<br /> mult�p�ied by the following fra��ion: ��} th� ��ta� amaun� of the sums secured imm�d�atel
<br /> �ar�ia� �ak�ng, dest�uct�on, ar lass fn value d�vided b b � y be�are tha
<br /> �mm��ia��� �efore . , , Y � } th� �a�r market vaiu� o� �he �roperty
<br /> y �he p�rttal #�k�ng, desfruct�an, or foss �n value. Any bafan�e shal! be a�d ta
<br /> Bar��wer, �°
<br /> In the ev�n� of a parti�{ �aking, destructian, vr i�ss in va�ue of the F'r�p�rt �n whfch the �air
<br /> valu� �f#�e P��perty �mm�d�ately befo�� the p�rtia� tak�n d�str���ion Y ma�k�t
<br /> g, , ar loss �n v�fue is les� �han the
<br /> amount af the sums s��u�'ed imme�iately before th� parti�l tak�ng, des�ruct�on, �r �o�s �n valu� un e
<br /> Borrovv�� �n� Lender othe�w�se agree fn wr�ting, the Misc�llan�flus = ! ss
<br /> � sur�s secur�d by this Securi� lnstru � P�oceeds shal� be applied to #h�
<br /> �f y m n�vvhe�h�r ar not�he sums are�h�n du�.
<br /> #�e Prope�ty is aban�on�d by E3orr�wer, or if, a�ter notice by Lender to �orrower#hat�h�� `
<br /> Par�y �as def�ned �n the nex�ser����ce} offers t� make �n awar� f� settfe a cla'rm €or d pp�s�ng
<br /> fa�ls to respond ��Lender within 3� �a s aft��th� da�e the no� � � , amages, �o�r�we�
<br /> and a r �h� ��s�������Q s Y , lce�s ��ven: Lender�s authorized t❑cal�ect
<br /> P�Y , u Proceeds ��#h�� �� �e�#orat�on or r�pair �f #he P�operty or to �h� sums
<br /> se�ured by th�s Secur��y (nstrum�n�, wnethe� a� t�ot th�n du�o "Qp�osing Part " means �he third
<br /> tha�owes Borrawer M�sc���ane�us Proceeds or�he art a ainst whv y �a���
<br /> ��gard t�Miscellaneaus Proceeds, � y � m Barrvwer has a ��gh�of action in
<br /> E3orrow�r shall be in d�fault �f any ac�ion or proc�eding, whe�her ��v�l o� crlmina� is be u `
<br /> Lend�r s �udg�nen�, c�uid resuit �n forfi��tu�� afi #he Pr� ert �r ! � n �hat, in
<br /> �nter�s� �n th�F'r� ert ar ri hts � Y oth�r mate�ial impa��menf �� L�nder's
<br /> p Y g und�r t�is Security fnsfrumen�. B�rrower can cur� �uch a defau�t and, �f
<br /> acce�er�fion �a� occurre�, r��ns����as �r�v�ded ln 5ect�on �9, by�ausin� the a�t�an ar ro�e� '
<br /> ��smissed with a �uling �hat, in Lender's 'ud m�n� r�cludes � d�ng �� b�
<br /> J � s p forf��ture of�he Prap�r�y or o#her mat�ria�
<br /> impairmen� vf Lende�'s int�rest �n �he �'�aperty a�righ�� under this Securl� Instrume�t, The
<br /> any awar� �r ��a�m for damag�s that a�e attri�utabl� t� y proc�eds of
<br /> tf�e �m�ai�me�� �f �.snder's inter�st in #he
<br /> F'roper�y are here�y a�signed and s�al� b��a�d to Lend�r,
<br /> Ail Nl�scel�anevus pr�ceeds tnat ar� no� applied to restorafion o� re ai� of �he P�� ert
<br /> appl�ed i�the�rder�r�vid�d far!n 5ec�ian �, � p y shall be
<br /> '��. �orrow�r No� l�e�ea�ed; Farbearance E3y Ler�d�r Na# a Wai�r�r. �x��nsion a� �he '
<br /> ��me far
<br /> �aym�nt ❑r modi�icatian vf amor#�za�ian of th� sums secured by #his Secur�ty ins#r�ment ranted b
<br /> L�n�er to Bor��wer �r any Su�cessvr �n In#�r�st vf Barraw�� shal! not a �r�te �a � � �, y
<br /> Bar�-ow�r or any Succe�so�s in int�rest of Barro p �e���se �he I��b�l�ty of
<br /> w�r. Lender sha�l n�� be required t� camm�nc�
<br /> proc�edin�s a�ains� any �uccesso� in �nt�r�st �f Bor�row�r or fa refuse to �xt�n� �ime fvr a e
<br /> oth�rwis� m�dify amvrti�ation af t�e sums secur�d b this Securi� Inst�u � Y� n� or
<br /> mad� by the arig�r��! 8arrower or an Su�ces � � ment by �eason��any demand
<br /> y sars in interes�of Borr�wer, Any for�earan�e �y I�ender in
<br /> exerc�sing any righ� �r remedy �ncluding, �vi�hout lirnl#afion, Lender's acc�ptance of a ments fro `
<br /> persons, en�ities vr Su��essors in l��erest af B�rr�w�r �r in �m�ur�s �° y m �h�rd
<br /> shail nof be a waiver of or rec�u���he � �ess than �he am�unt then due,
<br /> �3 , p � � �xercis��f any righ��r�emedy.
<br /> . Jo�nt and Se��ra� �fabil�ty; C���igners; Succe�sors a�d Assigns �3ound. Ba�
<br /> coven�nf� and agrees that Borrow�r's obfigat��ns and ��a�il�ty sha�l b� oin� and sev�r ��w��
<br /> Barrower who co-si r�s �his Securit � al. Hvw�ver, any
<br /> � _ , , �, y lnst�ument but do�s not execu�e �he No�� �� "coMsigne�"}; �a is
<br /> o s��n�ng this Secur��y �r�s�rument on[y �v martga e, rant and ca . }
<br /> Property under th� terms �� �his S��u�i � g nvey the co-s�gner`s inter�st in th�
<br /> , ty Instrument; �b} is n�� persona!!y abligated t� pay th� sums
<br /> s�cured �y th�s SeGur�ty Instrumen�; and �c} agrees �hat Lende� and an othe� B�r�ow�r can
<br /> extend, modi�y, forbear or mak� any a�c�rnm�dati�ns w�# y �gre� to
<br /> h rega�� t� th� terms af �h�s Secc�rfity
<br /> lnstrument or the N�te vvithaut�h� co�signer's consent.
<br /> Sub�ect to �he pl"�V15�4n5 �f Sec�i�n 'I8, any 5�ccessor in �n�eres� vf �3orrower whQ
<br /> 8orrower's ob�igat�ans und�r this �ecurity lnstrumen# in writing, and �s a r�V�d � �� assum�s
<br /> a�� of Borrowe�'s �lghts �nd b�rt���ts under t�is S��urit 1 s �� Y nd�r, shall obta�n
<br /> y n trument. Borrower shali n�� �e r�l�ased fr�m
<br /> � Ro�raw�r�'s obliga�ions and iiabi�ity unde�this Securi�y lnstrument unless Lender � re�s ta
<br /> in wr�t�ng. Th� �over�ants and ag�eements of this �ec�rit �nst � such re�ease
<br /> S�ctian ��}and ben�fit the successo�s Y �umer�t shail b#�d �e�cep� as pravid�d �n
<br /> and assigns�f I�end��.
<br /> �14. Laan C�ar��s. �,end�� may charg� Borrawer fees far s�rvices pe�fo�rned �n cvnn�c� '
<br /> Ba�r��er s d�fault, far �he �urpos� o� p��tectrn Lender's in��re ' ��n ���h
<br /> Security �nstrumsn�, �ncludln bu� not ' ' � , st in the P�oper�y and ri�hts und�r #his
<br /> �, I�mfted ta, a�#�rn�ys ��@5rf propert� �nspec��v� and valuat��n f�es.
<br /> !n reg�rd to �ny o�her f�es, the absen�e of exp�ess authar�ty �n th�s Seeurit �nstrume
<br /> spec�fic fee t� �orrower shal� nat b� cvnstrued as a ��hibi�ia� � � nt to cha�g� a
<br /> n�#char��fe�s�ha��r��x res�l � � � � n th��hargf�g of such fee, L,e�der may
<br /> p Y proh�b�t�d by th�s 5ecurity lns#r�men�vr by A�plicable Law,
<br /> If�he Lvan is su�je���o a �a�v wh��h �e#s rnax�mum I�an charg�s, and thaf law is f�na 1 �
<br /> s�that th� �nt�rest ar other loan charge� cvil�c��d or�� be ca �y int�rp�eted
<br /> !lected �n c�nnecti�n wi#h #h�Loan �xc�ed �
<br /> �h� �e�mi�ted Iimi#s, tnen; �a} any such Ivan �harg� shafl be r�d�c�d b th� ama
<br /> Y unt n�cessary �
<br /> �pa�e 8 vf 12� ;
<br /> �
<br /> , �
<br />