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<br /> q-y�� 111 If aud yu iong m said nute nf n<n dete nnd thi• im'rumcm :vc rosu�cd i r ar�� rc�ns�uA i ndn •tre mi c i n. �d f.i �e i u;:i HnurirF 4a . ::n �
<br />�� imounl suincitui lo u:cunwlule m ihr handa of iLr hnidcr une 11 � monih ryinr tu ue due da�r O�c nrn � I m��rtµir m wur��.c prcmi�m m o�drr tn �:
<br /> . prnride euch hnlder u'i�h tund� m paY �:�ch prn�ium �n ihr Secrc!are u! Huu.InE nnd lthin (h�dnpntN :ur.u:mt l0 1hr N:ninr.al Hou•.m� 4:'L �
<br /> a� amrndrd. :md appliciMr ReeuLuiinns thrre�nJer. or �
<br /> e�. 1111 I( and w Inng es mi0 nnit n( c�'en d'ete end Ihie in>Irun:rnt wr hrld h� th: Xcrrlan a; Nnuang ano t. rha^ lkrdopmenl. a rt:,rih!� ehar��e qri .
<br /> � liru ot n mongage insurxn:e premiuml u�hi.h sh�ll tK m an amnunt ryuai m one-�ucifih ii; l :l nf ouc-h:,il � li'1 ptt crutum n( 1he a� rmF�c nW- . . � �
<br /> standinF �encc due nn thv nnlc cnmputrd aith.ui �aAinc in�n azu?um drlincurnare m prrpay m;ni.: .
<br /> � Ihl .4 xum equal m ihe �ound rents. if ani , ncai due, plu� the p�rmiums that u�ill nc+t nr:nme duc nd na���hk nn M�ii,�n ,f firc und oihrr nara�d in.ur�nce . � �
<br /> r � :ncering the mnttgaFed propeny. plus tzus and x�us�memfi ne V Jut on thc mutq:.;god p +per y �ail eY e iinwicd �c B r 4loripegrri Ic.. all wmx �I� , � �
<br /> Irtndy ryid thrrcfnrdirided h�� ihr numher n( months tn elup�:. hcinre or.c mumh prinr m the datr w hrn �n:h Faound rems p�rmmms. i<�ae „nd a.srx.-
<br /> � . . mrnts will hrcnme dNinqurm, euch wms Iu be ncid F� Mnneaett m lru5t Io pa> said gmund �tnis. premiunu, letrs unA tpeuul a�er��meMs: �nd �
<br /> icl .q11 peyrtmnts mrnunnrd m tho twn n�recdine suhsrcnn�x ��I thi� parngrnph and atl paymrnte In hr maae under �h: notc s:�ured heahc shall he eddeti . � �
<br /> } � 1ogNhrr. and Ihe ag}rtFate umnuni lhnrpt shail In• ptid h� Ih: �inrtFnFm ea:h mnn!h in e sincic pnrmcnl to hr applit6 M Ihe NunFeget Ie Ihe lolfou . � . .
<br /> ind itcros in tbr order ut tnr,k . �
<br /> . . 111 prcmiumtAargesundrrtl¢ con!t-e:infmsuranceu�i�hihesccrctaryofHouainfun� Crnunikrr;opmem. ormonlhlp ;hareciinlirunfmnnFacc � . .
<br /> � , �. insurxnrr ,icmium�. esibc :a4cmacM:
<br /> (ID Ernund rcn1., Wxes, memsmrNti, firr and :Vhn hatera imuran;e prcrr�iurm�. . �
<br /> � Illli inicrext <m rht nmr x:uredherrh��: :�nd . . � . �
<br /> ' �� . 11�) xmnrtiea�inn nf Ihc prin:ipal nf said nn`a � .
<br /> � hm� defiriency in �he amnum uf any +uch a�F¢F%�Ic montiJ}' palmrnt �nali. unicae madr Fnatl bp ii�r Mnrea}nr p:ior m the dur Jau ut ;ho n:ti w�h � .
<br /> pa1'menl. mncti(�tt un n�rnt of Odaufl under ihiti mnriguFe. 71�e !dnrlFig¢ ma� :nll:n a `la!e ch.uEr" nnt le e �.crtd tuc ccn1: f::� fnr cach d;rilai ISI I . .
<br /> . . nl e�ch pa)'mrm mure Ihen 1iflern N51 dav+ m arran In rn� tr mc uva e�perue �moht: in hsadlmFdeiinyucN Tarmrnu. � � � .
<br /> � t;. That if i.he im:al ot lhe pacmenis made br the Nnrt�a�or under � bl ot para�raph Y precedinfi -hall exceed
<br /> the gmouni ot pa� ment= acWally made by ihe \lortfiacee fnr eround rc•nt�. tase� :u�d as�e�<ment� or inruranse pre-
<br /> _ miums, a; the c:v r may be, �uch eacess, i ( the loan is curcent. ac �he option of ehe Vongagoc shaU be credited b�
<br /> thc 51ort�xgee on �u6=equent pa} mcnl� tu be made b}� the 11onc�a�or, or retunded to the 11ori�a�=or. If, ho�� e� �r. lhe
<br /> monthl�� pa}�ment.� made b�� ihe !�7ongagor undrr /b) of paraKraph = precedinc shall ua br su(ficicne to pap gtwnd
<br /> re�n (, tases and a�-r�=ment- or in.�urance prrmiums, x< � hc• c:�e ma� 6e. �� hen the -eme .-hal ! berome due and pa� -
<br /> a61e. then ihe \1nrt�aFur ;hall pa� to the 11on�aeee am amnunt necr-.�an to make ap thtr deiiciencc , on or betore
<br /> ihe dnie xhen pa��m�ni of such emund rent- . taxe<. b =e-=mente or in�urance pn•miums -hu11 be duc. If at um
<br /> � iime ihe \1on�a�or <hxll tender to the 1lortearee, in accordanee xith the pro� i <ion= uf the noie �ecured hemh� .
<br /> (ull px} ment of ihe entire indebtedne;s rcpresented themb� , th�� 11ort �a,ee -hall . in computing the amiiunt uf such
<br /> indebtedness, credic io �he accoune of ehe �iongaeor all pacments mc�de under ehe prorisions ot Ia; of paragraph ?
<br /> h�reof xhich the 1lortgaere h:�� nut bi�c��me o6( itated to p�c �o the �ecretsn• of Hou�in_� and t�rban Uc� eloExnent
<br /> ,� and anc balunce rc�mainine in the (und= aecumulated undr•r the proci .=i <m� of ir'� 1 uf para�raph _' heres�f. It thcre
<br /> -ha11 be a default under am of ihe proci =ions of ihi � murt�a_e re=ultin� in a public =nlr of the premi �e� co� ered
<br /> herehy, nr if ihr 1loneaFe� acyuim� the prnpenr otherai =e aher de(autL [he itnrtea�ee -hall rpph , at the timF of
<br /> ;; the cnmmeneement of �uch proee�c•ding-. or a� the time the pmpc�m i � other�si -e acyuired, tne b�lunce lhen remain-
<br /> inr in the fund< accumulated undi•r ;61 ot paracraph _� prrcedinl. a= a credit arain=t the amount of principal then
<br /> remaining unpaid under said note, and �hall properl� adju -t am pa� ment - �rhich -hal1 haie 6cen made underlol
<br /> of par:�raph '�.
<br /> i. Th;�t the Alortec�cor wiil pap Fmund rem� , taazc. ;:tisessmznt�, uater rstes. anu uther eo� ernmentrl or municipal
<br /> charees, fines, or imposiunns. fnr v. hich nro� itiion hn� not heen matie hareinhetore. �nd in Jefault thereo( the !�7nneaeee ma}
<br /> ps� the same : and that ihe �1ortgaeor u ill prompth deli�er the nlficial receipts therefor to the lfoncaeee .
<br /> € 5 . The Atnngaeor uill pay all c�xes uhich mai he le � ied upon the '�tnrtt.ieee ' s intcre�i in �aid re:d estatc and imptoec•
<br /> ments. and ahich ma} hr le� ied upon this mortc�ce or ihe deht �ecured hereh� � hnt nnly [o the extent that such is not prohihit-
<br /> ed bc ]aw and onl� u� tht eztent that such a ill no� make this !oan usurinu�i. hut eacludine anc income ta1 . St.:tz or Federal .
<br /> <� �.. impoced im .1onFacee_ and uill file ihe o�tici�l receipt ehouine w�h pa��ment u itn the �1.+rte:ieee . U�u�n riolation of thi. unuer- �� � �
<br /> taAine. or ff ihe plon�eor is prohfhited hp am Izx nu�r ur hereaftet eSistinF from pa� inc the �� hult or sm pnrtion of tne afore-
<br /> �aid ia+�es. or upon the renderinF ot xm cuun decree pri�hinitinF the p�cment bc � he �1ong:,gi�r or am such tsae�. or if wch lau
<br /> or decree p!ncidec tha� �m amoum �o paid hc ihz �tonLacrr � ha!I be rreJiied un the mnrte�ce �iebt . the �lnrtcaeee �hall h�te
<br /> ; thc rich� to gi� e ninetr ds} s' urinen notice :n the nune; nj the mur[es_ed pn_•:nise; . rrquirinc the na �mem n( the mortgaee
<br /> drht . If tiu.h nntice he �_i�rn. the said deht shall hr.ome due. ,:;canle and :olle.tihle a� the e�pir�uon ot .�id nfnetc d'a} s .
<br /> 6. 'That shouid he f�il to pa� am �um ot 4:erp am covea �r pro� ide� fur m thi< 1lortcaee . ihen the �1nne:�eee, at its op-
<br /> ;inn . ma� pa} nr perform ehz �ama . and all etperdiwrc� .o made �h::ll hr added to t 'r�r prin�ip�i sum ,�u ing on ihe sbn� e rote.
<br /> �nall h srcured hcreh��. and +hall hear inter: �t :�t the rate �et inr[h in tne �:,id nnte . ur.u; paid �
<br /> ". Tha� he hereh� as�i�ns, tr:;r+fer, and seu o� er �o th: .'doric:,cee, to he ��plied to++ atd the p::rtaem nf ,he notr and �II
<br /> sums secured hetebe in ca�e af a defaull in :he perfoiman.e uf ��� of ihz term � :�a� condi�iim. of ihi. 11one:,.e or the .::id
<br /> note. �Il ihe rents . re��enue� and ina>me to be dcmrd irom ihe m�+ncaFed premiscs durine �u.h iime : � thc mone::gc indehted-
<br /> ' nccc shall �emain unpeia and the AloneaLer tihall h:;.z p�iu�er to app�iim �m ;:eent or :;rcnts it m;� .ir�ire inr ihe pu;;o.r ui '
<br /> '�
<br /> repa�rine sn�d premises and of rzntinF the samr �nu collecting the rents. re •� cnues :,nd in:ome. snd n mar p;;} out of �aid in-
<br /> ci�mrs a!I eapenses u( rrpairing vaid rrrmise> nnti ne.e>eun �nmmis.iom and eaprnses io-rurcrd in rentine and msn�eing tne
<br /> r came and of tt�1l;ciinF rentals therefrnm : the h::isnce remsininc. if am . :o he ap;lied to�: arti the diunarce oi :::id mi:nr:ec
<br /> indebttdnrs+.
<br /> ti . That he uill l:eep thr impro� emcnt� naw raistint or nereaftzr crec!ed un the m�+neacrJ ;rorern . imured :;� ma} hc
<br /> rrGuired from time �u time hc the �lortcaeee aeamst loss h} nrr :,nd u�he; hazard � . :asu:;l�ies �nd comi�Ecncie� in �u;h
<br /> smounts and for sucn periods a� mac he required by th� �tortgeecr and w ill p::i prompth . �� hcn �ue. ::a� ,remiums on <��ch
<br /> i�s¢ranct prnci�ion f,r pacment of u hith has no� heen made hereinhtfere. All inwrzn:z shall br c::r:ied in ci�mp:r:irs :�p-
<br /> p;o� ed by the 11onE::cce and the policias and reneKak thereof �hall he held hy ihc �foneaerc :and ha � e atta.hrd therrti� !0�4
<br /> plrable clause� in fa•. or of ::nd in form acceptnhie �o the `�tun,c::crr. In nent of lo�� �fortea�or uul eiLe fmm;Jiate nntice h�
<br /> mail io the �foncacrc . uhu ma� make pm��( oi lo�s it m�t madc promptir hi �tonr�eor. anJ tach in�ur;,nce �nmpan} coa-
<br /> ; .rrned is herch} smh.�rized and direned to make pa � ment iiv Sl1Zh �OCS (�lfl'i(I1 lu lhC �� i�fIL3CeC ID�123� Of ti� !hC ��1nrtc::cor
<br /> and thr Uongneee jnimh . and the inwranre procecds . or an� ,an ihercoi. mac he apriied 'nr the �1i�rtc�ece at �t option :ither
<br /> , tn the reduction of ihe mdeMednus herth�. c;cured or to thr restor��ion ur rrp�ir of the �mpenc d::mared . In e � rm .�i foreclo-
<br /> wre of this morte�ge i�r nther transfer of tide to ihe mnrtcaced pmprrt> in e �tin�uinnmem of the indeht:dness .ecurrd hcrrb} .
<br /> :ill richt, title and interest of the �1ort�eor in znd to am inwrance enlicies � hen in for,e shall pa�s to th: purchzser or eramee .
<br /> �. That as addition�l and coliater�l secunn for the pa> ment uf ihe nnte d!xn�ed. nnd a!I wm� tu hecome uue under this
<br /> � mert�ge, the �7orteagot hrrchp ussigns to the �tortgaeec sll prufit�. rc+�enucti . ru}�ahies, riehls anti hrnenU a:cruinc te tht
<br /> { !done::gor under �ny ard all oil und gs� leaces en said premicec. W ith the :icht to recri� r. end :eceipt ior ihe �zmr and ::p,^I�
<br />� them to said indebtednrss a. wcll brfore as �fter dc(ault in the :en6�tiom of this moneace. 'snd th; 1lertc:etr ma+ drmand . �ue
<br /> for and recover ant� such parments uhen due and pa� able , but .hall no� he required >o tv dn . 1? i� a� s�rnmem i. tn termmatr
<br />� �; and bccome nulf znd � oid upon releecc of ihis mortgaee. '
<br /> � lU. That ihe ?�loneaeor u�ilt keep thr huiidine� upon �aid premisr� in eood repair, anu neiiher commi; nor pe;mii u , .te � � . � _
<br /> y' upun said land. ner tiuBcr tht caid premises to he uscd for 'sm unla��iul purpe�r . � ' -
<br />�'" b. I l . Th:it if the premiers, or xm• part thereof. he condemned under the pnuer o( e:ninent domzin. ��r acq�irrJ :i�r a puhlic �
<br />� L usc . the dama�es awarded, the proceeds for thr ta4.inc oL or the n�n��dcretion tur sucn :� yui�iiion. to thr eatent of ih: full -
<br />�`� � amount of indeb�euncs upnn this mort�ge ard the nnie � nich ii is gi� rn to s:.ure rcm;unine unpaid. are nereb� �ssiFn.d h�; the ,�
<br /> ; !�lorteagor to the 97ort�cne, and shall be psid inrthuith tn said �1nrt�ga tn be �p;+lird h} thr I�tter en ac.ount nf the neat ��j
<br />;u ; maturin� installments of such indtFtedne�s . +17
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