<br /> �
<br /> In �onsideratinn �f the mutua� promises and agreements exchanged, �he par�ies here�a agree as
<br /> f�llows(notwithstanding anything ta the contrary c�n�azned in the Note ar Security Instrument}:
<br /> 1. As of, DE�EMBE�.t 1, 2413, the amaunt payable under the N�te and the Security Instrument�the
<br /> "Unpaid Principal Balance"} is U.S. $45,594.97, cansisting of the unpaid amount�s}loaned �o
<br /> Borrower by Lender p�us any interes�and other amounts capitalized,
<br /> 2. Borrawer promises to pay the Unpaid Principal Ba�ance, plus interest,ta the arder of Lend�r In�erest
<br /> will be charged on the Unpaid Principal B alance at the yeariy rate of 3.67D4°/o,fr�m DE�EMBER 1,
<br /> 2013. Borrower promises to make manthly payments of princi�al and interest of LT.S. $ Z1�.47,
<br /> beginning on the 1 ST day flf JANUARY, Z�14, and continuing thereafter on �he same day of ea�h
<br /> succeeding month until principal and in�eres�are pa�d in full.The yearly rate of 3.67UU°/o w�l�remain
<br /> in effect until principal and�nterest are pakd in fuli.If on DE�EMBER�,��43�the"Maturity Date"},
<br /> Borrower still owes amounts under �he No�e and the Secur�ty �nstrument, as amended by this
<br /> Agreement,Borrow�r will pay these amoun�s in full on the Maturity Date.
<br /> 3. �f all flr any part of the Pro�erty or any�nterest in the Property is so�d or transferred(ar if Borrower is
<br /> not a natural person and a beneficial rnteres�in Barrower is so�d or transferred}withou�Lender's pr�or
<br /> written consent, Lender may requi�-e immedxate payment in fu�l of a11 sums secured by the Security
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exercises th�s option, Lender shali gi�e Borrawer notice of acceleratian, The notice shall
<br /> pr��ide a period af not less than 3D days fram the date the n���ce is deli�ered or mailed w�thin which
<br /> �flrrower must pay ali surns secured by�he Security Instrument. If Borrawer fails to pay these surns
<br /> prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may i��voke any remedies p�rmi�ted by the Security
<br /> Instrument without further natice o�r demand on Borrower.
<br /> 4. Barrower alsa wili comply with a11 oth�r co�enants, agreements, and requirements of the Security
<br /> Instrument, including�nrithaut l�mitation,Borrower's co�enants and agreements to make a11 payments
<br /> of taxes, insurance premi�,�ms, assessments, escrow items, impounds, and all �ther payments that
<br /> Borrawer is obligated ta make under the S�cur�ty Instrument; hovrrever, the following terms and
<br /> pro�isions are fore�er cancel�d,nuli and void,as of the date specified�n paragraph No. 1 abo�e:
<br /> �a} all terms and pro�isions of the N�te and Se�urity �nstrl�ment ��f any} pro�iding for,
<br /> impiementing, �r relatin�to, any change ox adjustment in the ra�e of�nterest payable under the
<br /> Note, including, where appiicable, the Timely Payment Rewards rate reductian, as described in
<br /> paragraph 1 af the Timely Payment Rewards Addendum ta Note and paragraph A.I. of the
<br /> Tim�ly Paymen� Rewards Rider. �y exe�uting this Agreement, B�rrower wa��es any Time�y
<br /> Payment Reward�rate reduct�on to which Barrower may have o�herw�se been enti�led;and
<br /> �b� all terms and provisions of any adjustable ra�e rider, or Timely Payment Rewards Rider, where
<br /> applicab�e, or other instrument or document that is affixed to, whol�y or partial�y incorporated
<br /> into, or is par� of, the Note ar �ecurity Instrumen� and that contains any such terms and
<br /> p�ro�isions as�hose referred to in�a}above.
<br /> FHAIVA HUD-HAMP Loan Modi�cation Agreement l fl 14Z�13_11� WD 12l Dd.l 9��Z218999
<br /> First American Mortgage Ser�ices Page 2
<br />