_ ._ �,,
<br /> ��14�5�74
<br /> �
<br /> Securi�y Instrurnent by �e�son of a�y �ern�nd m�d� �y the ��iginal �orr�ow�r vr �n� Succ���ars in �r���r�st �f
<br /> Borraw�r. Ar�y f�t�bearanc�by �.ender in �x�rcisin��r�� ri��t t�r remedy��C1�td���, with�ut �imi#ativn, �erider�'s
<br /> acce�t�nce QF�aym�nt�from third persa�s,entiti�s or S���ess�rs in �r�t�r��t of���raw�r�r ��ar��ur�ts r�ss t�an
<br /> the�m�urtt t�ten dtx�,sh�ll��t k�e��piver�f�r prec�t�d�the ex�r�ise c��`�ny��ht or t�emed}�, �
<br /> �, J��rt� �nd ��v�ral �iabtllt�; �o�s�gn�rs; 5�+��essars�►n� As�i�rts ��u�d, �°te �a�ena�tt$ $n� agr�ements
<br /> of this Seeurit-y Instrument shall birtd a�d b�n��t th� su���s�vrs arid a�i���af�,�r�der ar�d ���°ower, sub,�e�t ta
<br /> th� �r��risiar�s �f p�ragra�h 13. �orr�wer co�ena�t� ��d a�re�� that �arr��er's �b�igatiar�s and lia��lit�r �hA��
<br /> b�jairit ��aci �ev�rat. �our�r�ec, a�ny�vr�ow�r v�ha co-si�n� t�i� Secur��y �strumcnt but �s n�t �er��r�a�Iy liabi�
<br /> u�d�� the �gr�e�ment �� "co-s��n�r"�: ��� is �v-signing thi� S��urity In�trume�t or�ty tn rr��r�gag�, �rant �nd
<br /> Gonve�r�h� ca-si�r��r's inter�st �n the Prc�pe�rt�y und�r�he tet�n�af this Securi#y In�ttument; {�� i�n�t��r�or���1y
<br /> �bl��at�d ta p�� the sutns s��ur�� b�r thi� Secur�ty �r�strum�nt; and �c} �gr�ees that Lena�r and a�n� ����r
<br /> Borrvwer caar� �gre� ta extend, mad�f�, foar�ear �r m�e ar�y accomm�dativns wit� re�ard c� t�e �erms af`this
<br /> �e�urit�Instrument ar the A�m�r�t vait�aut the�a�si�n�r'��ons�nt.
<br /> 9. Loar� �h���es, �.��d�r m�y char�e �arrow�r fe�s far serv�c�s ��rformed in �vnne�tian �rit� ��rra��xls
<br /> d�f�u��,far th��urpose�f�rot�ccin�I�en��r`s ir�te��t i� th� �rap�rt�t and r��hts. und�r�his S��uri�y Instr�rri�nt,
<br /> i�c�udi��, k�ut �ot �im�ted ta,et�a�rneys' fees,prvperty insp���io� �nd ��tuati�n f�es. �n r��srd to an�r�th�r f�e�, .
<br /> ihe abscnce of�xpr�ss �ut�.oriCy in thr's �e�urity Znstrurnent fo �har�e a spe�if c f�e to B�rm�v�r sh�l� �ot b� •
<br /> �or�strue�as� pr�h�bition an th��har�in�o�su�h fee,Lender m�y n�t ct�arge f�es t�st ar�expt�ssyy��r�h��ited �
<br /> by this Se�urity�nstrurnent ar��r��p�i�abl�L�w, '
<br /> If the L��n i� �ubject�� � law wl��ch sets max�rx�um l��n char�e�, �nd th�t !a� is fina��� i�t�rpr�t�� sn that
<br /> th� int��es��t' t�#h�r�oan chsrg�s col�ected or to b� c��Ie�ted in c€�nnect�v�n ►�tith thc L.o�n�x�ce€�th�� p�rmitt�c� �
<br /> �imitsa then; �a� �ny st��t� laan charg� shall �� �edu�ed by t1�e �mc�ut�t ne�����ry t� r�du�e t�he �h�rg� t� the
<br /> p�rmit��d lim�t; ��d �b� �t�y� �um� alr+e�dy �o�I�ct�d fi�om-Hamawer wh��h exc�e�ed ��rmitt�d li�rr�its w��� �e
<br /> t��`und�d to �v�rov��r. L�nder m�y ohoos� tv mak� thi� cefund by r��ucing �be prin�ipal �w�d �nd��r t.��
<br /> Agr��m�n� or by xnaking � dir�ct paym�nt tn Borro�ier. �orr�w�r's �cce�tanc�af any. �u�h r�fur�d �na�� by
<br /> direc���ym�nt to Bur�w�r w�11 �onsti�ute a v�aiver�f any �ig�� of a�tivn �arrow�r rr�i�tt h�t�re ari�ing out of
<br /> such ov�r�h�rge. � .
<br /> ��. i�atf�e�.��l r�ati��s.given�y B�rriow�r�r L�t�det`�n conrte�tio�with th�s ��curi�In.�tn�ent mus�b� �r�
<br /> v�riting. A.tYy n�ti��tQ Bormw�X in �annection with this �ecurity �nstrument sh��� b� ���m�d�o hsve�eet���ve�
<br /> co Barrow�r when mailed�y �irsc cla�s mai� or when actually de�i�er��to B�rnawer's natice�d�r��s if sent b�r
<br /> c�t�ear tne�ns. �at�c� t� any one �orr�w�r sh�ll cons�i�ute n4t�ce tn ell Bvrr��+�r� unless A���ic��1� �,aw
<br /> �xpress�y requir�s�iherwis�.T�e n�tice�d�r�Ss shall �e the �r�per�y' Add�'�ss u.�l�s� Harrow�r�a� desig�ated a
<br /> sub�titut� nvt�c� address �x nat�ce ta �.�nder, B�rrower shal� pro�ri�st1� r�otif� �.e�d�r af Banaw�r's �ha�ng� of
<br /> address. If i.�nd�t'spe�ifies a prrc���dure ft�r repot�irig �orro�v�r'� change �f addre�s! th�n �prrow��r sh��� �nl�
<br /> repart � ���nge of address thraugt� tt�at sp��xfied pr�cedur�, 7'h�ne, ma� � ��ly an� d�9ignat�c� nntic� �ddress
<br /> ur�der this� $ecur[�y It�strutnent at ex�� on� tim�, An� natia� to L�nder s��ll be �iv�n b� �eliver�ng it �r b�r
<br /> mailing �t�y first ��as� xriei� t� Lend�r's a��r�ss stat�d h��ein untes9 Lender has desigria�t�� an�ther adc3t��a�y
<br /> t�4ti�e t� �orxower. At��r nat�c� in �ot�necti�� with this Securit�r znstru��nt sha�� n�t b� deem�d ta ��v� �een
<br /> $iv�n to L�nd�t� u�at�l ac�u���y re��iW�c� b� L���d�r. If �n�r nt�tice r�qu�ared by t�i� �e�urity In�tr��t�a�t is ats�
<br /> r�qu�red'under App�i�a�sle Z.�w, the Applicabl��.aw r�qui�err�ent wi����tisfy�.he c�rnespo�di�g r��u�rement un�er
<br /> th�s�ecu�t�Ins�ru�m�n#,
<br /> x�. �a��r�in� �aw; �e��rability; Ru�e� ��` ��nstru�t�or�, �'his Security Ynst�urr��nt sha�l �e gv�err��d ��►
<br /> feder�l��w and�.h� law�f t��,�urisdic#ivn in whic�t�e Pxop�rt��s �ac�te�,AI�ri�hts��d o�lig�ti4ns C4��ained itt
<br /> this S��urity In.�tnament a�r�subject t��ny r�q�tr�m��t�and limitatians 8f Ap��iG��l�Law.Ap��ic������w might
<br /> �xp�icitly�r �mp�ic�tl�a11aw th�pa�ti�s ta ��ree hy.cantra��or it rni�.t be sil�nt, but su�h �i1enG�s�a�� nat be
<br /> . can�tru�d as a pr�hibitiQn a�ainsl a�reement by�ontract.I� �t�ewent that a�y pr�W��iot��r�Iause t�f this S��ur�ty
<br /> �nstr�sment�r the�gr�+�ment ca�t�icts with Ap,pli���a�e�av�r,�uch �co��IiC#sha��nat affeet ot�iex prt��is�an�oF this
<br /> ��cur�t��nshument�r.the�i�c�em�nt w�i�h c�,�be�iv�r�ef�e�t withv�t t�����flicting prvvisi�n;
<br /> As u��d ia ihis S�curi��In�trument; �a} w�rds �f th�m�sculiri���nder shal� me�n ar�d in��uc�e�nnr��p�ndin�
<br /> neut�r words or ward� af��� Femin�n� �end�r; �b} �v�r�� in the �ir�gul�r s�all r�ean�n� include th� ��ur�! a�d
<br /> vr�e wersa;and{��th�w�r�"�ay"��v�s sate dis�retia�withaut�ny a�li�a��at�t�t�k�an���ti�n�.
<br /> i�: 8�rrow�r's C�py.Baxrvwer sha�� b��i�en one.copy��this �e��rity Ir�st.rutn��t,
<br /> ��, �I'ransf�r 4T t�� P�op��r��r a Bene#���a�In�erest In Bvr�ravver.As used �n t�fs S���aon �3, "�nt�rest in
<br /> the �nvpert�'�m��ns any.l�gar�r heneficial int��cst fr� the �'ro���ty,including,but n�t I�mit+�d ta, t�os�b�n�fici$I
<br /> jnter�st� transf�rned �n a band for d�ed, cantract �`or d�e�, �rtat����ner�t sAl�s cantrac� �r es��ow ��r�eme�i, �h�
<br /> intent of�which�s the t�at�.�f�r oftit��by Borr��r�r at a future��tt�tv a p�r�haser.
<br /> t�rigrr�a! � � �p�go 6 Qf��gra;
<br />