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<br /> ,;�'�"n 00139�i ;
<br />� . . , � ,
<br /> riuiu�i�ira�iT Fu�i uf;i,i� UF tti:�I, �ti'if1'1i:
<br /> I THIS hGFU�.�,�lEN1' ent�r�d in�k,c t�his� /�'" d,R}� o.i' h��rchr 1963,
<br /> !ry anli k�c�tk�on LAl;f3;:'�:Gd }?, LZ��nt� ��.,,� r n(�TS 1,� t;;i,EtUL; .�u:abgnd z�nd
<br /> wzi'e, pc�eh in t►ic� �nc� har a�br. ri.ght uitd �� 3pouscs o�.' �,Iae oGhorg
<br /> ` her.•ei.a�fter enlled the �ellers, and 1"i0:i�i�T L. i�ONNntii' �nd :iNAt2Q1V
<br /> t J�« �i0litlART, hu�band �nd wifa, ras �ait7C C�nrants z�nd not �zrz �.��na,zc,s
<br /> �.n cc;Mman, herainni�or c�ll4ci th� k3uy�r�, �sITi3ES5�9'F{s
<br /> (11 Tn considerc�tion o�' thc� cov�n�tttc, nr�d aa�;ra�n�ent� �n '
<br /> tlae r�art �t th� 8u5°�rs horein�tb�r conCain�s<i, ��1ri upon th� cut7ditian;�
<br /> h�rninaltaz• �t€�Cedx the S�11c�rs har��bp ��ree to �s;1I �nd eaye�y to
<br /> the .auyers, �nd �he t3uyer� h+�r�Uy a�roe Co puz•chese the f'a1lnr�ing
<br /> :lescz�iUed real H9t&C4s sieuat�d xti Ha1.1 County, Aabrn�;ks+ to-wii;:
<br /> Lot Une (Z) in :ilaak Orie (1) oi Kaehlar I'l�c�,
<br /> an rdc�iCion Co tlia City uf Gxand T�sl.anda H�ill
<br /> Gounty, N�brasl;tt a� aur•voyed, �I;atted �nd rocord�d.
<br /> Incluuec; in thn sala �s t� parC oi eaid premisc�s ara thE television
<br /> F�nCann�,and tho r+ox•l;banchf cny venati�n 4liiids now xffi�ad Ce th�
<br /> r,r�t�misc�s an�-: �nything olse noi�r nffixc�d to the �.�roperty in any f�:�Yafcan.
<br /> 5�llers furt,t::x agree to cArp3t ttie livin� i•aom And ha11, inet�ll
<br /> ne�r ini�y in GA8 AAGR� anu IliilIlt�GL1C iiv�iig.; i�oom, nuii, !{1GCl162'1 ana
<br /> L-aCh.
<br /> � (Z) Th� f3uy�z•s �grea Lo pay �s consid�ration 1'or sttid
<br /> . �arami5es �v3.th improvement:s herc�inabove ref�rred ta thQ �iur qf'
<br /> Saven I'hcu;rund b'ive Hundrad xi. I;�/100 I:ollare (�7,SQD.an3 af tvhich
<br /> �` ' eair.aunt ?�ive l�undren � 1vo 100 Dollar�
<br /> � ��54Q.Uq) huu oean paid ta
<br /> th� aell�r:s z�t L•t�e time of` th� exaeut3on af thiE a�z-�acru�nt, and
<br /> t � receipt the�reof is hor�by uc!tna��led ed by the S�11�r�. '�'ha btal�nce
<br /> : c�f S�;v�n 1'hciusand �: I�o/1Qtl llollars �x7,�Qp.00) rrith intc+re�t on
<br /> r `, tkae uttpaid balunce ut �he rete o.f eix pc�r �ent (ti";} p�r snnum gha11
<br /> i:e geid bq nuv�rs i7! tr�c� Faunrir�ed C:�reY ;2�G) eqzr�2 4na,z�:hly ray.;�ants
<br /> of ;•5U,1G each, ttie iir3t ot ssidpaym�nta b�cor.�in� due nnd pay�blQ
<br /> on Apz�11 1, ].�fi3, and Lha re:�ainin� 239 ��Ayr�Lnts b�acor.�in� du� en
<br /> ; t�e yir�t dr,Yy nf aach manth th�roafGor until oach is pa1d. Th�
<br /> �` ' said r�en�hl}= p�}�n�ent of �:5U.1b per month includas principal and
<br /> i7�ere�t at the ra�e ni' �i`,k� per �nnu�n.
<br /> i (;i) Tt 1s agreed that Lhe Equit�,hlc� Buildin� r� Lo�tn
<br /> A�socia�iUci oi Grar.d Ial.,nd, I�ebrc�ska, i,� hc�z�aby dosS�riated t�s �scro�e
<br /> a��c�n� undEsr this AgrOeire�nt �nd ull g�yments ta ba maci;; hy L�uyer;�
<br /> to `�ellerU ns hereinFravided sh�11 b�a made to tho osr,row n�ent
<br /> to b�s rec�ivctc; 6y it f;�r and or. behali nf the Sell�rr:..
<br /> i (4) 5o11ex•s a�,rea to p�y al.l real bstat� L�xes �n L•h� f::a�ri
<br /> aG�}vo d03C2•iGsd premisas ior tha year 1}62 �nd prior ynars. Ch�
<br /> �3uyt'.rs r:�rc�� to pay all rc�al estnta taxa� on thc �r�misQs of �va•_�
<br /> n�tur•e wht�tsoover� l�viod, aasassed, or Acarul.:�,� ;�n or a�t`tar Uecamc.�ur•
<br /> 31, 1;G2, incladin� real ostate t�x�s ior th� :,,::;,,,i 1963, an� all
<br /> > ' sub3squenG year�.
<br /> Y i (5) �le Eluyers ��rse to 6:ee}� tha i �z•oveMcnts on saic
<br /> � --«1 1 �.e �t.i�u.rF�;i !'<;r aL 1��a t t.;11Fr sum nf ��v�n 't'i;oUSzr�n .:c F�af'sQi:
<br /> Uo11ar,, (;;/,Ct�U.uO) from �and AiLtIT' t;IlHli' UriGTY iiitv pasaussion oi
<br /> tt�o prenda�as, snld in3urance ta carrp lor>s-pay�blo clausoH in fr�ror
<br /> nS L�ursnce H, i:lrzad r�nd Uor1s I,. 'r;lror. �nd the Equitr�bla 3uilcii:i};
<br /> .t Lcan A�yocintion c.�f Grand I,l�nd, Nabra3ka, as th,�ir intvrests
<br /> appearo Tha required insurance shall be maintainod in r� comp�ny �r
<br /> companios s�ati:,foctory to tha 5e1].ers and thc� policies �videtxcing
<br /> r�uch insurancQ shmll bq depo�ited �vith Lha encrow a�ent on or befoxa>. •�.i .,�, ;
<br /> April 1, 1963. _
<br /> . � �N,'.'_..'
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