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yii . � V: . -,_�� <br /> B <br />" i rrv'y 1 <br />�a� <br />� �.r . ,.,.:.v�a <br />`� : � '77- 000031 l . � <br />� <br />, `. 1?. The Aturlg�{gor further agrees that should this mortgagc and thc m,tc securcJ hcrcl,� n�n h. cliEihic for im <br /> sur.mce under the National Housing Ac1 ��-ithin j0 doys from thc datc hercuf hcriuen sinicment u( ;my u0irer <br /> of the Department of Housing :md Urban Uevelopment or awhorixcd agent i�f �he ticcretan� of Hou>ing and Urh;m <br /> y ; Drvelopmen� datrd subsequent !o the stated timc from die datc of this nwrtgngc. Jcciining lo insure s:�id <br /> - nole �nd this ntortgabc. heing deemed cunclusive prouf uf such incli�!ibilih�l, �hc ptungagcc or holdcr ut Ihc notr <br /> may. �I its option, Jedare all sums securreJ hereby immeJialely Jue and p:�yahle. <br /> 13 . That if Ihe t+forlgagur fails to make any paymen[s oC nwnry Hhcn the same becume due . or fails In conform io nnd <br /> comply wilh any of the conditiuns or agreements �antained in thi� mongage, or the no�e �chich ii secures . then the entire princi- <br /> r pal sum and accrued intcrest shail al once become due and payable, a� ihe clectinn of Ihe �lortgagtc : :md lhis morlgage may <br /> thzreupon he tureclosed immediutely (or Ihc �ehole o( sniJ muncy, imerest, n,onthly paymcnlc, co.ts , ground rem�, Iasex and <br /> the cost ot extending Ihe abstract of title from the d;�te of this Inon to �hc time of commencing such fureciosure sui�, and a rea- <br /> son�ble attorney's fee , all of ���hich shnU he incluUed in the decree of ;fnmdosure : anJ thr runtrac� emhodicJ in Ihis mortgage <br /> anJ the no[e securcJ here6y, shali in :ill respecls bc governed , construcd :md adjudgeJ bp the I;iws uf Nchmska, �cherc the <br /> same is made. _ <br /> The covenants herrin rnntained shali bind , and the benefits and ad�-anta�es shaU insure to. the respective heirs, erecutors, <br /> administrators, successors and assigns o( the panies hereto. �Vhenever useJ , the singular numher shall incluJt Ihe pluraL �he <br /> " lural the sin ular, and the u,e nf nn <br /> p g y gender shaU lx applicable to sll genJrrs. <br /> The foregoing conditiuns, all and singular, being per[ormed according t�i thzir nnturai anJ Iegal import . this conveyance <br /> shall be void �nd s;�id premises reieaseJ at the ezpense o! Ihe Alorlgagor, otherwisc lo hr and remain in full furce ;md etTect . <br /> IN 11'ITNF.SS \l'HrRFOF, the Afongagorlsl h:i ve hereunto aet tl�eir h;mJ(sl thc da�• and vear Iirsl <br /> ; <br /> above wrinen. . <br /> hi presrnce oL• <br /> t:- , <br /> `iH�i.cLu ' ' . � � � . . <br /> K: , t <br /> ' ��/J. J n_�..1. ,(�f � tif:Al. � <br /> i�ii t?a 1 G . Grimes <br /> �. ' � � <br /> � .�._ _— ( ti1:AL � <br /> � ` � � <br /> ;� � � (l1� � � > �1 ISE,� L � � � �� <br /> ; <br /> A3n '1�1 . Grirtes � _ . � <br /> � ' : ( S[:Ai_ � s� � <br /> i: . � S1:r11.. � <br /> :,: <br /> � <br /> frPU n� 1 .i18 � . . _ <br /> ST'ATEOFNf.flRASKA . lr <br /> ) .a: . . � � . � <br /> , <br /> COUNTl' OF P.ALL j <br /> On Ihis �/ Jay of � Cce„�(u <� . :\ . D. 19 7b , hefnre me . <br /> �, <br /> a noiarY Pub1iC in anJ fnr zaid Cuunty, persoo�lly camc <br /> 1; . . , . � . . . . � . <br /> .,�� chael G . Grimes and Ann 1�i . Grimes , 1�usUand c�nd xif� , <br /> � . person:dly ni me kno�rn <br /> z to be the iJcntical prrson s �chuse namo are at}i �ed to the abo� e ;ind fore• <br /> : going inslrumcnt as I�lorigacar, and ihe,y hcave :icknu�cledecd the said instrument and thc <br /> ' rsecuiiun �hereo( io be iheir � �dumary act :mJ dced. (ur the purposes therein ecpressed. <br /> ;�. In restimony �rherroL 1 have hereun�o set mp hand anJ a�ii �ed by o12 iCiLlse;�l al C '-'e3nd Island , P�eUrssk� . <br /> ' on tha day anJ datc lust abo��e u ritten . � <br /> �. , � : �� <br /> � ROBERT D. PLACZEK '� / i � <br /> ; � GENEHAL NOTAAY • Slete ol Nebr. � •` !�` �� ��' �iny����� . <br /> My Commiacion Expirec ✓ •���l:�ry Puhlic <br /> � a1 NOVEMBER 25. 1978 � <br /> f' <br /> �. ST:ITEOFNEEIRASKA , ., <br /> FileJ (or record ihis d;i� of :1 . D. 19 <br /> ' at o'dock �t . . anJ entereJ in Numerical Inde � . :md <br /> F recorded in Book „f 91ong:iges. un <br /> Page of <br /> � Rcgisicrof Dcrds <br /> e <br /> t <br /> i <br /> , , . <br /> F <br /> e <br /> � cno oJ�-aae <br /> c � <br /> t . =v�ab'J . <br /> v _a <br /> R ' �j <br />� �• <br />.:� <br /> L � ��� <br /> � <br />� � <br />�. <br />�� <br />� <br />� . <br /> ti� � <br /> �--- � .J <br />:` � <br />