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��14�5795 <br /> . <br /> . <br /> 5. If the Bvrrower has,since inception of this loan but prior to this Agreement,recei�ed a discharge <br /> in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy,and there ha�ing been no�alid reaffirmation of the underlying debt, <br /> by entering in�o this .A,greement, the Lender is not attempting to rQ-estahlish any personal <br /> �iahi�ity for the underiying debt. <br /> �. Nothing in this Agre�rnen�shall be�.lnderstood or construed to be a satisfact�on or releas� in whol�or <br /> in par� of the Note and Security Instrument. Except as otherwis� specifically pro�ided in this <br /> Agreement, the Note and Se�urity Instrument vvill remarn unchanged, and Borrower and Lender wi�l <br /> be bound by,and comply with,all of�he terms and provisians thereof,as amended by this Agreement, <br /> 7. Borrower agrees to make and execute other documents or papers as may be necessary to effectuate the <br /> terms and cond��ions of this Agreement which, �f appro�ed and accepted by Lender, shall bind and <br /> i nure to�h e he irs,e xecutors,admini strators,and as signs of the B orrower. <br /> FHAIVA HUD-HAMP Loan Modification Agre��nent 1014��I 3_111 WD121DG.1 99�2218999 <br /> First American Mortgage Servic�s Page 3 <br />