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� <br />�, , ��� <br />�� � � . . � � � � " . � . . . i +'r'� . . . <br /> �r.; . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. � .. . . . . . � <br />� . . . . . � .. . . �� � .. - <br /> i�:.�.�. . � . ... � . <br /> � FIRS`� <br /> F�aER�r. <br /> LI�CQLN nu��on�sa"�.eivioua� � <br /> FonM No.�3rie.�...yoi , Loan Number___.32Z72_=�_ 1 --��8 <br /> r _ U�.��h -- ry�. <br /> � ��� 001.423 <br /> ; `; SAVINGS M (� R;TGAGE <br /> � `1'FIIS '�40RTGAGG,mndc nnd executed this.o�tr1...._day ot:_...1.1..�o..Y�.e.�. ._._.:.:.......A.D.;1�..:.r�'7.,6etween <br /> Thomes L: Dittrick and:I'tiulette J. Dittrick, husband and.wife, esch in his and her own. <br /> ; individua'l right and as spouse of the other; jointly �nd severally <br /> , <br /> ; �,i::......Grflnd_2sl.and.. ..::... ..,County ot..... ...Iiflll_..... ...., St�te oL.. .......NebraSlcfl.:. ..:....., fiereine(ter reterrtvl <br /> io ac the Diortgagor;und FIRST FED�RAL SAVIIQGS ANb I.OAN ASSOCIATTOI� OF LINCOLN, N�brn�Im, it,s suece:snarx <br /> mid aesigns,hereinafter referred to a�;�tortga�a�. - <br /> � <br /> ' 1VITNLSSETH:`Tl�at the said Atnrigagor.for and i»cnnsideration oi tt�e sum n( , <br /> '': :.....:...::..Tf�IyTY=Q�F:.TIiQUSJ�NA.9IVE...lf[J�!)REA_F��X..AND_rtQ�100-.---------r13.._21�.a.54,.40:. ........:) I)ohara. <br /> pnid by snid ltortgngi�, does hercUy ncll nnd cnm�ey untn I�IRST' PfillERAL SeU�ING5 :�ND LOAN .ASSOCIATION QI' <br /> I.iNCOLN, I�ebraska, ne '.ltorigngee, ifs auca�ssors anJ nssi�nis. the fr.lto«ing descrihed Re�a1 Esfate,situated irt the County �f <br /> � % ' .:....:.. ._...,.Hall...... ... . ......:....,... Stnte ut. ................Ne11T8Sk�........ ........_ .. ::....., tn-wil: r <br /> � <br /> I,ot Seven {7) in Rlock Tlu�ee (3) in Arnold Plc�ce an Addition <br /> to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.. <br /> _ <br /> : _ <br /> �; � � <br /> 'I`U HAVE Atill TO HOLD ih�� ntxrvr drscrilivi premisec f�r�he u,a;irerei��set(ortli und to tecure perlonn�uce e[thr. <br /> . nbli�ations eontnined herein,fogether�sith all buildings.impro�'emenlc liztun�s :md ailpurtensntt�s und id! rnscmen4r lhcrcuntn . � <br /> iu�lmiging. and it�i»mutuall)' covenanted nnd ngreat by�nd het�ceen tlu� F;aniee hrrrtn that all µlumLing..gns. clectrio nnd � . <br /> methanicnl fiziives, applinnces. �*c�uipment. machinerp �nd appnrut�c,Quar cmrringa,sturm winda�rs and 4reens,uud sud�nther <br /> � �cmdannd chalteta Emd per.�c�n:il pro�xrtp o.:ue crer furnished by a landlord in tettinB�r operating m�unfurnish�Yi 6uilding.simi� � � <br /> � !ar to die or l�crm[ler un said pmmis'es.which nre or shall I�c attached to s;�fd Luilding in un�� nusnncr�chntycxvor, nrc <br /> . . . and shall.6e dei�mesl to I)e fistures:md sn urcessiun to the(reehuld and u part nt the mnih•as brtH�evn lhr parties hereto.thcir <br /> . heirs. i�xecuton. administraton. suca�ssors or as:i�;nv,and.Il prnons ciniming by, throu�:h or under them,nnd c6n11 In• drrmrd � � - � . <br /> - .. . to}x�a�x�rtion oE tiie s�Murit��4ur the i»drbte�inocc hrraim m�nlimird no;l to!n�rnn•rrd bv thi<mort�t;;e. <br /> � . . �a� f�. . <br /> .. PHOVIDI:D ALtVAYS, and thcs�presents are ezecuied nnd di•tiverrd upnn Ilsi� fnl�nwin� �vndi[ii»ts. �t�memi•nts nnd ��� � s��. <br /> �:. �>blifi:ationa o( Ihe AfartgnFurs. !o��it: <br /> 1'he A�tirtFagnr nk�`s to par in ihc\1nrt�;agce.or nrder. Uio��rinripal rum nf 1'wENTY-�NE T$QUSP+ND ONG, . � <br /> _ p., ,' . <br /> , �, <,.....:.:Ii[�1DRID F2�'£Y Ai�ID_Na�100..�_�__�----------------�_-__-___(S._21�150.00_ .. i D„llnr. <br /> pnynUle ns pmvidi�d iii� �wM e�ecnted and d��liowr�rl rnnrarmntly I:Cf11N'I�II, tI1C linul pa.�mont r.t I�rinripnl. if nnt cnnnrr ;riid, � ..� <br />:'' ' ��� cn�_:.....�.st..............._d:,>� �,t.:...............�pril__.........._.... .._.__... i�.. ..9?_. <br />�,e��� � Ccyr��[kl 13i5 S�Ilrel federel Savin[s ad iaan Asaocl�llon�t Alecaln.l7nroln.NrNa:�� � <br /> C. <br />,1 <br />