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��14�571� <br /> S. �]EFAIJLT. Trustor will be�n default�f any of�he fnllowing oc�ur: <br /> �raud. Any Consumer B�rrower enga��s in fraud or material misr�presen�ation in connection with the <br /> �ecur�d Debt t.�.at is an ap�n end home�quity plan. <br /> �ayments. Any Cdnsum�r Borrflwer on any Se�ured D�b�th.a�is an open end hom.e equzty p�an fai.�s to mak� <br /> a p ay�nent vvhen du�. <br /> Property. Any ac��Qn or �nact�on by th� Borrower or Trustor occurs that advers�Iy affe�ts the Property or <br /> Ben�fic�ary's rights in the Property. Th�s �ncxudes, but zs not �zmited to, the fo�lowing: �a} Trustor fai�s ta <br /> �n.a�zata�.n required insurance on the ProperCy; �b} Trustor transf�rs th� Prflper�y; �c} Trus�or commzts waste ar <br /> otherwise destructzveiy uses or fails to maintain the Praperty such that the ac�ian or uaac�zon ad�erse�y affects <br /> Beneficiary's s�cur�ty; �d} Trustor fazXs to pay taxes on the Property ar atherv�ise fails t� act and ther�by <br /> causes a Iien to �e frl�d agaxnst the Properry that is senior to the Iien of this Security Instrument; �e} a sol� <br /> Trustor di�s; �f� zf more than on� Trustflr, any Trustor d�es and B�nefx�iary's security is adversely affect�d; <br /> �g� the Prop�rty zs taken thraugh eminent d�maxn; �h} a judgm�nt�s fiX�d agaa.nst Trustnr and subjects Trustar <br /> and the Pr�p�r�y ta action tha� adversely affects Beneficzary's interest; or ��} a przor �zenholder forec�ases on <br /> the Praperry an.d as a result, Beneficiary's int�res�is ad��rsely affec�ed. <br /> Execut�v� �ff�cers. Any Borrower is an execu�ive offi�er of Beneficiary or atl affzl�a�e and such Barr�wer <br /> bec�mes �ndebt�d to Beneficiary ar anather lender �n an aggr�gate amount greater than the amount �ermitted <br /> u.nder fed�rallaws an.d regu�ations. <br /> �. REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. In add�t�an ta any �th�r remedy avaz�ab�e und�r the terms of thzs Se�ur�ty <br /> Znstrum�nt, Beneficiary may accelerat� the S��ured Deb� and fareclQse th�s Secur�ty Instrument in a mann�r <br /> pro�zded by Iaw if Trust�r �s in default. In som� instances, federal and s�a�e Ia�w wi�I requzre B�nef�cxary �o <br /> provzde Trustar with natice nf the right tn �ure, or n�t�ces and may estab�zsh tzme s�he�u�es for <br /> forec�osure actions. Each Trus�or requests a capy af any n.otxce of defau�t and any natice of sale th�reunder be <br /> mailed to each Trus�or at the address provided in Sectron I abo�e. <br /> A.t th� option of Benefi�iary, aII a� any par� �f�he agr��d fees a.nd charges, accru�d �ntere�t and przn�ipa� <br /> sha1.� b��ome immediately due and payab�e, after giving notzc� zf requzred by �aw, upon th.e fl�curr�n�� af a <br /> d�fau�t�r anytzme thereafter. <br /> If t�er� is a d�faul.t, Trustee shaJ.l, at the request of Beneficiary, advertise and sell the Prop�rty as a whole�r <br /> i� separat�parce�s at public auctian to th�highest bidder for cash and convey a�solut� ti�le free and clear of <br /> a�� rxght, title and int�rest of Trustor at such t�m� a.n.d p�ace as Trust�e d�signates. Trus�ee shal� giv�notice of <br /> sal.e znc�uding the time, terms and pla���f sal.e and a descr�ption of th�property to be sold as required by the <br /> applicable�aw in effec�at�h�txm�of th�prflposed sa�e. <br /> Upon sal.e of the Property and ta txie �xtent nat prohibrted by Iaw, Trus�ee shal.� make and de��ver a deed to <br /> t.�.� Praperty sold which conveys absoXute ���xe to the purchaser, and af�er firs� paying aII fees, �harg�s and <br /> costs, shal.l pay to Ben�ficiary a.II moneys advanced for r�pazrs, taxes, insurance, liens, assessm�nts and prior <br /> en�umbran�es and znterest th�reon, and the principal and �nt�r�st on the Secured Debt, paying the surplus, if <br /> any, to Trus��r. Benefxciary may purchas� the Proper�y. The reczta].s zn any deed of conveyance sha1l be <br /> przma fa�ie evidence of th�fa��s set farth therein. <br /> Th� acceptance by Ben�fi�zary af any sum in payment or pa.r�ial payment on the Secured ]Jebt af�er the <br /> bal.ance is du� or is acce��rat�d or after foreclosur� proceedings are fi1�d shall not constitute a waiver af <br /> Beneficiary's right �o r�quzre complete cure af any e�zstzng d�fault. By not ex�rcising any remedy on <br /> Trus�or's defau�t, B�neficiary daes not wai.v� B�n�fzciary's right to Iater conszder th� �w�nt a default if it <br /> happens again. <br /> lU. EXPENSES; ADVAN��S �N CQVENANTS; ATT�RNEYS' FEES; ��LLE�TI�N C4STS. If <br /> Trustar breaches any covenant i�n this Secur�ty Instrum�n�, Trustor agre�s to pay aIl expenses Benef�czary <br /> in�urs xn performing such covena�.ts or pratecting i�s securzty znterest in the Proper�y. Such expenses znc�ude, <br /> but are nat lzmzted to, fees incurred for �nspecting, preserving, or �therwzse prot�cting th� Proper�y an.d <br /> Benef��iary's se�urzty interest. Th�s� expenses are payable on demand and wz�X bear interest frvm the da�e of <br /> payment un�z�paid in fu11 a�the h��hest rate of in�erest in eff�ct as pravided �n�he terms af the Secured Debt. <br /> Trust�r agrees t� pay all �osts a.n.d e�penses incurred by Benefz�iary in callec�xng, enforcing or protecting <br /> B�nef��iary's r�gh�s and remedi�s under this Security In.str�xment. This amount may include, but is n��Ixm�ted <br /> t�, Trustee's f��s, court costs, and ather 1ega1 expens�s. To th� ex��nt p�rmitted by th� United States <br /> Ban.kruptcy G�d�, Trustor agr�es �a pay the reasonable attorneys' fees B�nefic�ary i.ncurs tfl collect the <br /> Secured Debt as awarded by any court e�ercising jurxsd��t�on under th� Bankruptcy �od�. Thxs Security <br /> �ns�rument sha1� remain in effect until released. Trustar agre�s tfl pay for any re�ordatian costs of such <br /> release. <br /> 5ecurity Instrumer�t-Qpen-Er�d-Consumer-NE dCP-R�OT-N� 7121�01� <br /> VMP�Bankers 5ystemsTr" VMP-C455�NEf �1 1�71.OD <br /> Wafters Kluwer Financial Ser�ri�es��994,20T T Page 4 af 5 <br />
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