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��14�5�75 <br /> �� ��duce �he charge �o th� perrnit��d li��t; ar�d ��� any �ums a�ready cQilec��d from �3orrow�� which <br /> exc�eded permi�ted limi�s wi�� b� refu�d�d tv Borrawer, L�nder may chvo�� tv make th�s refund b <br /> reducing tne principa! v�re� und�r th� Note �r �y making a �i�ec� a men# �o Bvrrvw�r. � <br /> reduces principal, th� r�du�t�an w�l� h� �re��ed as � ' � Y , �f a r�fund <br /> par���� pr��aym�r�t v���hau� any p�e�ayrnent charge <br /> �wne�hs� �r not a prepaym�nt charg� �s prov�d�d far und�r �he Note}, So�r�wer's acce ��nc� o� an <br /> su�h refur�d made by direct paym�n� #o Bor�ow�r wilf �ons�itut� a waiver of a ' �` Y <br /> ny r�ght o�action Borr�we� <br /> mi�ht hav�arising out of such ov�rcharg�, <br /> 'i�. �la�i�e�. Ail not�ces g�ven �y BQ�rower or L�nd�r� in con�ecti�rt wi�h this S�cur��y (nst�umen� <br /> mus� b� in writi�g, An� notice �o Borrov�er in connectivn v�ith this Security Instrumer��shall b� d�emed <br /> to h�ve been �iven ta Borra�er when mail�d by f�r�� �lass mail or when actua�ly �elivered t❑ Borrov�,�r's <br /> natic� address if sent by oth�r m�ans, No��ce to any nn� Borrowe� shall con�titute no��ce to ail <br /> Borro�ers unless Ap�Iicable �.aw expressly requi��s vth��-�nrise. Th� n���ce add��ss sha�l be the <br /> F'�op�r�y Add�ess unless Barra�v�� has designate� a su�s�itute notice add�ess by natice �v L,�nder. <br /> Borro��r shail p�omptly notify L.ender o#8orr�wer's �hange vf addres�, If L�nder �pecifies a rocedure <br /> for rspvr�in� Bvr�ower's �hange af ad�r�ss, then Borrow�r sha)I a�l r� �rt a ch p <br /> , y p ang� of add�ess �hrough <br /> tha� specified pr�cedure. There may �� an�y one des�gnate� notfce add�ess und�r #his S�cu�'if <br /> Instrur��nt at any �ne ��m�, Any notice to Lend�r shal� be �iven b delive�in it ar b mai ' y <br /> class ma�l to Lende�'s add�ess state� h�re�n � � Y f�ng i� by first <br /> unless L�nder has designat�d ana�her addr�ss by no�ice �� <br /> Bar�awer, Any natice in �onnecti�n wi�h �his Securi�y �ns�rum�nt sha�! na� be deerned �o have ��en <br /> given to Ler�der until actu�lly recei�r�d by L,ende�, !f any no���� r�quired by th�� Se�urity Instrument �s <br /> alsa r requ�r�d und�r Appi�cab�e La�vf tne A�pl�ca�l� Law requ�rem�nt ��II satisfy �he c�rr�spondin <br /> r�qu�rement und��#h�s�ecur�ty inst�umen�, � <br /> 'I�. Go�ernin� Law; Severabi�ity; Ru�es af Cons�ructian, T�is 5ecurity fns�rurnenf shall be <br /> g�verned by f�d��al �aw and the �aw of th� �urisdic#��n in which th� Prflp�rty Is Iocated. A�� r�ghts and <br /> , obl�gatians c�ntained in th�s Secu�i#y insfrum�nt ar� subject ta any r�quir�ments and �imita#i�n� vf � <br /> App�icab�e, Law, App�icab�e l�aw mi�ht expli�itly ar fmpii��tly allow the pa�ti�s �o agree by cvntra�t �r it <br /> m�gh# �e silent, bu� such s�lence shail no� �� cans�rued as a �roh�b��ian against agr��men� by contract, <br /> In the event that any pr�vis�on a�clause of this Security Insfrum�n� ar the Nvt� c�nflicts w[th A �icab[e <br /> Law, such �anflict sha�l no� a�fec� oth�r pr�v#sions o�this S�curi� Ins#rum� ' pp <br /> �ven eff�ct�ithaut the can��ict� • ' Y n�or #he Not�v�h�ch can be <br /> � ng pr�v�slon. <br /> As used in th�s SeGuri�y Instrum�nt; �a} wo�ds of �h� masculin� g�nd�r shall mean and include <br /> �o�r�sponding neu�er wards or wards of ti�e fem�n�ne gender� ��� words in the singular sh�l# mean and <br /> include #�e p�ural and ��ce versa; and �c} th�vtiro�d "may" giv�s sole discretian wi�hout any abl�gation �o <br /> tak� �r�y ac�ion, � <br /> �?. �orrowe�'s�o�y. Borrav�er shali b�given ane copy of#he N��e and of this Secur��y In�trument. <br /> " 'i$. Transfer �f#h� Praper�y �r a B�nef�c�al Interest in Bot�royver, As us�d �n �his 5e�ti�n �8, <br /> ir�te��st �n the Proper#y m�ans apy �egal or b�n�f�c�al �n�er�st in fh� Prop�rtyi 1!'lGIl.IC�II'1�, but nv� l�mited <br /> �o, th�se ber�e�fc��� �nter�s�s transferred in a bond for de�d, cartt�act fvr deed, installment sa��s con�ract <br /> or ����ow a��e�men�, the in�snt �f Wvhich is the tran�fer o� �i�l� �y B�rrower a� � fu�u�� �ate to a <br /> purchas�r. <br /> �f al1 ar any �ar#�f�h� F�raper�� a�any �nt�r�s�ir� the Pr��er�y is s�ld o��ransfe�r�� �a�if E�or�ower �s <br /> no� a na#ural p�rson and a bsnefic�ai interest �n Bvrrower is s��d ar� transferre�� wit�ou� Lender's prior <br /> writt�n c�n�ent, Lend�r ma� �equrre imm�dia�e payment in ful� af a�! sums secured by �his �ecurit <br /> �nst�ument, How�ver, th�s op#�on �hall nat be exerc�s�� by Lender �f suc� �x�rcise is ` � <br /> Applica��e L�w. <br /> prvh��i��d by <br /> if L�nder� exerc�s�s th�s opti�n, Ler�der shall glv� �ar�ower nv�i�e of acc��eration. Th� n��ic� shal� <br /> pr��v�d� a �eriod �f n�t I�ss than 3Q days�ram�he dat� the no#ice is given in ac�or�anc�with Sec�i�n �5 <br /> with�n v�hich Barrowe� must �ay all sums secur�d by th�s S�curlty Insf�umen�. Ifi Borrower fails t� a <br /> these sums priflr t� the exp�raf�on af this per�od, L�nder n�� inv�ke an rsmedies � Y <br /> Y Y pe�mit��d by thls f <br /> S��u�i�y Instru ment with�ut furthe�r�oti�e or demand on 8or�awer, <br /> '��. E3vrr�wer's R�ght tc� Reins�ate ►��ter Acce��ra�ion. �� Borr�w�r meets c�rtain conditions, <br /> Bnrrawer shall have �he r�gh� to h�ve enf��ceme�t �f th�s S�curity Instrumen� disco�t�nued at an t#me <br /> �r�vr� tQ the �arli�st v�: ���f�ve days b�fio�e �a�e o�the Prope�t urst�ant t� an ow� � <br /> Y p y � r vf sal� con�ained <br /> �n th�s S�curi�y �ns#rumen�; ��} such other per��d as Applicabl� La�v might speci�jr f�r the term�natlon of <br /> S�rr�wer s rl�h� t� r��ns#a��; �� ��} entry o� a �udgmen� enf�rcing �his S�curity lnstrument, Those <br /> c�nd�t�on� are tha� �arrower: �a} pays Lender �!1 sum� which #hen would be du� und�r th�s S��urit <br /> Ins�ru�rtent an�th� Na�e as if no a�ceieraf�on had oc�urred; �b} cures ar� default of an o� � <br /> Y y her�avenants <br /> vr agreern�nts; �c} pays all expenses �n�urrsd in enfa�cing #his 5ecurity l�s�rumen�, includin = <br /> g <br /> (���������� <br /> � <br />
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