<br /> ��14�5�74
<br /> If aIl 8t� �ny part of th� �'r���rty or �ny In�e�st in the PrQpe�'y is s�ld�� tt'ansferr�d���'�f Borr►o�v��r is not a
<br /> natura� p�rsan and a ��t�efi��el int�t°�st ir� �orr��ver is sa�d �r tr�nsfet'�cd� wvi��ou� �,end�r's pr�Qr �ritc�rt
<br /> ��ns�nt, I.,�e���r �$� ����ir� �mrr�e���t� pa�m�r�t ir� fi��� af a1! �urr�� s��ur+e� �� thi� Se��rity �ns��°ur��at.
<br /> Hc�we��r,tt�is opti�n s���l�.�t��exercised�y I����r i��uch�xe�r��s�is�r�hi�it�d�y�pplzcab���,aw.
<br /> �f L�nd�r ex�r�is�s this opti�n, L�nd�r�h�Il �iv� �vrrtyw�r n�ti�� �f'����l�r�ition.The t�ati�� s�atl provid� a
<br /> pe�iad af r�ot le�s th�n 30 day� �'�m th� d�te t�e n�ti�� is giv�n in a��o�d����wit� ��ctior� �4 �ar�t�ti� �v�ic�
<br /> BOC�W�F I�"#U5� ���1�I� 9�1�'i$S�CL�T��b�#�llg��CLtI'l���II3�TT��IIt.���at�o�e�f���s t��ay t��se sum�pri�r ta th�
<br /> e���r��ian�f this period, �rider ma�y inva�e �ri�r rettne�ies Qermitied b� t�is Se�urity�r�s�t�m�nt�vit��u� fur�her
<br /> notice or demAnd on�otr�aWex.
<br /> ��, Sarru�ver's R��h� t� Reir�sta����'ter A�celerat��n�I��aCraw�r rYt��tS�er��.t�Garidifians,�or�v��r sh�all �
<br /> h��re the nght t� haW� �r�f�rcemet�i�f this Security In$crume�t discar�tir�ued at �ny trm�pri�r to the �arl���t of: �
<br /> . �a� fiv�days befare s�te o���� PnoFerty`pt�rsu�nt to a�t�gaw�r�f�ale�antsined in th�s ��ct�rit�Instrument; �b�
<br /> such other per��d as �p�I��ab�� �.��v t��ght s�e��fy fo� the t�rminstiQn �f B�rr�w�t�'s right to ��it�st�t�� ar ���
<br /> �ntr�r Qf a jud�n�ea��nf�r�in� th�s ��curity It�strument.'�`h�s� c�ndi�i�ns a�rc th�t S�rr�w��:��a�pay� �.endcr a11 '
<br /> sums w�i�t� then w�utd be c�u� uz�der this �ecur�ity Ir�tn�m�nt �nd the A►�re��er�t as ��`n� acc�lerat�c�� h�ad
<br /> o�curned;�b� cures any de�`au�t��`Qny oth�r c���nant�ar a�r���xaents;�cj p�ys all�xpenses i��um�d in �nf��irig
<br /> th�s �e�ur�ty �strum�nt, ur��uding� �ul not Ixmited to, reasQt�abte ��tax�eys' fees, prap�rty ins�ectian ��d
<br /> v�lua��an.f�s, �nd�#�cr fees incurced fo� #�t�purpose of pra���ting �,en�iet''s int��est in the�ropert�r aA� xi�ht�
<br /> un�er thi� �ecur�ty Inst�um�nt; attd �d� takes such a�tivn as L�r�der may t�asvna�ly r�quir� t� a�sur� t�at
<br /> ��nder's�t�#er{es�i� t�ie property and r��hts under this.�ec�urit�+I�nsttume�t,and �vrnawer'e �b���ati�� t� p���t��
<br /> surn� secured h� this 5e�ur�ly Ir��trument,�h��� ��ntr�.nue�n��an��ds�e�t�er.m�y r����r�th�t �orno��r p���uch
<br /> r�it�statem��nt st�ms und ex��n��s fri on� ar mar� o�` thc fQ1low�ng f�rms, a� ����ct�d by �,enr�er; �a} �ash; �a} ,
<br /> n�one�r �rder, ��} c�rti��� ��eck, �a�tk c��ck, tr�a�urer's c�r��k ar ca�hier'�che�k,�r�Wi�ed any such �h�ck f�
<br /> d�raw� upan an ir�stitu tinn whas� d�pa�i ts a�e tn�ur�d �y a federa� ag�n�y, �r�strun�ental ity,or �ntit�; �r �d)
<br /> ��e�tr�n�� �u�ds Trensfer. t�pon �instat�ment by �flr��wet', thi� �ecu�ity �n�trur�ent and ��l�gation� ��cured
<br /> h�t�eby�st���� r�em�in fult� eff��titre�s �f't10 ������r�ti�t���ti �c�urred. I�vv���Er, �hi� r��h� t� reir�stste sha�� not
<br /> app�y in th��as�af a��e2�ration un��r Sect�on l3.
<br /> 1�. H$�ardo�� �r�bs#an��s, As us�� i� this Sectaot� �S; �a� ''�$zardous 5u�stances" are thosv su�st�n��s
<br /> de�ned ss t��i� �r hazard�us sub$tan�es, pv�lut�n�e, o�r w�st�� �y Envi�rann�enta� L�w and th� fo�Iowir��
<br /> su�star�c��: gesolirie, k�ras�t�e, �t��r �arnmabte �r �oxic p�trr�iet�rr� pr�duc#s, �axic p�sticides �r�d l�erbi�id��,
<br /> �ol�t�le salvents, m�terials c��n��ir�i�g �s�estQs ax focmaldehyd�, �nd r�td�a�ctive nnater�al�; �� "�nuironn���t��
<br /> �.aw''rr►�ans feder�l�aws an� Iaws��the jurisdictivn wher�t�e�'r�perty is �aGated that r��at�co h�a�th���f�ty�r
<br /> �nvirat�m�n��al prot�ction; ��� 't�n�rir�nm�nt�l��ea�u�" irt����es a�y r�spo��act��n,rem��ia�a�ti�n,or remt�vs�l
<br /> ��tion, es defi�ed�in �t�vir�nmer�tal �,�w; �nd �d} an '��nvironmenta� C�nd��ioai' means � �o�diti�n that can
<br /> cause,�antribut�to,or��h�xwise t�����r an�n�ino�meri�a� �Ieanup.
<br /> �o�rjor�r�r ��all nat caus� ar p�rmit �f�� p�eScn��, us�, dis�osal, s��rage, or r��eas� af�any �a�ardaus
<br /> �u�sten�e�, ar thre�te� to rel�ase a�ny I���ardaus Substa�r�c�s, �n �r in the praperty. ��rr�wcr sha�� n�t do, rxQ�r
<br /> �ll�w �nyot�e�lse to do, ar�y�hing aff��ting th� Fr�ap�t�y (�� that is in �ia�atyori �f�ny �n�imnmen�al Law, {�}
<br /> wh�c� creat�s a�r E�n�i�an.rri�r�t�� ��n�itiflri� �r ��) whi�h� du� ta t�� p�e��nce� u��, or r���a�e, af a Hazardvus
<br /> St�bstance, �t�at��.a cvn�ditivn that adv�rs��y affect� th� �atu� af th� �roperty. T'�� precedirig �w� ��nte�ces
<br /> shal� r��t�p��y �o th� p�r�es�n�e, use, �r�tor�$� ar� t.he P�operty of smal� quantit�e��f�azardaua �u�st�r���s t�at
<br /> a� ��nera�ly rec�g�i��d to be �ppra�r��t� f� norma� residentia� us�� an� ta n�aint�n�nc� af th� pr�p�rty
<br /> �i�cludiing��ut nvt limiti�d to�h��rd�us subst�nG�s i.�cans�umer pr�d�tcts�,
<br /> Barrower sh�ll �rornptl�r�;i�e L�nder►�ritt�n n�t��e a�`��} ��y �hves����tions c�ai�m,dern��d, l�wsu�t �r ot�xer
<br /> a�tion b� �ny �o�ernm�ntal ar ceegulstar,� a�en�� or pri�v���.party i����vin� t�� I'raper��r �nd ��y �A�ardous
<br /> 5ub$t�n�� �r E��vironmc�aca� L.�w vf whi�h �orro�ver �ras ��tual kMowledg�y �b} any �n�rir�nmenta� ��nd�tion,
<br /> i�cluding but nQt ����ted ta, �ny $pillir�g} l�akit��, di�har��� r�leas� o�r thre�t �f re��a�� �f a�y �ia�ar�ou�
<br /> 5u�startc�, and �c� a�y Ga�d�ti�r� �au�ed by the pr�set�C�, �s� �r rel���� �f a �az�r��us �ubsta�c� wh�ch
<br /> ��Wersel�r affe�ts th� v�lue tif t�he �roperty, If�o�`rpw�r l�arns, or is n�tifi��I by �ny g�vernm�ntal nr regula�ary
<br /> au�h�rit�►,Qr ar��r privat���rty, ��tA� any renr��val or oth�� remedi�tiv� of�ny Hazar�Qu�Subst�n��af�e�tin�the
<br /> �r►op�rt�r is nec�59ary,.�orrow�r shall �rrorr�ptly tak� al� r��cessary r�ert�edia� $ctiaris in ac�ardanc� �rith
<br /> �nvir�nt��nt�i�aw.�i�th�r�g��t�it�$hal��r�a�te an�►obl��at�on on�.ender fvr�n�nv�r�ttmet�tal Cl��nup.
<br /> ori�ix►al . �p���7 of S�a�s� }
<br /> �
<br />