<br /> 11. ENVIR�NIV�NTAL LAWS AND I3AZARDUUS SLTBSTANCES. As used in this se�tion,
<br /> �1} Environmental Law means, without ��mxtation, the Comprehensive En�ironmental Response,
<br /> �ompensation and Liability Act �CERCLA, 42 U.S.�. 96D 1 et seq.�, and a.11 o�ier federai, state and IoCa1
<br /> �aws, regulations, ordinances, cour� orders, attarney genera.l opinions or interpretive letters concerning �he
<br /> pu��ic heal�h, safety, welfare, env�ronment ar a ha.2ard�us su�stance; and��� Hazardaus 5ubstance means any
<br /> �oxic, radxoactive or hazardous material, waste, pa�lu�ant or contaminan� which has characteristics wh��h
<br /> rend�r the su�s�anCe dangerous ar patentially dangerous ta the public h�alth, safety, welfare or envxr�nm�nt.
<br /> The term inc�udes, w��out luxutatXon, any substances defined as "hazardous mater�al," "toxxc substances,"
<br /> "hazardous was�e" or '�hazardous substance" under an�En�ironmental Law.
<br /> Trustor r�pres�nts, warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A.Except as previously disclos�d and acknou��edged in wrxting to Beneficiary, na Hazardous Substan�e i�
<br /> �r will be located, stored or releas�d an or in the Proper�y. This restriction daes not appl� to sma.11
<br /> quantities of Hazasdous Substances that are generally recagnxzed to be apprapriate for the normal, use
<br /> and ma�.ntenance flf the �'raperty.
<br /> B. Except as previaus�y disclased and acknowledg�d in wrxtxn� to Beneficiary, Trustor and ��ery te�.an.t
<br /> have b�en, are, and shall remain�n fu11 compliance with any applicable Environmental Law.
<br /> C.Trustor sha11 xmmediately natify Beneficiary if a release or threatened re�ease of a Hazardaus Substance
<br /> occurs on, under or ab�ut the Property or there is a violation of any Environmental Law concerning �he
<br /> Property. �n such an �vent, Trustor shall �ake aII necessary remedia.I. actxon in accordance with any
<br /> Envxronmental Law.
<br /> D.Trus�or sha11 immediately notxfy Beneficiary in writing as so�n as Trustor has reason�o belie�e ther� �s
<br /> any pendi.ng or threatened inves�igatian, cxaixn, or proceeding relating �o the release or threat�ned
<br /> re�ease af any Hazardous Substance or the vxolation af any En�ir�nmental Law.
<br /> 1�. ESCR�W F�R TA�S AND INSURAN�E. Unl.ess otherwise pro�ided in a separate agreemen�, Tru.star
<br /> wi��not�e requ�red t�pay ta Ben�f�ciary funds for taxes an.d insurance in es�rflw.
<br /> duties under this Security Instrument are j oint and individual. Zf Trustor s�gns this Security Ynstrument hut
<br /> daes nat sign an ev�dence af debt, Trustar does so only ta mortgage Trustar's interest in the Property t�
<br /> secure payment of the Secured I�e�at and Trustor does not agree to be personally Iiahle an the Secured Debt. If
<br /> this Security Ynstrument secures a guaran�y between Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustar agrees t� waive any
<br /> rights that may prevent Benefi�iary from bringing an,y a�tian ar claim aga��n.st Trustor or any party indel�ted
<br /> under the ob��ga�ion. These rights may inc�ude, but are n�t lim�ted ta, any anti-�deficiency or one-act�on laws.
<br /> The duties and bene�ts of this Securxty�nstrumen�sha�l��nd and benefit the successors and a�signs�f Trustor
<br /> and Bene��iary.
<br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATI�N. Th�s Se�uri�y �nstrument is comp�ete and fully integrated. This
<br /> Security Instrument may not be amended ar modxf�ed �y oral agr�ement, Any s�ct�on �n this Security
<br /> �nstrument, attachments, flr any agreemen� rela�ed to the Secured D�bt that canfl�cts wi�h applicable law w��l
<br /> not b� effective, unless that law expr�ssly or impixedly p�rmzts the �ariations by written agreement. �f any
<br /> sectian of this S�curity Instrument cannot be enforced according ta its terms, that section will �e se�ered and
<br /> will n�t affect the enfar�eability of the remainder �f this Security Ynstrument. Whenever used, �he �inguiar
<br /> shall include the plura.l and the plural the singu�ar. The�aptians and hea�iings af the sect�ons of this Security
<br /> �nstrument are far canvenience �nly and are n�t to be used to interpret �r define the terms of th�s Securxty
<br /> rnstrument. Time is �f the�ssenc��n thxs Security Znstrument.
<br /> 15. SUCCESS�R TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Benefxcxary's option, may fr�m t�me �o time remove Trustee and
<br /> appo�n� a successor trustee without any a�her formal�ty than the designa�ion in writing. The successor trus�ee,
<br /> wYthout conve ance af the Pra � .� �' �
<br /> y p rty, sha11 succe�d to a1� t�.e�t�tle,�power�arid`��duties'canf�rred upan Trustee by
<br /> this Security�nstrument and app�xcable�aw, j : � _- : =�
<br /> �
<br /> 1�. N�TICE. Un1�ss otherwise required by law, any na�ic���sha�I be given��iy�l`c�e�ivering���t--ar by ma���ng it by
<br /> first class mail to the approprxate party's address on page 1 of th�s Secur�ty Instrument, or to any other
<br /> address designated in writing. Notice to fln� trustor wiX� be deemed to �e notic� to a1X trustors. Trustor and
<br /> Beneficxary hereby request a copy of any notic� of default, and a copy of any n�tice of sale thereunder, be
<br /> mai�ed to �a�h p az-�y at the addres s fflr such p arty s e�forth on p ag e 1 o f�hi s Secur��ty Ynstrument.
<br /> 17. WAIVERS. Excep� to the extent prohib�ted by law, Trustor waives al� appraisement and homes�ead
<br /> exemption rights rel atxng ta�h.e Praperty.
<br /> 18. LINE C]F CREDIT. The Secured I]ebt includes a revol�ing �ine of cr�dit. Although the �ecured I�ebt may
<br /> be redu��d ta a zero baiance, this 5ecurity �nstrument will remain in effect unt��released.
<br /> Security Instrument-�pen-End-Cansumer-N� ❑CP-REdT-NE 712l2d1I
<br /> VMPQ Sankers SystemsT�"� VMP-C4fi5iNEy (��07�,D�
<br /> Wolt�rs Kluwer Finan�ial 5er�i�es U�994,2D�1 P�g��a��
<br />