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K <br /> � , . <br /> ,..�w. <br /> . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . .4 .ti' . <br /> ' 000O4 '7 <br /> ,� � ._ � <br /> £3 . 1ditliouC ]_tmiC :iny Y.lic foa� ce � .r c, ficcL o1 :in )• ot: lic, r { �� � � t .i �, fi c� i <br /> � .j � � �: illi 11C,71C!i' lll('il �: � li— L�Yllll � ll? I'C �J�� �JYOlIl15C :i � C:OV <' ll �ill �' S �Illt � �1C� 1' C [' ::i il : .� 0 �. �. OIC :i : � ' . . <br /> ' ( a ) 'i'he h �� rd surf. � cing ciatc� r .t �+ l i. nLt i ,il. l } inc; l 37 .1c.1 hy <br /> i:-Lyttn �ai11 b��� .in:, t. a ]. led ,7i: qtar' e lcvc� l .iccn �� l�. �.� l�.le i.o � <br /> � Idid-Contineni: and Sail :l � itcr b�. ii ;� in � a � r� c,d ,3i: thai: <br /> `:; <br /> iniCial grade 1c�� e1 . <br /> ( b ) I.-Lynn :;l� all prc, v .i. cic� aud u� ,-aS. nLain noL l. er> s ti� �in five <br /> s �� parkin � s �� aces iur i� ach 1 , U00 s;q�iara . ei� t ot buil. c? .ing s }� ace . <br /> �.;` ( c ) lt_I, ynn �va. 11 c :� Cabl : � anc9 �na .inlain a liyhti�iy z; yr. te�n <br /> : <;. accordiiiy l�� Che , i. ; , .darcis conLained � n Ll� e 1) er. .l. ,iraC .iou <br /> ,:� of Re:, tricLive Covenants anci w .ill activaLe or. l .iyht said <br /> „� liglii. ing syst. em durinc� ai. 1 hut� r;; oi: dar}: nc� as ��l � c� n any � <br /> ;,;� other busiite ;; s herea :ti:ex� .lc� c� .iCed oil i) li� c}: N .ine l9 ) i. r� , <br /> ,� opeii to tlie puk�lic . <br /> � ( d ) No bui ].d :ing ,li � l. .l evrr bc located on I, ot Onc � 1 ) i:haL- <br /> �? is in excr. :> : o .l % ��-' Lcet i �i overall hi� i �tii: . <br /> '" ( � ) No siqns of: any l: :ind wi. 11 be located on Lo t One ( ]. ) , <br /> Ij� <br /> `�� inc.luding on any bu :ilding i. n Loi: Onc ( .l ) �aii: hout Lhe <br /> �,:�; prior �ariL' i: en co �i :;ent oi i•l.icl- Contiliettt . <br /> ,...;:, <br /> ��: 9 . A11 of. i:l: e co �� c� ,� anL- s , ac) re��ments , condii: ions tand resCrtctions <br /> ,�, <br /> ;; sei: iorth in i:l �iy elocu�ai+ rr� � � re a. ni:endecl i:o be anci sl� all bc r_onslrued as . <br /> xi cuvenanls runninq with tlie ., :� ncl , bin3ing upon , .inurinry L-o t- he LexieEiL o !: <br /> ,� <br /> ,j and enforceable by e � cli of Ll � e f� � rLics hereL- o and all :>ul�sequen � rccord <br /> � owners oi the land i:o �.�hicl� thcy apply and to �heir resp �ci::ive les :, e �s <br /> �; <br /> � M; �� nd sublessee :; , c�ce1� L- ihai: altl�ou�(1 � :� ai. d covr [� atils , acstc. einen� :; , concii - <br /> a'� tions and restrictions shal. l run wit- l� i:he :Land , �he .r. ic� lit l.o �� �� ive i.l�r.m <br /> �q . <br /> ° t ;. or. release any tii:leholdcr in Hloc}: f3 irom ihe aE>plicaL- ion ol any or a .l .l <br /> ,;_; oi said covenanL- s , ac�ree�tue �il: � , cortdilioiis atld xc �; i. r. i. cL- iuii :; sl� all l�e and ` <br /> ;;� remain a per :>onal r.ighL c� 1 Idicl -Coni: inciiL o .r iL > nomitie � and t�ticl -Coni�ineni. : <br /> <, <br /> ; acting by iL• sclf ma , waivc and rel. case .�ny Citicl�o .l �lcr :, zn 13 .loul: 9 froai <br /> s,z <br /> y; any or al .l ot said cov� n ,iiiLs , ayreer,� enL : , condii:aons ancl resl:rictions <br /> � �aitliout consen � of any prior or cxisL- inc7 i:iLlclio .lc3� i: in 13 .lock 9 <br /> } Sti 10 . Not- hing co �itained iti tliis Agr. ec�mr.iii: sli � ll Ue corislrued Lo riahe <br /> �" Llle pari: ie :; partne �::; oi� ja .i. nL vetl ; : urcr:; or Lo rcnder aii�� ot L- hc:� <br /> ' parties liable for thc debts or ul�l :ic� n � io �is of tlie oL- hzr. s . <br /> � <br /> � ; 11 . No cle ]. ay or omi :osion l�y c�it:lu� .r ol the parl: ic� s hereLu in <br /> ' e �ercisine� any �:ighi. or accru .inc� upon 1_he noii- couipl. :ia �ice or i: �ii .Lttre <br /> � � of perfoxmance 1�y any uthcr F? arl- y under Lhc provision :; of: l:his Ac� rcetnenl <br /> � � <br /> shall im�� � ir an�� such r .ic,3lit or po �•:e .r or be canstr. uc�d to be a wciiver <br /> tl � �reaL . n ta .� ivrr l�y any oL llic � �,� rLi. cs hct' cL-o of any u :E i: he coven �anCn , <br /> � a: , . <br /> condii: ions or agrc �ineiiCs hcrcut to l �e per- lor. med by any otl � cr. party :; lta1J. <br /> �. �`� not Ue construed lo l�e ti �a �ai ��er o .E any :�ub�sequeni: l� a- each ti �creot or oL <br /> `",; � ny othur covenant , c:vnd :ition oz� aqrcement conC �iinc�c:1 . <br /> ;� � ]. ,'. . '�' lii :.; AclieerienL cloec; no � eon :, t .itute �i ciedicat'. itic� f: ur p�� blie <br /> i;i <br /> tisc , a �icl no t�ersoti otlicr tl � � n a .s specaC .ically seL to :rth I � c .r. e .i. �1 i �, <br /> int�nded Lo l�e benel: ii: cd hcrcUy . lluy � � �: � � allotaud hcrc� Uy by an}' <br /> �' persons �ai �o are not party lu tl� i :; A�� recu« nl ur privy t:a Chem l�y <br /> ` ex�re ., s contract sha11 be construcd ns � r� tmi :_ :; ivc� uses on .ly . <br /> FrY: <br /> r , <br /> .13 . Any alteraL- ioil , chanc� e or mocliC .i. catioii of Cliis Agrecmenl , <br /> in order to become eL .[ eclivc , :�hall bc madc uy vr. itLr. ii i. nstrumc �� t; <br /> .:; ' <br /> ar�d , .in eacli insLaitce , c �ecuted ori l.�elial .[ of e ¢� ch party hereCv . <br /> � �:. <br /> 1 � , 'Phis Ac� reentenL- shall be qovernec3 1 >y and construeQ i. n <br /> accordance �a .iUi thc .la�as of Lhc SCatc oL Nebras;l: a . <br /> 15 . I :E any prov.i ; ion of this 11qr. eemenC or the ap�� licat: ion thezeot , <br /> tu iuy pa .rty tir circumstancc sli � ll to ciny exCenl Ue inva ). iQ or <br /> ur� c� nforceable: , thc remainder ot Cliir� A�� rec,�nent sha11 be valid ��nd <br /> enf-arceable l:o tl� e fullest: ext:enl (�ernu. lted by law . 'Phi :; Agrecuicrit <br /> � � 7 [1(; �;�7C CF7SCIq@R �. S � COVCIl :1I1 �:5 � CORC� 1 ��: lOI1S clflC� YCS �.]' 1Ct. 1U115 �7G'C171 "� , S . . <br /> ... � : , . <br /> ` < ' set forth sha7. 1 .inure to the bc: ��el: it� o .E �� nd bc bind .ing i� pon thc i�t <br /> parCie , hcreto e� nd tahoirisocver may succc �d Co tl � cir inLcresL- s in Llie � <br /> � � � land aiiected by this Agreement and to �oho�nsv .r. ver moy claim by or <br />� throuyh thein as les :. ecs or subles :: ees . T ! any recorci owner ot l ,ind � x • ' <br /> siCuaCed �.�.ithin the rcal estal. e :; I � al .l sell. a por. Lic> ii ui• ,i11 of � , <br />+ :-: : ,uch land 'to �ahich he holcl3 icn i: iClc , s �tch i'ccc� .r� l oti,•u � , r r,ha ]_L : <br />� L• her. eupon be rel < <ised �ind di. scl � cire� ed Lrutn any anil al. .l [ tuLhc: r <br /> c� l, liqations under Uiis A �Jreem�� nt. as , ur.: h ot.�ne �: .i. n coruivci: .iot� ��ii. th <br />` Chc land :;v sc� .lc1 ; at� d ihe new r. c• c�� rcl o ��rnar thcreol` : ; h ;il L 1 �� • �ir � � mc•ci <br /> � 1 ,•;+ rea :; cn v :L ht�v .iny acyii .l �: i�<.i l:.i. Clc Co :� uch l � incl lci hr� v �� n � . :; uri � �rl � ill � <br /> a. � <br />