�ble to the Ainrtgagec, n•ith lons puyubie claus�� in fnror u( and in furm ncccptnble in the �lortga- � . . � � <br /> g��. ln lhe event nn>� policr is nut. n�nea•ed on or bafom ten dny, nf iL espiratirm. Iho �turigu;;r��� mtiy prncure insurance un the - .. . <br /> improvements. puy the prrmiurn Ihere[or. :md such surn �hall bec�me immediatrly duc rind puy�ablc �aith inh•ro;t at t.he r,rtr rA,t � . . - . . . <br /> (orth in x�aid note until pz�icl nnd shnll bv ,ecumd by� this mortg��ge Failure on the pan u( the Aiortgngor tu furnish euch renrwulc . � � <br /> �S :�re hcrein r�K�uired ur f�iilure lo pay nny wms nd�:mced hereund��r shall. +�l lho oplion nf Ihr Diurtg���;�yr, ranetituie a � de(aidt � � � � . . . <br /> " u�der th�� u�rms o( thi, mnrh;uge. '1'hu d�•livi+ry ��( such policrc:s ehall. m thr evont n( de•(mili. cunetitute :in aa:ir;nm��nt nf ihe un� � - � � � . <br /> j .. i�arncK! prcmium. . . - - � � <br /> Any suma :rcwived 6}� ihr 11nrt�ng�r� bi� rcason of Inss or dama{;o imun�d ;�„^ainst ma�� he mU�im�d hp ih[• \lurt;:a�M• � . . . . . � ." <br /> o-md uppliivl tuwarJ thr pxyment o[ thr deb� herc6y >�K•ure<i. oe at. d�e optiun nf ihv �torl�agee. euch cum, rithrr whollv ur �n - � <br /> y�.. . pxrt mriy bi• paid o��er lo the �lurtgagor tn fx us�ai fo repair ,uch Luildinas or to 6uild nr�c buildin:;s iu lh��ir pinco nr tur am� : . � � . <br /> � othr. [ Purpusc� n[ object ralis(nctnn• lo the �1ntt�nx��e withnut nfiectinR tho lien nn the ninrt�;��e for Ihv fall mm�unt si•currd herr- � <br /> . � by bcfur�� surh pn�•mont �•rrr t�wk pLire. � . � <br /> 'I'u prompUy rep:iir, resinrc nr rnbuild any buildin�;s or impruerm<•nts no�� nr hvmaifrr nu Ihe pnanise�; uhich nw�� br. � . . � <br /> ; � emne di�mnged or de�iniy�tiL �u kerp said premises iu �aad cYmdilion :uid roP��ir and freo frmm �ny m�•cicmir'. lii�n nr othrr liwi ur �. <br /> i clnim nt lirn nut �•xpres,ly suburdin�ded tu Ihe li��n h��roof: nul tu ;ulier ur prrmit :nrv unlmv(ul u�c n( or anv m:isaner to ��si.l nn � <br /> . ssiid properta nor fo p�•nnit wnsle un .:iid premisrs. nnr to du any nlher acl wliemhy Ih�� propi�rtc hemb�� rnnv.�}�rd =h:d1 tx�eume � . . <br /> ,: �. � Incs ��uluaMc. nnr tu diminish ur impair itx ��alur b�• any :ict ur ninissinn tn i��•� : tn rontpl�' �cith ;�II r��quiromrnl., of la�v �cith rr.pret <br /> j l0 1hc• mnrlgaged prcmises und the IhoreoL - . <br /> � <br /> 'I'hnl should lli,� premis��. ur anp parl. Uirmu( Ix takun or dam:y:ed by n•nsnn ot miy public improermrnt or cnndemnatiim . <br /> a.�� � � proceixling. ur undcr lhu ri�id o! etninenl domain, ur in any olhcr manncr. thr 1lnrtgagre shall Lo �•nlitled to all cnmpenw�tions. <br /> awnrds. �md any olhrr p�iyment ur rrlirf thrrr(nr, aud shnll Lc cntiA��d, ni its uption. to rnnlrnenre. appr;lr in and prrna�ule in its <br /> . ' own name am� i�ctivn ur procredin�;. ur to makc nny comprumise ur si�ttlomcn� in connection �vith .uch takinG ��r dnn7tiF�•. :�II such <br /> � � cort�penfintion. ��vurds, damagi�;. right nt acliun :iud pruciyYi, tin• hrreb�• :ic,i�nrd lu U�r �furt�u�ev, who m�y. :dler deduclin� <br /> ; thereimm nlI ils i�spcnves. rrlenN� imy monry. sn r�Ys�ivrd by il or :ippl}' tht� samr ou m�v indobt�•dnc:� srcured h��rrb�'. �I�he \lnrl- <br /> �ngar egmcs lo � exixvtr .uch further a�;��i�;nmrnts n( �my cnmprnhntiun, aw:vds. Jmn:ic��•. and ri�;hl+ r�i ac( ion :md prnr�vd; nc the <br /> bloCtgugen� mnV require�. . . <br /> ' 7'hnt in ca�u• of faih�re io per(onn anp n( thr �•ocenants lu•rcin. !h�• \lurlgagre mny du ��,n Ih�• \1ort�aFur'c b�•h�+if ����er��thing . <br /> su mvennnted: thnt thc Mnrt�a�;��e mny :ilsu do any nrt it nwy deem nerrs.c� rY tu prntect thr li��n Ihrrrof: lh�t thr ;ttnrtgagnr will <br /> � repnti� upon dcmand nny moaeyc paid ur disbuned b�� thc '�iurt�:a�:rc (or anc u[ the n6uve ��ur(iovs. rtnd surh mom•y.5 u,�;rih��r �vith <br /> � inler�wt thereon nt the rate provided in s�icl note shnll Locumre sn nwcl� :idditiun;il indrbti�dneca }��b�� �:erurrd :+nd �nnv th� in- <br /> � ciuded in any dreme Inreclo:;in{; this ntort�;��e and be paid uut nf �h�� rents ur pruc��rd: � �( s:�lr o( snid pn•misen if nol nthi�ru�is�� . <br /> � 1 paid: that it shnll not IH� ublig;dnry upon thr :11url�a�m in inquirr inin the validity of :my lieu. �•ucumtrances. nr claim in ad- <br /> � � vuncing moneys as abuve aulhorizrd. but nnihing hen•in coniained shnll t.r cuustrued us «�ryuirin�; thr \1nrt;;n�e�� in ndr:�nce nny <br /> moneys (or any cuch purpox� uor tn dn :�ny ;ict herrunder; mvl 1lint \turtg:��ei• sh:Jl nut incur nnc p��rsonal li:�bilih� b��r�au�r of :un�• � <br /> thin�; it mny dn or omi� to du hrretmdcr. . . <br /> � <br /> In the event of the defaulf by �Inrig.igur in � hr p;iyment u( :my insUJlmrnl . ae mquirrd bV 1hr x\olr .aeurod h„rehv. nr <br /> � in tlie performnnce of !h[• nbligation in thia murlgac;e ur in ihr note =��cureJ th�•reby. Ihe Alnrt�a�;rr ,h:dl bi• rnlitit•d tn d��tlarc Ihr <br /> dcUt secured hcrcbv due and payn6le �.�ithuul nutice. und lhe I�furl;;oR�'� slmll 6<� ��n� illod nl ilc nplion. �vithuuf nufin•. i�ithcr by itaclt <br /> . ur by n tteciver to lie xp7iuinted 6y the court thrn�±f. :md rvitliuut re�;ard to � hr �«i�v�uart• uf .mv vocutih• far lhr indehtednrsti w�. . `-+���:.�.`�. <br /> ' curid hereby. to r.nt�,r uPm� and tnkc possession u! the m�vtta�;c<! Pnm�isec, aml to cnllvct :md mcrivr thr rrnfv, issuea and prufitv "� {y <br /> '. thcreot, and app(p thr. stme. L�.s casts ot upernhon imd culleclinn. upnn thr indebtivL�e.s �ecurrd Ly � his rnurl�;aee: uud rrnls. - } <br /> . ' i iesues nnd profitv being hembc ussian��d fo lhr Nurt�:nge�• aa furlher sivurily (nr lhn p:icmrnl af all indeblaJnrss ��•eunKl hrn•hy. �L <br /> �.. X!` <br /> � '1'lie Mortgagee Sh�ll hnve the power to appuint imy agenl ur agents i� may di�<ire fur Ihe purpus�� ul rrpnirin; s�id prrm- f� <br /> ices; rcntiug the ssame: cullectinK thr rents, revenues nnd incume, nnd �t may pay uut uf s:ud incame �ill �. spuu;��; inrurn�l in rent- � � <br /> . ing nnd manngin� lhe ai�me and of collec� in� Ihe rentnls then•Rum. 'I'h�� balnnce rv�mnmin4. if ane. .: I� dl hr :ippli��d tuw:ird tha � � � . <br /> .Ji�chnrge ot the moriga�e indebt��clnrcw. 'I'his nssignmrnt i+ lu terminatt• and I��i�nmr nnll nnd cuid iq�on ndra.r uf thi, m���rtr:age. ` . <br /> w"� � <br />�' � �� . . . ._ . <br /> � '�—..... ..�, � r.� �J <br />�< ' <br />