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<br /> � �''�- 000047
<br /> �i 2 . 1,lid- Continent does hereby grant P.-Lynn a temporary non-
<br /> ,;
<br /> exclusive easement along the roadway to a ooint where the parties
<br /> ' ` will provide for ter:.porary access to �•?ebb Road , said easement co
<br /> J � exoire when the germanent easement provided for in 1 ( b ) is completed .
<br /> , ,:,;
<br /> r:if - . . ' � �
<br /> � ,�; 3 . R-Lynn does hereby grant to ?fid-Continent and all. persons
<br /> � ; rightfully claiming through it tne non-er.clusive riqht to use the
<br /> "' j parking areas and driveways established frOID time to time by R-Lynn
<br /> ,; or its successors upon the said Lot One ( 1 ) except during the hours
<br /> ,,;;:: of 11 : 30 A . M . to 2 : 00 P . r+ . and 5 : 00 P . 2•S . to 8 : 00 P . tS . This permissive
<br /> �;
<br /> + use may be enjo}�ed by all owners , ter.ants , subtenants , customers ,
<br /> " service and delivery persons and all other persons in the furtherance
<br /> ;: of any busin2ss located anywhere on the said Block Nine ( 9 ) , but
<br /> �'� this easeu�ent shall not limit the placement or expansion of any
<br /> : ,iW
<br /> =� building , provided that such placemert or expansion does not prevent �
<br /> , v the iree S1Oh� of oedestrian or venicular traffic in Block :� ine ( 9 } .
<br /> ` :7: . � � � �
<br /> ,':;� 4 . P.-Lynn does hereby grant to *Sid-Continent a non- er.clusive
<br /> � easement ror public utility purposes along and across the easements
<br /> � �.; shown on the recorded plat of Lot One ( 1 ) , B1ock Nine ( 9 ) , Continental
<br /> Y � Gardens , for the puroose of installing , establishing , and maintaining
<br /> <,;
<br /> lF; utilities to and for the benefit of all portions of the entire
<br /> ��` Block Nine ( 9 ) .
<br /> ;:x
<br /> �
<br /> , �.� 5 . The parties hereby acknowledge that an integral part in the
<br /> determination of the success of. the planned shopping area developnent
<br /> ` ' is the selection of the business which will be allowed to locate in
<br /> $ i Block Nine { 9 ) . R-Lynn represents that it has acquired Block One ( 1 )
<br /> ,�.
<br /> �� for the purpose of constructing and operating an Arbys Restaurant and
<br /> ;` that it would intent to operate Azbys indefinitely . The parties
<br /> 1 �� promise , co��enant and agree that all lots in B1ocY. 2iine ( 9 ) will per- :
<br /> �j r.tanently used excZusively for the ooeratior of a retail business . The
<br /> � ��,.
<br /> parties rurther promise , covenant anc agree tnat at no time in the
<br /> ` � � future saill they , their successors or assigns allow any lots in Block
<br /> ,.tt,' Nine ( 9 ) aith the exception of Lot� � � / L% to be used Tor .
<br /> �� any of the following business purposes , whether retail or othenaise :
<br /> , ;
<br /> grocery store ; convenience store ; neat market ; delicatessen ; bakery
<br /> <<;. �
<br /> - or doughnut shop ; department or variety store ; game room ; hardware
<br /> '�� store ; theater ; drugstore or pharmacy ; motor vehicle dealer. ship ;
<br /> '''" motor vehicle service station ; bank or savings and loan iacility ;
<br /> '����= finance company . The parties , their : successors and assigns rurther
<br /> � ,: covenant and agree that at no time will there be conducted on any
<br /> =:tr-`r lot but Z.ot One ( 1 } a restaurant business saecializing in the sale ,
<br /> "r'��i!': of roast beef sandwiches , ham sandwiches , turYey sandwiches or
<br /> _;;`r:; chicken without the express written perr,iission of R-Lynn , which
<br /> ; ;_;.=: oermission shall not be unreasonably withheld .
<br /> 6 . R-Lynn covenants and agrees tnat it will comply with all
<br /> °''' ' of the provisions o£ the Subdivision Agreemencs betoreen !•iid-Continent
<br /> �;;
<br /> and the City of Grand Zsland , whicn Sub3ivision Agreements are
<br /> recorded in Book 2 � , at Page i %% i•Siscellaneous Records , and as
<br /> ` document t:o . 5 �75', ' in the office of thA 1'•AQ � ster of Deeds of Hall County ,
<br /> � A*ebrasxa . Ho:�ever , tne parties nereby agree that the costs oz s :?e -
<br /> - wal}:s provided for in said Subdivision Ag-eements will be allocated
<br /> among the parties and their successors on �ne basis of the surface
<br /> area square foot in the lots owne3 by the oarties or, their successors ,
<br /> at the time oi the construction of saic sidewalks .
<br /> i
<br /> �h�e
<br /> ' ���t�
<br /> 7 . R- Lynn covenants and agrees tna� it will co.�.ply orith the 3 `.'�-
<br /> � Declaration of Restrictive Covenants ior Block ?•; ine ( 9 ) , �:hich are � �
<br /> to be recorde3 in the office of the ?:egis ;.er o = Deeds oi Hall Counts , �
<br /> h .
<br /> Nebraska , chis date . �
<br /> ;;. =
<br /> �
<br />; `:
<br />� : ;' :
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<br /> �
<br />