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<br /> � ( faj Luycsra tic�ra�by cav ,�nttn� .� nd ttp;r � e Ch� � Ghay �ill , in
<br /> order tc� in �ura Ghair CCTtl��fdliflCl p� �'iilOPl � ui' �h� i:� csurvnca and t�e�xgs ,
<br /> cie�esiG with thc► e� sarntr ta �en'G c�� ch t�antti c9urinu G.hQ L' �rm oP thits
<br /> l��,reemean� gnci b ��iunin� on it�rt� il 1 , 19C,� , �ha sut�i of �1,� � Un �7�r aranGh
<br /> c�r r, awn aqual to the t� t$1 �nnual in�uran � e �rnmium pluu th�s �+ nnuml
<br /> r�al a �tnte� L� x� s nivldad by 12r SYIt �. CFlEtv@2� is th �a �r�atWra ;:uch
<br /> fund k�uilt up h�ith �uch mon�hl� �� }mient � by Che 't?uyers shal �. h � ur�ad
<br /> kiy � he escrow �y �nC to p�y tli � annua� l in�urzanao pramium �nd tca �a��p
<br />— „t� r'c��i a �ti�t�� u�;�W ;� � ;��i sn� '€��a7;anc � sacarui� s.n aucti i'uzid shaa.:l b�
<br /> herl:d b'� tha a�croH a �ent for the i3uy �rs unCil tha L �rmixtatic�n o1 &h1 �
<br /> , Agromme�n� .
<br /> � 7 ) Qn th � fir3t dz�y oi' Any r,:onth �uring the tcazv� c� f thi. �
<br /> A�;ro �ment � th � AugerA �la �ll ha� e� tho r ��ht ta �, r� y tho entiro unp� ic9
<br /> bR�snee o � Ch � purcP�msa prie. a i.n full , v,� itNaut �ray r�en � l� ie � i'pr such
<br /> nciv,� z�c4 payaff .
<br /> ( $ ) Tt i � c� �r � ed tk:x� t pc�ymanC6 af �ri.ncip� l tahd i,ntor� b�
<br /> , Paid Dg the Buy ess� ta th � c�acro ►� ��ent m�y be ap}�lic� d by G}� a c� scrow
<br /> � �genL in �a }yment of a aertain n,ort�� �� a �e� l,ttrC the prami. aes w121cti ig
<br /> owned by th� �;quitablz 8uildin�. 8: La�ir, As :�oci � tion o �' Grand T �l� nc', p
<br /> r. .,h�R ��n _
<br /> � 9 ) Thv 5ol.lurc� simult� noously ti �roi+�itl� havc dope �tted �Fith
<br /> Cha ascz•�w � �ant an exacuted w& �mnty do �ci mAde n�- �hQm n � C�rentax•�
<br /> s. Lo th �s 9uy�ra as f,rnntL �� r� � ,jeinE Ci�nants with I' �.�Y1C3 af �urv �,v�+rahip
<br /> � nd not � a tenanLs in c��rn�on , w��ich s� id �xecute�d taArz� nty de� d the�
<br /> c�� ero� a� ent is directed to dc�� ivnr Co tt� e t3uyers wh �n f1na1 pc�ymant
<br /> o £ the pui•ehe � e pri: e ;zh � ll h� va bnon mada att heresin providode
<br /> t � IO ) Tho Sc�llers shall �urni ;th �,00c! and marlcaCabl. a Litla
<br /> Ga seid de;� na ibed p2• �%isc� s , a ¢124T'a ngr � o to .furz�ish ta B4iyer�
<br /> rrit.h� ut dul �}� uti a �,� t:�� ct oS uttiv , � arCi :i �d Le Lhe rna ;� t �• ucetn,C
<br /> � prmctict� l da� � o , fpr r�x�inination hy t3uyera . It � s undo� �toad �nrf
<br /> c��;rir� �.aci that � mortgags �a �;�zin�t �r� i <i prr.mi� Qcs in 1'�vot• of thu
<br /> �:quitable Ec Lo�n Assac. i� tion sh�� �, l nnt ba consi �icrvd a �
<br /> � n ob,jar,tion to ,3o11 �z�J titlm to ,3aid pr �mi � aa . If nn}� titl. e
<br /> cb� � eCinn ^ �re �naa � by i3uyprs to S �llers � Litl. ca �a seid promi � o � ,
<br /> ;' �h �n Sa1lc�rs shsll hc� vo a rcaasonubla tim� � Lo cur � said ob ,joatiUn :�
<br /> i �nd Co �how �pori anci n:RrkeGeblc� L � G1. er « +v'i. t.}iitt � rvawonsablv Lim�:
<br /> > afLer l3uyara ItFYVG^ ht� d L• h�� slistract o £ Citl �s for Naamir�ption � c+ n.i
<br /> F , r� fter S �ll �:r� � halX hc+ vc had a r• �r� sonable xime� ta cure tiC1�
<br /> obj �sctionu , if dny , tt� e � b .L• z•act o #' titic ahall. be �; �3 �„� �, �£sci tn � he
<br /> � t33Ct'Ok �,�,ent , �a t� e, hold t�y s€� i. d � scro�+ a� cant .� nd d � � iverc�d to Lhe
<br /> � proper pr�rtioa , m � herE� inaftar aot forth . Ict �h �a nvmnt the Sp].lei- a
<br /> sh� ll bo una �lc� to ,removo tit1 � defocCs , �.hen � �Yy �m �nts made und � r
<br /> thfa agre �manG shall Lhereupon ba rofundod to i3uyca:• a z� nci s� 11 c� b ,j �ctSon ,� «
<br /> 01' th� partieA liereto �ha11 �ermin€� te snd this A�;eemant ah� ll be
<br /> : ci � emed void ��iChout rmco �u� sQ ta � ny of Che �arGir� a herata . �til �. ars
<br /> s r.• hsll bq . requiroci to otaGttin tha r�i, oasa oP tha mc>rt�a� a in f�vor af'
<br /> Che k,quitable E�uil �in� & I.oan A� soci �ian oS Or� nd Is13nd � Nubrattka� t
<br /> nt �i• prior to tho finr� l pAym �nt ti �roundsr by Hiayera .
<br /> ( il ) ;;houl<I Ch� �?uycrs fr3 �1. Co pe, V .� ny Lax �� � a .x hs�rFfn
<br /> ��rovidaci , or L'n11 to ku �p ae� id propc,i• �;y :ln :,ura �i , � elluro u;«� y � �a �.
<br /> their optian , frnm tir; e tca tiane , pz�y c� ], 7. ear any of s�� 1d L• � xe :i
<br /> �sgreed heroin to bP pt� id by Suyr. r� ' ttnd obtain such SnsurAnc � K�n:i
<br /> i�uyertt AF,rea ta rep� y to Sol�.ar � , on demPnd , Lh � amount nf n11
<br /> maneys paid out by 8c�ll �r� on t� ecount of sucli tr� xe ? oc• in :aur�nco ,
<br /> toaether with intQrast tharoon fraathe datc� uf pa ,yment uritll r �z�.+Rid ,
<br /> �t thn rata of' c�ight p �r � ent ( Q ;� ) pnr r�nnum . � �� �� .
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